Imágenes de páginas
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Fortier, Samuel, and Blaney, Harry F.

Silt in the Colorado River and its relation to irrigation. 94p. (2p. bibl.) il. maps. diagrs. O (U. S. Dep't of Agri., tech. bull. no. 67) '28 Wash., D. C., Gov't Pr. Off.; Sup't of Doc. pap. 20 c. Freeman, Ethel Hale

Heidi; a play for children in a prologue, three acts, and an epilogue arranged from Miss Spyri's book. 37p. diagrs. D c. '28 N. Y., S. French

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pap. 30 e.

The commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 88p. D '27 N. Y., Macmillan 28 c.

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Shore acres and other plays; rev. and ed. by Mrs. James A. Herne. 358p. front. (por.) D c. N. Y., S. French bds. $2.65

"Shore Acres," "Sag Harbor," and "Hearts of Oak," prefaced by a biography of Herne by his daughter.

Hocking, William Ernest

The self; its body and freedom. 187p. (bibl. footnotes) D Dwight Harrington Terry Found.; lectures on religion in the light of science and phil.) c. New Haven, Conn., Yale


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The secret people; il. by Erick Berry. 258p. front. (col.) O c. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Doran $2

Exciting adventures befall Vic Tempests and his chum, Podger, while in Africa on a search for Vic's father who disappeared when hunting for the Secret People. Many of the events are based on actual fact. Hope, Laura Lee

The Bobbsey twins and their schoolmates. 244p. il. D (Bobbsey twins ser.) [c. '28] N. Y., Grosset 50 c.

The outdoor girls at New Moon ranch, or, Riding with the cowboys. 212p. il. D (Outdoor girls ser.) [c. '28] N. Y., Grosset 50 c. Horton, Rev. Thomas Corwin

The potency of prayer; introd. by W. B. Riley, D.D. 192p. D [c.'28] N. Y., Revell $1.75

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Hutchins, Wells A.

Delivery of irrigation water. 48p. (bibl. footnotes) O (U. S. Dep't of Agri., tech. bull. no. 47) '28 Wash., D. C., Gov't Pr. Off.; Sup't of Doc. pap. 10 c. Kandel, Isaac Leon, and Alexander, Thomas, comps. and trs.

The reorganization of education in Prussia, based on official documents and publications. 673p. diagrs. O (Studies of Internat'l Inst., no. 4) '27 N. Y., Teachers College, Columbia Univ. $4.50

Kidder, Edward, and Kidder, Augusta Raymond Hollyhock House; the tale of a pretty typist; a one-act playlet. 23p. D (French's internat'l copy, righted ed. no. 633) c. '28 N. Y., S. French

pap. 30

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The International. 276p. D [c.'27] N. Y., Macaulay bds. $2 A play by the author of "Processional" imagining the chaos which may result from a money-mad world in the future.

Lee, William George, M.D.

Childbirth; an outline of its essential features and the art of its management. 310p. front. (por.) diagrs. O (Univ. of Chic. monographs in mediciine) [c. '28] Chic., Univ. of Chic. Press


Lenin, Nikolai, pseud. [Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov]

Speeches of V. I. Lenin; with a critical introduction. 94p. D (Voices of revolt, v. 8) [c. '28] N. Y., Internat'l Publishers bds. 50 c. Leonard, Arthur Roy, and Jacobs, Bertha E. The nation's history; new ed. 750p. il. (pt. col.) maps D [c. '24, 28] N. Y., Holt $1.80 Lescarbot, Marc Canada

Nova Francia; a description of Acadia, 1606; tr. by P. Erondelle; introd. by H. P. Biggar. 377p. maps O (B'way travellers) [28] N. Y., Harper

Lewis, Sinclair


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Daisy and Daphne. 334p. D c. N. Y., Liveright $2.50 Concerns the entanglements of two personalities— attractive Daphne and plain Daisy.

McDonald, James Grover

Rhodes; a life. 414p. il. maps (col.) O '28 N. Y., McBride $5 A biography of the empire builder of South Africa. Macdonald, Robert Maclauchlan

Opals and gold. 255p. il. O [n.d.] Phil., Lippincott

$4 Stories of a prospector's experiences in many parts of the world, in his search for valuable stones and ores. MacHarg, William Briggs, and Balmer, Edwin The Indian drum. 367p. front. D [c.'17] N. Y., Grosset 75 c.

Marcovici, Eugene E., M.D.

Handbook on diet. 331p. il. diagrs. O c. Phil., F. A. Davis $3.50

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Defence of the west; tr. by F. S. Flint; preface by G. K. Chesterton. 260p. (bibl. footnotes) O [c. '28] N. Y., Harcourt $3

A plea for the preservation of European culture against current theories and cults of the East. Maxfield, Kathryn E.

The blind child and his reading; a handbook for teachers of primary Braille reading. 229p. (10p. bibl.) D N. Y., Amer. Foundation for the Blind, 125 E. 46th St. $1.75 Messer, Mary Burt

The family in the making; an historic sketch. 383p. O c. N. Y., Putnam $3.50 Minnigerode, Meade

Presidential years, 1787-1860. 404p. (6p. bibl.) il. O '28, c. '27, '28 N. Y., Putnam $3.50 A stirring picture of political campaigning in the early years of the Republic.

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Psychology applied to the problem of the increasing hairlesssness of the human race. Netherlands and the World War (The);

studies in the war history of a neutral; v. 2. 387p. map diagrs. O (Economic and social hist. of the World War; Netherlands ser.) c. New Haven, Conn., Yale


Contents: "The Manufacturing Industry" by C. J. P. Zaalberg, "Commerce and Navigation" by E. P. De Monchy, "The Housing Problem" by Dr. H. J. Romeyn, "Food Supply and Agriculture" by Dr. F. E. Posthuma and "The Cost of Living, Prices and Wages" by Dr. H. W. Methorst.

Newbold, William Romaine

The cipher of Roger Bacon; ed. by Roland Grubb Kent. 256p. (bibl. footnotes) il. diagrs. O c. Phil., Univ. of Pa. Press

Newlandsmith, Ernest


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lea. $3

Paris with the lid lifted [new ed.] 281p. il. S [c. 27] N. Y., Sully Riddell, Florence

Out of the mist. 319p. D (Popular copyrights) [c. '26] N. Y., Grosset

Riesenberg, Felix

75 c.

Shipmates. 243p. D [c. '28] N. Y., Har


Essays on men and moods of the sea. Rinehart, Mrs. Mary Roberts


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Jealous of dead leaves. 72p. D c. N. Y., Liveright

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Jörli, or, The Stauffer mill. 90p.

il. (col.)

D (Lippincott's children's classics) '28 c. '26 Phil., Lippincott

75 c. About a little Swiss boy who must earn a living for himself and his grandfather. Standing Bear, Luther

My people the Sioux; ed. by E. A. Brininstool; introd. by William S. Hart. 302p. il. O c. Bost., Houghton


An autobiography of an Indian Chief, who was one of the first boys to enter Carlisle School, was a member of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, and has taken part in many important events in the life of his people.

Starrett, Vincent, i. e. Charles Vincent Emerson, ed.

Fourteen great detective stories. 415p. S [c. '28] N. Y., Modern Library flex. fab. 95 c. Stern, Gladys Bronwyn [Mrs. Geoffrey Lisle Holdsworth

A deputy was king. 419p. D (Novels of distinction) [c.'26] N. Y., Grosset $I

Sweet, Alfred Wheaton

Gems from the land of inspiration [verse]. 55p. D [c. 28] Bost., Christopher Pub. House

Taussig, Charles William


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Smith, Bradford B.

Factors affecting the price of cotton. 75p. (2p. bibl.) diagrs. O (U. S. Dep't of Agric., tech, bull, no. 50) '28 Wash., D. C., Gov't Pr. Off.; Sup't of Doc. Stapp, Melvina


pap. 15 C.

Student's guide in English. 104p. (bibl.) front. D San Francisco, Harr Wagner Pub. Co. Stormzand, M. J.

pap. apply

Study-guide tests in American history; 2 pts. 64p: 110р. O 7 N Y., Macmillan pap. 40 c., ea.

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