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JOEN CELIN FEMORAL-B the SOL IC a Frenet gentien viet this coury from poitical causes. and while here, imeramel via Ame evenier, Bangimer c COL. Tuomas Whing of Suoneester Co. Ta The Whings are

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State, and have hat frequent mermaringes vid the family whose name the deeds and virtues of Seorge Washington have made immortal

The sulject of the memor vas bom In Seramal, Ga, of the 21st January. Viher entrer came after him. & brother and sister, beat: me in fcher died while engaged in preparations и елити Free. Young Fremont shortly afterwards entered the inv office of J. W. Michel, of Charleston, S. C.; and through the kindness of this genieman was placed at the schod of am Ecobertson, of the same city. where he soot geve ample evidence of superior talents and untiring арpheation. Iz 1825, being ther fifeer, he entered the junior class of Chaziest College, and might have made a brilliant career there, had it not been for the fascinations of a fair West-Indian girl, whose beauty ran comter to the academic regulations. He was expeled by the Fanty, pour encourager les autres, as Taler rand would say; and this serious rebuke awoke him to a sense of the responsibilities which he owed to his widowed mother, whose only end he had now become.

In 1888, he became teacher of mathematics on board the sloop of war Natchez; and on his return from a three years' cruise, re ceived the honorary degree of Master of Arts from the college which had been reluctantly compeded to treat his youthful regn

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