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Strangely enough, no adequate bibliography of the Poetics has ever been published; the nearest approach to one is contained in M. Schwab's anastatic reproduction of his manuscript Bibliographie d'Aristote, Paris (Welter), 1896. Bibliographical data for the influence of the Poetics are found in several works cited in the preceding Notes (as Spingarn's and Saintsbury's), in Bywater's edition, and in a number of other works cited below. In my collections for the present volume I made a tentative bibliography of the Poetics that would fill another volume of equal or greater size; this I hope some time to improve and publish. The following list contains only a few of the more important, characteristic, or recent titles.

ADDISON, J., Criticisms on Paradise Lost (ed. by A. S. Cook). Boston, 1892.

BATTEUX, C., Les Quatre Poétiques d'Aristote, d'Horace, de Vida, de Despréaux. Paris, 1771. Baumgart, H., Aristoteles, Lessing, und Goethe. Leipsic, 1877.

BERNAYS, J., Zwei Abhandlungen über die Aristotelische Theorie des Drama. Berlin, 1880.

BOUCHIER, E. S., Aristotle's Poetics. Oxford, 1908. BRADLEY, A. C., Shakespearean Tragedy. London, 1911. BREITINGER, H., Les Unités d'Aristote avant le Cid de Corneille. Geneva, 1879.

BRETT, G. S., 'Some Reflections on Aristotle's Theory

of Tragedy,' in Philosophical Essays Presented to John Watson (Kingston, Canada, 1923), pp. 158–78. BUTCHER, S. H., Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. London, 1920.

BYWATER, I., Aristotle On the Art of Poetry. Oxford, 1909.

'Milton and the Aristotelian Definition of Tragedy,' in The Journal of Philology 27 (1901). 267-75.

Cook, A. S., The Art of Poetry: the Poetical Treatises of Horace, Vida, and Boileau, with the Translations by Howes, Pitt, and Soame. Boston, 1892. DRAPER, J. W., 'Aristotelian "Mimesis" in EighteenthCentury England,' in Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 36 (1921). 372


DURHAM, W. H., Critical Essays of the Eighteenth Century. New Haven, 1905.

EGGER, A. E., Essai sur l'Histoire de la Critique chez les Grecs. Paris, 1887.

FRIEDLAND, L. S., 'The Dramatic Unities in England,'

in The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 10 (1911). 56–89, 280-99, 453–67.

GAYLEY, C. M., and F. N. SCOTT, Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism. Boston, 1899.

and B. P. KURTZ, Methods and Materials

of Literary Criticism. Boston, 1920. GILLET, J. E., 'A Note on the Tragic "Admiratio,"


The Modern Language Review 13 (1918). 233-8. GOMPERZ, T., Zu Aristoteles' Poetik. Vienna, 1888. GUDEMAN, A., Aristoteles über die Dichtkunst. Leipsic, 1921. (German translation of the Poetics.) HAMELIUS, P., Was Dachte Shakespeare über Poesie? Brussels, 1898.

HOWARD, W. G., 'Ut Pictura Poesis,' in Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 24 1909). 40-123.

KNOKE, F., Begriff der Tragödie nach Aristoteles. Berlin, 1906.

LA HARPE, J. F., ‘Analyse de la Poétique d'Aristote,' in Cours de Littérature, Anciens (Paris, 1800), vol. I, Poésie, chapter 1.

LANSON, G., Esquisse d'une Histoire de la Tragédie Française. New York, 1920.

LEMAÎTRE, J., Corneille et la Poétique d'Aristote. Paris, 1888.

LESSING, G. E., Hamburgische Dramaturgie. Hamburg [=Bremen], 1767-9.

LUZÁN, I., Poética. Saragossa, 1737.

MARGOLIOUTH, D. S., The Poetics of Aristotle, Trans

lated from Greek into English and from Arabic into Latin, with a Revised Text. London, 1911. MENÉNDEZ Y PELAYO, M., Historia de las Ideas Estéticas

en España, in his Obras Completas. Madrid, 1890. MURRAY, G., 'An Essay in the Theory of Poetry,' in The Yale Review 10 (1921). 482-499.

NEWMAN, J. H., Poetry, with Reference to Aristotle's Poetics (ed. by A. S. Cook). Boston, 1891. PRICKARD, A. O., Aristotle On the Art of Poetry, a Lecture. London, 1891.

ROBERTSON, J. G., ‘Lessing's Interpretation of Aristotle,' in The Modern Language Review 12 (1917). 157-68, 319-39.

ROSTAGNI, A., 'Aristotele e Aristotelismo nella Storia dell' Estetica Antica,' in Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica, Nuova Serie 4 (1922). 1–147.

SAINTSBURY, G., A History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe. Edinburgh, 1900-04.

Loci Critici. Boston, 1903.

SMITH, G. G., Elizabethan Critical Essays. Oxford,


SPINGARN, J. E., A History of Literary Criticism in the Renaissance. New York, 1908.

STARKIE, W. J. M., 'An Aristotelian Analysis of "the Comic," illustrated from Aristophanes, Rabelais, Shakespeare, and Molière,' in Hermathena, No. 42 (1920). 26-51.

SYMMES, H. S., Les Débuts de la Critique Dramatique en Angleterre. Paris, 1903.

TOFFANIN, G., La Fine dell' Umanesimo. Turin, 1920. VAHLEN, I., Beiträge zu Aristoteles' Poetik. Leipsic,



Beiträge zu Aristoteles Poetik. Leipsic,

VALGIMIGLI, M., Aristotele. Poetica.

Traduzione, Note,

e Introduzione. Bari, 1916. WILLIAMS, R. C., 'The Purpose of Poetry, and particularly the Epic, as Discussed by Critical Writers

of the Sixteenth Century in Italy,' in The Romanic Review 12 (1921). 1-20.

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