Imágenes de páginas

Sept. 11th, 10 a.m.-Temperature 100; pulse 126; respiration 36; tongue moister; very restless.

Sept. 12th, 10 a.m.-Temperature 983; pulse 120; respiration 28; slept well; tongue much moister; general appearance greatly improved : 7 p.m. Temperature 101; pulse 124; respiration 36.

Sept. 13th-Temperature 993; pulse 116; respiration 32; tongue moist; slept well. 6 p.m. Temperature 101; pulse 126; respiration 34. Sept. 14th, 10 a.m.-Temperature 98; pulse 128; respiration 36; tongue almost natural: no bronchitic râles heard over the chest; breathing exaggerated: 6 p.m. Temperature 99; pulse 126; respiration 32, and very tranquil.

Sept. 15th, 10 a.m.-Temperature 97; pulse 104; respiration 24; greatly improved.

Sept. 16th, 10 a.m. Temperature 981; pulse 110; respiration 23; tongue moist and clean: 7 p.m. Temperature 98; pulse 112; respiration 24.

Sept. 17th, 10 a.m.--Temperature 981; pulse 106; respiration 20; bowels regular; tongue continues clean: 6 p.m. Temperature 97; pulse 100; respiration 24.

Sept. 18th-Temperature 98; pulse 100; respiration 24; tongue clean. Sept. 19th, 10 a.m.-Temperature 97; pulse 90; respiration 20; looks well; tongue clean; is gaining strength rapidly; appetite improving; is able to sit up for a couple of hours every day; pulse is full and steady; the respiration is tranquil and the temperature natural.

Sept. 24-Is up and dressed, looks well, is taking gr. doses of quinine every four hours; on half diet.

During the diarrhoea examined the stools twice; did not succeed in finding any mucus shreads.

Case 27.-Typhoid Fever. Reported by Mr. ZOTIQUE HEBERT.

Ann C., æt. 17, was admitted into the Montreal General Hospital, under Dr. MacCallum, on the 29th Angust, 1870. She had been ill for about a fortnight previous to admission, suffering from severe headache, chilliness, drowsiness, lassitude, &c. These were followed in a week by profuse perspirations, pains in the back and limbs, restlessness at night, hot skin, dry tongue, great thirst and slight cough.

On admission the above symptoms were noticeable, together with a number of rose-colored, slightly-raised spots over the abdomen and back of chest, slight uneasiness and pain on pressure over the right iliac fossa, increased thirst, tongue coated, red at tip and edge, lips and teeth covered

with sordes, pulse 120, respiration 33, temperature 105. No diarrhoea

or epistaxis.

August 30th, 8 o'clock, a. m.- Pulse 118, respiration 32, temperature 105, bowels unopened. Ordered the following:-Potas. chlor, 3 i., acid hydrochl. 3 ij., ether chlor. 3 ij., vin ipecac. 3 i., aquæ ad 3 vj., a tablespoonful every fourth hour. Diet of milk and beef tea.

6 p.m.-Pulse 120, temperature 106, condition otherwise unaltered. August 31st, 7.30 a. m.-Pulse 108, temperature 103, respiration 29; feels better, coughs less, tongue cleaner, bowels still unmoved.

6 p.m.-Pulse 116, temp. 104.

September 1st, 7.30 a. m.-Pulse 104, temp. 103, resp. 24; tongue moister, slept well, gurgling in iliac fossa decreased, no epistaxis, no stool.

6 p. m.-Pulse 108, temp. 105.

September 2nd, 7.30 a. m.-Pulse 110, temp. 103; slept indifferently, cough better, no pain, looks more cheerful.

7 p.m.-Pulse 110, temp. 104; tongue more coated than in the morning, slight pain in iliac fossa on pressure, no stool, less cough.

September 3rd, 7.45 a. m.-Pulse 98, temp. 100; tongue cleaner, cough prevented sleep, great sense of lassitude, bowels opened thrice during night, colour of stools characteristic, of a yellow-ochre hue, Ordered pulv, creta co. c, opio gr, x every 4 hours.

8 p, m.-Pulse 100, temp, 103; bowels unopened during the day, considerable cough and headache, tongue red but moist, pains in back and limbs.

September 4, 8 a. m.-Pulse 100, temp. 101; no stool during the night, not so much cough, no headache, tongue rather drier, some pain in the back. Omit powders.

7 p. m.-Pulse 110, temp. 103; pain over liver and in right shoulder; vomited in the forenoon and afternoon, but kept down the beef tea. Is better at present,

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September 5, 7.30 a.m.- Pulse 98, temp. 101; tongue dry in centre but moist at sides; no diarrhoea, but cough continues.

7 p. m.-Pulse 103, temp. 104; tongue moister, no headache, cough troublesome, not much thirst, spots nearly all away and fading fast, slight pain still over the iliac fossa.

Sept. 6, 8 a. m.-Pulse 88, temp. 100; no pain, no headache, no motion from bowels.

7.30 p.m.-Pulse 108, temp. 103.

September 7, 8 a. m.-Pulse 84, temp. 98; slept well, tongue moist, coughs less, no headache, bowels still confined.

8 p. m.-Pulse 90, temp. 1023; patient feels still better.

September 8, noon.-Pulse 114, temp. 101; not so well, cough worse, a few bronchitic sounds heard over both lungs, tongue dry and red, did not sleep so well during the night.

7 p. m.-Pulse 108, temp. 1041; experienced two or three slight chills during the day, tingling pain and gurgling in right iliac fossa.

September 9th, 8 a. m.--Pulse 100, temp. 1003; tongue coated, bowels confined, lips dry, slept well; no change in treatment.

September 12th.-No change noticeable for the past three days. Pulse to-day is 98, temp. 101; patient still weak; tongue cleaning. In the evening there was the usual exacerbation of temperature, being at 7 p. m., 102.

September 15th.-Pulse and temperature normal for the past two days, with an occasional exacerbation towards evening. The treatment from the first has been unchanged till to-day. Dr. MacCullum substituted for the fever mixture, Quin. sulph. gr. ij. ter in die.

September 18th.-Patient has been allowed to sit up for a short time during the day. Bowels are now regularly moved; pulse on an average 84; temperature from 88 to 99 in the evening; tongue almost clean; patient still weak and easily fatigued; sleeps well at night, and is allowed small quantities of solid food.

September 24th.-Patient is gaining strength and appetite rapidly. She sits up now nearly all day without fatigue, and expresses herself anxious to leave the hospital. An order is given for her discharge.

Case 28.-Typhoid Fever. Reported by Mr. T. D. REED.

E. N., male, aged 12, admitted September 1st. Had been complaining of lassitude and malaise for more than a week; no rigors. On admission the following were noted, dilated pupils; iliac gurgling; several rose spots on back; temperature 102 Fah; pulse 92; belly somewhat tympanitic; had passed a peasoup stool during the day. Dr. MacCallum put him on chlorate of potas. fever mixture; milk diet and a pint of beef


September 3rd.-Temperature 101; respiration 24; pulse 76.

September 4th.-Morning temperature 99-6; pulse 80; respiration 24; two stools since last visit; rested well; abdomen not tender; tongue red at tip and edges, creamy fur in centre; appetite good; no headache; thirsty. Evening temperature 103; pulse 109; respiration 32.

September 5th.--Morning temperature 100.5; pulse 80; respiration 32; feels better; rested well last night; stool; urine acid, sp. gr. 1017;

chlorides diminished; to get one pint of beef tea extra. Evening temperature 102-6; pulse 100; respiration 24.

September 6th.-Morning temperature 99-6; pulse 92; respirations 28; had a good night; one stool; abdomen tense; tongue moist; Evening temperature 102; pulse 108; respiration 32.

September 7th.-Morning temperature 99-5; pulse 84; respiration 28. Evening temperature 101; pulse 100; respiration 28.

September 8th.-Morning temperature 99; pulse 84; respiration 24; rested well; one stool; improvement in every respect, except tensemus of abdomen; spots fading. Evening temperature 102.6; pulse 100; respiration 28.

September 9th-Morning temperature 98.3; pulse 76; respirations 28; slept well; two stools; perspiring. Evening temperature 102.3; pulse 100; respiration 28.

September 10.-Morning temperature 985; pulse 72; respiration 28; slept well; one stool; skin moist. Evening temperature 100-7; pulse 76; respiration 28.

September 11th.-Morning temperature 98; pulse 70; respiration 24; slept well; one stool. Evening temperature 99-5; pulse 72; respiration 28; urine sp. gr 1020.

September 12.-Morning temperature 98.5; pulse 70; respiration 28. Evening temperature 998; pulse 88; respiration 28.

September 13.-Morning temperature 98; pulse 84; respirations 24; Evening temperature 99.2; pulse 92; respiration 20; one stool; walks around the ward.

September 14th.-Morning temperature 98.2; pulse 72; respiration 28. Evening temperature 99-5; pulse 88; respiration 24.

September 15th.-Moruing temperature 98.5; pulse 96; respiration 24. Evening temperature 99·5; pulse 84; respiration 24; feels quite well.

Case 29.-Tpphoid Fever with Roseolous Rash. Reported by Mr. J.


James McKeogh, aged 21, native of Ireland, was admitted into the Montreal General Hospital, under Dr. MacCallum, on the 4th of August, 1870. When first seen symptoms indicated fever, with quick pulse; great heat of skin; mouth parched; great thirst; pupils dilated; face flushed; tongue dry and red; pulse 92; temperature 103; slight gurgling in right liac fossa; a few rose coloured spots over abdomen and back of chest.

History.-Patient is an emigrant, arrived in this country some weeks ago. Four days before admission was attacked with headache, vertigo,

languor, pains in the limbs, &c., but had evidently not been well for some days previous. This condition continued up to his admission. The spots characteristic of typhoid fever, immediately decided the diagnosis. Treatment. He was put on the following mixture: potas. chlor. 3 ij. acid hydrochl. 3j. vin ipecac 3 ij. syr. zingib j. aquæ ad vj., a tablespoonful every four hours; also milk diet and beef tea.

August 6th.-Patient slept well during night; skin hot and perspiring; bowels constipated; pulse 90; temperature 101; treatment continued.

August 7.-Pulse 120; temperature 1021; did not sleep well; slight cough; tongue coated on posterior part and around the edges, tip red and dry; bowels still constipated; rash still apparent; to continue treatment. August 8th.-Patient looks better; pulse 100; temperature 102; treatment as before.

August 9th.-Did not sleep so well, restless; perspires freely; complains of slight pain in bowels, for which he was ordered a turpentine stupe; pulse 96; temperature 100.

August 10th.-Patient has a peculiar vacant look; wandering through the night; very drowsy; pulse 92; temperature 101; there was a peculiar mottling of the skin, which resembled very much the eruption of measles, rash quite disappeared; sudamina present; treatment as before.

August 11th.-Looks more cheerful; the whole chest and neck and arms are covered with sudamina; pulse 84; temperature 100; slept well; tongue coated and dry; great thirst.

August 12th.-Much better; pulse 80; temperature 100; tongue cleaning.

August 13th.-Very much better; pronounced convalescent; temperature 100; pulse 76; tongue moist and cleaning from the edges. August 14th. Still improving; ordered one pint beef tea additional: August 15th.—Temperature 98; pulse 80; tongue moist and clean; looks very much better; appetite improving, &c.

August 16th. The same as yesterday: was up for a short time; temperature normal; pulse 86; due no doubt to the excitement consequent on getting up.

August 17th.-Up to day, quite cheerful.

August 28th. From this date up to August 29th, the day of his discharge from the hospital, patient has been rapidly improving, he has been up every day, and occasionally takes a walk on the gallery in rear of the building. In this case of typhoid fever, patient had no diarrhoea from the very first; at one time only his bowels threatened to

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