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to be placed at convenient distances, and the to have £600 a-year between us, if we could mud brought to them in wheelbarrows; they make that sum out of the profits of the office. remaining where placed till the mud is drain-To do this, a variety of improvements were ed, and then horses brought to draw them necessary; some of these were inevitably at away." first expensive; so that in the first four years the office became above £900 in debt to us. But it soon after began to repay us; and before I was displaced by a freak of the ministers, (of which I shall speak hereafter,) we had brought it to yield three times as much clear revenue to the crown as the post office of Ireland. Since that imprudent transaction, they have received from it-not one farthing!

I have since had doubts of the practicability of the latter part of this proposal, in all places, on account of the narrowness of some streets, and the difficulty of placing the draining sleds so as not to encumber too much the passage: but I am still of opinion that the former, requiring the dust to be swept up and carried away before the shops are open, is very practicable in the summer, when the days are long; for in walking through the Strand and Fleet street, one morning at seven o'clock, I observed there was not one shop open, though it was daylight and the sun up above three hours: the inhabitants of London, choosing voluntarily to live much by candle-light, and sleep by sun-shine; and yet often complain, (a little absurdly) of the duty on candles, and the high price of tallow.

Some may think these trifling matters, not worth minding or relating; but when they consider that though dust blown into the eyes of a single person, or into a single shop in a windy day, is but of small importance, yet the great number of the instances in a populous city, and its frequent repetition, gives it weight and consequence; perhaps they will not censure very severely those who bestow some attention to affairs of this seemingly low nature. Human felicity is produced, not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. Thus, if you teach a poor young man to shave himself, and keep his razor in order, you may contribute more to the happiness of his life than in giving him a thousand guineas. This sum may be soon spent, the regret only remaining of having foolishly consumed it: but in the other case, he escapes the frequent vexation of waiting for barbers, and of their sometimes dirty fingers, offensive breaths, and dull razors: he shaves when most convenient to him, and enjoys daily the pleasure of its being done with a good instrument. With these sentiments, I have hazarded the few preceding pages, hoping they may afford hints which some time or other may be useful to a city I love, (having lived many years in it very happily,) and perhaps to some of our towns in America.

The business of the post office occasioned my taking a journey this year to New England, where the college of Cambridge, of their own motion, presented me with the degree of Master of Arts. Yale college in Connecticut had before made me a similar compliment. Thus, without studying in any college, I came to partake of their honours. They were conferred in consideration of my improvements and discoveries in the electric branch of Natural Philosophy.

In 1754, war with France being again apprehended, a congress of commissioners from the different colonies was, by an order of the lords of trade, to be assembled at Albany; there to confer with the chiefs of the Six nations, concerning the means of defending both their country and ours. Governor Hamilton having received this order, acquainted the house with it, requesting they would furnish proper presents for the Indians, to be given on this occasion; and naming the speaker (Mr. Norris) and myself, to join Mr. John Penn and Mr. Secretary Peters, as commissioners to act for Pennsylvania. The house approved the nomination, and provided the goods for the presents, though they did not much like treating out of the province; and we met the other commissioners at Albany, about the middle of June. In our way thither, I projected and drew up a plan for the union of all the colonies under one government, so far as might be necessary for defence, and other important general purposes. As we passed through New York, I had there shown my project to Mr. James Alexander and Mr. Kennedy, two gentlemen of great knowledge in public affairs, and being fortified by their approbation, I ventured to lay it before the congress. It then appeared, that several of the commissioners had formed plans of the Having been some time employed by the same kind. A previous question was first post-master-general of America as his comp- taken, whether an union should be established, troller in regulating the several offices, and which passed in the affirmative, unanimously. bringing the officers to account, I was, upon A committee was then appointed, one memhis death, in 1753, appointed jointly with Mr. ber from each colony, to consider the several William Hu- to succeed him; by a com- plans, and report. Mine happened to be premission from the post-master-general in Eng-ferred, and with a few amendments was acland. The American office had hitherto ne- cordingly reported. By this plan the general ver paid any thing to that of Britain: we were government was to be administered by a pre

thought not very fair,) and reprobated it without paying any attention to it at all, to my no small mortification.


sident general, appointed and supported by the crown; and a grand council, to be chosen by the representatives of the people of the several colonies, met in their respective as- In my journey to Boston this year, I met at semblies. The debates upon it in congress, New York with our new governor, Mr. Morwent on daily hand in hand with the Indian ris, just arrived there from England, with business. Many objections and difficulties whom I had been before intimately acquaintwere started, but at length they were all ed. He brought a commission to supercede overcome, and the plan was unanimously Mr. Hamilton, who, tired with the disputes agreed to, and copies ordered to be transmit- his proprietary instructions subjected him ted to the board of trade and to the assemblies to, had resigned. Mr. Morris asked me if I of the several provinces. Its fate was singular: the assemblies did not adopt it, as they all thought there was too much prerogative in it; and in England, it was judged to have too much of the democratic; the board of trade did not approve of it; nor recommend it for the approbation of his majesty: but another scheme was formed, supposed to answer the same purpose better, whereby the governors of the provinces, with some members of their respective councils, were to meet and order the raising of troops, building of forts, &c. and to draw on the treasury of Great Britain for the expense, which was afterwards to be refunded by an act of parliament laying a tax on America. My plan, with my reasons in support of it, is to be found among my political papers that were printed. Being the winter following in Boston, I had much conversation with governor Shirley upon both the plans. Part of what passed between us on this occasion, may also be seen among those papers. The different and contrary reasons of dislike to my plan, makes me suspect, that it was really the true medium, and I am still of opinion it would have been hap py for both sides, if it had been adopted. The colonies so united would have been sufficiently strong to have defended themselves: there would then have been no need of troops from England, of course the subsequent pretext for taxing America; and the bloody contest it occasioned, would have been avoided: but such mistakes are not new: history is full of the errors of states and princes.

"Look round the habitable world, how few Know their own good, or knowing it pursue!" Those who govern, having much business on their hands, do not generally like to take the trouble of considering and carrying into execution new projects. The best public measures are therefore seldom adopted from previous wisdom, but forced by the occasion. The governor of Pennsylvania, in sending it down to the assembly, expressed his approbation of the plan "as appearing to him to be drawn up with great clearness and strength of judgment, and therefore recommended it as well worthy their closest and most serious attention." The house, however, by the management of a certain member, took it up when I happened to be absent, (which I

thought he must expect as uncomfortable an administration. I said, "No, you may on the contrary have a very comfortable one, if you will only take care not to enter into any dispute with the assembly." My dear friend," said he, pleasantly, "how can you advise my avoiding disputes? You know I love disputing, it is one of my greatest pleasures; however, to show the regard I have for your counsel, I promise you I will, if possible, avoid them." He had some reason for loving to dispute, being eloquent, an acute sophister, and therefore generally successful in argumentative conversation. He had been brought up to it from a boy, his father, as I have heard, accustoming his children to dispute with one another for his diversion, while sitting at table after dinner; but I think the practice was not wise; for, in the course of my observation, those disputing, contradicting, and confuting people, are generally unfortunate in their affairs. They get victory sometimes, but they never get good will, which would be of more use to them. We parted, he going to Philadelphia, and I to Boston. In returning, I met at New York with the votes of the assembly of Pennsylvania, by which it appeared, that notwithstanding his promise to me, he and the house were already in high contention; and it was a continual battle between them, as long as he retained the government. I had my share of it, for as soon as I got back to my seat in the assembly, I was put on every committee for answering his speeches and messages, and by the committees always desired to make the draughts. Our answers, as well as his messages, were often tart, and sometimes indecently abusive; and as he knew I wrote for the assembly, one might have imagined that when we met we could hardly avoid cutting throats. But he was so good-natured a man, that no personal difference between him and me was occasioned by the contest, and we often dined together. One afternoon, in the height of this public quarrel, we met in the street; "Franklin," said he, "you must go home with me and spend the evening, I am to have some company that you will like;" and taking me by the arm, led me to his house. In gay conversation over our wine, after supper, he told us jokingly that he much admired the idea of Sancho Panza,

who, when it was proposed to give him a time in the office, and therefore I proposed government, requested it might be a go- that the orders should be payable in a year, vernment of blacks; as then, if he could not and to bear an interest of five per cent.: with agree with his people, he might sell them. these orders I supposed the provisions might One of his friends, who sat next me, said, easily be purchased. The assembly, with "Franklin, why do you continue to side with very little hesitation, adopted the proposal; those damned Quakers? had you not better the orders were immediately printed, and I sell them? the proprietor would give you a was one of the committee directed to sign and good price." "The governor," said I, "has dispose of them. The fund for paying them, not yet blacked them enough."-He, indeed, was the interest of all the paper currency had laboured hard to blacken the assembly in then extant in the province upon loan, toall his messages, but they wiped off his colour-gether with the revenue arising from the exing as fast as he laid it on, and placed it in re-cise, which being known to be more than turn thick upon his own face; so, that finding he was likely to be negrofied himself, he, as well as Mr. Hamilton, grew tired of the contest, and quitted the government.

sufficient, they obtained credit, and were not only taken in payment for the provisions; but many monied people who had cash lying by them, vested it in those orders, which they These public quarrels were all at bottom, found advantageous, as they bore interest owing to the proprietaries, our hereditary while upon hand, and might on any occasion governors; who, when any expense was to be be used as money; so that they were eagerly incurred for the defence of their province, all bought up, and in a few weeks none of with incredible meanness, instructed their them were to be seen. Thus this important deputies to pass no act for levying the neces-affair was by my means completed. Mr. sary taxes, unless their vast estates were in Quincy returned thanks to the assembly in the same act expressly exonerated; and they a handsome memorial, went home highly had even taken the bonds of these deputies pleased with the success of his embassy, and to observe such instructions. The assemblies ever after bore for me the most cordial and for three years held out against this injustice, affectionate friendship. though constrained to bend at last. At length captain Denny, who was governor Morris's successor, ventured to disobey those instructions; how that was brought about, I shall show hereafter.

But I am got forward too fast with my story: there are still some transactions to be mentioned, that happened during the administration of governor Morris.

War being in a manner commenced with France, the government of Massachusetts Bay projected an attack upon Crown Point, and sent Mr. Quincy to Pennsylvania, and Mr. Pownal, (afterwards governor Pownal,) to New York to solicit assistance. As I was in the assembly, knew its temper, and was Mr. Quincy's countryman, he applied to me for my influence and assistance: I dictated his address to them, which was well received. They voted an aid of ten thousand pounds, to be laid out in provisions. But the governor refusing his assent to their bill, (which included this with other sums granted for the use of the crown,) unless a clause were inserted, exempting the proprietary estate from bearing any part of the tax that would be necessary; the assembly, though very desirous of making their grant to New England effectual, were at a loss how to accomplish it. Mr. Quincy laboured hard with the governor to obtain his assent, but he was obstinate. I then suggested a method of doing the business without the governor, by orders on the trustees of the loan office, which by law the assembly had the right of drawing. There was, indeed, little or no money at the

The British government, not choosing to permit the union of the colonies, as proposed at Albany, and to trust that union with their defence, lest they should thereby grow too military, and feel their own strength, (sus picion and jealousies at this time being entertained of them,) sent over general Braddock with two regiments of regular English troops for that purpose. He landed at Alexandria, in Virginia, and thence marched to Frederick-town, in Maryland, where he halted for carriages. Our assembly, apprehending from some information, that he had received violent prejudices against them as averse to the service, wished me to wait upon him, not as from them, but as post-master-general, under the guise of proposing to settle with him the mode of conducting with most celerity and certainty, the dispatches between him and the governors of the several provinces, with whom he must necessarily have continual correspondence; and of which they proposed to pay the expense. My son accompanied me on this journey. We found the general at Frederick-town, waiting impatiently for the return of those whom we had sent through the back parts of Maryland and Virginia to collect wagons. I staid with him several days, dined with him daily, and had full opportunities of removing his prejudices, by the information of what the assembly had before his arrival actually done, and were still willing to do, to facilitate his operations. When I was about to depart, the returns of wagons to be obtained were brought in, by which it appeared, that they amounted

only to twenty-five, and not all of those were days' pay is to be advanced and paid in hand in serviceable condition. The general and by me to the owner of each wagon and team, all the officers were surprised, declared the or horse, at the time of contracting, if reexpedition was then at an end, being impos- quired; and the remainder to be paid by sible; and exclaimed against the ministers for general Braddock, or by the paymaster of the ignorantly sending them into a country desti- army, at the time of their discharge; or from tute of the means of conveying their stores, time to time as it shall be demanded. 5. No baggage, &c. not less than one hundred and drivers of wagons, or persons taking care of fifty wagons being necessary. I happened to the hired horses, are, on any account, to be say, I thought it was a pity they had not been called upon to do the duty of soldiers, or be landed in Pennsylvania, as in that country otherwise employed than in conducting or almost every farmer had his wagon. The taking care of their carriages or horses. 6. general eagerly laid hold of my words, and All oats, Indian corn, or other forage, that said, "Then you, sir, who are a man of in- wagons or horses bring to the camp, more terest there, can probably procure them for than is necessary for the subsistence of the us; and I beg you will undertake it." I ask- horses, is to be taken for the use of the army, ed what terms were to be offered the owners and a reasonable price paid for the same. of the wagons; and I was desired to put on "Note.-My son, William Franklin, is empaper the terms that appeared to me neces-powered to enter into like contracts, with any sary. This I did, and they were agreed to; person in Cumberland county. and a commission and instructions accordingly prepared immediately. What those terms were, will appear in the advertisement I published soon as I arrived at Lancaster; which being, from the great and sudden effect it" To the inhabitants of the counties of Lanproduced, a piece of some curiosity, I shall insert it at length, as follows:—


"Lancaster, April 26th, 1753. "Whereas, one hundred and fifty wagons, with four horses to each wagon, and fifteen hundred saddle or pack-horses are wanted for the service of his majesty's forces, now about to rendezvous at Wills's creek; and his excellency, general Braddock, having been pleased to empower me to contract for the hire of the same; I hereby give notice, that I shall attend for that purpose at Lancaster from this day to next Wednesday evening; and at York from next Thursday morning, till Friday evening; where I shall be ready to agree for wagons and teams, or single horses, on the following terms, viz:-1. That there shall be paid for each wagon with four good horses and a driver, fifteen shillings per diem. And for each able horse with a packsaddle, or other saddle and furniture, two shillings per diem. And for each able horse without a saddle, eighteen pence per diem. 2. That the pay commence from the time of their joining the forces at Wills's creek, (which must be on or before the 20th of May ensuing,) and that a reasonable allowance be paid over and above for the time necessary for their travelling to Wills's creek and home firagain after their discharge. 3. Each wagon pand team, and every saddle or pack-horse, is to be valued by indifferent persons, chosen between me and the owner; and in case of the loss of any wagon, team, or other horse in the service, the price according to such valuation is to be allowed and paid. 4. Seven


caster, York, and Cumberland.

"FRIENDS AND COUNTRYMEN,-Being occasionally at the camp at Frederick, a few days since, I found the general and officers extremely exasperated on account of their not being supplied with horses and carriages, which had been expected from this province, as most able to furnish them; but through the dissensions between our governor and assembly, money had not been provided, nor any steps taken for that purpose.

"It was proposed to send an armed force immediately into these counties, to seize as many of the best carriages and horses as should be wanted, and compel as many persons into the service, as would be necessary to drive and take care of them.

"I apprehend, that the progress of British soldiers through these counties on such an occasion, (especially considering the temper they are in, and their resentment against us,) would be attended with many and great inconveniences to the inhabitants, and therefore more willingly took the trouble of trying first what might be done by fair and equitable means. The people of these back counties have lately complained to the assembly that a sufficient currency was wanting; you have an opportunity of receiving and dividing among you a very considerable sum; for if the service of this expedition should continue (as it is more than probable it will) for 120 days, the hire of these wagons and horses will amount to upwards of thirty thousand pounds; which will be paid you in silver and gold of the king's money.

"The service will be light and easy, for the army will scarce march above twelve

miles per day, and the wagons and baggagehorses, as they carry those things that are absolutely necessary to the welfare of the army, must march with the army, and no faster; and are, for the army's sake, always placed where they can be most secure, whether in a march or in a camp.

"If you are really, as I believe you are, good and loyal subjects to his majesty, you may now do a most acceptable service, and make it easy to yourselves; for three or four of such as cannot separately spare from the business of their plantations, a wagon and four horses and a driver, may do it together; one furnishing the wagon, another one or two horses, and another the driver, and divide the pay proportionably between you: but if you do not this service to your king and country voluntarily, when such good pay and reasonable terms are offered to you, your loyalty will be strongly suspected: the king's business must be done so many brave troops, come so far for your defence, must not stand idle through your backwardness to do what may be reasonably expected from you: wagons and horses must be had, violent measures will probably be used; and you will be to seek for recompence where you can find it, and your case perhaps be little pitied or regarded.

"I have no particular interest in this affair, as (except the satisfaction of endeavouring to do good) I shall have only my labour for my pains. If this method of obtaining the wagons and horses is not likely to succeed, I am obliged to send word to the general in fourteen days; and I suppose, sir John St. Clair, the hussar, with a body of soldiers will immediately enter the province for the purpose; which I shall be sorry to hear, because I am very sincerely and truly, your friend and well-wisher,


I received of the general about eight hundred pounds, to be disbursed in advance money to the wagon owners, &c.; but that sum being insufficient, I advanced upwards of two hundred pounds more; and in two weeks, the one hundred and fifty wagons, with two hundred and fifty-nine carrying horses, were on their march for the camp. The advertisement promised payment according to the valuation, in case any wagons or horses should be lost. The owners, however, alleging they did not know general Braddock, or what dependence might be had on his promise, insisted on my bond for the performance; which I accordingly gave them.

While I was at the camp, supping one evening with the officers of colonel Dunbar's regiment, he represented to me his concern for the subalterns, who, he said, were generally not in affluence, and could ill afford in this dear country, to lay in the stores that might be necessary in so long a march

through a wilderness, where nothing was to be purchased. I commiserated their case, and resolved to endeavour procuring them some relief. I said nothing however to him of my intention, but wrote the next morning to the committee of assembly, who had the disposition of some public money, warmly recommending the case of these officers to their consideration, and proposing that a present should be sent them of necessaries and refreshments. My son, who had some experience of a camp life, and of its wants, drew up a list for me, which I inclosed in my letter. The committee approved, and used such diligence, that, conducted by my son, the stores arrived at the camp as soon as the wagons. They consisted of twenty parcels, each containing

6 lb. Loaf Sugar

6 do. Muscovado do.
1 do. Green Tea
1 do. Bohea do.

6 do. Ground Coffee
6 do. Chocolate

- chest best white Biscuit lb. Pepper

quart white Vinegar

1 Gloucester Cheese

1 keg containing 20 lb. good Butter 2 doz. old Madeira Wine 2 gallons Jamaica Spirits 1 bottle Flour of Mustard 2 well-cured Hams

dozen dried Tongues 6 lb. Rice

6 lb. Raisins.

These parcels, well packed, were placed on as many horses, each parcel, with the horse, being intended as a present for one officer. They were very thankfully received, and the kindness acknowledged by letters to me from the colonels of both regiments, in the most grateful terms. The general too was highly satisfied with my conduct in procuring him the wagons, &c. &c., and readily paid my account of disbursements; thanking me repeatedly, and requesting my further assistance in sending provisions after him. I undertook this also, and was busily employed in it till we heard of his defeat; advancing for the service, of my own money, upwards of one thousand pounds sterling; of which I sent him an account. It came to his hands, luckily for me, a few days before the battle, and he returned me immediately an order on the paymaster for the round sum of one thou sand pounds, leaving the remainder to the next account. I consider this payment a good luck; having never been able to obtaiathat remainder; of which more hereafter.

This general was, I think, a brave man, and might probably have made a figure as a good officer in some European war; but he had too much self-confidence, too high an opinion of

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