Imágenes de páginas

And deep his midnight lair had made
In lone Glenartney's hazel shade;
But when the sun his beacon red


Had kindled on Benvoirlich's head,
The deep-mouthed bloodhound's heavy bay


Resounded up the rocky way,

And faint, from farther distance borne,
Were heard the clanging hoof and horn.


As Chief, who hears his warder call,
"To arms! the foemen storm the wall,"
The antlered monarch of the waste
Sprung from his heathery couch in haste.
But ere his fleet career he took,
The dew-drops from his flanks he shook;
Like crested leader proud and high
Tossed his beamed frontlet to the sky;
A moment gazed adown the dale,
A moment snuffed the tainted gale,
A moment listened to the cry,

That thickened as the chase drew nigh;



30. Lair. Bed of a wild beast.

31. Glenartney. A valley through which a small stream called the Artney flows.

32. Beacon. A signal-fire on a hill or mountain. The use of the word here is very effective, comparing the early rays of the sun on the mountain top to a fire kindled for an alarm.

33. Benvoirlich. A mountain north of Glenartney. Ben means mountain. (See map.) -38. Warder. Keeper or guard.

45. Beamed frontlet. The forehead of a stag, with full-grown antlers or horns.

47. Tainted gale. The wind, laden with the scent or odor of the hunter, which the deer perceives at a great distance.

Then, as the headmost foes appeared,
With one brave bound the copse he cleared,
And, stretching forward free and far,
Sought the wild heaths of Uam-Var.



Yelled on the view the opening pack;
Rock, glen, and cavern paid them back;
To many a mingled sound at once
The awakened mountain gave response.
A hundred dogs bayed deep and strong,
Clattered a hundred steeds along,
Their peal the merry horns rung out,
A hundred voices joined the shout;
With hark and whoop and wild halloo,
No rest Benvoirlich's echoes knew.
Far from the tumult fled the roe,
Close in her covert cowered the doe,
The falcon, from her cairn on high,
Cast on the rout a wondering eye,




51. Copse. Bushes, or wood of small growth.

53. Jam-Var. Ua-var, as the name is pronounced, or more properly Uaighmor, is a mountain to the north-east of the village of Callender in Menteith, deriving its name, which signifies the great den or cavern, from a sort of retreat among the rocks on the south side, said, by tradition, to have been the abode of a giant. In latter times it was the refuge of robbers and banditti, who have been only extirpated within these forty or fifty years. Strictly speaking, this stronghold is not a cave, as the name would imply, but a sort of small enclosure or recess, surrounded with large rocks, and open above head. Scott.

54. Opening pack. A hunting term, alluding to the hounds barking at sight of the game. - 64. Roe. A small species of deer.

66. Falcon [fawk'n]. A hawk. - Cairn. A heap of stones. 67. Rout. Tumultuous crowd.

Till far beyond her piercing ken
The hurricane had swept the glen.
Faint, and more faint, its failing din
Returned from cavern, cliff, and linn,
And silence settled, wide and still,
On the lone wood and mighty hill.


Less loud the sounds of sylvan war
Disturbed the heights of Uam-Var,
And roused the cavern where, 'tis told,
A giant made his den of old;
For ere that steep ascent was won,
High in his pathway hung the sun,
And many a gallant, stayed perforce,
Was fain to breathe his faltering horse,
And of the trackers of the deer,

Scarce half the lessening pack was near;
So shrewdly on the mountain-side
Had the bold burst their mettle tried.






The noble stag was pausing now
Upon the mountain's southern brow,
Where broad extended, far beneath,
The varied realms of fair Menteith.
With anxious eye he wandered o'er
Mountain and meadow, moss and moor,


68. Ken. Sight. - 69. Hurricane. The chase, like a violent wind, had

swept the glen. -71. Linn. Cataract; pool.

74. Sylvan war. Woodland war against the stag, i.e., hunting.

81. Fain. Glad. - 84. Shrewdly. Severely.

89. Menteith. A district watered by the Teith.

And pondered refuge from his toil,
By far Lochard or Aberfoyle.
But nearer was the copsewood gray.
That waved and wept on Loch Achray,
And mingled with the pine-trees blue
On the bold cliffs of Benvenue.
Fresh vigor with the hope returned,
With flying foot the heath he spurned,
Held westward with unwearied race,
And left behind the panting chase.




'Twere long to tell what steeds gave o'er, As swept the hunt through Cambusmore; What reins were tightened in despair,

When rose Benledi's ridge in air;


Who flagged upon Bochastle's heath,

Who shunned to stem the flooded Teith,

For twice that day, from shore to shore,

The gallant stag swam stoutly o'er.

93. Lochard. A small lake near the village of Aberfoyle.

95. Loch Achray. "The Lake of the Level Field." A small lake at "Center Mountain," being mid

the foot of Benvenue. - 97. Benvenue.

way between Ben Lomond and Ben Ledi.

(See map.)

99. Heath. A low shrub very abundant on the hills and mountains of Scotland. Its foliage gives to the landscape a very soft olive tinge; its blossoms, a purplish hue.

103. Cambusmore. An estate near Callander.

105. Benledi. A mountain near Callander. The name signifies "Mountain of God."

106. Bochastle's heath. A flat plain between the east end of Loch Vennachar and Callander. TAYLOR.

107. The flooded Teith. The Teith, receiving the waters of Lochs Lubnaig, Voil, Vennachar, Achray, and Katrine, was liable to overflow its banks in rainy seasons.

Few were the stragglers, following far,
That reached the lake of Vennachar;
And when the Brigg of Turk was won,
The headmost horseman rode alone.



Alone, but with unbated zeal,
That horseman plied the scourge and steel;
For, jaded now, and spent with toil,
Embossed with foam, and dark with soil,
While every gasp with sobs he drew,
The laboring stag strained full in view.
Two dogs of black Saint Hubert's breed,
Unmatched for courage, breath, and speed,
Fast on his flying traces came,
And all but won that desperate game;
For, scarce a spear's length from his haunch,
Vindictive toiled the bloodhounds stanch;
Nor nearer might the dogs attain,
Nor farther might the quarry strain.
Thus up the margin of the lake,
Between the precipice and brake,

O'er stock and rock their race they take.





111. Vennachar. "Lake of the Fair Valley," one of the three lakes around which the scenery of the poem lies. - 112. Brigg of Turk. An old stone bridge over the Turk, a small stream in Glenfinlas valley.

115. Scourge and steel. Whip and spur. - 117. Embossed. Hunted until the foam from the mouth covered the stag like raised figures in ornamental work. - 120. Saint Hubert. The hounds which are called St. Hubert's are found of various colors, but are commonly all black. The abbots of St. Hubert have always kept some of this race of hounds in remembrance of their patron saint, who was a hunter. - 125. Vindictive. Revengeful. Stanch hound. Reliable in the pursuit of game.

127. Quarry. The hunted animal. - 129. Brake. Coarse ferns; bushes. 130. Stock. Log or stump.

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