Imágenes de páginas

6. Give your views of the nature and importance of Pastoral Visitation, and state the amount of attention you give to it.

7. Inform us of your general habits of study.

8. Name all. the books you have read each year since your admission on trial in the traveling ministry.

9. How much time do you devote to the study of the Scriptures, and with what method do you study them?


1. In what sense do you consider the Bible to be the word of God, and by what arguments do you sustain your views?

2. Explain what is meant by the phrase "Canon of Scripture."

3. Distinguish between the genuineness, and authenticity, and credibility of a book.

4. Give a synopsis of the argument by which the genuineness of the books constituting our received Canon of the Old Testament is established.

5. Give a synopsis of the argument establishing the genuineness of the books

contained in the received Canon of the

New Testament.

6. In what sense do Protestants affirm and Romanists deny that the Scriptures form a complete and infallible rule of faith and practice?

7. State when the authorized version of the Bible appeared, and how it was produced.

8. Give an epitome of the history of the Israelites from the time of the Exodus to the death of Joshua.

9. Recount the leading facts connected with the revolt of the Ten Tribes.

10. Name the great Annual Festivals of the Jews; and also state what they were designed to commemorate, and how they were observed.

11. Name the principal prophets, the periods in which they prophesied, and the particular burdens of their prophecy.

12. Give from the life of our Lord some illustrations of his regard for the Old Testament Scriptures.

13. What predictions relate to Christ, especially to the time of his coming? his character office? death?

14. Of what periods of the life of our Lord have we historical records? and

over how long a period did his ministry extend?

15. Describe the principal events and localities of his ministry.

16. State the leading facts recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.

17. What is a miracle? In what way do miracles authenticate a divine revelation ?


1. In what manner does the Bible make known the existence of God! 2. What Scripture proof is there of a Trinity of Persons in one Godhead ?

3. Enumerate the attributes of God, and give Scripture proofs of each.

4. Give the scriptural doctrine of the Incarnation, and show how it is connected with the Gospel scheme.

5. Give a summary of the Scripture argument for the Divinity of Christ.

6. Give the Scripture proof of the Personality, Divinity, and Work of the Holy Spirit.

7. What was the effect of Adam's sin upon himself? upon his posterity?

8. What is the relation of the vicarious death of Christ to the forgiveness of our sins.

9. State the proofs by which the resurrection of Christ is established.

10. Show the nature and value of Christ's intercession as taught in the Scriptures.

11. What are the doctrine and proof of the Witness of the Spirit?

12. State concisely the doctrine of Christian perfection as taught by Mr. Wesley, and support it by Scripture proofs.

13. Explain the difference between regeneration or the new birth, and entire sanctification.

14. State the Arminian doctrine respecting the perseverance of the saints, and show its harmony with the Scriptures.

15. State the nature, design, and obligation of Baptism; and the proofs of each. 16. State why baptism of infants should be retained in the Church.

17. What are the phrases used in Scripture to designate the Lord's Supper; what their import? what the ground of obligation on Christians to observe this sacrament ?

18. State the Romish doctrine of Transubstantiation; also the Lutheran doctrine of Consubstantiation; and give ar


outline of the arguments by which each is disproved.

19. How do you prove that the wicked will not be annihilated?

20. State the Scripture doctrine of the resurrection of the body, and give the proofs.


1. State the different forms of Church government.

2. State the character of the organization in Great Britain; in what respects it differs from, and in what it agrees with, that of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States.

3. What are the respective duties and powers of the General Conference and of the Annual and Quarterly Conferences in the Methodist Episcopal Church?

4. What are the peculiar duties and powers vested in the following officers of the Church respectively, namely: Bishops, Presiding Elders, Elders, Deacons, Preachers in Charge, Local Preachers, Stewards, Trustees of Churches, and Class Leaders? and how is the limitation of the power, and the amenability of each for its proper exercise, fixed ?

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