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With our pastures about us, we could not be sad;

Our comfort was near if we ever were crost;

But the comfort, the blessings, and wealth that we had, We slighted them all,—and our birth-right was lost.

Oh, ill-judging sire of an innocent son

Who must now be a wanderer! but peace to that strain!
Think of evening's repose when our labour was done,
The sabbath's return; and its leisure's soft chain !

And in sickness, if night had been sparing of sleep,
How cheerful, at sunrise, the hill where I stood,
Looking down on the kine, and our treasure of sheep
That besprinkled the field; 'twas like youth in my blood!

Now I cleave to the house, and am dull as a snail;
And, oftentimes, hear the church-bell with a sigh,
That follows the thought-We've no land in the vale,
Save six feet of earth where our forefathers lie!

One of the "Poems founded on the Affections."-ED.

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[The story of this Poem is from the German of Frederica Brun.]

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SEVEN Daughters had Lord Archibald,

All children of one mother:


You could not say in one short day 1
What love they bore each other.

I could not say


A garland, of seven lilies, wrought!
Seven Sisters that together dwell;
But he, bold Knight as ever fought,
Their Father, took of them no thought,
He loved the wars so well.

Sing, mournfully, oh! mournfully,

The solitude of Binnorie !


Fresh blows the wind, a western wind,

And from the shores of Erin,

Across the wave, a Rover brave,
To Binnorie is steering:

Right onward to the Scottish strand

The gallant ship is borne;

The warriors leap upon the land,

And hark! the Leader of the band

Hath blown his bugle horn.

Sing, mournfully, oh! mournfully,

The solitude of Binnorie.


Beside a grotto of their own,
With boughs above them closing,

The Seven are laid, and in the shade
They lie like fawns reposing.
But now, upstarting with affright
At noise of man and steed,
Away they fly to left, to right-
Of your fair household, Father-knight,
Methinks you take small heed!
Sing, mournfully, oh! mournfully,
The solitude of Binnorie.



Away the seven fair Campbells fly,

And, over hill and hollow,

With menace proud, and insult loud,

The youthful Rovers follow.

Cried they, "Your Father loves to roam:

Enough for him to find

The empty house when he comes home; For us your yellow ringlets comb,

For us be fair and kind!"

Sing, mournfully, oh! mournfully,

The solitude of Binnorie.


Some close behind, some side by side,
Like clouds in stormy weather;

They run, and cry, "Nay, let us die,
And let us die together."

A lake was near; the shore was steep;

There never foot had been;

They ran, and with a desperate leap
Together plunged into the deep,

Nor ever more were seen.

Sing, mournfully, oh! mournfully,

The solitude of Binnorie.


The stream that flows out of the lake,
As through the glen it rambles,
Repeats a moan o'er moss and stone,
For those seven lovely Campbells.

Seven little Islands, green and bare,
Have risen from out the deep;

The fishes say, those sisters fair,

By faeries all are buried there,
And there together sleep.

Sing, mournfully, oh! mournfully,

The solitude of Binnorie.

One of the "Poems of the Fancy."-ED.



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-HAST thou then survived

Mild Offspring of infirm humanity,

Meek Infant! among all forlornest things.
The most forlorn-one life of that bright star,
The second glory of the Heavens ?—Thou hast ;
Already hast survived that great decay,
That transformation through the wide earth felt,
And by all nations. In that Being's sight
From whom the Race of human kind proceed,
A thousand years are but as yesterday;

And one day's narrow circuit is to Him
Not less capacious than a thousand years.

But what is time? What outward glory? neither
A measure is of Thee, whose claims extend
Through 'heaven's eternal year.'-Yet hail to Thee,
Frail, feeble, Monthling-by that name, methinks,
Thy scanty breathing-time is portioned out
Not idly. Hadst thou been of Indian birth,
Couched on a casual bed of moss and leaves,
And rudely canopied by leafy boughs,

Or to the churlish elements exposed

On the blank plains,—the coldness of the night,
Or the night's darkness, or its cheerful face
Of beauty, by the changing moon adorned,
Would, with imperious admonition, then
Have scored thine age, and punctually timed
Thine infant history, on the minds of those
Who might have wandered with thee.-Mother's love,
Nor less than mother's love in other breasts,
Will, among us warm-clad and warmly housed,
Do for thee what the finger of the heavens
Doth all too often harshly execute
For thy unblest coevals, amid wilds
Where fancy hath small liberty to grace
The affections, to exalt them or refine;
And the maternal sympathy itself,
Though strong, is, in the main, a joyless tie
Of naked instinct, wound about the heart.
Happier, far happier, is thy lot and ours!
Even now-to solemnise thy helpless state,
And to enliven in the mind's regard
Thy passive beauty-parallels have risen,
Resemblances, or contrasts, that connect,
Within the region of a father's thoughts,
Thee and thy mate and sister of the sky.
And first; thy sinless progress, through a world
By sorrow darkened and by care disturbed,

Apt likeness bears to hers, through gathered clouds,

Moving untouched in silver purity,

And cheering oft-times their reluctant gloom.
Fair are ye both, and both are free from stain:
But thou, how leisurely thou fill'st thy horn.
With brightness ! leaving her to post along,
And range about, disquieted in change,

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