Imágenes de páginas

Yeas and nays, on Cumberland road bill, 4547.

bill making further appropriations for carrying
into effect certain Indian treaties, 4567,

Yeas and nays, on resolutions respecting bank loans
to members of Congress, 4605.

on acknowledging the independence of Texas,




Adams, Mr., Massachusetts, on amending the rules, 1949, | Adams, Mr., on Indian treaties, 4501, 4502, 4504,
1952, 1955, 1957.

on slavery in the District, 1996, 2000, 2128, 2129,
2135, 2168, 2219, 2240, 2314, 2316, 2317,

2321, 2534, 2607.

the Ohio boundary, 2042.

constitution of Michigan, 2093.

District banks, 2116, 2120.

Seminole hostilities, 2139, 2359, 2727, 2732.

United States and Mexico, 2142, 2144, 3733,

partial appropriation bill, 2172.


[blocks in formation]

fortification bill of last session, 2264, 2265, 2267, Anthony, Mr., Pennsylvania, on the appropriation bills,

2268, 2269.

[blocks in formation]


contested election of Mr. Graham, 2721, 2962,


Seminole hostilities, 2732.

Post Office Department, 4132.

admission of Michigan and Arkansas, 4210.

deposite bill, 4339, 4350, 4351, 4359.

on the cultivation and manufacture of cotton, Ash, Mr., Pennsylvania, on the deposite bill, 4368.

[blocks in formation]

defence of the Western frontier, 3519, 3521,
3764, 3766.

remarks on a paragraph in the Globe respecting
the treaty for the Southwestern frontier, 3579.
naval appropriation bill, 3615.
fortification bill, 3668.

misrepresentations corrected in relation to the
Florida treaty in 1819, 3701.
Mexican affairs, 3733, 3902.

Post Office Department, 3783, 4112, 4132.
abolition report, 4028, 4029, 4030, 4031, 4032,
4050, 4053.

allowing rations to sufferers in Alabama, 4036.
amending the journal, 4057, 4059, 4060, 4061,
4062, 4963.

a decision of the Chair, 4091, 4096, 4102.
convention with Spain, 4115, 4176.

bill to change the time of meeting of Congress,

Indian annuities, 4174.

the admission of Michigan and Arkansas, 4208,
4251, 4260, 4306.

on a breach of privilege, 4282, 4283, 4321.
Ohio boundary bill, 4309, 4310.

deposite bill, 4346, 4350, 4359.

inquiring into bank loans to members of Con-
gress, 4348.

printing the constitutions of the several States,

harbor bill, 4485.

Ashley, Mr., Missouri, on the Michigan Mining Compa-

ny, 2142.

Wisconsin Territory bill, 3222.

the general appropriation bill, 3269, 3285.

bill for the acceptance of volunteers, 3325, 3339,
3553, 3368.

fortification bill, 4175, 4335.
harbor bill, 4388, 4389, 4390.

military and other roads, 4501.

Beale, Mr., Virginia, on the deposite bill, 4368.
Beardsley, Mr., New York, on slavery in the District,
1971, 1972, 1975, 1979, 1987, 2038.

the Representative of Michigan taking his seat,

District banks, 2109, 2114, 2115, 2119, 2120.
memorial from Michigan, 2145, 2146, 2155.
sufferers by fire at New York, 2210.

the contested election of Mr. Graham, 2648,

memoria! from Trades Union, 2891.
Bank of the United States, 2933.

Beaumont, Mr., Pennsylvania, on the fortification bill,


Bell, Mr., Tennessee, on slavery in the District, 1968.
the amendment of the rules, 2180.

naval appropriations, 2181.

the appropriation bills, 2344, 2504, 2505, 2506,

executive patronage, 2470, 2473, 2475, 2476.
contested election of Mr. Graham, 2623, 2629,

naval service bill, 2817, 3207, 4672.

amending the constitution, 3015, 3016, 3017.
general appropriation bill, 3243, 3246.
army appropriation bill, 3376, 3391.

suspending the sale of part of the land acquired

by the treaty of Dancing Rabbit creek, 3461.
defence of the Western frontier, 3520, 3788.

Bell, Mr., on Choctaw claims, 3615.

Post Office Department, 3785, 3810, 4134.
Indian appropriation bill, 4067.

on a decision of the Chair, 4099.

Indian annuities, 4136, 4140, 4174, 4175, 4187,

to alter the time of meeting of Congress, 4138.
breach of privilege, 4283.

deposite bill, 4339.

the harbor bill, 4591, 4437, 4532.

on recognising the independence of Texas, 4449.
Indian treaties, 4566.

Indian frauds and hostilities, 4580, 4585.

the mission to Ohio and Michigan, 4663.

Bond, Mr., Ohio, on the constitution of Michigan, 2091.
Post Office, 2488.

Bank of the United States, 2927.

the Jackson city bill, 3004.
Wisconsin Territory bill, 3220.
general appropriation bill, 3319.

bill for the acceptance of volunteers, 3322.
deposite banks, 3357, 3402.

bill for relief of Letcher and Moore, 4192.

Boon, Mr., Indians, on frauds under the pre-emption
law, 2518.

[blocks in formation]

inquiry into bank loans to members of Congress,

4348, 4349.

harbor bill, 4532.

Indian treaties, 4566.

Indian frauds and hostilities, 4589, 4603.

Bouldin, Mr., Virginia, on slavery in the District, 1976,
2002, 2169, 2224.

the District banks, 2104, 2108, 2112.

sufferings in Florida, 2442.

do. by fire in New York, 2710.

the contested election of Mr. Graham, 2736.

treaty with Mexico, 3728.

report on abolition, 3758.

bill in favor of Polish exiles, 4104.

Post Office Department, 4114.

bill for relief of Letcher and Moore, 4193.
appropriating the proceeds of the public lands,
4196, 4323.

the admission of Michigan and Arkansas, 4208.
breach of privilege, 4283.

Ohio boundary bill, 4309.

District banks, 4438.

Indian treaties, 4550.

Indian frauds and hostilities, 4583.

Boyd, Mr., Kentucky, on the contested election of Mr.

Graham, 2621, 2623, 2629, 2641, 2647, 2650,
2685, 2764, 2766, 2864, 2865, 2868, 2959,

harbor bill, 4389.

Brigge, Mr., Massachusetts, on West Point Academy,


the Post Office, 2488.

slavery in the District, 2533.

New York sufferers by fire, 2628, 3118.

Bank of the United States, 2931.

incendiary publications, 2946.


Briggs, Mr., on contested election of Mr. Graham, 2984.
allowing pay to D. Newland, 3089.

on furnishing the new members with books, 3147.
division of the proceeds of the public land, 3627.
defending the Western frontier, 3771.

Post Office Department, 3781, 3783, 4134, 4536.
amending the journal, 4061.

to alter the time of meeting of Congress, 4137,

fortification bill, 4175, 4338.

admission of Michigan and Arkansas, 4210, 4274.
Ohio boundary bill, 4310.

Indian treaties, 4557.

Brown, Mr., New York, on the New York sufferers
from fire, 2599.

slavery in the District, 2609.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2565.

Bank of the United States, 2921.

Wisconsin Territory, 3093.

Bynum, Mr., North Carolina, on slavery in the District,
2130, 2536.

naval appropriations, 2187.

the fortification bill of last session, 2435.
Post Office Department, 2540.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2621, 2637,
2638, 2664, 2666, 2683, 2685, 2686, 2688,

2737, 2885, 2887, 2966, 2967, 2984, 2989.

defence of Western frontier, 3544.

dividing the proceeds of the public lands, 3684.
report on abolition, 3763, 3772, 3778.
Indian frauds and hostilities, 4584.

Calhoon, Mr., Kentucky, on the contested election of
Mr. Graham, 2985, 2986, 2987, 2996.

bill for acceptance of volunteers, 3334.
treaty with Mexico, 3728.

on a decision of the Chair, 4094.

Indian treaties, 4549, 4565.

judiciary bill, 4615, 4618.

Calhoun, Mr., Massachusetts, on deposite banks, 3355.
deposite bill, 4342.

Cambreleng, Mr., New York, on amending the rules,


slavery in the District, 1985.

sufferers by fire at New York, 1991, 1994, 2041,
2102, 2132, 2140, 2195, 2196, 2526, 2574,
2594, 2595, 2598, 2599, 2600, 2623, 2624,
2711, 3117.

District banks, 2118.

Seminole hostilities, 2138, 2139, 2358, 2722,

partial appropriation bill, 2172, 2173.

naval do., 2160, 2181, 2182, 2504, 2506, 2516,

2517, 2668, 2801, 3145, 3146, 3201, 3205.
fortification bill of last session, 2263, 2314, 2360.
on the appropriation bills, 2355, 2469.
sufferings in Florida, 2440.

repealing the 14th section of the act establishing
the United States Bank, 2919, 2935, 3235.
amending the constitution, 3017.

on increasing custom-house officers, 3147.
Wisconsin Territory, 3201.

general appropriation bill, 3240, 3241, 3246,
3248, 3249, 3269, 3270, 3273, 3282, 3283,
3307, 3321, 3326, 3509, 3510.

bill for acceptance of volunteers, 3333, 3341.
providing salaries for certain officers, 3364.
army appropriation bill, 3376, 3465, 3466, 3467,


naval do., 3469, 3470, 3474, 3614, 3615.

for the defence of the Western frontier, 3493,
3510, 3511, 3518, 3519, 3544, 3547, 3763,

fortification bill, 4009, 4178, 4313, 4330, 4331,
4334, 4585.



Cambreleng, Mr., on Post Office Department, 4064, 4133. | Craig, Mr., Virginia, on slavery in the District, 2171.

[blocks in formation]

Carter, Mr., Tennessee, on the general appropriation
bill, 3286, 3290, 3300.

fortification bill, 3937, 4334.

harbor bill, 4384, 4387, 4589, 4485, 4491.

Casey, Mr., Illinois, on resolutions on the death of his
colleague, Mr. Kane, 1959.

on the bill to graduate the price of public lands,
Chambers, Mr., Pennsylvania, on amending the rules,

sufferers by fire at New York, 2199, 2712.
on the naval service bill, 2799, 2801.

repealing the 14th section of the United States
Bank act, 3236.

division of the proceeds of the public lands, 3580.
Post Office Department, 4064.

Chambers, Mr., Kentucky, on the New York sufferers

by fire, 2199, 2601, 2623, 3118.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2942, 2985,

[blocks in formation]

the partial appropriation bill, 2173.
on a decision of the Chair, 4081.

Crane, Mr., Ohio, on the deposite bill, 4349.
harbor bill, 4447.

Cushing, Mr., Massachusetts, on slavery in the District,

naval appropriation bill, 2519, 3205.
convention with Spain, 2681.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2686.
sufferers by fire in New York, 3118.

repealing the 14th section of the United States

Bank act, 3237.

District business, 3480.

treaty with Mexico, 3724.

the Kentucky resolutions respecting the disposi-
tion of the public lands, 3820.

allowing rations to sufferers in Alabama, 4035.
admission of Michigan and Arkansas, 4260, 4301.
Cushman, Mr., New Hampshire, on the navy appropri-
ation bill, 2505, 2516, 3209.

contested election of Mr. Grabam, 2986, 2987,

Wisconsin Territory bill, 3222, 3225.

sufferers by fire in New York, 2568.

Davis, Mr., Indiana, on the Michigan Mining Company,
2144, 2159.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2664, 2989.
Bank of the United States, 2932.

Pensacola and Perdido railroad, 2965.

Deberry, Mr., North Carolina, on the pension laws,


Denny, Mr., Pennsylvania, on the sufferers by fire at
New York, 2239.

repealing the 14th section of the act establishing
the Bank of the United States, 2922, 3237.

general appropriation bill, 3287.

Post Office Department, 4064.

appropriating the proceeds of the public lands,

fortification bill, 4332.

deposite bill, 4340.

harbor bill, 4485.

Dickerson, Mr., New Jerscy, on the bill to secure the
title to Pea Patch island, 3708.
fortification bill, 4333.

[blocks in formation]

fortification bill, 4331.

deposite bill, 4350, 4368.

Clark, Mr., Pennsylvania, on slavery in the District, Dunlap, Mr., Tennessee, on the naval appropriation


on memorial in favor of the colonization cause,
2696, 2779.

Coffee, Mr., Georgia, on a report on abolition, 4052.
Connor, Mr., North Carolina, on incendiary publications,
2485, 2945.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2666.
altering the time of making mail contracts, 3495.
bill for changing the organization of the Post Of-
fice Department, 3779, 3781, 3782, 3784,
3810, 4063, 4105, 4112, 4133, 4390, 4535.
post route bill, 4537.

Corwin, Mr., Ohio, on the constitution of Michigan,


[blocks in formation]

bill, 2506.

[blocks in formation]

Everett, Mr., Vermont, on amending the rules, 1953, | Gillet, Mr., on the deposite bill, 4376.

the constitution of Michigan, 2090.
District banks, 2111, 2122.

naval affairs, 2165, 2509, 3207.

sufferers at New York by fire, 2239, 2705, 3119.
do. in Florida, 2439.

appropriation bills, 2485.

Post Office Department, 2537.

erecting a monument to the memory of Captain
N. Hale, 2557.

general appropriation bill, 3287, 3289, 3319.
bill for the acceptance of volunteers, 3325, 3353,
3354, 3374.

Post Office Department, 3779, 3781, 3782, 3783,
4055, 4134.

[blocks in formation]

Garland, Mr., Virginia, on slavery in the District, 1967,
1970, 2062, 2334, 2503.

the contested election of Mr. Graham, 2985.
naval service bill, 3018, 3202.

army appropriation bill, 3467.

division of the proceeds of the public lands, 3585.
Post Office Department, 3783, 3810.

Garland, Mr., Louisiana, on the District banks, 2112.
New York sufferers by fire, 2600.

defence of the Western frontier, 3530.

misrepresentations in the papers corrected, 3678.
harbor bill, 4389.

District banks, 4438.

Indian frauds and hostilities, 4583.

Land Office bill, 4606.

Gillet, Mr., New York, on the partial appropriation bill,

District banks, 2217.

bill for relief of Jesse Smith, 2489.

slavery in the District, 2537.

reorganizing the militia, 2767.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2886, 2986.
allowing pay to D. Newland, 3088.

bill for accepting volunteers, 3346.

division of the proceeds of the public lands, 3592,

Post Office Department, 3782.

bill to alter the time of meeting of Congress,

bill to regulate the compensation of officers of rev-
enue cutters, 4205.

on a breach of privilege, 4281.

harbor bill, 4387, 4448, 4492.
District banks, 4440.

Indian treaties, 4558.

Glascock, Mr., Georgia, on slavery in the District, 1968,
1989, 2129, 2137, 2317, 2318.

naval affairs, 2161.

sufferers in Florida, 2443.

executive patronage, 2479, 2481.
removal of the Creek Indians, 2556.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2685, 2889,

reorganization of the militia, 2777, 2778.

general appropriation bill, 3287.

bill for accepting volunteers, 3345, 3764, 3765,

District business, 3479.

report on abolition, 4032.

amending the journal, 4059, 4060.

Indian annuities, 4174, 4190.

Graham, Mr., North Carolina, on his own contested
election, 2639, 2650, 2767, 2864, 2937, 2946,
2965, 2997.

Granger, Mr., New York, on slavery in the District,
2008, 2482, 2620.

sufferers in Florida, 2440.

distribution of the proceeds of the public lands,

amending the journal, 4061.

the Wisconsin Territory, 3093.
bill for accepting volunteers, 3340.
fortification bill, 4009, 4334.

on amending the journal, 4061.
bill in favor of Polish exiles, 4103.

Grantland, Mr., Georgia, on Indian treaties, 4549, 4550,

4553, 4558.

Indian frauds and hostilities, 4580, 4592.

Graves, Mr., Kentucky, on the New York sufferings
from fire, 2558, 2601.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2984, 2985,

Kentucky resolutions, 3231.

general appropriation bill, 3287.

naval appropriation do., 3469, 3470, 3474, 3615,

District business, 3482, 3484, 3507, 3508.
defence of Western frontier, 3546, 3547.
division of proceeds of the public lands, 3548,

Post Office Department, 3783, 3784.
harbor bill, 4389.

additional appropriation bill, 4608.

Grennell, Mr., Massachusetts, on the District banks,

[blocks in formation]

Hamer, Mr., on slavery in the District, 1978.

constitution of Michigan, 2078, 2102.
West Point Academy, 2194.
executive patronage, 2471.

reorganization of the militia, 2777, 2778.
memorial of Trades Union, 2891.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2970.
allowing pay to D. Newland, 3089.
Wisconsin Territory bill, 3223.
navy appropriations, 3470, 3471, 3555.
District business, 3478, 3479.

defence of the Western frontier, 3520.

division of the proceeds of the public lands, 3583.

report on abolition, 4032.

amending the journal, 4057, 4060.

admission of Michigan and Arkansas, 4232.

fortification bill, 4332.

harbor bill, 4494.

[blocks in formation]

West Point Academy, 2194, 2682. ·
appropriation bills, 2485.

suspension of the rules, 2488.

the general appropriation bill, 3287, 3321.

bill for the acceptance of volunteers, 3345, 3375.
the disposition of the public lands, 3862.
admission of Michigan and Arkansas, 4213.
Cumberland road bill, 4547.

memorial from Legislature of Michigan, 4670.
Hard, Mr., New York, on the contested election of Mr.
Graham, 2623, 2641, 2664, 2683, 2685, 2692,
2755, 2865, 2867, 2884, 2946, 2960.
admission of Michigan and Arkansas, 4267.
fortification bill, 4329.

harbor bill, 4485.

Hardin, Mr., Kentucky, on the New York sufferers by
fire, 2141, 2196, 2574, 2599, 2600, 2710.
Michigan memorial, 2156.

partial appropriation bill, 2173.

slavery in the District, 2317.

on the appropriation bills, 2343, 2357, 2468.
Seminole war, 2359.

last year's fortification bill 2388.

naval appropriation bill, 2507, 2524.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2622, 2664,

2666, 2691, 2890, 2940, 2968.

Pensacola and Perdido railroad, 2964.
allowing pay to D. Newland, 3087.
Wisconsin Territory bill, 3222.

repealing the 14th section of the United States
Bank act, 3239.

the general appropriation bill, 3273, 3289, 3319.
bill for the acceptance of volunteers, 3325, 3330,
3765, 3772, 3792.

army appropriation bill, 3466.

on District business, 3508, 3722.
report on abolition, 3757, 4116.
fortification bill, 4313, 4330.

for extending the pension system, 4339.
deposite bill, 4358.

Indian treaties, 4561.

[blocks in formation]

Harper, Mr., Pennsylvania, on slavery in the District,


naval appropriations, 2182, 3205, 3206.
sufferings in Florida, 2447.

repealing the 14 h section of the act establishing

the Bank of the United States, 2932, 3237.
increasing custom-house officers, 3146.

the general appropriation bill, 3273, 3319.
army appropriation bill, 3466.

District business, 3480.

Post Office Department, 3781, 3782, 4114.
harbor bill, 4380.

Hawes, Mr., Kentucky, on naval affairs, 2162.
West Point Academy, 2192.

France and United States, 2218.

slavery in the District, 2222.

sufferings in Florida, 2442.

Post Office Department, 2537, 2538, 2539, 2540.
pay of volunteers, 2576.

naval service bill, 2866.

Bank of the United States, 2927.

contested election of Mr. Graham, 2941, 2985,

2987, 2988.

disposition of the public lands, 2989, 3360.

amending the constitution, 3016.
presentation of petitions, S299.
general appropriation bill, 3319.
deposite banks, 3354.

bill for the acceptance of volunteers, 3368, 3374.
army appropriation bill, 3466.

navy do., 3469, 3470, 3577.

District business, 3482, 3507, 3508.

Choctaw claims, 3616.

report on abolition, 3759.

allowing rations to sufferers in Alabama, 4033,

Post Office Department, 4065, 4105, 4114.
breach of privilege, 4320, 4322.

fortification bill, 4329, 4332, 4335, 4337.

harbor bill, 4380, 4388, 4389, 4447, 4486, 4491.
District banks, 4440.

monument to Washington, 4490.

light-house bill, 4494.

harbor bill, 4530, 4531, 4532, 4533.

West Point Academy bill, 4577.

Indian frauds and hostilities, 4581.

Hawkins, Mr., North Carolina, on the contested election
of Mr. Graham, 3006.

allowing pay to Mr. Newland, in contesting Mr.
Graham's election, 3015.

report in favor of paying Newland, 3084, 3087,

[blocks in formation]


the contested election of Mr. Graham, 2961.
Wisconsin Territory bill, 3223.
presentation of petitions, 3297.

bill for accepting volunteers, 3353.
United States and Mexico, 3730.

Indian treaties, 4557.

Indian frauds and hostilities, 4582.

Holsey, Mr., Georgia, on the Michigan memorial, 2155.

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