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by an opposite change in the total amount of kinetic energy; from which it follows that the sum of potential and kinetic energies remains unchanged. Whenever kinetic energy is increased at the expense of potential energy, the forces concerned do an amount of positive work equal to the amount by which the former is increased or the latter diminished. On the other hand, whenever potential energy is increased at the expense of kinetic energy, the forces do negative work equal in absolute value to the energy thus transferred. Instances of the former kind of transfer are furnished by the motion of a falling body and the motion of a planet from aphelion to perihelion; instances of the latter kind are furnished by the motion of a body thrown upwards, and the motion of a planet from perihelion to aphelion.

53 K. Effect of Friction upon Transformation of Energy. Thus far we have been supposing that frictional resistances are neglected. Friction, in fact, causes an apparent loss of energy, but this loss is accompanied by a generation of heat which is itself a form of energy, and a definite amount of heat is produced by each unit of work thus apparently wasted. Conversely, whenever heat is employed as a motive power (in the steam-engine, for example), a quantity of heat is destroyed equivalent, on the same scale, to the work produced.

Another kind of energy is developed when friction is employed as a means of generating electricity. In this case the potential energy of electrical attraction which is called into existence is the precise equivalent of the work spent in producing it.

Similar principles apply to all other cases in which energy is. apparently destroyed. Any particular form of energy may be destroyed, but only on condition of an equivalent amount of energy in some other shape coming into existence. The whole amount of energy in the universe cannot undergo either increase or diminution. This great natural law is called the principle of the conservation of


The exact nature of the various forms of molecular energy, such as heat, light, electricity, magnetism, and chemical affinity, is not at present known, but we run little risk of error in affirming that they all consist either of peculiar kinds of molecular motion or of peculiar arrangements of molecules as regards relative position. They must therefore fall under one or other of the two heads “ ‘energy of position" and "energy of motion.”



54. The object of the balance is the measurement of the weights of bodies. It consists essentially of a rigid lever AB called the beam, movable about an axis O at the centre of its length. This axis rests

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upon two planes, and as it is a little above the centre of gravity, the beam takes a position of stable equilibrium. An index needle attached to the beam traverses a graduated arc, and indicates the position of equilibrium of the beam by pointing to zero.

This equilibrium will not be disturbed if we suspend from the extremities of the beam two scale-pans of the same substance, form, and dimensions. Neither will it be disturbed if in these scale-pans we place bodies of equal weight. And conversely, if two bodies placed in the two scale-pans equilibrate each other, their weights are


81 equal. This, then, is the principle of the well-known use of the balance.

55. Correctness of the Balance. It is necessary to the validity of the preceding reasoning that the scale-pans should be suspended at exactly the same distance from the axis, or, in other words, that the arms of the balance should be rigorously equal in length. This is known to be the case if the needle points to zero both when the scale-pans are empty and when they are loaded with two bodies of equal weight. If we have not two weights exactly equal, it is sufficient to place any body whatever in one of the scale-pans, and equilibrate it by placing so much matter in the other scale as will bring the index to zero; if we then interchange the contents of the two scale-pans, the needle should still point to zero. If it does not, the reason is that the arms are not of equal length. however, to make the arms of approximately equal exceedingly difficult to make them rigorously equal; and accordingly, whenever great accuracy is required, the method of double weighing is employed, which enables us to obtain the exact weight, even when the arms of the balance are slightly unequal. This method consists in first counterpoising the body to be weighed with any substance— as, for example, shot or sand-and then replacing the body by weights sufficient to produce equilibrium. It is evident that these latter, as they produce the same effect as the body under the same circumstances, must have the same weight.

Easy as it is, length, it is

56. Sensibility of the Balance.-A balance is said to be more or less sensitive when the beam, supposed to be originally horizontal, is more or less inclined for a given difference of weights. The sensibility depends, in the first place, on the friction of the axis against its supports. In carefully constructed balances this axis is formed by the edge of a triangular prism of very hard steel, called a knifeedge, which rests upon a plane of steel or agate. In this way, as rotation takes place about a very fine axis, and as, besides, the materials employed are very hard, the friction is rendered exceedingly small.

Supposing friction to be eliminated, the sensibility of the balance depends upon the weight of the beam, its length, and the distance between its centre of gravity and the axis of suspension. We shall proceed to investigate the influence of these different elements.

Let A and B be the points from which the scale-pans are suspended, O the axis about which the beam turns, and G the centre of

gravity of the beam. If when the scale-pans are loaded with equal weights, we put into one of them an excess of weight p, the beam

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only the force p applied at B', and the weight of the beam applied at G', the new position of the centre of gravity. These two forces are parallel, and are in equilibrium about the axis O, that is, their resultant passes through the point O. The distances of the points of application of the forces from a vertical through O are therefore inversely proportional to the forces themselves, which gives the


T. G'R=p. B'L.

But if we call half the length of the beam l, and the distance OG r, we have

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whence πr sin a=pl cos a, and consequently

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The formula (a) contains the entire theory of the sensibility of the balance when properly constructed. We see, in the first place, that tan α increases with the excess of weight p, which was evident beforehand. We see also that the sensibility increases as l increases and as π diminishes, or, in other words, as the beam becomes longer and lighter. At the same time it is obviously desirable that, under the action of the weights employed, the beam should be stiff enough to undergo no sensible change of shape. The problem of the balance then consists in constructing a beam of the greatest possible length and lightness, which shall be capable of supporting the action of given forces without bending.



Fortin, whose balances are justly esteemed, employed for his beams bars of steel placed edgewise; he thus obtained great rigidity, but certainly not all the lightness possible. At present the makers of balances employ in preference beams of copper or steel made in the form of a frame, as shown in Fig. 42. They generally give them the shape of a very elongated lozenge, the sides of which are connected by bars variously arranged. The determination of the best shape is, in fact, a special problem, and is an application on a small scale of that principle of applied mechanics which teaches us that hollow pieces have greater resisting power in proportion to their weight than solid pieces, and consequently, for equal resisting power, the former are lighter than the latter. Aluminium, which with a rigidity nearly equal to that of copper, has less than one-fourth of its density, seems naturally marked out as adapted to the construction of beams. It has as yet, however, been little used.

The formula (a) shows us, in the second place, that the sensibility increases as r diminishes; that is, as the centre of gravity approaches the centre of suspension. These two points, however, must not coincide, for in that case for any excess of weight, however small, the beam would deviate from the horizontal as far as the mechanism would permit, and would afford no indication of approach to equality in the weights. With equal weights it would remain in equilibrium in any position. In virtue of possessing this last property, such a balance is called indifferent. Practically the distance between the centre of gravity and the point of suspension must not be less than a certain amount depending on the use for which the balance is designed. The proper distance is determined by observing what difference of weights corresponds to a division of the graduated arc along which the needle moves. If, for example, there are 20 divisions on each side of zero, and if 2 milligrammes are necessary for the total displacement of the needle, each division will correspond to an excess of weight of oro of a milligramme. That this may be the case we must evidently have a suitable value of r, and the maker is enabled to regulate this value with precision by means of the screw which is shown in the figure above the beam, and which enables him slightly to vary the position of the centre of gravity.

2 20

In the above analysis we have supposed that the three points of suspension of the beam and of the two scale-pans are in one straight line; in which case the value of tan a does not include P, that is, the sensibility is independent of the weight in the pans. This follows

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