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The above reasoning is not offered as an à priori proof of the general principle in question, but as a logical deduction of it from the law of composition of motions due to several forces. The proportionality of velocity to the force which produces it can be proved experimentally by Attwood's machine, and in other ways; and the law of composition in question must be regarded as established by the experimental verification of these and other consequences to which it leads.

From the direct proportionality of velocity to the force by which it is generated, when the mass is given, we may infer the inverse proportionality of velocity to the mass which is set in motion, when the force is given. For instance, if we double the mass, leaving the force unchanged, we may resolve the force into two equal parts, acting one on each half of the mass. Doubling the mass has, therefore, the same effect on the motion as halving the force.

The velocity generated in a given time is thus proportional to the moving force divided by the mass moved; from which it follows that force is proportional to the product of mass by velocity generated in a given time.

When force is expressed in terms of the "absolute" or "invariable" unit, first proposed by Gauss, we can assert that the moving force is equal to the product of the mass moved, and the velocity generated 1 a unit of time. For example, since the force of gravity on a body in weighing M pounds causes it to acquire a velocity of g feet in a second, this force is numerically equal to Mg, it being understood that the pound is the unit of mass, and the foot and second the units of space and time.

That the pound is really and strictly a standard of mass is obvious from the consideration that the standard pound is a certain piece of platinum, preserved at the office of the Exchequer in London, and that this piece of platinum would remain a true pound if carried to any part of the earth.

At any one place, since g has a given value, the masses of bodies are proportional simply to their weights, but this proportion obviously does not hold in the comparison of masses at places where the values of g are different. When a body is carried about to different parts of space, its mass, or quantity of matter, remains of course the same,

1 The absolute unit of force may be defined as that force which, acting on unit mass for unit time, would generate unit velocity. The force of gravity on unit mass contains g such units.

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but its weight alters in proportion to the greater or less intensity of gravity; for instance, at the centre of the earth, regarded as a uniform sphere, its weight would be nothing, This annihilation of its weight would in no way affect its resistance to acceleration. The difference between the mass of a ball of cork, and that of a ball of lead of the same diameter, could in such circumstances be readily detected by the different resistances which they would oppose to attempts to set them in rapid motion, or to check their motion when commenced.

It must be regarded as a remarkable fact, and one which could only have been established by experiment, that the two modes of comparing masses perfectly coincide; that is to say, two bodies, even though composed of different materials, if their sizes are so proportioned that they oppose equal resistances to acceleration, will also gravitate with equal forces, as tested by their balancing each other in a pair of scales. This principle is established experimentally by the equal velocities of fall of all bodies in vacuo, and, with much greater accuracy, by the equality of the number of vibrations made in the same time by pendulums of the same size and form, but of different materials.



43. The Pendulum.-When a body is suspended so that it can turn about a horizontal axis which does not pass through its centre of gravity, its only position of stable equilibrium is that in which its centre of gravity is in the same vertical plane with the axis and below it (§ 28). If the body be turned into any other position, and left to itself, it will oscillate from one side to the other of the position of equilibrium, until the resistance of the air and the friction of the axis gradually bring it to rest. A body thus suspended, whatever be its form, is called a pendulum. It frequently consists of a rod which can turn about an axis O at its upper end, and which carries at its lower end a heavy lens-shaped piece of metal M called the bob; this latter can be raised or lowered by means of the screw V. The applications of the pendulum are very important: it regulates our clocks, and it has enabled us to measure the intensity of gravity and ascertain the differences in its amount at different parts of the world; it is important then to know at least the fundamental points in its theory. For explaining these we shall begin with the consideration of an ideal body called the simple pendulum.

44. Simple Pendulum.-This is the name given to a pendulum consisting of a heavy particle M attached to one end of an inextensible thread without weight, the other end of the thread being fixed at A. When the Fig. 34.-Pendulum. thread is vertical the weight of the particle acts in

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the direction of its length, and there is equilibrium. But suppose it is drawn aside into another position, as AM. In this case the weight MG of the particle can be resolved into two forces MC and MH. The former, acting along the prolongation of the thread, is destroyed by the resistance of the thread;


the other, acting along the tangent MH, produces the motion of the particle. This effective component is evidently so much the greater as the angle of displacement from the vertical position is greater. The particle will therefore move along an arc of a circle described from A as centre, and the force which urges it forward will continually diminish till it arrives at the lowest point M'. At M' this force is zero, but, in virtue of the velocity acquired, the particle will ascend on the opposite side, the effective component of gravity being now opposed to the direction of its motion; and, inasmuch as the magnitude of this component goes through the same series of values in this part of the motion as in the former part, but in reversed order, the velocity will, in like manner, retrace its former values, and will become zero when the particle has risen to a point M" at the same height as M. It then descends again and performs an oscillation from M" to M precisely similar to the first, but in the reverse direction. It will thus continue to vibrate between the two points M, M" (friction being supposed excluded), for an indefinite number of times, all the vibrations being of equal extent and performed in equal periods.

Fig. 35.-Motion of Simple Pendulum.

The distance through which a simple pendulum travels in moving from its lowest position to its furthest position on either side, is called its amplitude. It is evidently equal to half the complete are of vibration, and is commonly expressed, not in linear measure, but in degrees of arc. Its numerical value is of course equal to that of the angle MAM', which it subtends at the centre of the circle.

The complete period of the pendulum's motion is the time which it occupies in moving from M to M" and back to M, or more generally, is the time from its passing through any given position to its next passing through the same position in the same direction. What is commonly called the time of vibration, or the time of

a single vibration, is the half of a complete period, being the time of passing from one of the two extreme positions to the other. Hence what we have above defined as a complete period is often called a double vibration.

When the amplitude changes, the time of vibration changes also, being greater as the amplitude is greater; but the connection between the two elements is very far from being one of simple proportion. The change of time (as measured by a ratio) is much less than the change of amplitude, especially when the amplitude is small; and when the amplitude is less than about 5°, any further diminution of it has little or no sensible effect in diminishing the time. For small vibrations, then, the time of vibration is independent of the amplitude. This is called the law of isochronism.

The time of a single vibration when the amplitude is small is expressed by the formula:

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7 denoting the length of the pendulum, g the intensity of gravity, and the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. As regards the units in which T, l, and g are expressed, it must be remarked that if g is expressed in the usual way, as in § 38, 7 must be expressed in feet, and the value obtained for T will be in seconds.

The formula shows that the time of vibration is proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum, so that if the pendulum be lengthened four, nine, or sixteen fold, the time will be doubled, trebled, or quadrupled.

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45. Experimental Laws of the Motion of the Pendulum. The preceding laws apply to the simple pendulum; that is to say, to a purely imaginary existence; but they are approximately true for ordinary pendulums, which in contradistinction to the simple pendulum are called compound pendulums. The discovery of the experimental laws of the motion of pendulums was in fact long anterior to the theoretical investigation. It was the earliest and one of the most important discoveries of Galileo, and dates from the year 1582, when he was about twenty years of age. It is related that on one occasion, when in the cathedral of Pisa, he was struck with the regularity of the oscillations of a lamp suspended from the roof, and it appeared to him that these oscillations, though diminishing in extent, preserved the same duration. He tested the fact by

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