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cross, which turns freely about a vertical axis. By means of an endless screw carried by the axis, a train of wheel-work is set in motion; and the indication is given by a hand which moves round a dial; or, in some instruments, by several hands moving round different dials like those of a gas-meter. The anemometer can also be made to leave a continuous record on paper, for which purpose various contrivances have been successfully employed. It was calculated by the inventor, and confirmed by his own experiments both in air and water, as well as by experiments conducted by Prof. C. Piazzi Smyth at Edinburgh, and more recently by the astronomer-royal at Greenwich, that the centre of each cup moves with a velocity which is almost exactly one-third of that of the wind. This is the only velocity-anemometer whose indications are exactly proportional to the velocity itself. Dr. Whewell's anemometer, which resembles a small windmill, is very far from fulfilling this condition, its variations of velocity being much less than those of the wind.

The direction of the wind, as indicated by a vane, can also be made to leave a continuous record by various contrivances; one of the most common being a pinion carried by the shaft of the vane, and driving a rack which carries a pencil. But perhaps the neatest arrangement for this purpose is a large screw with only one thread composed of a metal which will write on paper. A sheet of paper is moved by clock-work in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the screw, and is pressed against the thread, touching it of course only in one point, which travels parallel to the axis as the screw turns, and comes back to its original place after one revolution. When one end of the thread leaves the paper, the other end at the same instant comes on. The screw turns with the vane, so that a complete revolution of the screw corresponds to a complete revolution of the wind. This is one of the many ingenious contrivances devised and executed by Mr. Beckley, mechanical assistant in Kew Observatory.




408. Fundamental Phenomena.-If a glass tube be rubbed with a silk handkerchief, both tube and rubber being very dry, the tube will be found to have acquired the property of attracting light bodies. If the part rubbed be held near to small scraps of paper, pieces of

[graphic][subsumed][merged small]

cut straw, sawdust, &c., these objects will move to the tube; sometimes they remain in contact with it, sometimes they are alternately attracted and repelled, the intensity as well as the duration of these effects varying according to the amount of friction to which the tube has been subjected.

If the tube be brought near the face, the result is a sensation similar

to that produced by the contact of a cobweb. If the knuckle be held near the tube, a peculiar crackling noise is heard, and a bright spark passes between the tube and knuckle. The tube then has acquired peculiar properties by the application of friction. It is said to be electrified, and the name of electricity is given to the agent to which the various phenomena just described are attributed.

Glass is not the only substance which can be electrified by friction; the same property is possessed also by resin, sulphur, precious stones, amber, &c. The Greek name of this last substance (λEKтpov) is the root from which the word electricity is derived.

At first sight it appears that this property of becoming electrified by friction is not common to all bodies; for if a bar of metal be held in the hand and rubbed with wool, it does not acquire the properties

Fig. 333. Electrification of a Metal by Friction.

of an electrified body. But we should be wrong in concluding that metals cannot be electrified by friction; for if the bar be fitted on to a glass rod, and, while held by this handle, be struck with flannel or catskin, it may be very sensibly electrified. There is therefore no basis for the distinction formerly made between electrics and nonelectrics, that is, between substances capable and incapable of being electrified by friction; for all bodies, as far as at present known, are capable of being thus excited. There is, however, an important dif ference of another kind between them, which was first pointed out by Stephen Grey in 1729.

409. Conductors and Non-conductors.—In certain bodies, such as glass and resin, electricity does not spread itself beyond the parts of the surface where it has been developed; while in other bodies, such as metals, the electricity developed at any point immediately spreads itself over the whole body. Thus, in the last-mentioned experiment, the signs of electricity are immediately manifested at the end of the metal bar which is farthest from the glass rod, if the end next the rod be submitted to friction. Bodies of the former kind, such as glass, resin, &c., are said to be non-conductors. Metals are said to be good conductors. A non-conductor is often called an insulator, and a conductor supported by a non-conductor is said to be insulated. The appropriateness of these expressions is evident. No substance is perfectly non-conducting, but the difference in conduct



ing power between what are called non-conductors and good conductors, is enormous. The following are lists of conductors and non-conductors, arranged, at least approximately, in order of their conducting powers. In the list of conductors, the best conductors are put first; in the list of non-conductors, the worst conductors (or best insulators) are put first.

[blocks in formation]

The human body is a good conductor of electricity. If a person standing on a stool with glass legs be struck with a catskin, he becomes electrified in a very perceptible degree, and sparks may be drawn from any part of his body.

When an insulated and electrified conductor is allowed to touch another conductor insulated but not electrified, it is observed that, after the contact, both bodies possess electrical properties, electricity having been communicated to the second body at the expense of the first. If the second body be much the larger of the two, the electricity of the first is greatly diminished, and may become quite insensible. This explains the disappearance of electricity when a body is put in connection with the earth, which, together with most of the objects on its surface, may be regarded as constituting one enormous conductor. On account of its practically inexhaustible capacity for furnishing or absorbing electricity, the earth is often called the common reservoir.

It will now be easily understood why it is not possible to electrify a metal rod by rubbing it while it is held in the hand; since the

electricity, as fast as it is generated, passes off through the body into the earth.

Air, when thoroughly dry, is an excellent insulator; and electrified conductors exposed to it, and otherwise insulated, retain their charge with very little diminution for a considerable time. Dampness in the air is, however, a great obstacle to insulation, partly from the impaired insulating power of the air itself, and still more from the moisture which condenses on the insulating supports. Electrical experiments are accordingly very difficult to perform in damp weather. The difficulty is sometimes met by employing a stove to heat the air in the neighbourhood of the supports, and thus diminish its relative humidity. Sir W. Snow Harris employed heating-irons, which were heated in a fire, and then fixed near the insulating supports; and thus succeeded in exhibiting electrical experiments to an audience in the most unfavourable weather. Sir W. Thomson, by keeping the air in the interior of his electrometers dry by means of sulphuric acid, causes them to retain their charge with only a small percentage of loss in twenty-four hours. Dry frosty days are the best for electrical experiments, and next perhaps to these, is the season of dry cutting winds in spring.

410. Duality of Electricity. The elementary phenomena which we have mentioned in the beginning of this chapter may be more accurately studied by means of the electric pendulum, which consists of a pith-ball suspended by a silk fibre from an insulated support. When an electrified glass rod is brought near the insulated ball, the latter is attracted; but as soon as it touches the glass tube, the attraction is changed to repulsion, which lasts as long as the ball retains the electricity which it has acquired by the contact. A similar experiment can be shown by employing, instead of the glass tube, any other body which has been electrified by friction, for example, a piece of resin which has been rubbed with flannel.

If, while the pendulum exhibits repulsion for the glass, the electrified resin is brought near, it is attracted by the latter; and conversely, when it is repelled by the resin, it is attracted by the glass. These phenomena clearly show that the electricity developed on the resin is not of the same kind as that developed on the glass. They exhibit opposite forces towards any third electrified body, each attracting what the other repels. They have accordingly received names which indicate opposition. The electricity which glass acquires when rubbed with silk, is called positive; and that which resin acquires by friction

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