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31. Practical Method of finding the Centre of Gravity.-The different methods which are employed in practice for the experimental determination of the centre of gravity are dependent on the principles above explained. Whatever be the particular nature of the proceeding, it always consists in placing the body in a position of equilibrium from which it can be inferred that the centre of gravity lies in a certain line or surface.

Thus, for example, if we suspend a body by one point, it is clear that the centre of gravity must lie in the prolongation of the suspending thread. If we then suspend the body by another point, a similar inference follows. Consequently, the centre of gravity must be the intersection G of the two directions thus indicated.


Fig. 26.-Experimental Determination of Centre of Gravity.

If we wish, for example, to pierce a plate or board by an axis which is to pass through its centre of gravity, we may begin by balancing it in a horizontal position upon two points near its circumference. The line joining them will pass vertically under the centre of gravity. By repeating the operation we may find a second line which possesses the same property, and the required axis must pass through their intersection and be perpendicular to the plate. Instead of balancing the plate upon two points, an operation which may require repeated trials, it is more expeditious, when practicable, to suspend it freely in a vertical position by a point near its circumference, and to suspend a plumb-line from the same point. The course of this line must be marked on the plate, and the operation must then be repeated, using a different point of suspension. The intersection of the two lines thus obtained will, as before, be opposite to the centre of gravity of the plate. Both the methods described in this paragraph are applicable even to plates which are not homogeneous.



32. In air, bodies fall with unequal velocities; a sovereign or a ball of lead falls rapidly, a piece of down or thin paper slowly. It was formerly thought that this difference was inherent in the nature of the materials; but it is easy to show that this is not the case, for if we compress a mass of down or a piece of paper by rolling it into a ball, and compare it with a piece of gold-leaf, we shall find that the latter body falls more slowly than the former. The inequality of the velocities which we observe is due to the resistance of the air, which increases with the extent of surface exposed by the body.

It was Galileo who first discovered the cause of the unequal rapidity of fall of different bodies. To put the matter to the test, he prepared small balls of different substances, and let them fall at the same time from the top of the tower of Pisa; they struck the ground almost at the same instant. On changing their forms, so as to give them very different extents of surface, he observed that they fell with very unequal velocities. He was thus led to the conclusion that gravity acts on all substances with the same intensity, and that in a vacuum all bodies would fall with the same velocity.

This last proposition could not be put to the test of experiment in the time of Galileo, the air-pump not having yet been invented. The experiment was performed by Newton, and is now commonly exhibited in courses of experimental physics. For this purpose a tube from a yard and a half to two yards long is used, which can be exhausted of air, and which contains bodies of various densities, such as grains of lead, pieces of paper, and feathers. When the tube is full of air and is inverted, these different bodies are seen to fall with very unequal velocities; but if the experiment is repeated after the



tube has been exhausted of air, no difference can be perceived between the times of their descent.

33. Laws of Falling Bodies.-Having found that the effect of gravity is the same on all bodies, Galileo proposed to himself the problem of determining, by experiments on one body, the law which regulates their descent; and, inasmuch as the observation of a body falling freely is very difficult, on account of the rapidity of its motion, he adopted a method of diminishing this rapidity without in other respects altering the law of motion. This method consisted in the use of the inclined plane.

Consider, in fact, a heavy body M, free to move along the inclined plane ABC. The weight of the body M being represented by MP, it can, (by § 16), be decomposed into two other forces, viz. MN perpendicular to the plane, which is destroyed by the resistance of the plane itself, and MT parallel to the plane, which alone produces the motion. Now this latter force is less than MP, but is a constant fraction of it, for at all points in the plane the parallelogram of forces will have the same form, and the ratio of MT to MP will be constant. This ratio is in fact the same as that of the height AC of the plane to its length AB, or in other words is the sine of the inclination of the plane to the horizon. The motion will therefore be less rapid, but will follow the same law as that of a body falling freely, and will be much easier to observe. The diminution of velocity has the further advantage of diminishing the relative importance of the resistance of the air,

[merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic]

in Vacuo.

every augmenta- Fig. 27.-Fall of Bodies tion of velocity.

The inclined plane employed by Galileo consisted of a long ruler, with a longitudinal groove, along

which he caused a small heavy ball to roll. Having thus observed the spaces traversed in 1, 2, and 3 units of time, he found that these

spaces were in the ratio of the numbers 1, 4, and 9; that is to say,

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small]

when the time of descent was doubled or tripled the space traversed became 4 or 9 times greater. This law can be expressed by saying that the spaces traversed are proportional to the squares of the times of descent.

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34. Attwood's Machine. Attwood, a fellow and tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, invented, towards the end of last century, a machine which affords great facilities for verifying the laws of falling bodies. It involves, like Galileo's inclined plane, a method of diminishing the velocity of descent; but this result is obtained by very different



The machine consists of a column, having at its top a very freely moving pulley, which forms the essential part of the apparatus. order to obtain great freedom for the movements of the pulley, the ends of its axis are made to rest, not on fixed supports, but on the

circumferences of wheels (two at each end of the axis) called friction

[blocks in formation]

wheels, because this arrangement produces a great diminution of friction. Over the pulley passes a fine thread, carrying at its extremities two equal weights P. Neglecting the weight of the thread, it is obvious that these weights will be in equilibrium in every position. If however one of them be loaded with an additional weight p, the system will be put in motion, and all parts of it will move with the same velocity. We may therefore regard the moving force as distributed uniformly through it. But this force is simply the weight of p. If then, for example, the movable system 2 P + p has 20 times the weight of p, each portion of the system is urged with a force equal to of its own weight. The force which produces motion is in general diminished, as compared with a body falling freely, in the ratio expressed by the fraction 2p+; and as this ratio continues constant through the whole motion, the law of the motion will be the same as that for free descent.

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The following are the arrangements for observing the motion:-One of the weights moves in front of a graduated scale, and a plane stop for intercepting the descending weight can be fixed at pleasure at any part of this scale. A clock with a pendulum beating seconds serves for the measurement of time. To measure the space traversed in a second, the weight is raised to the commencement of the graduation, is then loaded with the additional weight, and is dropped precisely at one of the beats of the pendulum. The stop is placed by trial at such a point of the scale that the blow of the weight against it precisely coincides with another beat of the pendulum,—a coincidence which can be obtained with great accuracy, inasmuch as the ear easily detects the smallest interval between the two sounds. In order to insure a Fig. 30.-Detent in Attsimilar coincidence at the commencement of the

wood's Machine.

fall, the weight is supported by a movable platform M (Fig. 30), which is prevented from falling by the upper end of the lever acb, whose lower end is guided by a cam1 fixed to the escapement wheel

1A cam is a rotating piece which, by means of projections or indentations in its outline, guides the movements of another piece which presses against it.


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