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The notion of work is itself independent of time; but it is evident that in practice it is advantageous for a machine to employ little time in producing a given amount of work.

The unit employed for expressing the rate of working of a machine is the horse-power, and denotes 33,000 foot-pounds of work done per minute or 550 foot-pounds per second. Thus a machine which can raise 12 tons through a height of 10 feet in 2 minutes is a machine of rather more than 4 horse-power; since it does 12 x 2240 × 10 268,800 foot-pounds in 2 minutes, or 134,400 in 1 minute; and 134,400 is rather more than 4 times. 33,000.


17A. The above definition of work is only applicable to the case in which the displacement of the point of application of the force is in a direction precisely coincident with the direction of the force. It is often necessary to consider cases where (owing perhaps to circumstances of constraint, or to the action of other forces besides the one considered, or to previous motion) the point of application of a force moves in a direction oblique to that of the force. In this case the force may be resolved into two components, of which one is perpendicular and the other either coincident with or directly opposite to the direction of displacement. The former of these components is to be neglected in estimating the work done by the force; and the product of the latter component by the displacement is the work done by or against the force according as the direction of this component coincides with or is opposite to that of the displacement.1

The necessity of having a name to denote the idea thus defined is obvious from the following proposition, which is called the principle of work.

Every machine may be regarded as an instrument for transmitting work; and if we neglect friction, we may assert that the work thus transmitted is unaltered in amount. If, for example, the machine is driven by forces applied at points A1, A2, &c., and if the machine overcomes resistances at points B1, B2, &c., then the whole work done by the forces at A1, A2, &c., estimated according to the fore


1 Or the work done by a force is the product of the force by the projection of the displacement of its point of application on the direction of the force, or is the continued product of force, displacement, and cosine of included angle. The three definitions are obviously equivalent. Work done against a force is to be regarded as negative work done by the force.

going definition, will be precisely equal to the whole work done against the resistances at B1, B2, similarly estimated.

The numerous vain schemes for producing perpetual motion are founded on ignorance of this law. They are attempts to make work increase in its transmission through a machine.

Practically, work is always diminished in its transmission through a machine, owing to friction. The work thus lost leaves an equivalent in the shape of heat (see Chap. xxxii.)



18. Different States of Matter.-As the object of physics is the study of the general properties of bodies, it is necessary for us to form some idea of the constitution of the different kinds of matter. Matter presents itself in three different states: the solid, liquid, and gaseous. Solid bodies are characterized by a kind of invariability of form; that is to say, their form cannot be changed without an effort, more or less considerable. Hence a solid body forms a firmly connected whole, so that the movement of one of its parts produces motion in the rest.

Liquids, on the contrary, appear to be formed of particles which are independent of each other and can obey individually the action of the forces which urge them, being able to slide past each other with the greatest facility. From this property the name fluids, by which, in common with gases, they are often designated, is derived (fluere, to flow). This also is the reason why a liquid moulds itself to the form of the containing vessel. Liquidity, consisting essentially in the perfect mobility of the constituent parts of a body, may evidently be met with in different degrees of perfection. Thus sulphuric ether and alcohol are more perfectly liquid than water; water itself is more liquid than oil, and so on. Viscosity is a name used to denote the want of independence between the particles of a liquid, which establishes a kind of intermediate state between these bodies and solids. Thus we may say that there is an insensible passage from liquids more or less perfect to viscous liquids, from these to plastic substances such as putty or moist clay, and from these last to solid bodies.

Gaseous bodies, of which the atmosphere offers us an example, are formed, like liquids, of independent particles: but these particles

appear to be in a continual state of repulsion, so that a gaseous mass has a continual tendency to expand to a greater and greater volume. This property, called the expansibility of gases, is commonly illustrated by the following experiment:

A bladder, nearly empty of air, and tied at the neck, is placed under the receiver of an air-pump. At first the air which it contains and the external air oppose each other by their mutual pressure,

[graphic][graphic][merged small]

and are in equilibrium. But if we proceed to exhaust the receiver, and thus diminish the external pressure, the bladder gradually becomes inflated, and thus manifests the tendency of the gas which it contains to occupy a greater volume.

It follows from this property that, however large a vessel may be, it can always be filled by any quantity whatever of a gas, which will always exert pressure against the sides. It is in consequence of the existence of this pressure, which is itself a result of expansibility, that the name of elastic fluids is often given to gases.

It is necessary to remark that the same substance may, according to its temperature, assume any one of the three states. Thus water in the cold of winter assumes the solid state and becomes ice; and, on the other hand, there is always more or less water diffused through the air in the gaseous state, called aqueous vapour. If the thermal conditions existing at the surface of the earth were to receive a notable change in either direction, some of the bodies which we habitually see in the liquid state would become either solids or vapours.



19. Molecular Constitution.-Whatever be the state under which a body presents itself, it is the general opinion of physicists that it is not composed of continuous matter, but is an aggregation of distinct parts held at a distance from each other. These constituent parts are called particles or molecules. They must be regarded as exercising two kinds of mutual actions, the one attractive, the other repulsive, which balance each other in the case of solids and liquids. In the case of gases this equilibrium does not subsist; there is a permanent repulsive force between the particles, which gives rise to expansibility or elastic force.

The molecules1 of solids and of liquids ought not to be considered as similar. In the latter, in fact, each molecule can turn on its axis without producing any modification in the equilibrium; in other words, equilibrium depends only on the molecular distances and not at all on the form or relative disposition of the molecules. An approximate idea of this physical constitution will be obtained by assuming that the molecules of liquids are spherical, and hence that molecular equilibrium depends only on the distances between the centres of the spheres.

In solids, much depends upon the form and relative disposition of the molecules. It would seem as if these molecules (according to the ideas of some ancient philosophers) were formed with hooked projections which become locked together and so give a determinate figure to the mass. It is not, however, necessary to fall back upon such a gross image as this for the explanation of rigidity. It is sufficient to conceive that when an effort is exerted against any part of a solid body, its molecules turn on their axes, assume new directions, and take up a new position of equilibrium. Such a supposition corresponds with that invariability of form which we are accustomed to connect with the solid state. In reality this invariability is not absolute. The smallest force applied to a solid body produces some change of form, but frequently this change is only appreciable when the force is very intense.

20. Divisibility. This hypothesis regarding the constitution of bodies amounts to assuming that matter is not infinitely divisible, but that, whatever be the means employed to produce division, there is for each body a limit below which it never descends. These

1 The hypotheses broached in the remainder of this section must be received with caution, as being merely conjectural explanations of the distinction between solids and liquids.

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