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If the atmospheric pressure increases, the mercury will rise in the tube, and consequently the weight of the floating body will increase, while the upward pressure will be slightly diminished on account of the sinking of the mercury in the cistern. The beam will thus incline to the side of the baro metric tube, and the reverse would be the case if the pressure diminished. For the balance may be substituted, as in the figure, a lever carrying a counterpoise; the variations of pressure will be indicated by the movements of this lever.


Such an instrument may very well be used as a barograph or recording barometer; for this purpose we have only to attach to the arm with a

lever an arm

Fig. 120.-Counterpoised Barometer.

pencil, which is constantly in contact with a sheet of paper moved uniformly by clockwork. The result will be a continuous trace, whose form corresponds to the variations of pressure. It is very easy to determine, either by calculation or by comparison with a standard barometer, the pressure corresponding to a given position of the pencil on the paper;

P denoting atmospheric pressure, and p the fluid pressure due to the depth of immersion (exclusive of the transmitted atmospheric pressure). This resultant force together with the weight of the tube must be equal to the supporting force at the point of suspension. If the latter be constant, PA – pa must be constant, and the changes in P and p must be inversely as the areas A and a. If these areas are equal P and p will be equal; that is, the tube will descend through the same distance as the mercury in a common barometer would rise; and if A is greater than a, the movement will be proportionately magnified. For great sensitiveness, therefore, the tube should be large and thin.

We have here neglected the changes of level in the mercury in which the tube is immersed. These changes tend to increase the distance moved by the tube, and must be added to the movements as above calculated.

thus, if the paper is ruled with twenty-four equidistant lines, corresponding to the twenty-four hours of the day, we can see at a glance what was the pressure at any given time. An arrangement of this kind has been adopted by the Abbé Secchi for the meteorograph of the observatory at Rome. The first successful employment of this kind of barograph appears to be due to Mr. Alfred King, a gas engineer of Liverpool, who invented and constructed such an instrument in 1853, for the use of the Liverpool Observatory, and subsequently designed a larger one, which is still in use, furnishing a very perfect record, magnified five-and-a-half times.

Fuhrenheit s Barometer-Fahrenheit's barometer consists of a tube bent several times, the lower portions of which contain mercury; the upper portions are filled with water, or any other liquid, usually coloured. It is evident that the atmospheric pressure is balanced by the sum of the differences of level of the columns of mercury, diminished by the sum of the corresponding differences. for the columns of water; whence it follows that, by employing a considerable number of tubes, we may greatly reduce the height of the barometric column. This circumstance renders the instrument interesting as a scientific curiosity, but at the same time diminishes its sensitiveness, and renders it unfit for purposes of precision. It is therefore never used for the measurement of atmospheric pressure; but an instrument upon the same principle has recently been employed for the measurement of very high pressures, as will be explained in Chap. xiv.


Fig. 121-Fahrenheit's Barometer.

110 A. Photographic Registration. Since the year 1847 various meteorological instruments at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, have been made to yield continuous traces of their indications by the aid of photography, and the method is now generally employed at meteorological observatories in this country. The Greenwich system is fully described in the Greenwich Magnetical and Meteorological Observations for 1847, pp. lxiii.-xc. (published in 1849).

The general principle adopted for all the instruments is the same. The photographic paper is wrapped round a glass cylinder, and the axis of the cylinder is made parallel to the direction of the move



ment which is to be registered. The cylinder is turned by clock work, with uniform velocity. The spot of light (for the magnets and barometer), or the boundary of the line of light (for the thermometers), moves, with the movements which are to be registered, backwards and forwards in the direction of the axis of the cylinder, while the cylinder itself is turned round. Consequently (as in Morin's machine, Chap. v.), when the paper is unwrapped from its cylindrical form, there is traced upon it a curve of which the abscissa is proportional to the time, while the ordinate is proportional to the movement which is the subject of measure.

The barometer employed in connection with this system is a large siphon barometer, the bore of the upper and lower extremities of its arms being about 11 inch. A glass float in the quicksilver of the lower extremity is partially supported by a counterpoise acting on a light lever (which turns on delicate pivots), so that the wire supporting the float is constantly stretched, leaving a definite part of the weight of the float to be supported by the quicksilver. This lever is lengthened to carry a vertical plate of opaque mica with a small aperture, whose distance from the fulcrum is eight times the distance of the point of attachment of the float-wire, and whose movement, therefore (§ 108), is four times the movement of the column of a cistern barometer. Through this hole the light of a lamp, collected by a cylindrical lens, shines upon the photographic paper.

Every part of the cylinder, except that on which the spot of light falls, is covered with a case of blackened zinc, having a slit parallel to the axis of the cylinder; and by means of a second lamp shining through a small fixed aperture, and a second cylindrical lens, a base line is traced upon the paper, which serves for reference in subsequent


The whole apparatus, or any other apparatus which serves to give a continuous trace of barometric indications, is called a barograph; and the names thermograph, magnetograph, anemograph, &c., are similarly applied to other instruments for automatic registration.




111. Measurement of Heights by the Barometer.-As the height of the barometric column diminishes when we ascend in the atmosphere, it is natural to seek in this phenomenon a means of measuring heights. The problem would be extremely simple, if the air had everywhere the same density as at the surface of the earth. In fact, the density of the air at sea-level being about 10,500 times less than that of mercury, it follows that, on the hypothesis of uniform density, the mercurial column would fall an inch for every 10,500 inches, or 875 feet, that we ascend. This result, however, is far from being in exact accordance with fact, inasmuch as the density of the air diminishes very rapidly as we ascend, on account of its great compressibility.

111 A. Height of Homogeneous Atmosphere. If the atmosphere were of uniform and constant density, its height would be approximately obtained by multiplying 30 inches by 10,500, which gives 26,250 feet, or about 5 miles.

More accurately, if we denote by H the height of the atmosphere at a given time and place, on the assumption that the density throughout is the same as the observed density D at the base, and if we denote by P the observed pressure at the base, expressed in absolute units of force per unit area (§ 107, 6), then since the pressure P must be equal to the weight of a column of volume H and of mass HD, we have

[blocks in formation]

The height H, computed on this imaginary assumption, is called the height of the homogeneous atmosphere, corresponding to the pressure P, density D, and intensity of gravity g, and is frequently introduced in physical formulæ.



The expression for H shows that its value is not affected if P and Ꭰ vary in the same ratio, as is the case in barometric fluctuations when the temperature is constant; but that increase of temperature and increase of moisture increase H, since warm air and moist air are less dense than cold and dry air at the same pressure.

It is not necessary that the height H should be reckoned from the surface of the earth. It may be reckoned upwards from any point in the atmosphere, and denotes the height which the air above this point would have, if reduced to the density D which exists at the point. Neglecting differences of temperature and moisture, and the trifling diminution of gravity as we ascend, the value of H is the same for all points in the same vertical column, because, as we ascend, P and D diminish in the same ratio.

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112. Principles of Hypsometry.-Supposing the temperature, moisture, and intensity of gravity to be uniform in a vertical column of air, it is easy to state the law according to which the pressure would diminish as we ascend. Consider, for example, three layers of equal thickness, which is so small that we may regard the density as constant within the limits of each layer, though varying from each layer to the next. Let

D, D', D" be their densities, and P, P', P" the


pressures at their lower faces, the weights of the two lower layers are P-P' and P'-P",

Fig. 122.

and these must be proportional to their densities; hence we have

[blocks in formation]

it easily follows that; that is to say, the ratio of the density of


the first layer to that of the second, is the same as of the second to the third. Applying this principle to any number of consecutive layers of equal thickness, we see that the ratio of the density of each to that of the next will be the same for the whole series. It follows that, as the heights increase in arithmetical progression, the pressures diminish in geometrical progression.

This proposition may be put into the algebraical form:

[blocks in formation]
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