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The pressure of one atmosphere, or 760 millimetres (29·922 inches) of mercury, is 1.033 kilogramme per square centimetre, or 14.73 lbs. per sq. inch.

The weight of a litre of dry air, at this pressure (at Paris) and 0° C., is 1·293 gramme.


Dry air at constant pressure expands by 003665 (or ) of its volume at 0° C., for each 273 degree Cent.

The specific heat of dry air at constant pressure is 2375.
The specific heat of dry air at constant volume is '168.

The ratio of these numbers is 1·41, and their difference 0695.
The latent heat of fusion of ice is 79°.25 C.

The latent heat of steam at one atmosphere is 537° C.

[blocks in formation]

1 cubic centimetre

1 cubic decimetre

1 cubic metre


0610271 cubic inch.

61.0271 cubic inches.

61027·1 cubic inches, or 35-3166 cubic feet.

The Litre (used for liquids) is the same as the cubic decimetre, and is equal to 1.76172 imperial pint, or 220215 gallon.

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1 force de cheval = 75 kilogrammetres per second, or 5424 foot-pounds per second nearly, whereas 1 horse-power (English) =550 foot-pounds per second

[blocks in formation]






1. Origin of Natural Philosophy.—The object of Natural Philosophy or Physics (púos, nature) is the study of the material world, including the phenomena which it presents to us, the laws which govern them, and the applications which can be made of them to our various wants.

In its widest sense, the study of physics must be traced back to the origin of the human race; for ever since man came into being, he must necessarily have been struck by the spectacle of the heavens and the continually changing aspect of terrestrial phenomena. But isolated and vague observations, and the barren admiration of phenomena which provoke attention or excite curiosity, do not constitute science; this can only exist where there is a mass of accurate knowledge in which the facts are related to each other and studied in connection with the causes which produce them. This process of coordination is only possible after a considerable collection of facts has been accumulated; but it then becomes inevitable, from the very constitution of the human mind. Thus, in examining the history of the nations among whom we place the cradle of our civilization, we find constant efforts of philosophers to explain the mechanism of the external world,-to bring all the facts which nature presents to us under one theory-one system. The Greek philosophers, especially, who appear to have borrowed the greater part of their physical knowledge from the Egyptian priests, have left us different systems, by the aid of which they profess to explain all natural phenomena, Thus Thales, the most celebrated of the seven wise men of Greece


(640 B.C.), made water a universal principle, which nourishes at once the sun, the earth, and the planets. Plato (398 B.C.) assumed two distinct principles, matter and form, which by their combination give birth to five elements-earth, water, fire, air, and ether. According to Anaximander, there is but one principle, the infinite, which gives birth to all bodies. According to Anaxagoras, air is the sovereign of nature. We need not stay to examine the exact meaning of these propositions, which, taken in their literal sense, appear at the present day sufficiently unintelligible. While acknowledging that these illustrious philosophers knew and taught some important facts of general physics, we are bound to remark that in the elaboration of their systems experiment played no part; that observation itself only held a secondary place; and that their theories were veritable à priori conceptions, to which facts had to be accommodated. Hence there is nothing in their works approaching the experimental method which serves as the foundation of modern physics. Some faint foreshadowings of this method may be traced in the works of Aristotle (383 B.C.), who was a disciple of Plato, but far superior to his master in scientific genius, besides being an eminent naturalist, and author of a history of animals, which alone would constitute an imperishable monument to his memory. Thus, to investigate the weight of air, he had recourse to a direct experiment, which consisted in weighing a skin empty and inflated. Finding no difference in the weights, he concluded wrongly that air is destitute of weight, and was thus led in his attempts at the explanation of certain phenomena to the famous principle that nature abhors a vacuum, which was universally admitted down to the time of Galileo.

It was especially in the hands of Archimedes (287 B.C.), and the philosophers of the school of Alexandria, who may be regarded as his successors, that the method of scientific observation took a distinct form, and led to important results. Every one has heard of the admirable discoveries of Archimedes respecting the theory of the lever, the determination of centres of gravity, and the measurement of specific gravities by means of the principle which bears his name; discoveries founded upon experiments which were doubtless not very accurate, but were regarded by him as necessary in order to furnish a solid basis for his investigations. After him Hipparchus (140 B.C.), by means of persevering observations, methodically directed, changed the face of astronomy, and arrived at brilliant discoveries, among which the most notable was that of the



precession of the equinoxes. At a later period, Ctesibius, Hero, Posidonius, &c., following in the traces of their illustrious predecessors, advanced the boundaries of the exact knowledge already acquired, and originated several inventions displaying more or less ingenuity. To the first of these philosophers the invention of pumps appears to be due, and the fountain of Hero still finds a place in all collections of physical apparatus.

Among philosophers belonging more or less directly to the school of Alexandria, who have enriched science by important discoveries, we will only mention Plutarch, who is said to have discovered the refraction of light in its passage from air into water; and Ptolemy, the author of various works on optics and celestial physics, which constitute a better title to glory than the astronomical system which bears his name, a system which only served to retard the progress of science.

We will carry this historical review no further, but will content ourselves with remarking that, starting from the seventh century, the period of the conquest of Alexandria by the Arabs, and the burning of its celebrated library, until the time of Galileo (1564), science may be said to have been stationary. Still, some discoveries of importance belong to this period; for example, that of the mariner's compass, which was known from the thirteenth century. Shortly before Galileo, the thermometer, the microscope, and telescope were invented; but it is unquestionably to this distinguished philosopher that we owe the true scientific method-the method of experiment. His treatises upon falling bodies, the pendulum, &c., furnish admirable examples of the manner in which the physical investigator should interrogate Nature by the aid of experiment. It was by the introduction of this method that physical science became finally disentangled from the prejudices and à priori assumptions which had hitherto impeded its progress.

At the present day, after numberless discoveries which have introduced most material changes in our social condition, physical science has attained a very high degree of perfection. It is to the experimental method that we owe this result, and it is by remaining true to this method that we must hope to achieve fresh progress.

2. The Experimental Method. The experimental method can easily be described in general terms: it consists in observing facts instead of trying to divine them; in carefully examining what really happens, and not in reasoning as to what ought to happen.

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