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In order to secure the best results from the use of this Hand-List, it is essential that the Preface be first

carefully read.

While it has been the effort to avoid making the

book artificial or to complicate it with arbitrary terms

and expressions, in some particulars the intention will

not be understood without the information supplied by

Mr. Belden's introductory explanation.

tended to be taken for no more talogue, since that word includes ere prohibited, both by time and m will prove more generally cone-page of every volume of session

and session laws, the purpose is to in each jurisdiction as discovered racticable, to refer the reader to h session may be found.

c notes no more is stated than an to give a clear idea of the session ion.

nan, it indicates that the particular he State Library of Massachusetts. talics, it is because the particular in the State Library. ons, etc., in order to make the list to volumes contained in the STATE in the SOCIAL LAW LIBRARY of the following libraries have been LAW SCHOOL (1909); LIBRARY OF LIBRARY OF THE NEW YORK CITY ought in this way that most of the been listed. When a compilation, being in the Social Law Library, no ving to the large collection of early Library, an exception has been made, 'Statutes, compilations," etc.

record every legislative session and aws or revisions and compilations of

laws, it is too much to expect that the result has been without omission or error. It is desired that readers possessed of pertinent information, will favor this library with their knowledge, so that errors may be corrected and omissions supplied.

The recent report of the committee of the American Association of Law Libraries on reprinting Session Laws, prepared by Dr. G. E. Wire of Worcester, dwells upon the widespread interest in and demand for session laws. Hitherto the literature of the subject has been so fragmentary and scattered as in large degree to be unavailable for practical needs. This Hand-List is designed to meet such immediate demand and interest, although it is hoped that some specialist, who is fortunate in possessing ample time and sufficient means, will soon publish a full bibliography of American session laws.

It is a pleasure to commend the zeal and interest which Mr. Babbitt has brought to the task of compilation. No labor has been too great in the search for information and no detail too small to receive its proper attention.

State Librarian.




1540. Alabama visited by Spaniards under Hernando de Soto. 1682. French assumed possession as part of Louisiana.

1763. Ceded to England by France in treaty known as "the Peace of Paris." (Brown's "History of Alabama.")

1763-1817. The four parcels comprising the present State were severally held by: (1) South Carolina, until 1787; (2) Georgia, until 1802; (3) Georgia, until 1798; (4) as parts of Louisiana and Florida, until 1812. Subsequently to the dates last stated (until 1817) all four parcels were included in Mississippi territory. (T. L. Cole, Publications Southern Hist. Ass'n, Vol. I, p. 61.)

1817. Alabama Territory created by Act of Congress (Mar. 3). 1819. Admitted into the Union, Dec. 14 (U. S. Charters and Const's, Part I, p. 27).


Title of legislative body "General Assembly."

Session laws called "Acts."

Bibliography of Statute Law of Southern States: - Alabama. By Theodore Lee Cole. Vol. I, Southern History Association. Washington, 1897, p. 61.

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