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Park, Prof. E. A., Articles on Rein-

hard's Sermons, 390, 507.
Paul's Shipwreck, Smith on, 792.
Perè la Chaise, cemetery, 442.
Person of Christ, Doctrine of by
Dorner, 156; origin of the work,
157; object is a history of the
doctrine of the two natures of
Christ as it has been unfolded in
the church, 158; Character of
Dorner's work, 159; the German
systems, 160; the doctrine in the
first four centuries, 161; work of
Petavius, 162; Bishop Bull's trea-
tise, 163; Dr. Baur's view that
the original Christian church was
Jewish, 164; a virtual denial of
Gnosticism, 166; Baur's view
overthrown by Dorner, 167; ba-
sis of Christianity not in theory,
but in facts, 167; union of the
divine and human in Christ, 169;
the Greek faith, 170; Hebrew
religion, 171; Philo's system, 173;
a new principle introduced by
Christianity, 175; Christ in the
synoptical gospels, 177; epistles,
178; scriptural truth in the form
of testimony, 179; bond of unity
between God and the world, 181;
three distinct periods, 183.
Philosophy and Faith, their rela-

tions, by Prof. H. B. Smith, 675.
Porter, Prof. N. Jr., notice of recent
English works in logic and meta-
physics, 596.

Proofs of the Immortality of the Soul,
from nature, 48.

Publications New, 197; in the
United States, 203.
Puritanism English, abstract of

Sprigge's England's Recovery,
134; value of Puritan literature,
135; dedication to Fairfax, 137;
formation of the Puritan army,
139; progress of the war, 141;
reflections on the battle of Nase-
by, 143; seige of Leicester, 144;
Storming of Bridgewater, 145;

of Bristol, 146; proceedings at
Bristol, 149; taking of Winches-
ter by Hugh Peters, 150; escape
of prince Charles and of the king,
153; Banbury castle, 154.


Rawlinson Major, on the ruins of
Babylon, 784.

Reason and Philosophy, their rela-
tions, an address by Prof. H. B.
Smith, 675.

Reinhard's Sermons, 300; prefatory
remarks, 300; life and labors of
Reinhard, 301; number of his
works, 302; compared with Dr.
Dwight, 303; novelty and variety
of his themes for the pulpit, 303;
connection of his themes with his
texts, 305; specimens of his plans,
307; sermons on religious festi-
vals, 309; sermon on New Year's
day, 311; rhetorical structure of
his discourses, 314; regular struc-
ture, 315; specimens, 317; dis-
junctive divisions, 323; vivacity
of his discourses, 325; discourse
on the incarnation, 327; fitness
to excite curiosity, 330; exam-
ples, 331; historical character of
his sermons, 507; striking exam-
ples, 509; sermons on family re-
lations, 511; didactic character
of his sermons, 513; ethical char-
acter, 516; illustration from Luke
1: 57, on John the Baptist, 517;
Reinhard at home in the discus-
sion of the common duties of life,
520; philosophical character of
his sermons, 522; theological
character, 525; instances, 527.
Religion, internal and external ele-
ment of, 719; both elements neces-
sary, 723; different degrees fitted
to different nations, 725; cause of
the conflict of the two elements,
727; abuses of the spiritual ele-
ment, 729; fanaticism, 730; mis-
guided philanthropy, 731; effects
of formalism, 733; substitutes man


for God, 735; creates unfounded



Shipwreck of St. Paul, Smith's work
on, 792.

distinctions, 737; superstitious Sanskrit Language, essay on, trans-
adherence to rites, 739; formal- lated by W. D. Whitney, from
ism needs the temporal power,
von Bohlen, 471; meaning of
741; opposed to true progress,
the word Sanskrit, composite, 471;
743; element of infidelity, 745; value, 472; alphabet, 473; con-
conclusion, 746.
sonants, 475; roots, 476; signifi-
Resurrection of the dead, commen-
cation of the roots, 477; verbal
tary on by De Wette, translated, stems, 478; nasal stems, 479;
26; occasion on which Paul treat- conjugations, 480; tenses, 481;
ed of it, 26; importance of it, 27; composition, 482; general char-
the resurrection of Christ at the acter, 483; lexicography, 485.
foundation of it, 27; proofs Schaff Prof. Philip, Introduction to
of Christ's resurrection, 29; ap-
Church History, 409.
pearance of Christ to Paul, 30;
inferences that would follow if
Christ be not risen, 31; Christ,
as contrast to Adam, is the author
of the resurrection, 33; end of
the "last things," 35; end of me-
diatorial reign, 36; death, the
last enemy destroyed, 37; argu-
ments for the resurrection, 39;
moral warning to those who deny
the resurrection, 40; manner of
the resurrection, 40; analogy in
the manifold variety of organic
structures, 41; application to the
doctrine of the resurrection, 42;
as there are two heads, so there
are two series in mankind, 43;
destiny of those alive at the sec-
ond coming, 44; triumphal song,
46; Final warning, 47.
Rettberg's Church History, 612.
Richards, J., D. D., articles by, 75,

Ripley, Dr. H. J., sacred rhetoric,


Robbins, R. D. C. Professor, on the
Greek Drama, 84.

Scholar, the spirit of a, by Prof.
Brown, 114; he must cherish a
meditative spirit, 115; must have
independence and self-respect,
117; wonderful structures of the
dark ages, 119; practical spirit,
121; true idea of the practical,
123; the scholar should be a pa-
triot, 124; should possess a reli-
gious spirit, 127; art imbued with
the religious element, 128; moral
tone of literature, 129; main ele-
ments of a scholar's life, 131;
great scholars speak to all times,


Sciences Natural, claims on the
Christian ministry, 461; spirit of
scientific investigation, 462; sci-
entific knowledge is power in the
ministry, 463; usefulness of na-
tural science to the minister, 465;
means of a well balanced mind,
467; excellent means of mental
discipline, 468; improvement in
theology, 469.

Robie Edward, Müller's doctrine of Short Charles, review of Tyler's

sin, abstract of, 247.
Robinson Edward, D. D., notes on

biblical geography, 366; note on
the words " all-to," in Judg. 9:
53, 607.

Roediger's Hebrew Grammar, 200.
Rome Ancient, Eliot on the liberty
of, 787.

Tacitus by, 572.

Sin, Christian doctrine of, continued
from Aug. 1848, 247; origin of
sin, 248; idea of real freedom,
249; formal freedom, 251; the
two reconciled, 251; formal free-
dom contains only the possibility
of sin, 252; has man in this life

found freedom? 254; cause of an
inextinguishable melancholy, 254;
universality of sin, 255; no abso-
lute purity in this life, 257; con-
nection of the individual with the
law, 259; relation of Adam's
fall to human sinfulness, 261; man
formed in the divine image, 263;
timeless state of man's being, 265;
bondage of sin, 267; the unpar-
donable sin, 269.

Sinai Mt., position of the Israelites
at, 381.

Smeads Prof. M. J., on the Galla
language, 747.

Smith on the shipwreck of Paul, 792.
Smith, Prof. H. B., Person of Christ,
156; on the relations of faith and
philosophy, €73.

Soofies, a sect of Mohammedan
mystics, 229; origin of the word
from Sof, wool, 229; Arabs be-
fore Mohammed inclined to mo-
nasticism, 230; Rabia the mystic,
231; Abu Said the founder of
the sect, 233; important facts,
233; party of Bustamius, 235;
distinguished mystics, 237; their
origin in Mohammedanism, 237;
Soofies do not practise the dread-
ful austerities of the Indian mys-
tics, 238; external observances,
239; visions of God, 241; doc-
trine of union, 243; idea of pray-
er, 245.

Soul, its immortality, arguments
from nature, 48.

Spirit of a Scholar, by Prof. Brown,
Spirituality of the Book of Job, by

Prof. Lewis, 205.

Sprigge Joshua, his Anglia Rediviva,
abstract of, 134.

Steele, Rev. J., Will the grand con-

summation, giving the kingdoms
of this world to Christ, be intro-
duced under the dispensation of
the spirit? 657; disappointment
of unbelievers, 659; promise to
Abraham, 661; time of the grand
consummation, 663; reign of

Christ foretold by prophecy, 665;
vision of John not literal, 667;
testimony of Rom. xi., 669; con-
clusion, 671.

Stier Rudolf, on the discourses of
our Lord, 402.

Studien und Kritiken, 611.


Tacitus, review of Tyler's edition
of, 572; life of Tacitus, 572;
sources of his works, 573; per-
sonal character, 574; but little
studied, 575; various editions,
576; Doederlein's Prolegomena,
577; preliminary remarks, 579;
criticisms on the notes, 580—594 ;
value of the edition, 595.

Theil, commentary on Joshua, 402.
Theology Natural, by J. Haven, Jr.,

613; question is, how do we know
there is a God, 613; different
methods of procedure, 615; ar-
gument from design, 616; analy-
sis of the argument, 617; infinite
succession, 618; unequal infini-
ties, 620; necessary existence,
621; is change inconsistent with
self-existence? 622; metaphysi-
cal argument against the eternity
of the present system, 624; ne-
cessity of resorting to physical
science, 625; it shows that the
earth has passed through a series
of changes, always advancing,
625; argument from the proper-
ties and relations of matter, 626;
Reid's primary law, 628; idea of
cause as connected with experi-
ence, 629; reasoning from expe-
rience not always safe, 631; rea-
soning of Hume, 631; reply of
Chalmers, 632; argument from
the idea of God, 635; second
method of Descartes, 637; moral
constitution of man, 639; value
of the moral argument presump-
tive, 641; advantage of this ar-
gument, 642; summary of the
argument, 644.


Theremin, Dr. L. F., preacher at
Berlin, 1; notices of his life, 2;
works, 2, 3.
Thirteenth and fourteenth chapters
of Isaiah, translation, 765; notes,
[fies, 229.
Tholuck, Prof. A., work on the Soo-
Thoughts, Words and Things, essay


by Goodwin, 271; language re-
garded as an arbitrary growth or
an organic life, 271; relation of
language to thought, 273; specific
laws of thought, 275; language
created by thought, 277; vitality
of language consists in the vital-
ity of thought, 278; personal
character of thought, 279; spirit-
ual connections with language,
281; suggestive power of words,
283; relation of words to things,
285; things are embodied
thoughts, 287; nature a divine
language, 289; inadequacy of
symbols, 291; relation of imagi-
nation to nature, 293; to lan-
guage, 295; mediates between
mind and nature, 297; essential
to the preacher, 299.
Ticknor George, his work on Span-
ish literature. 803.
Torrey, Professor, translation of
Neander, 785.


Tregelles, S. P., edition of New
Testament, 404.

Tutschek Lawrence, M. D., on the
Galla language, 747.
Tyler, Prof. W. S., edition of Taci-
tus reviewed, 572.


Ward, Rev. J. W., on the internal
and external element of religion,


Wedgewood, Henslow, on the devel-
opment of the understanding,


Welsted, J. R., on the ruins of Baby-
lon, 784.

Wette, De, commentary on the 15th
chapter of 1st Corinthians, trans-
lated, 26; on Apocalypse, 401.
Wieseler, on chronology of Acts,


Woolsey, Pres. T. D., on Greek in-
scriptions, 386; on Letronne,
603; Greek inscriptions in Egypt,


Whitney, W. D., translation of v.
Bohlen on the Sanskrit, 471.
Winer, biblical chronology, 558;
dictionary, 611.
Woods, Dr. L., lectures, Vol. I., 612,
Words, Thoughts and Things, arti-
cle by H. M. Goodwin, 271.

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