Imágenes de páginas

Such as the drawer will not fail to fwear
Was drunk by Pilkington when third time mayor.
That name, methinks, so popularly known
For opposition to the church and crown,
Might make the Lufitanian grape to pass,
And almoft give a fanction to the glass;
Especially with thee, whose hafty zeal
Against the late rejected commerce-bill
Made thee rise up, like an audacious elf,
To do the speaker bonour, not thyself.

But, if thou foar'st above the common prices,
By virtue of subscription to thy Crifis,
And nothing can go down with thee, but wines
Prefs'd from Burgundian and Campanian vines,
Bid them be brought; for, though I hate the French,
1 love their liquors, as though lov'st a wench;
Elfe thou must humble thy expenfive taste,
And, with us, hold contentment for a feaft.

The fire's already lighted; and the maid

Has a clean cloth upon the table laid,
Who never on a Saturday had struck,
But for thy entertainment, up a buck.
Think of this act of grace, which by your leave
Sufan would not have done on Easter Eve,
Had the not been inform'd over and over,
"Twas for the ingenious Author of The Lover.

Ceafe therefore to beguile thyfelf with hopes,

Which is no more than making fandy ropes,
And quit the vain pursuit of loud applaufe,
That must bewilder thee in faction's caufe.
Pry'thee what is't to thee who guides the state?
Why Dunkirk's demolition is so late?
Or why her Majesty thinks fit to cease
The din of war, and hush the world to peace?
The clergy too, without thy aid, can tell
What texts to choose, and on what topics dwell;
And, uninftructed by thy babbling, teach
Their flocks celestial happiness to reach.
Rather let fuch poor fouls as you and I
Say that the holidays are drawing nigh,
And that to-morrow's fun begins the week,
Which will abound with store of ale and cake,
With hams of bacon, and with powder'd beef,
Stuff'd to give field-itinerants relief.

Then I, who have within these precincts kept,
And ne'er beyond the chimney-fweeper's stept,
Will take a loose, and venture to be feen,
Since 'twill be Sunday, upon Shanks's green;
There, with erected looks and phrafe fublime,
To talk of unity of place and time,
And with much malice, mix'd with little fatire,
Explode the wits on t'other fide o'th' water.

Why has my Lord Godolphin's special grace Invested me with a queen's-waiter's place, If I, debarr'd of festival delights, Am not allow'd to spend the perquifites? He's but a short remove from being mad, Who at a time of jubilee is sad; And, like a griping ufurer, does spare His money to be squander'd by his heir? Flutter'd away in liveries and in coaches, And washy forts of feminine debauches. As for my part, whate'er the world may think, I'll bid adieu to gravity, and drink; And, though I can't put off a woeful mien, Will be all mirth and cheerfulness within: As, in despight of a cenforious race, I most incontinently fuck my face.

What mighty projects does not he design, [wine
Whose stomach flows, and brain turns round with
Wine, powerful wine, can thaw the frozen cit,
And fashion him to humour and to wit;
Makes even S**** to difclofe his art,
By racking every fecret from his heart,
As he flings off the statesman's fly disguise,
To name the cuckold's wife with whom he lies.
Ev'n Sarum, when he quaffs it stead of tea,
Fancies himself in Canterbury's fee;
And S******, when he carousing reels,
Imagines that he has regain'd the feals:
W******, by virtue of its juice, can fight,
And Stanhope of commiffioners make light.
Wine gives Lord William aptitude of parts,
And fwells him with his family's deferts:
Whom can it not make eloquent of speech?
Whom in extremest poverty not rich?
Since, by the means of the prevailing grape,
Th****n can Lechmere's warmth not only ape,
But, half-feas-o'er, by its inspiring bounties,
Can qualify himself in several counties.
What I have promis'd, thou mayst rest assur'd,
Shall faithfully and gladly be procur'd.
Nay, I 'm already better than my word,
New plates and knives adorn the jovial board:
And, left thou at their fight shouldst make wry faces,
The girl has scower'd the pots, and wash'd the glaffes,
Ta'en care so excellently well to clean 'em,
That thou mayst see thine own dear picture in 'em,

Moreover, due provision has been made,
That converfation may not be betray'd;
I have no company but what is proper
To fit with the most flagrant Whig at fupper.
There's not a man among them but must please,
Since they 're as like each other as are peas.
Toland and Hare have jointly sent me word,
They 'II come; and Kennet thinks to make a third,
Provided he 'as no other invitation,
From men of greater quality and station.
Room will for Oldmixon and J-s be left;
But their difcourses smell too much of theft:
There would be no abiding in the room,
Should two fuch ignorant pretenders come.
However, by this trusty bearer write,
If I fhould any other scabs invite ;
Though if I may my ferious judgment give,
I'm wholly for King Charles's number five:
That was the stint in which that monarch fix'd,
Who would not be with noisiness perplex'd:
And that, if thou 'lt agree to think it beft,
Shall be our tale of heads, without one other guest.

I've nothing more, now this is faid, to say,

But to request thou 'lt instantly away,
And leave the duties of thy prefent post,
To fome well-fkill'd retainer to a host;
Doubriefs he 'll carefully thy place fupply,
And o'er his Grace's horfes have an eye, [once,
While thou, who 'st flunk through postern more than
Doft by that means avoid a crowd of duns,
And, croffing o'er the Thames at Temple-stairs,
Leav'ft Philips with good words to cheat their cars


AMONG the numbers who employ
'Their tongues and pens to give you joy

Dear Harley! generous youth, admit
What friendship dietates more than wit.
Forgive me, when I fondly thought

(By frequent obfervations taught)
A fpirit to inform'd as yours
Couid never profper in amours.
The God of Wit, and Light, and Arts,
With all acquir'd and natural parts,
Whose harp could favage beafts enchant,
Was an unfortunate gallant.

Had Bacchus after Daphne reel'd,

The Nymph had foon been brought to yield:
Or, had embroider'd Mars purfued,

The Nymph would ne'er have been a prude.

Ten thousand footsteps, full in view,

Mark out the way where Daphne flew :

For fuch is all the fex's flight,

They fly from learning, wit, and light:

They fly, and none can overtake

But fome gay coxcomb, or a rake.

How then, Dear Harley, could I guess
That you should meet, in love, fucceis?
For, if those ancient tales be true,
Phœbus was beautiful as you :

Yet Daphne never flack'd her pace,
For wit and learning spoil'd his face.
And, fince the fame resemblance held
In gifts wherein you both excell'd,
I fancy'd every nymph would run
From you, as from Latona's fon.

Then where, said I, shall Harley find
A virgin of fuperior mind,
With wit and virtue to discover,
And pay the merit of her lover ?
This character shall Ca'endish claim,
Born to retrieve her fex's fame.
The chief among the glittering crowd,
Of titles, birth, and fortune proud,
(As fools are infolent and vain)
Madly afpir'd to wear her chain :
But Pallas, guardian of the Maid,
Defcending to her charge's aid,
Held out Medufa's snaky locks,
Which stupify'd them all to stocks.
The Nymph with indignation view'd
The dull, the noify, and the lewd:
For Pallas, with celeftial light,
Had purify'd her mortal fight;
Show'd her the virtues all combin'd,
Freth blooming, in young Harley's mind.
Torreftrial nymphs, by former arts,
Difp ay their various nets for hearts:
Their looks are all by method fet,
When to be prúde, and when coquette;
Yet, wanting skill and power to choose,
Their only pride is to refuse.

But, when a gooddess would bestow
Her love on fome bright youth below,
Round all the earth the cafts her eyes;
And then, defcending from the Ikies,
Makes choice of him the fancies best,
And bids the ravish'd youth be bless'd.
Thus the bright Empress of the Morn
Chose, for her ipoufe, a mortal born:
The Goddess made advances first;
Elle what afpiring hero durst?
Though, like a virgin of fifteen,
She blushes when by mortals seen;

Still blushes, and with speed retires, When Sol purfues her with his fires. Diana thus, Heaven's chaftest queen, Struck with Endymion's graceful mien, Down from her filver chariot came, And to the Shepherd own'd her flame.

Thus Ca'endifh, as Aurora bright, And chafter than the Queen of Night, Defcended from her sphere, to find A mortal of fuperior kind.


Written in Ireland, OFober 1714.

'Tis true then why should I repine
To fee my life fo faft decline ?
But why obfcurely here alone,
Where I am neither lov'd nor known?
My ftate of health none care to learn;
My life is here no foul's concern:
And those with whom I now converfé,
Without a tear will tend my herfe.
Remov'd from kind Arbuthnot's aid,
Who knows his art, but not his trade,
Preferring his regard for me
Before his credit or his fee.

Some formal vifits, looks, and words,
What mere humanity affords,

I meet perhaps from three or four,
From whom I once expected more;
Which those who tend the fick for par
Can act as decently as they:
But no obliging tender friend
To help at my approaching end.
My life is now a burden grown
To others, ere it be my own.

Ye formal weepers for the fick,
In your last offices be quick;
And fpare my abfent friends the grief
To hear, yet give me no relief;
Expir'd to-day, intomb'd to-morrow,
When known, will fave a double forrow.

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That Music gave her leave to litter:
But mark what follow'd-faith! she bit her.

Whole baskets full of bits and scraps,

And broth enough to fill her paps;
For well the knew, her numerous brood,
For want of milk, would fuck her blood.

But when she thought her pains were done,

And now 'twas high time to be gone;
In civil terms" My friend," fays the,
"My house you 've had on courtefy;
" And now I earnestly defire,
"That you would with your cubs retire :
"For, frould you stay but one week longer,
" I shall be starv'd with cold and hunger."

The gueft reply'd-" My friend, your leave "I must a little longer crave; "Stay till my tender cubs can find "Their way for now, you fee, they 're blind; " But, when we 've gather'd ftrength, I fwear, "We'll to our barn again repair.'

The time pass'd on; and Mufic came,
Her kennel once again to claim;
But Bawty, loft to shame and honour,
Set all her cubs at once upon her;
Made her retire, and quit her right,
And loudly cry'd" A bite! a bite!"


Thus did the Grecian wooden horfe Conceal a fatal armed force: No fooner brought within the walls, But Ilium's loft, and Priam falls.




Sent to bim when in the Torver, 1716.

How blest is he who for his country dies,
Since Death purfues the coward as he flies!
The youth in vain would fly from Fate's attack,
With trembling knees and terror at his back;
Though Fear should lend him pinions like the wind,
Yet fwifter Fate will feize him from behind.

Virtue repuls'd, yet knows not to repine,
But fhall with unattained honour shine;
Nor stoops to take the ftaff*, nor lays it down,
Just as the rabble please to fmile or frown.

Virtue, to crown her favourites, loves to try
Some new unbeaten paffage to the sky;
Where fove a feat among the gods will give
To those who die for meriting to live.

Next, faithful Silence hath a fure reward; Within our breast be every fecret barr'd! He who betrays his friend, shall never be Under one roof, or in one ship, with me. For who with traitors would his fafety truft, Left, with the wicked, heaven involve the just? And, though the villain 'fcape awhile, he feels Slow vengeance, like a blood-hound, at his heels.

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DESPONDING Phyllis was endued
With every talent of a prude:
She trembled when a man drew near;
Salute her, and the turn'd her ear;
If o'er against her you were plac'd,
She durit not look above your waift:
She 'd rather take you to her bed,
Than let you fee her dress her head:
In church you hear her, through the crowd,
Repeat the abfuistion loud:

In church, fecure behind her fan,
She durft behold that moniter man ;
There practis'd how to place her head,
And bit her lips to make them red;
Or, on the mat devoutly kneeling,
Would lift her eyes up to the cieling,
And heave her bosom unaware,
For neighbouring beaux to fee it bare.

At length a lucky lover came,
And found admittance to the dame.
Suppofe all parties now agreed,
The writings drawn, the lawyer fee'd,
The vicar and the ring bespoke:
Guefs, how could fuch a match be broke?
See then what mortals place their blifs in!
Next morn betimes the bride was mifling:
The mother fcream'd, the father chid;
Where can this idle wench be hid?
No news of Phyl! the bridegroom came,
And thought his bride had skuik'd for shame;
Because her father us'd to fay,
The girl bad fuck a bafoful way!

Now John the butler must be fent
To learn the road that Phyllis went.
The groom was wish'd to faddle Crop;
For John muit neither light nor stop,
But find her, wherefoe'er she fled,
And bring her back, alive or dead.

See here again the devil to do!
For truly John was mifling too:
The horfe and pillion both were gone!
Phyllis, it feems, was filed with John.

Old Madam, who went up to find
What papers Phyl had left behind,
A letter on the toilet fees,
To my much-honour'd father-these-
("Tis always done, romances tell us,
When daughters run away with fellows)
Fill'd with the choiceft common-places,
By others us'd in the like cafes.
"That long ago a fortune-teller

Exactly faid what now befel her;
"And in a glass had made her fee
"A ferving-man of low degree.
"It was ber fate, must be forgiven;

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For marriages were made in beaven: " His pardon begg'd: but, to be plain, "She'd do 't, if 'tovere to do again : "Thank'd God, 'twas neither foame nor fin z " For John was come of bonest kin. "Love never thinks of rich and poor: "She'd beg with Join frots door to door. Forgive her, if it be a crime; "She 'll never do 't another time.

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She ne'er before in all her life
* Once difobey'd him, maid nor wife.
One argument she summ'd up all in,
* The thing was dane, and past recalling;
" And therefore hop'd she should recover
* His favour, when his paffion's over.
• She valued not what others thought her,
"And was his moft obedient daughter."

Fair maidens, all attend the Mufe,
Who now the wandering pair purfues:
Away they rode in homely fort,
Ther journey long, their money short;
The loving coup'e well bemir'd;
The horfe and both the riders tir'd:
Their victuals bad, their lodging worse;
Phyl cry'd, and John began to curse :
Phy! with'd that the had ftrain'd a limb,
When first the ventur'd out with him;
John with'd that he had broke a leg,
When first for her he quitted Peg.

Bat what adventures more befel them,
The Mafe hath now no time to tell them,
How Johnny wheeddled, threaten'd, fawn'd,
Till Phyll's all her trinkets pawn'd:
How oft' the broke her marriage vows

In kindness to maintain her fpoufe,

Til fwains unwholesome fpoil'd the trade;

For now the furgeons must be paid,

To whom those perquifites are gone,

In Chriftian justice due to John.

When food and raiment now grew scarce,

Fare put a period to the farce,

And with exact postic juftice;

For John was landlord, Phytis hoftess;
They kept, at Staines, the Old Blue Boar,
Are cat and dog, and rogue and whore.



Erumpent, promis; quo ritu fæpè puella
Sub cinere hesterno sopitos suscitat ignes.


Te dominum agnofcit quocunque fub aëre natus;
Quos indulgentis nimium cuftodia matris
Peffundat: nam fæpè vides in stipite matrem.
Aureus at ramus, venerandæ dona Sibyllæ,
Eneæ fedes tantùm patefecit Avernus;
Sæpè puer tua quem tetigit femel aurea virga
Calumque terrasque videt, noctemque profundam.


VIRTUE conceal'd within our breaft,
Is inactivity at beft:
But never shall the muse endure
To let your virtues lie obfcure,
Or fuffer Envy to conceal
Your labours for the public weal.
Within your breast all wisdom lies,
Either to govern or advife;
Your steady foul preferves her frame
In good and evil times the fame.
Pale Avarice and lurking Fraud
Stand in your facred prefence aw'd;'
Your hand alone from gold abstains,
Which drags the flavish world in chains.

DELICEE Sheridan Mufarum, dulcis amice,
Si tibi propitius Permessi ad flumen Apollo
Occurrat, feu te mimum convivia rident,
Aquivocosque fales spargis, feu ludere verfu
Mates; dic, Sheridan, quisnam fuit ille deorum,
Quz melhor natura orto tibi tradidit artem
Rinandi genium puerorum, atque ima cerebri
Scrutzadi? Tibi nafcenti ad cunabula Pallas
Afirit; & dixit, mentis præfaga futuræ,
Hee, puer infelix! noftro fub fidere natus;
Nam tu pectus eris fine corpore, corporis umbra;
Sed levitate umbram fuperabis, voce cicadam:
Mufca femur, palmas tibi mus dedit, ardea crura.
Corpore fed tenui tibi quod natura negavit,
Hoc animi dotes fupplebunt; teque docente,
Net longura tempus, furget tibi docta juventus,
Artibus egregiis animas instructa novellas.
Grex hinc Paconius venit, ecce, falutifer orbi.
Aft, ili caufas orant; his infula vifa eft
Divinam capiti nodo conftringere mitram.
Nata is te horæ non fallunt figna, fed usque
Confcins, expedias puero feu lactus Apollo
Nakenti arrifit; five illum frigidus horror
Spurni premit, aut feptem inflavere triones.
Quin tu a'tè penitusque latentia femina cernis,
Qræque diu obtundendo olim fub luminis auras

Him for a happy man I own,
Whose fortune is not overgrown;
And happy he, who wifely knows
To use the gifts that Heaven bestows;
Or, if it please the Powers Divine,
Can fuffer want, and not repine.
The man who, infamy to shun,
Into the arms of death would run,
That man is ready to defend
With life his country, or his friend.

TO MR. DELANY, Nov. 10. 1718.

To you, whose virtues, I must own
With shame, I have too lately known;
To you, by art and nature taught
To be the man I long have fought,
Had not ill fate, perverfe and blind,
Plac'd you in life too far behind;
Or, what I fhould repine at more,
Plac'd me in life too far before:
To you the muse this verfe bestows,
Which might as well have been in profe;
No thought, no fancy, no fublime,
But fimple topics told in rhyme.

Talents for converfation fit,
Are humour, breeding, fenfe, and wit;
The laft, as boundless as the wind,
Is well conceiv'd, though not defin'd:

For, fure, by wit is chiefly meant

Applying well what we invent.
What humour is, not all the tribe
Of logic-mongers can defc:ibe;
Here nature only acts her part,
Unhelp'd by practice, books, or art:
For wit and humour differ quite;
That gives surprise, and this delight.
Humour is odd, grotesque, and wild,
Only by affectation spoil'd:

That Mufic gave her leave to litter:
But mark what follow'd-faith! the bit her.
Whole baskets full of bits and scraps,
And broth enough to fill her paps;
For well the know, her numerous brood,
For want of milk, would fuck her blood.

But when she thought her pains were done,

And now 'twas high time to be gone;
In civil terms" My friend," fays the,
"My house you 've had on courtefy;
"And now I earnestly defire,
"That you would with your cubs retire :
"For, faould you stay but one week longer,
" I shall be starv'd with cold and hunger."

The guest reply'd-" My friend, your leave "I mufl a little longer crave; * Stay till my tender cubs can find "Their way for now, you fee, they 're blind; "But, when we 've gather'd ftrength, I swear, "We 'll to our barn again repair."

The time pass'd on; and Mufic came,
Her kennel once again to claim;
But Bawty, lot to shame and honour,
Set all her cubs at once upon her;
Made her retire, and quit her right,
And loudly cry'd" A bite! a bite!"


Thus did the Grecian wooden horfe Conceal a fatal armed force : No fooner brought within the walls, But Ilium's loft, and Priam falls.




Sent to bim when in the Tower, 1716.

How blest is he who for his country dies,
Since Death purfues the coward as he flies!
The youth in vain would fly from Fate's attack,
With trembling knees and terror at his back;
Though Fear should lendhim pinions like the wind,
Yet fwifter Fate will feize him from behind.

Virtue repuls'd, yet knows not to repine,
But fhall with unattained honour shine;
Nor stoops to take the staff*, nor lays it down,
Just as the rabble please to fmile or frown.

Virtue, to crown her favourites, loves to try
Some new unbeater paffage to the fky;
Where fove a feat among the gods will give
To those who die for meriting to live.

Next, faithful Silence hath a fure reward; Within our breast be every secret barr'd! He who betrays his friend, shall never be Under one roof, or in ene ship, with me. For who with traitors would his fafety truft, Left, with the wicked, heaven involve the just? And, though the villain fcape awhile, he feels Slow vengeance, like a blood-hound, at his heels.

* The ensign of the Lord Treasurer's office.



DESPONDING Phyllis was endued
With every talent of a prude:
She trembled when a man drew near;
Salute her, and the turn'd her ear;
If o'er against her you were plac'd,
She durit not look above your waift:
She 'd rather take you to her bed,
Than let you fee her dress her head:
In church you hear her, through the crowd,
Repeat the abfulsstion loud:

In church, fecure behind her fan,
She durft behold that moniter man ;
There practis'd how to place her head,
And bit hor lips to make them red;
Or, on the mat devoutly kneeling,
Would lift her eyes up to the cieling,
And heave her hofom unaware,
For neighbouring beaux to fee it bare.

At length a lucky lover came,
And found admittance to the dame.
Suppofe all parties now agreed,
The writings drawn, the lawyer fee'd,
The vicar and the ring befpoke:
Guefs, how could fuch a match be broke?
See then what mortals place their blifs in!
Next morn betimes the bride was mifling:
The mother fcream'd, the father chid;
Where can this idle wench be hid?
No news of Phyl! the bridegroom came,
And thought his bride had skuik'd for shame;
Because her father us'd to say,
The girl bad fuck a befeful way!

Now John the butler must be fent
To learn the road that Phyllis went.
The groom was wish'd to faddle Crop;
For John muit neither light nor stop,
But find her, wherefoe'er she fled,
And bring her back, alive or dead.

See here again the devil to do!
For truly John was mifling too :
The horfe and pillion both were gone!
Phyllis, it feems, was fied with John.

Old Madam, who went up to find
What papers Phyl had left behind,
A letter on the toilet fees,

To my much-honour'd father-thefe-
('Tis always done, romances tell us,
When daughters run away with fellows)
Fill'd with the choiceft common-places,
By others us'd in the like cafes.
"That long ago a fortune-teller
"Exactly faid what now befel her;
"And in a glass had made her fee

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A fer ving-man of low degree. "It was her fate, must be forgiven;

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