Imágenes de páginas

James Graham, Dr. Bowring, Mr. M. Attwood, Lord John Russell,

Sir Robert Peel, Mr. Ellice, Lord Palmerston, Lord Stanley, Mr. Roe-

buck, and other Members-The Debate is continued by Adjournment

for three nights-On a Division the Resolutions are negatived by 174

to 49-The same Subject comes under Discussion a few nights after-

wards on a Motion by Mr. Villiers for a Select Committee on the Corn-

laws-Mr. Fielden seconds the Motion-It is opposed by Mr. P.

Howard and Sir C. Napier-Sir Robert Peel complains of the Obstruc-

tion offered to Business by the Opposition-He vindicates the New

Corn-law and Financial Measures, and states his Opinions respecting

the Effects of Machinery on the Employment of the People, and his

Prospects of the Improvement of Trade-Speeches of Lord John Rus-

sell, Mr. Cobden, and Lord Howick-Mr. Villiers' Motion is rejected

by 231 to 117-Lord Brougham introduces the Subject of the National

Distress in the House of Lords in moving for a Select Committee-He

discusses at large the Principles of Commercial Policy-Speeches of

Earl of Ripon, Earl of Stanhope, Lord Kinnaird, Marquess of Clanri-

carde, Viscount Melbourne, and Earl of Radnor-Lord Brougham's

Motion is rejected by 61 to 14-The great Chartist Petition is presented

in the Houss of Commons-Its vast Bulk and Number of Signatures

-Procession of Petitioners and singular Spectacle at the Presentation

-Debate on the Petition introduced by Mr. T. Duncombe who moves

that the Petitioners be heard by Counsel at the Bar-Motion seconded

by Mr. Leader, and supported by Messrs. Roebuck, Hume, Wakley,

Villiers, O'Connell, and Muntz-Opposed by Mr. Macaulay, Lord F.

Egerton, Mr. Hawes, Mr. Oswald, Lord John Russell, and Sir Robert

Peel-The Motion rejected by 287 to 49.

Lord Ashley's bill for restraining the Employment of Women and Chil-

dren in Mines and Collieries-Extracts from the Report of the Com-

missioners of Inquiry-Impression made by Lord Ashley's statement

upon the House of Commons-Speeches of Mr. Fox Maule, Lord F.

Egerton, Sir J. Graham, and other Members-Leave given to bring in

the Bill nem. con.-Rapid progress of the measure in the House of

Commons--It is passed with slight opposition-It is introduced in an

altered form in the House of Lords. Debates on the Second Reading

-Lord Wharncliffe states the intentions of the Government respecting

it-Lord Londonderry moves, that it be read a second time that day

six months, but the Motion is not seconded. Speech of Lord Brougham

before going into Committee-Various amendments are proposed and

negatived, and the Bill passed-Debates in the House of Commons on

the Lords' Amendments-Charges against the Government made by

Lord Palmerston and Mr. C. Buller-Sir R. Peel vindicates the Minis-

ters-The Amendments agreed to-Bribery at Elections-Singular

result of proceedings before Committees-General reports respecting

compromises of Petitions-Mr. Roebuck undertakes an inquiry-He

addresses questions to the Members for Reading, Nottingham, Har-

wich, Penryn and Lewes-Their answers--Mr. Roebuck states his

charges and moves for a Select Committee-Mr. Fitzroy seconds the

motion-Adjourned debate-Speeches of Mr. Wynn, Mr. Ward, Lord

Palmerston, Sir R. Inglis, Sir R. Peel, Lord J. Russell, Lord Stanley,

and others-Mr. Roebuck amends his Motion, which is then carried

without a division-Mr. T. Duncombe proposes a test for the Com-

mittee, which is rejected-Nomination of the Committee—An Act of

Law Reforms-The Lord Chancellor gives notice of Bills relating to

Bankruptcy, Lunacy, and County Courts-His Speech on the Second

Reading-They pass the House of Lords-County Courts' Bill is post-

poned till the following Session-The other two Bills carried-Lord

Campbell proposes Bills to alter the constitution of Courts of Appeal-

They are rejected in the House of Lords-Marriage Law-Motion of

Lord F. Egerton, for leave to bring in a Bill to legalise Marriages con-

tracted with deceased Wife's Sister-Speech of Sir R. Inglis against

the Motion-It is supported by Mr. Milnes, Mr. Borthwick, Mr. C.

Buller, and Mr. C. Wood; and opposed by Mr. Goulburn, Lord Ashley,

the Solicitor-General, and Mr. O'Connell-On a Division it is negatived

by 123 to 100-Bill for the better Protection of the Royal Person, intro-

duced by Sir Robert Peel, in consequence of the outrages of Bean and

Francis-It is carried immediately in both Houses-Church Rates; Sir

John Easthope's Bill for their Abolition-It is opposed by Sir R. Inglis

and Mr. Goulburn, and rejected by 162 to 82-Grant to Maynooth

College Mr. Plumptre, Mr. Bateson, Sir H. Smith, Colonel Verner,

and other Members speak against it-Speech of Lord Eliot-It is

affirmed by a majority of 47-Poor Law Amendment Bill, introduced

by Sir J. Graham-Principal Objects and Provisions of the Measure-

A few of the Clauses are carried, and the rest postponed-Mr. Escott

makes a motion against the principle of excluding Out-door Relief-Sir

James Graham opposes it, and it is rejected after a Discussion, by 90 to

55-Review of the Session-Lord Palmerston moves for Returns to

show the number of Bills brought into the House of Commons, and the

Result as to each-He reviews the Domestic and Foreign Policy of the

Government at great length, and with much sarcasm-He is ably an-

swered by Sir Robert Peel, who retorts severely on the Whig party-

Prorogation of Parliament by the Queen, on the 12th of August-Her

Majesty's Speech-Concluding Remarks

AFFGHANISTAN continued-General Pollock takes the command, and de-

termines to force the Khyber Pass-Description of the Defile-The Fort

Ali Musjid taken by the British Troops-March of the Army through

the Khyber Pass-Arrival at Jellalabad-Account of the Operations there

previously-Important Victory of the Garrison over the Affghans headed

by Akbar Khan-Death of General Elphinstone-Occurrences at Cabul

-Murder of Shah Soojah-His son Futteh Jung proclaimed King-Long

Detention of the British Troops at Jellalabad-Akbar Khan treats for

the Surrender of his Prisoners-Situation of the Prisoners-State of

Affairs at Cabul-General Pollock advances from Jellalabad-Futteh

Jung joins the British Camp-Conflict at Jugdulluk-Description of

the different Passes and Defiles-Final Defeat of Akbar Khan in the

Tezeen Valley-The British Army reaches Cabul-Release of the Pri-

soners-Proclamation by the Governor-General for the Evacuation of

Affghanistan-General McCaskill sent into Kohistan-Defeat of the

Affghans at Istaliff-Destruction of the Grand Bazaar at Cabul-The

British Forces evacuate Cabul-March to Peshawur-Jellalabad de◄

stroyed-Arrival at Peshawur-Evacuation of Quetta by General Eng-

land-March through the Bolan Pass-Proclamations by the Governor-

General.—CANDAHAR and GHUZNEE.-The Insurrection spreads to the

Candahar District-Colonel Maclean fails in attempting to reach Cabul

-Candahar invested by the Insurgents-Victory gained by General

Nott-Failure of the Affghans in a nocturnal Attack on Candahar—

General England attempts to reinforce General Nott-Ill-success of this

Enterprise State of Garrison at Ghuznee-Treachery of the Inhabit-

ants-Surrender of Ghuznee by Colonel Palmer-His Reasons for

evacuating the Fortress-Treachery of the Ghazees-Attack upon the

British Troops-Destruction of the Sepoys, and Captivity of the Officers

-Prisoners sent to Cabul-General Nott advances from Candahar to

join General Pollock at Cabul-Description of his Line of March-

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