and Post-tertiary deposits); (b) the Cynoids or dog-like forms (dogs, wolves, foxes); and (c) the Arctoids or bears and their allies (otters, badgers, weasels, raccoons, panda); (2) Pinnipedes or aquatic carnivores, divisible into three well-marked families: (a) Otariids or sea-bears; (6) Trichechids or walruses ; (c) Phocids or true seals. Primates, the highest division of vertebrate life, comprising (1) the Lemuroid animals; (2) the Hapalids or marmosets; (3) the Cebids or American monkeys; (4) the Cercopithecids, the monkeys of the Old World, exclusive of the apes; (5) the Simiids or man-like apes (Troglodytes, Gorilla, Simia, and Hylobates) ; (6) Man. INDEX. An asterisk (*) denotes that a figure of the subject will be found on the page indicated. Amber, 281, 438 Acids, organic influence of, 22, 32, Amethyst, 170 Acids, 155 62, 71, 109, 211 Acrodus, 384, 396 Acrosalenia, 391 Acrydiide (locusts), 359 Actinodon, 378 Actinolite, 177 Agave, 428 Agglomerate, 203 Agnopterus, 430 Agnostus, 328* Alabaster, 181 Albatross, ancestral form of, 430 Albian, 417, 419 Albite, 176 Alder, fossil, 408, 448 Alethopteris, 355* Algæ, fossil, 318 Alkali metals, 160, 163 Alkaline earths, 164 Alligator, fossil forms of, 397 Almond-tree, fossil, 429 Ammonia, 161 Antelopes, fossil, 441, 448, 453, 472 Axes of crystals, 167 Anthracite, 211 Anthracomya, 359, 366* Anthracosaurus, 360 Anthracosia, 359 Anthracotherium, 436 Anthrapalæmon, 364 Anticline, 252 Apes, fossil, 292, 441 Arcestes, 384 Archæan, 305; described, 307 Archæopteryx, 399, 400* Argillaceous, 200, 201 Argillornis, 430 Asbestus, 177 Ascoceras, 333 Ash, volcanic, 135, 203 Assise, stratigraphical, 294 Asterophyllites, 356, 357* Astræid corals, 391 Axinus, 375 Bactrites, 347 Bannisdale Flags, 335 Barium, 155, 164 Barnacles as evidence of upheaval, 149 Bars of rivers, 102 Basalt rocks, 217 Basaltic structure, 218 Bases, 155 Basic rocks, 217 Bathonian, 401, 403 Astronomy, relation of, to geology, ❘ Bembridge Beds, 437 299 Athyris, 346, 364 Atmosphere, composition of, 156, Atoll, 117 Atrypa, 331,* 346 Augite, 178 Avalanches, 83 Avicula, 383, 384* Aviculopecten, 359, 366* Beryx, 415* Betula, 448 Biotite, 177 Birch, fossil, 448, 461 Birds, earliest known, 399; Eocene, 430; Oligocene, 436 Birds with teeth, 292, 417,430 Blattide (cockroaches), fossil, 334, Blocks, erratic, 86, 457; volcanic, Boulder-clay, 457, 466 Bosses, 264 Calcium-carbonate, 159, 179; deţec- tion of, 162; removed in solution Calcium-phosphate, 160, 183 Callipteris, 373,* 374 Callitris, 428 Brachiopods, fossil, 331,* 346,* Camarophoria, 374* 365,* 374,* 392, 450* Brachiopods," "Age of, 332 Brachymetopus, 363 Bracklesham Beds, 433 Bradford Clay, 401 Brick-clay, 201 Brick-earth, 26, 470 * Brittle-stars, fossil, 326 Brown coal, 210, 438 Bruxellian, 433 Callovian, 401, 403 Cambrian, 318, 320, 336 Camels, fossil, 446, 454 Caulopteris, 374 Cave-bear, 473 Cave-earth, 471 Caverns, origin of, 72 Caves, sea-formed, as evidence of upheaval, 149 Cellular structure, 130 Cellulose, 282 Cleavage, 255 Cementing materials of rocks, 200, Cliff-debris, 196 Chemical solution in geology, 18, 32 Conformability, 240 ture in rocks, 187, 235 Conglomerate, 198; origin of, 229; area overspread by, 237; schistose, Coniferæ, fossil, 339, 357, 374,379, Coniston Grits and Flags, 335, 336 Chondrites, 319* Chonetes, 345,364 Chrysotile, 221 Cidaris, 391, 393* * Contemporaneous sheets, 269 Continents, geological date of, 424, 434, 447 Conularia, 365, 367* Conus, 429 Copper-slate (Permian), 377 Coprolites, 212, 283, 360 Coral-reefs, 115; upraised, 118 Cinnamon, fossil, 408, 409, 429, Coral-rock, 209 448 Civets, fossil, 436 Clastic rocks, 196 Clay, 162, 201 Clay-ironstone, 181, 208, 211, 235 Clay-slate, 222 |