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place. The change is brought about partly by the action of both sea-water and rain-water in dissolving and redepositing carbonate of lime among the minute interstices of the rock, and partly also by the abundant mud and sand produced by the pounding action of the breakers on the reef, and washed into the crevices. On the portion of a reef laid dry at low-water, the coral-rock looks in many places as solid and old as some of the ancient white limestones and marbles of the land. There, in pools, where a current or ripple of water keeps the grains of coral-sand in motion, each grain may be seen to have taken a spherical form unlike that of the ordinary irregularly rounded or angular particles. This arises because carbonate of lime in solution in the water is deposited round each grain as it moves along. A mass of such grains aggregated together is called oolite, from its resemblance to fish-roe. In many limestones, forming wide tracts of richly cultivated country, this oolitic structure is strikingly exhibited. There can be no doubt that in these cases it was produced in a similar way to that now in progress on coral-reefs (see p. 188).

In the coral tracts of the Pacific Ocean, there are nearly 300 coral islands, besides extensive reefs round volcanic islands. Others occur in the Indian Ocean. Coral-reefs abound in the West Indian Seas, where, on many of the islands, they have been upraised into dry land, in Cuba to a height of 1100 feet above sea-level. The Great Barrier Reef that fronts the north-eastern coast of Australia is 1250 miles long, and from 10 to 90 miles broad.

There are other ways in which the aggregation of animal remains forms more or less extensive and durable rocks. To some of these, references will be made in later chapters. Enough has been said here to show that by the accumulation of their hard parts animals leave permanent records of their presence both on land and in the sea.

II. But it is not only in rocks formed out of their remains that animals leave their enduring records. These remains may be preserved in almost every kind of deposit, under the most wonderful variety of conditions. And as it is in large measure from their occurrence in such deposits that the geologist derives the evidence that successive tribes of plants and animals have peopled the globe, and that the climate and geography of the earth have greatly varied at different periods, we shall find it useful to observe the different ways in which the remains both of plants and animals are at this moment being entombed and preserved upon the land and in the sea. With the knowledge thus gained, it will be easier to understand the lessons taught by the organic remains that lie among the various solid rocks around us.

It is evident that in the vast majority of cases, the plants and animals of the land leave no perceptible trace of their presence. Of the forests that once covered so much of Central and Northern Europe, which is now bare ground, most have disappeared, and unless authentic history told that they had once flourished, we might never know anything about them. There were also herds of wild oxen, bears, wolves, and other denizens contemporaneous with the vanished forests. But they too have passed away, and we might ransack the soil in vain for any trace of them.

If the remains of terrestrial vegetation and animals are anywhere preserved it must obviously be only locally, but the favourable circumstances for their preservation, although not everywhere to be found, do present themselves in many places if we seek for them. The fundamental condition is that the relics should, as soon as possible after death, be so covered up as to be protected from the air and from too rapid decomposition. Where this condition is fulfilled, the more durable of them may be preserved for an indefinite series of ages.

(a) On land, there are various places where the remains both of plants and animals are buried and shielded from decay. To some of these reference has already been made. Thus on the floors of lakes, amid the fine silt, mud, and marl gathering there, leaves, fruits, and branches, or treetrunks, washed from the neighbouring shores, may be imbedded, together with insects, birds, fishes, lizards, frogs, field-mice, rabbits, and other inhabitants. These remains may of course often decay on the lake-bottom, but where they sink into or are quickly covered up by the sediment, they may be effectually preserved from obliteration. They undergo a change, indeed, being gradually turned into stone, as will be described in chapter xv. But this conversion may be effected so gently as to retain the finest microscopic textures of the original organisms.

In peat-bogs also, as already stated (p. 111), wild animals are often engulfed, and their soft parts are occasionally preserved as well as their skeletons. The deltas of rivermouths must receive abundantly the remains of animals swept off by floods. As the carcases float seawards, they begin to fall to pieces and the separate bones sink to the bottom, where they are soon buried in the silt. Among the first bones to separate from the rest of the skeleton are the lower jaws (pp. 400, 405). We should therefore expect that were excavations made in a delta these bones would occur most frequently, the rest of the skeleton being apt to be carried farther out to sea before its bones could find their way to the bottom. The stalagmite floor of caverns has already been referred to (p. 76) as an admirable material for enclosing and preserving organic remains. The animals that fell into those recesses, or used them as dens in which they lived or into which they dragged their prey, have left their bones on the floors, where, encased in or covered by solid stalagmite, these relics have remained for ages. Most of our knowledge of the animals which inhabited Europe at the time when man appeared, is derived from the materials disinterred from these bone-caves. Allusion has also been made to the travertine formed by mineral-springs and to the facility with which leaves, shells, insects, and small birds, reptiles, or mammals may be enclosed and preserved in it. Thus, while the plants and animals of the land for the most part die and decay into mere mould, there are here and there localities where their remains are covered up from decay and preserved as memorials of the life of the time.

(b) On the bottom of the sea, the conditions for the preservation of organic remains are more general and favourable than on land. Among the sands and gravels of the shore, some of the stronger shells that live in the shallower waters near land, but often only in rolled fragments, may be covered up and preserved. It is below tide-mark, however, and more especially beneath the limit to which the disturbing action of breakers descends, that the remains of the denizens of the sea are most likely to be buried in sediment and to be preserved there as memorials of the life of the sea. It is evident that hard and therefore durable relics have the best chance of escaping destruction. Shells, corals, corallines, spicules of sponges, teeth, vertebræ, and ear-bones of fishes may be securely entombed in successive layers of silt or mud. But the vast crowds of marine creatures that have no hard parts must almost always perish without leaving any

trace whatever of their existence.

And even in the case of

those which possess hard shells or skeletons, it will be easily understood that the great majority of them must be decomposed upon the sea-bottom, their component elements passing back again into the sea-water from which they were originally derived. It is only where sediment is deposited fast enough to cover them up and protect them before they have time to decay, that they may be expected to be preserved.

In the most favourable circumstances, therefore, only a very small proportion of the creatures living in the sea at any time leave a tangible record of their presence in the deposits of the sea-bottom. It is in the upper waters of the ocean, and especially in the neighbourhood of land, that life is most abundant. The same region, also, is that in which the sediment derived from the waste of the land is chiefly distributed. Hence it is in these marginal parts of the ocean that the conditions for preserving memorials of the animals that inhabit the sea are best developed.

As we recede from the land, the rate of deposit of sediment on the sea-floor gradually diminishes, until in the central abysses it reaches that feeble stage so strikingly brought before us by the evidence of the manganese nodules (p. 105). The larger and thinner calcareous organisms are attacked by the sea-water and dissolved, apparently before they can sink to the bottom; at least their remains are comparatively rarely found there. It is such indestructible objects as sharks' teeth and vertebræ and ear-bones of whales that form the most conspicuous organic relics in those abysmal deposits.

Summary.-Plants and animals leave their records in geological history, partly by forming distinct accumulations

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