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I. Map showing sites of Huron Missions, by

Andrew F. Hunter, of Barrie, Ont. Facing 319 PREFACE TO VOL. X

Following is a synopsis of the third and final installment of Document XXVI., contained in the present volume:

XXVI. In the Preface to Vol. VIII., we explained that the Relation of 1636, like many others of the series, is a composite. Part I. is a general report to the provincial of the Jesuits, at Paris, upon the progress and condition of the missions in New France, in 1636, from the pen of the superior, Le Jeune; Part II. consists of a specific Relation, addressed to the latter by Brébeuf, of the mission to the Hurons for this year. In Vols. VIII. and IX. were presented Le Jeune's Relation proper, the present volume being devoted to Brébeuf's Huron Relation, thus completing the document.

As usual, Brébeuf commences his annual letter by describing "the conversion, baptism, and happy death of some Hurons." During the year, the missionaries in that far-away field have baptized eightysix savages, - an encouraging gain over the fourteen who were "rescued from the service of the devil" during the first year of their labors. Their great hope is in the conversion of the children, who, they report, show surprising aptitude and willingness to learn the doctrines of the Christian faith; and, through them, many parents have been reached.

At a council of the Huron chiefs, Brébeuf produces

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