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Post Office Department.

[FBB. 9, 1831.

[It being now half past four o'clock, Mr. C. yielded to a motion for adjournment. On the succeeding day he proceeded as follows:]

a profligate expenditure; and looking back to the days if that energy and firmness which have hitherto characwhen John McLean administered its concerns, with the terized him through life, do not now desert him in this his aid of all the able and faithful officers who have been since hour of greatest peril, we may yet live to see one who has removed, they will demand an inquiry into the reasons been marked out as a victim, escape unscathed even by which have occasioned their proscription, and those who that power which has thus far prostrated alike the barrirepresent them shall not dare to refuse it. ers of public law and the sanctity of private reputation. But, sir, I have used, it seems, an unfortunate expres- In the mean time let it not be forgotten, that the injuries sion. "Proscription" is itself proscribed. The gentle- inflicted by that proscription which levels first at the of man from Tennessee, with his nine causes of removal, fice, and then at character to justify the blow, is not complains of the use of the word most grievously. His less severely felt because the sufferer has not moved in a delicate organs, and the still more tender sensibilities of splendid circle. The "beetle that we tread upon may the Postmaster General, are not to be assailed by so un- feel a pang as great as when a giant dies;”" and, looking to seemly a phrase, and he makes a hit at the Senator from the case to which I have alluded, may not the hundreds Maine for daring to say "proscription." Sir, we shall who have felt the sting of unmerited reproach fairly inhardly be driven from the appropriate use of the offensive voke the sympathies of others who are now made the obphrase, even though the chief of this department should jects of an attack not less unmerited and unrelenting in its be subject to fainting fits at the sound. It is a word of character than that which their humbler efforts may have such "exceeding good command," that he and his advo- been unable to resist? cates must pardon me if I try how I can speak it in pure emulation of my friend from Maine, to whom the member from Tennessee, having most exquisite organs to judge between us, but not yet having given me a fair hearing, Mr. President, however offensive it may be to the memhas awarded the palm for pronouncing it better than any bers from New Hampshire and Tennessee, to observe that other man in this nation. I say, then, in the name of an they have played the advocates of the Postmaster General, insulted and abused people, to this chief of a department, I must be permitted to repeat that remark in sheer comwho has driven hundreds of better men than himself from pliment, when I see the dexterity and adroitness with the public service, that, although his advocate here has which they have defended him. They represent themselves forbid our tongues to speak of "proscription," yet I would as being in a minority of the committee, when, according that every victim of his unmerited displeasure might find to my view, on all important questions, they, with the him when he lies asleep, and halloo in his ear" proscrip- member from Indiana, are certainly in the majority. But tion." these two gentlemen object and cavil at every step we take; they even seek to stifle the inquiry by an appeal to the Senate; and, to crown the climax, they attack the witness who is brought before us, as soon as he makes a disHe should be met at his incomings and his outgoings, and closure of the indebtedness of the Postmaster General to every honest man should ring it in his ears until the effects the Government. Nay, they go further: they provoke a of his proscription are properly appreciated by him. And debate here, in which the committee is involved, to the now may I ask the gentleman from Tennessee, whose great obstruction of the inquiry, and in the very comnerves are so sensitive on this subject, how, in his judgmencement of that debate they attack the gentleman from ment, I pronounce the word proscription? [Mr. GRUNDY-exceedingly well.]

"Nay, I would have a starling taught to speak Nothing but "proscription," and give it him To keep his anger still in motion."

Maine violently, for daring to ask a question which they are fearful the witness should answer, but which they say Then the honorable member will, I hope, hereafter he is unbecoming, and intended to make false impressions. sitate to decide before he has heard all the evidence. May Going beyond the whole question here, too, a blow is lethe good word never be laughed out of countenance by any yelled at all those who wish to obtain light. The very political wit snapper who may be displeased by its use. judgment of the Senate, in commencing the inquiry, is For the present, I fear much that the effect of the vindic-impugned. These are the tricks of certain advocates tive spirit which has actuated this department may not be when defending a desperate cause.


It is the usual subter. properly appreciated, for it has been alleged here, that fuge of guilt, first to impeach the witnesses, and then to this proscription meets the full approbation of the Presi-intimidate, or denounce in advance, the jury and the dent, and his name has been used as a political decantatur, judges. But why and how does the honorable member to hush the inquiry into repose. This sounds the tocsin from Tennessee attack Mr. Bradley? In the first place, to of party, and invokes the aid of that influence which can introduce the subject, he volunteers the new information, at all times successfully suppress truth and propagate false- that the committee has inquired whether the Postmaster hood. We may despair in such a contest, and be compel- General be indebted to the Government, and states a case led to acknowledge that if he who presides over this re-in reference to which the Senate ought not to be called on public has sanctioned all this proscription, we are too power-to form any opinion until the evidence is before us. less to obtain redress. But it will be soon seen whether says, Mr. Fowler, of Kentucky, had given a bond as postthere be not one man in this nation able to breast its ter- master, in which Mr. Morrison and others were sureties; rors when even the President hurls his thunders. There that, afterwards, Mr. Fowler gave a new bond, in which are hawks abroad, sir. Rumor alleges that the plunder- Mr. Barry was a surety; that while Mr. Meigs was Posting falcon has lately stooped upon a full winged eagle that master General, the first bond was given up by Mr. Meigs, never yet flinched from a contest, and, as might be natu- or, as the honorable gentleman was pleased to insinuate, rally expected, all await the result with intense interest. It is given out that the intended victim of proscription now is one distinguished far above all in office for the vigor and splendor of his intellect:

"Micat inter omnes

Velut inter ignes luna minores"

by Abraham Bradley, the Assistant Postmaster General, and he denounces the giving up of this bond as the greatest enormity that ever occurred in this or any other country. He even volunteers as a witness, and gives hearsay evidence in behalf of the distressed Postmaster General, whose cause, it seems, already requires all kinds of evi One who has been a prominent member of the party which dence to help it out. Now, sir, I must acquit the honoragave power to our modern dictator, is to feel the undying ble gentleman from Tennessee of any design wilfully to vengeance which can burst forth after the lapse of twelve calumniate Mr. Bradley. He has been misled by others. years, for an act done, or a word said, in a high official I pretend not to impugn his motives in debate, because station, and under the solemn obligation of an oath. But it would not comport well with what I feel to be due to

FEB. 9, 1831.]

Post Office Department.


this will appear by the books of the department, and by letters there filed. By the former it will appear that Mr. Barry is now indebted to the United States to the amount of ten thousand dollars.

my station here. But if the Postmaster General has mis- General Post Office. His sureties were applied to--they led the member on this subject, and directed his defence begged indulgence, proposed to pay a part of the balance here to be conducted by this stale and miserable subter- then due--that a new bond should be given, and the old fuge of attacking the character of the witness in advance, one should be cancelled. This was done. The new let me tell him, in advance, he cannot screen himself by bond was joint and several. such an effort. When the question of his own indebted- "William T. Barry, now Postmaster General, was one ness comes to be understood, as it will be by an intelligent of the sureties in the new bond. Mr. Fowler fell in arpublic, it will wear a very different complexion from that rears to a greater amount than ten thousand dollars, which which the honorable gentleman has represented. But we was the amount of the new bond. These sureties had have not taken half the testimony of this witness; and in been repeatedly called upon, and at last suit was institutthis state of the investigation I will not follow the exam-ed against them, and among them against Mr. Barry. All ple of the member from Tennessee, by prejudging the liability of Mr. Barry on this post office bond. It becomes my duty, however, to expose the motive of the department for this attack on the witness. The gentleman from Tennessee has mentioned a certain letter, which Mr. Brad- "Remarks. It is said that the money paid by Mr. Fowler ley addressed to the President, and attempts to forestall after the new bond was given, was applied to the extinpublic opinion on the subject of the contents of that let-guishment of the old debt, but should have gone to the ter. He will pardon me, then, if I exhibit to the Senate credit of that under the new bond. the head and front of Mr. Bradley's offending, premising "And that the suit against William T. Barry was dethat his life and character* have, in the estimation of all cided in his favor by the court. men, stood above reproach, until the breath of proscription endeavored to taint it, and that his oath to the truth of the matters stated in this letter was first taken in the committee, after which the letter was rejected, and refused to be received as evidence by the majority of the committee, the Senator from Maine and myself dissenting. I ask the Secretary to read the letter:

The Secretary accordingly read the following letter: [Letter of Abraham Bradley, late first Assistant Postmaster General, to the President, to the truth of the facts contained in which, his oath was taken by the special committee of the Senate.]

"CHEVY CHACE, (MD.) October, 1829. "The President of the United States:

"SIR: It is not without reluctance and anxiety that I venture to press upon your consideration the subject of the following remarks. I I am aware that he who comes forward as an accuser, does not always excite our better feelings; but I am aware also of the rights and duties of



"I address you as the chief of the nation, as one the aim and object of whose life must be to adorn his station by a just and impartial execution of the laws which are the safeguard and protection of all, and by a wise scrutiny into the acts, capacity, and fitness of those whom you have appointed to administer the details of those great concerns which are of vital importance to all.

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Independent of the known rule of the common law, that when a man is indebted on two accounts, and pays money to the creditor, without directing to which account it shall be applied, the creditor may apply it to which account he pleases, it has been the usage of the General Post Office to apply moneys paid by a postmaster to the extinguishment of the balance first in order of time standing against him on the books.


the court in which the suit was brought, that although it Again: It appears, by the certificate of the clerk of was in the first instance decided upon the demurrer by the defendants in their favor, yet the judgment was afterwards opened, and the suit dismissed, so that the United States might begin de novo, and the indebtedness of the party still remains evident from the books and records of the department over which he now presides.

"CHARGE 2d. That he has paid money in advance, contrary to law, for work to be done.

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Specification. Some time early in the present year,
Duff Green made a draft on the Postmaster General for
fifteen hundred dollars, payable
Mr. McLean,

then Postmaster General, accepted it, to be paid when printing to the amount should be completed by the drawer, for the use of the department. The draft was cashed by one of the Washington banks. At maturity it was presented to me for payment. I presented it to Mr. Barry, and stated that nothing of moment was due to the drawer; and that there was a law prohibiting the payment of money in advance, and making it imperative on the Presi "Not knowing your particular feelings towards the in-dent to remove any officer who paid any sum beyond the dividual whose conduct and character have furnished the amount earned, or the value of work delivered. Mr. Baroccasion of this address, it may be my misfortune, in addi-ry prohibited its payment, and it was refused. I was aftion to the distrust with which such communications are terwards informed that he said this was done without his too often read, to have to contend with the predilections knowledge. I went to him and recalled to his memory of a friend; if so, it will occasion me regret, but will not the conversation we had had, and that I had followed his diminish the confidence with which I rely on a patient direction in refusing to pay it, and then read the law to perusal and mature consideration of what I shall say. him; he also read it himself, and said Green was wrong, "I proceed, sir, at once, to lay before you the follow- and it could not be paid. ing charges and specifications against William T. Barry, Postmaster General of the United States:

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"CHARGE 1st. That he is indebted to the Government. Specification. In the year 1818, John Fowler, then postmaster at Lexington, Kentucky, was indebted to the

"Not long afterwards it was again presented to Mr. Barry, the Postmaster General; he said something about the law, and his engagements to Green, and finally ordered it to be paid--this was done.

"Remark. The law says, in such a case, the PresiIdent shall remove such officer from office. That officer *Mr. McLean, the late Postmaster General, in his letter was not ignorant of the law, nor did he misapprehend it; to the committee of the 26th February, 1831, says: "Re- for he had not only refused to pay this in the first instance, specting Mr. Bradley, I have to state, that from the time and confirmed it a second time, but there had been seve I became intimately acquainted with him, I have had the ral other instances of a similar character, in which payhighest confidence in his integrity. During my connexion with the department, his time was faithfully and assiduously devoted to the public service. In private life, Mr. Bradley is without reproach."

ment had been refused. The books of the department will show, I believe, four other cases of advances of large sums made by his particular order, but I have no memo

randum of them, and one instance is sufficient.


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"CHARGE 3d. A disregard to the economy of the public inviting proposals for carrying the mail to be published for funds under his control. twelve weeks at the seat of Government, and the usage Specification. In the early part of the year 1828, Mr. has been to publish them once a week in two papers. The Harrell, who carries the mail in stages between George- advertisement of this year is a short one, and would have town and Charleston, South Carolina, was required by cost for one paper once a week from six hundred to eight Mr. McLean, Postmaster General, to start from the for- hundred dollars. The proprietors of the National Intellimer place at 3 A. M. instead of 5 A. M., and to arrive at gencer publish a daily and tri-weekly paper, and publish Charleston at 3 P. M., instead of 5 P. M., having in either the advertisement in the latter several times without any case twelve hours to perform his route through a smooth additional charge. But, in order to swell the amount, Mr. and champaign country. After having made the change Barry employed the Telegraph to publish it every time in as required, he charged the department one thousand the daily paper, every time in the tri-weekly, and every eight hundred and fifty dollars a year for three additional time in the weekly paper. Thus the public pays for pubteams said to be required in thus expediting the mail, and lishing it ten times a week, in what is in fact the same pademanded that sum. Mr. McLean refused to make the per something modified, useless to the public and a nuiallowance. Harrell procured a representation from se-sance to the subscribers. Shame seemed to restrain the veral gentlemen, to the effect that he had put on three ad-proprietor from taking the full price, and he reduced the ditional teams in consequence of the increased expedi- continuances after the first three in each paper from thirty tion, and that the amount charged was not too high, and three cents to twenty-five cents each square. Still making a certificate from Mr. McDuffie, that, although he was not the whole cost over 2,200 dollars. acquainted with the facts, he knew those gentlemen were "5th. He has employed extra clerks and agents when respectable and entitled to full credit. Mr. McLean di- the business of the office was as well and promptly done rected me to return for answer, that, as the contractor before, and when it did not require others, and has exhad the same length of time to perform his route in, the pended money in alterations, ornaments, and what he conlaw did not authorize him to make any allowance. After-siders improvements in the building for the General Post wards Mr. Harrell came to the office, applied to Mr. Office, without any appropriation or warrant of law. I canBarry, who directed Doctor B. to write to Harrell that not specify the extent of the cost: the books of the office he should be allowed nearly one thousand eight hundred will show. and fifty dollars for that increased expedition, from April 1st, 1828, until the end of his contract, and ordered the pay to be made for the past year. Thus more than five thousand dollars has been paid or engaged to be paid, without sufficient reason, and contrary to law.

"Remark. By these means, through his own indebtedness, and by payinents and engagements made without reason, the department is involved in a loss of nearly one hundred thousand dollars, and he has been in office but six months.

"2d. Messrs. Mallets carry the mail from Fayetteville, "CHARGE 4th. His ignorance of, and inattention to, the North Carolina, to Camden, South Carolina. They ap-duties of his office. plied to Mr. Barry for an increased allowance of five hun- "Specification 1st. The power of removing and appointdred and fifty dollars a year, which he ordered to be made, ing postmasters is one of great trust and importance, and without assigning any reason, which is required by law requires vigilance, care, and judgment.

in cases of increased allowances. Application had been "This he had virtually yielded to C. K. Gardner, bemade to the late Postmaster General, but he declined fore my removal from the office. He is my successor, and making any, not seeing any ground or cause for such al-I know not how it is now arranged. While in that busilowance. I am also informed by my brother, Doctor ness, the papers relating to one office were arranged in Bradley, that other increased allowances were made by one bundle; and, instead of giving a brief of the charges him to these gentlemen, amounting with the above to against the individual, and the answers of the applicants three thousand dollars a year, no adequate grounds ex- and their supporters, he merely endorsed a suggestion on isting for such allowance. But as I have no access to the the papers that such an one should be removed and such books of the department, I will not make a specific charge an one be appointed, and the Postmaster General endorsof that fact, but merely state it as a subject worthy of in-ed "approved," or "let it be done," or words to that efquiry. fect. And C. K. Gardner thus made the removals and appointments.

"3d. The mail is carried between Mobile and New Orleans, partly in stages and partly in boats, three times a week, and costs six thousand dollars a year.

"I would not be understood to state that Mr. Barry never examined the papers; he doubtless did in some instan"Applications were made to have this mail carried in ces read them, or a part of them, and the more important steamboats; the distance is called one hundred and thirty-appointments were made upon advisement. four miles. He had it advertised with that view. Between 2d. I will illustrate the effect of this--the postmaster New York and Albany, one hundred and fifty miles, the at Poughkeepsie, New York, an office of some importance, mail is carried six times a week during the season in steam-rendered more so by the interest made for his removal and boats for four thousand dollars a year. Between Balti- retention in office, who had opposed the late administramore and Philadelphia, nearly one hundred and twenty tion strenuously, and advocated the present, had, it seems, miles, steamboats and stages daily at 5,000 dollars, during voted for his friend Judge Thompson as Governor. He the year. wrote to me repeatedly about the efforts made to remove "Mr. Barry has made a new contract for this route of him. He also wrote to Mr. Barry. I took a letter to me one hundred and thirty-four miles only three times a week, into Mr. Barry's room, and told him its contents. "Sir," stipulating to pay twenty-five thousand dollars a year. By says he, "we have fully considered that case, he will not this contract the mail will arrive at New Orleans one day be removed--you may write him so." I thought it bet earlier than it did before. But there are three other ex- ter, from my knowledge of the manner in which such bupensive routes leading to New Orleans: these already more than absorb the proceeds of the post office, which are less than twenty-five thousand dollars a year. In the four years for which the contract is made, it will cost the public seventy-six thousand dollars more than it would to carry it as it is now carried, and no material advantage is to be gained.

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Specification 4th. The law requires the advertisements

siness was done, to apply to Gardner. I did so, and found that a new appointment had been made the day before.

"3d. For some time he attempted to open the letters addressed to him, a paramount duty one would think, and to distribute them among his subordinates. He found himself incompetent even to this. While he did attempt it, he did not peruse them further than to ascertain it was an account, a contract, &c., so that he might send it to some

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body who had charge or connexion with the branch to which it belonged.


"The second is a strained and improper construction of the law regulating postages. The origin of that law was "Instance.--On one occasion he received a long letter this: A postmaster had been threatened with a suit if he from a man named Howard, abusing, and I believe prefer- did not abate the postage on a letter delivered from his ring charges against me. Without reading it, he sent it to office, averred to be overcharged, which the postmaster Mr. Coyle, who brought it to me. I advised him to car-doubted. He applied to the Postmaster General, (Mr. ry it to Mr. Barry, and tell him what it was. He did so; Granger,) who directed the abatement, but, when the law Mr. Barry said, at first, he had never seen it--then, that was revised, in 1810, had the clause (misconstrued by Mr. he supposed it related merely to a clerkship, and did not Barry) inserted, in order to protect postmasters from suits. read it. Mr. Coyle asked if he should not show it to me; Such was the construction given to the law at that time, he said no-he had great confidence in me-it was of no and the practice since. Mr. Barry has, in his circular, consequence. made the postage marked on the letter and the post bill exclusive evidence; whereas the law only makes it conclusive in cases of prosecution, the opening in the presence of the post officer excepted. The postmasters always exercised a discretion, and denied or granted the abatement, as they believed or doubted the man claiming it, or other evidence he might produce.

"Specification 4th. His substitute for Mr. McLean's plan of accounting for newspaper postage.

"Forms which relate to a business in which more than ten thousand persons are engaged are very material, and should never be changed without great consideration, and very clear advantage. They should be brief, plain, and attended with as little expense or labor as practicable. "Under the old form, every postmaster was furnished with a blank account, in which was a column for letter postage, one for newspaper postage, and another for free newspapers; a column for the day of the month, and for the office or mail from whence received. On the arrival of the mail, the postmaster counted the chargeable newspapers at one and a half cents, at one cent, and number of free, and marked the number and amount on a post bill coming with the mail. Also the same with respect to magazines and pamphlets; from these, when his account was made out, the aggregates were carried out into the columns mentioned in the blank account. This plan was plain, simple, and intelligible. Judge McLean adopted a new plan, and Mr. Barry substituted the following, as nearly as I can understand it:

"But the true object of the circular was to convey an idea to the public that the office was distressed and embarrassed in its funds by his predecessor. This was not true, as the books will show, and Mr. Barry might have ascertained, if he had not been ignorant or inattentive to the duties of his office.

"CHARGE 5th. His incapacity.

"A man in the high and important station of Mr. Barry has frequently cause to analyze and investigate. I have lent my attention in vain, on various occasions, to discover these capacities; and I cannot doubt that the want of them has frequently been obvious to you. No greater evidence need be given of these deficiencies than the specifications mentioned under the third charge.

"I have rarely seen a man occupying any thing more than an ordinary situation in society so ignorant of the geo"The postmasters are, as soon as a mail arrives, to se-graphy of the country. A Postmaster General uninformed parate the newspapers into as many parcels as there are on its topography, a knowledge essential to the office, of papers of different names. The name of the printing of the courses and characters of its waters, of the ranges of fice, and the number from each, with the rate of postage, its mountains, but even of the particular relations of its is to be set down in an account kept especially for that principal and prominent places to each other, would seem purpose. There are probably, in the United States, near- to be equivalent only to something monstrous in natural ly four hundred newspaper establishments. During the economy. Yet this might be remedied if he could apply session of Congress, here and at some of the large offices, himself, with the zeal, fidelity, and perseverance of his papers are received from almost every establishment in predecessors, to the broad field of the whole country, and the country. Supposing papers to arrive only from one-not weary himself by a narrow and contracted view of half of these, on any one day, it would require the writing some particular portion of it. of two hundred lines, or four pages of large paper, before "Of some of its important statistics, the population, the the newspapers would be in order for delivery. This character and pursuits of the people in various parts, eswould occasion so much delay that the public would not sential to estimate the necessity or importance of a mail, submit to it--it is therefore impracticable. I send here- and the frequency or expedition with which it should be with the form and instructions, that you may see that it is carried, he is entirely ignorant, and has no quality of the as unintelligible as it is impracticable, marked No. 1. mind suited to the acquisition of such information. His memory is defective, or of a character which I will not offend you by speaking of: he frequently forgets important transactions, executed under his immediate direction, soon after he has given the order. He cannot even recol"The first object assigned for its publication, is the em-lect upon what ground the suit against himself, on Mr. barrassed state of the funds of the department, and it con- Fowler's bond, was decided. Witness, also, the refusal cludes with the same. And it is to be inferred that that of payment to Duff Green, the order to Mr. Coyle, and great object, the replenishment of the funds, is to be at-the Poughkeepsie case. No property of the mind is more tained in part by preventing the abuse of the franking essential in such an office as his, than this one of memory. privilege, and by carefully charging double, triple, and "2. He permitted an inferior clerk in the department to other letters, to the full extent of the law, and by the non-devise and write the circular alluded to, and then copied, reduction in cases of excess, in those respects, unless the and showed it in his own hand, as his own production. letters were opened in the presence of a postmaster or his

"It may be wrong to call this Mr. Barry's plan; it was at least adopted by him, and shows his inattention to, if not ignorance of, the details of his office.

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Specification 5th. His circular to postmasters.


"3. The reasons assigned for the removal of Mr. Hawkins, the postmaster at Frankfort, Kentucky, is a striking instance of that want of reflection and judgment which has characterized his official life.

"Every one at all acquainted with the subject knows that those abuses never went to any important extent. The President, and higher officers of the Government, "For the act he is reponsible to you alone, and I do not whatever exuberance there may be in the expressions, will profess to know the real causes which led to it. I leave not believe it intended for them. The postmasters are, it, without comment, to your decision. But the circumas a body, men of honor, integrity, and standing in soci- stances arising out of it are material; and, although it may ety, whose oath of office is a sufficient guaranty against require some detail, I must beg, sir, your indulgence while

Such an abuse.

I relate them.


Post Office Department.

[FEB. 9, 1831.

"On the 15th September he requested my son to as sure me that he had the highest respect for me, and the utmost confidence in me.'

"Specification 2d. Mr. Coyle had been chief clerk in the Post Office Department, and was removed to make room for the author of Mr. Barry's circular. After his removal, he published several letters addressed to Mr. Barry. The latter informed my brother that two of the clerks in the office had undertaken to answer Mr. Coyle. The second of these answers contained a side attack upon me. As soon as Mr. Barry came to the office the morning after its publication, I told him it was an entire misrepresentation of facts as it respected both of us. The case was this: Mr. Scott, a clerk in the office, had been very ill last year. He came to the office late in the fall, excessively pale and emaciated; and stated that his illness had impoverished him, he had spent all that he had, anticipated all he could; winter was fast approaching, he was destitute of food, proper clothing, and fuel; that, while the salaries of other clerks of his standing had been raised to one thousand dollars, his had not been raised. Judge McLean concluded to make him an allowance of one hundred dollars, which I paid him.

"After Mr. Hawkins's removal, Mr. O. B. Brown, one of the clerks of the department, but on a different branch of business, directed a clerk, whose duty it was to make out statements of postmasters' accounts for suit, to make out that of Mr. Hawkins. In execution of this order, he met with the usual mark of a draft for a considerable amount, credited in pencil to Mr. Hawkins; and, as he doubted, not finding in whose favor the draft was made, he applied to Mr. Brown for instructions. Brown directed him to omit it, and to make out the account as posted in ink. Johnson did so. Brown directed him to bring it to me for my signature; and, upon Johnson's answer to my inquiry it was all correct, I signed it. Johnson gave it to Brown, who forwarded it to the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, who, as he says, put it into the hands of the Marshal for suit. There is in the office a lawyer, who is charged with the duties of a solicitor for the office for all the debts of persons whose employments have ceased. All this Mr. Barry was privy to. Afterwards, I discovered the account was erroneous, and conferred with Mr. Barry on the subject. The whole of this seems to have been a device of Mr. Barry and Co. to justify the removal of Mr. Hawkins, by making him appear a great debtor, and that it was necessary to the security of the public to sue him "A list of clerks and their accounts was made out for immediately; thus wielding the public force for the grati- Mr. Barry, and that sum nearly appeared against Mr. fication of his revenge. It was with difficulty I persuaded Scott. He died leaving his widow in great distress. him to let it rest until time should be given to adjust the friends applied to Mr. Barry to pay up his salary to the accounts, to furnish him with a copy, as in other cases, end of the month, which he directed should be done. and to make a call for payment. I could not persuade him Mr. Coyle applied to me in behalf of the widow for the to agree that a draft should be made for the amount; but he pay. I showed him the balance, and told him it could insisted he should pay by a deposite in a bank thirty miles not be paid until it was squared--advised him to apply to distant, and otherwise inconvenient, upon a short notice: Mr. Barry for an order for the proper credit, and to state and yet he not only retained Mr. Brown in high favor, but the subject distinctly. He returned, and said Mr. Barry had rewarded him with the appointment of chief clerk. If he directed him to make the credit. I asked if he was sure had reflected, and had not wanted judgment, he must have he understood it. He said he appeared to do so. I told been sensible that this was a device, the effect of which, him I would go myself, two witnesses were better than when exposed, would be injurious to himself and to the one. Mr. Barry denied having given the order. I then Government. Ile compromitted his own dignity and his stated the case fully, as far as I recollected it at the moofficial station, by permitting the Fourth Auditor to inter- ment. He told me I might tell Mr. Coyle to enter the fere in the concerns of his department; he inflamed the credit. Instead of this, I called him in, and Mr. Barry minds of Hawkins's friends; he weakened the public con- gave the direction to him again. Mr. Coyle made the fidence in the department over which he himself presided; entry agreeably to this order. he alienated others from the Government, by exhibiting false causes for removing an officer under his control. Taking all these things in connexion with his advance to Duff Green, his allowances to mail contractors, his employment of agents and clerks, and his Mobile contract, and I think the charge is fully sustained.

"CHARGE 6th. His want of integrity and veracity.

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Specification 1st. On the 10th of June last, Mr. Barry came into my room for a check for his salary, and, without any previous remark leading to the subject, said, I am surprised to find, by the receipt of letters almost every day, from almost every quarter, wishing your continuance in office, that an apprehension has gone abroad that there was an intention to remove you. I can assure you that I have long been advised of your faithful services, and such a thing as your removal has never once entered my head. You may be assured that your continuance in this office will be as permanent as my own-that is, I have no suspicion that any adequate cause will arise; for that there may be exception. You, therefore, may be perfectly easy on that account.' These assurances were repeated through others, as I was advised, by his direction; and, from his deportment and language, I had no reason to doubt them, until I received the following note:

"POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Sept. 14, 1829. "Sir: I have appointed Colonel C. K. Gardner my assistant, and do not require your services any longer in this department.


"The answer charged the payment as being made in advance, (intended for me,) and a credit by Mr. Coyle as an act out of his line of duty, and for base motives, without any authority from the Postmaster General. After recalling these facts to his memory, Mr. Barry said if I would write a note to him in explanation, he would have it published. I prepared a note expressed in the mildest form, with which he appeared pleased. A few hours after, he informed me Mr. Green declined publishing any more on the subject.

Specification 3d. His conduct in relation to my remo


"On the 14th September last, soon after I went to my office in the morning, a servant placed upon my table the note, a copy of which I have already presented to you, dismissing me in a very uncourteous manner from my of fice. In a few minutes after I had read the note, the servant came and informed me it was left by mistake, and Mr. Barry wished its return. Not long after, he returned again with the note, and said, Mr. Barry says it is of no consequence, as you have read it; he did not intend to send it until evening.' I immediately put up such of my private papers as were convenient, and retired. course of the day, some of my friends called at my house, and strenuously advised me to tender the keys of the post office treasury to Mr. Barry, they being apprehensive, unless it was done, I might be attacked in the Telegraph; that my old friends were too much shocked to do much work, and this might be attributed to my having the keys, Under these circumstances, I was induced to have the keys offered to Mr. Barry, the moneys being untold,

"Very respectfully, your obedient servant, &c. "W. T. BARRY.' "Mr. A. BRADLEY, Present.'

In the

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