Imágenes de páginas


ACNAGHTEN, Sir William, at


Madatov, Russian traveller to India,

Mahratta army at Panipút, 216
Maimadshán, 228

Maimaneh, khanate of, 76, 222,
223, 228

Maimatchin, frontier town of Mon-
golia, 300

Makhdumkúli, Turkoman poet, 109
Maksheev, statistical reports of,


Malte-Brun, on the course of the
Oxus. 29

Mamurál-Beg, Turkoman leader,

Manchester policy, 262, 263, 265,



peninsula on the

Caspian, 12, 22, 34, 43
Mánkrák, mountain, 14
Mansfield, Sir W., now Lord Sand-
hurst, 257

Maralbáshi, district in Eastern
Turkestán, 174

Margilán, commercial town in Tur-
kestán, 297

Markosov, Colonel, reconnaissance
from Krasnovodsk, 210
Martshág or Merútshág, 108
Mashad, or Tús, in Persia, 10
Matkov, Russian topographer with
Golubev, 11

Mauro, Fra, Venetian map of, 39
Mayo, Earl of, Viceroy of India,
234-238, 246, 247

Mazanderán, Persian province, 286
Memorials of Russian General

Duhamel on a campaign against
India, note, 283

Menander, Byzantine historian, 32

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Tágh, or Mús or Múz-Tágh
mountains, 68, 86, 99, 118
Múslim, pass, 34, 36

Mútha-Beg, delivers war indemnity
to Kaufmann, 182

Myelitsky, Captain, surveys Oren-
burg, 9

ÁDIR, Shah of Persia, 216, 219

in Kokán, 106

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Novo-Alexandrovsk, 199
Núr-áttá, 191

Okhotsk, Sea of, 301

Oelöten, Kalmuk tribe in the Altai,

Oetsh or Oich (Vakh), probably an
arm of Oxus, 32

Oghí, English camp in Hazára cam-
paign, 261

Oghüz, ancient bed of the Oxus, 36,
Ogúrdshálí, Turkoman tribe in the
island of Chöleken or Cheleken,

Oktái-Khán, son of Chenghiz-Kháng

Omár-Beg, a leader of Samarcan-
dians, 180

Optimists in England, 256, 257
Ore, copper; gold, silver, lead, iron,
15, 49, 52, 79

Orel, capital of the Russian Govern-
ment Orel, 206

Orenburg, Geographical Society at;
rail from Samara to, &c., 8; 183
Oron, lake, 27
Orsk, 19, 132

Ortaku (Urtalaya) well, 210
Osten-Sacken, Baron F., Secretary
of Geographical Society, 87, 306
Ostiaks, Siberian tribe, 104
Otrar, ancient city on the Jaxartes,
39, 42, 65

Oxiana palus. See Aral Sea
Oxus. See Amú-Dariá

ÁMÍR, plateau of, 70, 80, 99,



Pampas of Buenos-Ayres, 50
Pangong, lake in Thibet, 120
Panipút, decisive battle at, 216
Panja, or Pandsh river, 84
Panjakend, or 'five villages,' 73
Parapanisus, or Caucasus indicus, 80
Pascal de Vittoria, 39
Patna, 253

[blocks in formation]

Patrocles, description of Caspian | Porphyry in the Kirghiz steppe; in

coasts, 4

Pegu, British province of India,


Pendshdeh or, Penjdeh, 108

Perovsky (Ák-Mesjed), fort, de-
fended by Kokánese, 127, 128


taken by Russians; attacked
by Kokánese, 129; 130 passim

General, operations against
Khiva; in 1852, 123, 124; 127,

General, policy towards Izzet
Kutebar; activity of, &c., 131,
132; 135, 136

Persia, expedition in 1851 to; treaty
with England; events in, 10; 221-
229 passim
Pervushin, caravans to Kashgar,

Peschel, Professor, views on the
Aral Sea, 26, 27

Peshawar, frontier city of India,

102, 226, 230, 235, 257, 260
Peter the Great, designs on Central
Asia; his will, 123; 294
Petropavlovsk, 16

Petrov, member of expedition to
Persia in 1858, 10

Petrushevsky, Colonel, at battle of
Samarcand, 175

Phasis, or Rion river, 31

Pilitshi, tributary of Ili, 59

[blocks in formation]

the Ili, 49, 52; 58

Postal communication


[blocks in formation]

Abdül Melik, 191
ACHMET BEG put to death by

Radlov, N., ethnographer and lin-
guist; his letter, 16, 104; 105
Railroads, 183, 195

see also Euphrates line
Rávát, village, 157

Raverty, Captain, on the Sijáposh,
Rawlinson, Sir Henry, concerning
the Aral, 26-44

consultation at India House,

Rawul-Pindis, frontier tribe of
India, 259

Reinthal, Capt., observations on the
Thián-Shán, with Jakub-Kháng
87, 187, 203

Ricci, S., missionary at Pekin, 5
Rion. See Phasis, 31

Ritter, Carl, works on Central Asia,

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ADIK, leader of the Dunganís,
Saghalien, island, 312
Saidabád, 232

Saksaúl, Haloxylon ammodendron,
45, 56, 60, 90

Sale, Sir Robert, at Jalálábád, 218,

Salesov, Colonel, cadastral survey
by, 12

Salor, Turkoman tribe, 127, 183
Samara, town on the Volga, 127,

Samarcand, operations against;
ceded; defended by Russians,
167-190; 175-179; 180-182

Samarin, wounded at Samarcand,

Samoieds, Siberian tribe, 104
Sanudo, Marino, map by, 40
Sarai on the Volga, 39

Saraichik on the Yaik or Ural, 39
Saratov, town on the Volga, 21
Sarbázes, regular infantry, 150
Sári-Bábá, mountains on the Kúli-
Dariá gulf, 22


Kúl, Alpine lake, called by
Humboldt Sir-i-Kol; by Wood,
Victoria Lake, 69, 70, 99, 112
Sú, river, 68

Chakú, mountain, 14

Sariam, commercial town, 188
Sarik, Turkoman tribe, 108
Sarikia, on the Karákash, 112
Sarkán, tributary of the Ak-Sú, 55
Sartohl, or land of the Sarts, 101


Sarts, 100, 101, 295, 296 passim
Sásyk-Kúl, east of Balkash, 54
Saukú, pass, 87

Saurán-Sú, tributary of the Sir-
Dariá, 65
Schamyl, 217

Schaufuss, Lieut.-Col., accompanies
Kokánese envoy, 107

Schlagintweit, the brothers; views
on people of East Turkestán, 93;


Schrenk, A., traveller in 1840-2, 7
Schultz, Leo von, expedition in
1847-9, 125

Scindia, ruler of, 245
Scutari, 288

Seistán, province of Afghánistán,

Seleucus Nicator, 4

Semenov, P., ascends the Thian-
Shán; on the Tengri-Khán, 9;

Semipalatinsk, city in Western Si-
beria, 16, 19, 57
Semiryechensky-Krai, Land of the
Seven Rivers, 14, 54-61, 92
Sendshú, 112

Sengér-Kúl, lake, 86

Sepoy mutiny in India in 1857, 242,

[blocks in formation]


Shuvalov, Count, mission to Eng-
land, 270

Siberia, 6, 301

Siberian section of Geographical
Society at Irkutsk, 8

Sidú, Sidúshis, Afghan tribe, 216,

Sijaposh, or Kafirs on the Hindú-

Kush, 102, 103
Sikander-Khán, leader of Afghans
at Samarcand, 179
Sikhs, 217, 218, 220, 265
Silk from Hazárasp, 78
Silver. See Ores

Silverstan, Lieut.-Col., at Yedshar,

Simla, sanitary station in India, 234
Singan in China, Nestorian Bishop's
see, 5

Sipahis, Khivan bureaucracy, 200
Sír-Dariá (Saihún) river, Jaxartes,
explored by Butakov, 13, 62

its upper course by Syevertsov;
ancient bed examined, 17; 41–44
adjacent countries; Russian

boundary, 62-79, 124, 135 passim
Sir-i-Kol. See Sári-Kúl, 69
Sivers, Russian naturalist, 91
Sladen, Major, expedition to south
of China, 307

Slushenko, Lieut., taken prisoner;
released, 167-170

Snegirev. Russian miner, visits
Chugútshúk, 91

Socanda, present Atrak, 37
Sogd, river in Bokhára, 72
Sogdáger (se Sarts), signifying a
tradesman, 100

Sokavain, Lieut.-Col., expedition to
Shahr-i-Sabz, 201

Sokpos, Kalmuk tribes, 121, 122
Spiegel, Professor, on the Eastern
Turkestán races, 98

Stempel, Baron von, takes Ummy;
defence of Samarcand, 168; 180-

[blocks in formation]


Strandtmann, Lieut.-Col., at passage

of the Zarafshan, 176
Struve, C., in the Tarbágátái; map
of Turkestan; Aral, level, 16;
16; 25

mission to Mozaffer-Khản, 152
Suez Canal, 287, 293

Susák, fort, 13

Súsámir, mountains, 16

Su-tsheu, Chinese frontier city,
visited by Goës, 5

Suzangirán-Tagh, mountains, 86
Swat, also the Akhund, chief priest
of, 260, 261

Syerov, Major, heads deputation to
Czar, 164

Syeverovostochnoi, Cape Severo, 86
Syevertsov, Paul, naturalist in Cen-
tral Asia, 17

opinions on the Ust-Urt; in the
Thian-Shán, 23; 87
Syria, 286, 292, 293

ABEN-TÁU, mountains, 86
Talagator Tagau, tailuent of the

Kabul, 84

Taipings, 173, 202

Tájiks; their character; subjugated
by the Uzbeks, 96-103; 101,
102; 105 passim

Taklá-Makán, great desert of Gobi,

Ták-Sú. See River Ili, 57

Talás, tributary of the Sir-Dariá,
15, 111

Taldyk, an arm of the Amú-Dariá,
mouth of, 72

Talgaryn-Tal-Chokú, snowy peak
of Alá-Táu, 90

Tamarisk woods, 46-64

Tamerlane, died at Otrar; his
capital, 65; 73

Támirsik, river, 14

Tan, Chinese dynasty, 172

Tanais confounded with the Jaxartes,

Tarantshis, tribe in Dzungaria, 119
Tarbágátái, mountains, explored by
Babkov, 14

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