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The following extract is one of the best specimens of these illustrations of old times and crimes :


"Among the many English hearts whom the accession of Mary filled with terror and dismay, none beat more anxiously than did that of the Duchess of Suffolk, widow of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, and lately become the wife of Richard Bertic, a person of liberal education, but of very obscure birth, and-danger of dangers !-a Protestant !!

"This lady was the daughter and heiress of the ninth Lord Willoughby; and her mother, a Spanish lady of high birth, had been maid of honour to Catharine of Arragon. But in the preceding reign she had made herself an object of hatred to Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, by an insulting display of her abhorrence for his hideous character, and her contempt for his religion. She now felt all the imprudence of this proceeding; she knew well that her high birth and splendid connections would be altogether insufficient to shield her from the vengeance of the remorseless prelate, and already beheld herself among the earliest victims of the misguided Mary's sanguinary decrees.

"Two chances of escape remained to her-she must renounce her religion, or resign herself to a voluntary banishment from her native land, and it was the last that she resolved on. But those days were not as ours; it was not at her own good pleasure and in open day that the duchess might depart from the land where every hour threatened her with imprisonment, torture, and death; but in silence and secrecy, cowering beneath the shades of night, and in dread of discovery at every step, was she compelled to steal from her home, as though hurrying from the punishment of crime.

"A license for himself to leave England had already been procured by Richard Bertic, on the pretext of business demanding his presence in Flanders, and when news of his safe arrival on a foreign shore reached the duchess, she stole from her house in Barbican-a region that boasts few duchesses now-a-days-with her little daughter, not yet two years old, in her arms; and taking boat on the Thames, was thus conveyed to a port in Kent, where she embarked.

"But when already within sight of a less dangerous strand, the terrified lady was driven back by stress of weather, and after much peril compelled to put in to an English port. She fortunately found means to re-embark some few days after, and at length rejoined her husband at Santon, in the Duchy of Cleves.

"And here the harassed couple began to breathe, but no long time elapsed before they were again compelled to fly, by a discovery that the Bishop of Arras was on the point of sending them back to the tender mercies of his brother prelate, the Bishop of Winchester. It was on a dark October night that they were again driven forth, Bertic loaded with what valuables they could snatch up in their hurried escape, and the duchess carrying her child. Four miles through mud and rain did the desolate wanderers proceed on foot, the duchess in daily expectation of her confinement, and with difficulty dragging herself along.

"At length they gained the town of Wesel, but their appearance was so


wild and wretched, that the innkeepers refused to receive them. whelmed by this last misfortune, the suffering lady sank exhausted: dragging her into a church porch, her husband then left her to make further efforts for procuring shelter; and here, in all the misery and desolation that surrounded her, did the unhappy duchess give birth to a son-afterwards that Lord Willoughby D'Eresby, whose name you will see making a brilliant figure in the reign of Elizabeth, from whom he wrung a reluctant and ungracious recognition of his rights. Of this event works more diffuse and more important than the slight sketch I am here giving you will inform you, in your more extended readings-our business is with his suffering mother. "Bertic was, meanwhile, seeking anxiously through the streets for the abode of a Walloon minister, to whom the duchess had shown kindness in England; and, hearing two students exchange a few words in Latin, he approached, and accosting them in that language, received a direction to the house he sought. Accompanied by the worthy pastor and his wife, Bertic now returned to his unfortunate lady, who was instantly conveyed with her infant to the parsonage, where all that the most grateful affection could devise was done for her comfort and restoration. Here she quickly recovered her health, and for some time remained in peace; a fresh alarm then obliged her husband to remove her into the dominions of the Palgrave, and the money and jewels they had brought with them being, after some time, exhausted, they were reduced to the most bitter distress.

"At this crisis a friend of the duchess made her situation known to the King of Poland, who invited her at once to his protection; the exiled family reached Poland through many dangers, and after many very narrow escapes. But once there, the accomplishments of Bertic soon gained the favour of the sovereign; a large domain was assigned to them by their princely protector, and here they lived in greate honoure and tranquillitie, till the accession of Elizabeth permitted their return to their native land."

It should have been added, that tales as touching could be told of escapes from Protestant persecution in those times of " no toleration."


THOUGH many guide-books and descriptions of Stratford-on-Avon are extant, we sincerely welcome the present well-timed addition. It conveys in a clear manner the present state of the remains associated with Shakspere's name; and we are glad to be reminded that so much still exists, though so much and such wilful waste has been made. The total destruction of the house in which the poet spent his last years, by the Rev. Mr. Gastrell, in 1759, can never be sufficiently deplored, and we were almost about to be uncharitable enough to say, sufficiently execrated. That would have been an undoubted memorial, and one with which the most vivid imaginings of the man could have been associated. There was the garden, as planned by himself, and the

chambers in which he dwelt, and where he doubtless received, at that last fatal meeting, Ben Jonson and Drayton, as well as all the other illustrious poets at previous times.

The house in Henley-street, said to be that of his birth, is by no means so interesting. In the first place, it has undergone very great changes; and again, there is no very strong evidence of Shakspere's birth having taken place there. There is, however, but little doubt that he passed a considerable part of his boyhood there, and from thence started to the great world that he was afterwards so materially to modify by his genius. There are still left also several interesting spots that an effort should be made to preserve as much as possible in their pristine form and state. The Grammar-school, where he no doubt received his "small Latin and less Greek.' The Hall of the Ancient Gild, underneath the school, where in Elizabeth's days dramatic performances took place, and where it is by no means improbable the young actor and future dramatist may himself have appeared. The Church has received every proper attention, and is in itself an object of great interest, and as containing the tomb of the greatest genius of modern, and perhaps of any time, is well worthy of every care. The Cottage of Anne Hathawaye at Shottery is also in tolerable preservation, as is the old English mansion of the Lucys at Charlecote.

It would seem that there is still sufficient remaining of the haunts and home of the poet to make his birthplace a grateful rendezvous to all who, feeling ardently towards his works, desire to indulge that personal affection which it is impossible not to feel towards an intellectual benefactor of the race. Every means should be taken to preserve Stratford-upon-Avon as an old Elizabethan town, as nearly as possible in accordance with the modes of life in Shakspere's days.

If the subscription now going forward should realise enough to found a college for aged and infirm poets, giving the preference to Dramatic, it would be a worthy memento, and form a nucleus that might draw the genius of present and succeeding times round the tomb of the great one.

There are many curious and interesting details in this little volume, and we sincerely recommend it to all proceeding to or desiring an account of the place and its memorials.







THE sharp blow of an open hand sounded with a loud smack against the passage-wall of the house where Archer lodged. It was the hand of Mrs. Dance, the mistress of the house, who, intending to administer chastisement to the servant girl's shoulders, had fallen short of her severe intentions and smacked the lath and plaster instead. Her voice, however, followed the flight of the culprit as she ran down stairs: so that Archer was obliged to lay down Goethe's Kunst und Alterthum, and listen to it, against his will.

"To think of it!" cried Mrs. Dance; "to think of such neglect! We shall have no oat-cakes made this day! What will the world come to! Here have I been rubbing and cleaning up the griddle, with scouring-paper and an old glove, after it had got rusty through your shameful forgetsomeness, thinking all the time that you were gone to old Bigses wife to know why old Bigs hadn't sent the oatmeal I ordered a week ago from Gosport; and here I find you, up in your bed-room, reading a book! Neglect your work for this, will you! I'll teach you to sit improving your mind, you hussey, I will! You 've been taking a leaf out of the * Continued from page 201, Vol. VI.

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book of the lodger, I suppose! You've seen him a-sitting half his life away over books, till you've caught a little of the same craze. But if some people read less, and worked more, other people would not have to wait for their rent, and their servants wouldn't catch the complaint-idling and wasting o' good time! That's a bit of my mind-let them hear it as may.

With these words, growing more and more indistinct as she descended the stairs, the landlady's voice ceased to fall upon the ear of Archer, yet seemed to continue with an endless echo in his mind. He was unable to continue reading, and he laid aside the book, sick and disgusted with the meannesses of life, and enraged with his own folly for allowing himself to be brought within the range of their vulgar pressure. Why had he suffered any false delicacy, or pride, or uncomfortable feeling between himself and Mr. Walton, originating in an absurdity, to prevent him from making known this temporary emergency to Mary? How very unworthy of her open and handsome nature was such a concealment, and especially under their relative positions! Yet the very smallness of the need, the meanness of the circumstance, had prevented him quite as much as any other feeling.

Archer caught up a pen, and scrawled off a note to the friend who still delayed transmitting him the amount of his obligation, though he had repeatedly promised it, and then another note to the editor, who seemed resolved never to forward him his cheque. In all Archer's previous notes he had touched upon his need, and expressed his wishes with so circuitous and mystified a delicacy, ornate with evasive digressions, that what he had intended as stating his emergency, and pressing the point, had very likely escaped the observation of the parties addressed, or, at any rate, had given them good grounds for treating with neglect a matter upon which he had chosen to be so indefinite and facetious. This never struck Archer: and his present notes were in an extreme vein, so opposite-distinct, cold, peremptory, and laconic—that it would be very difficult to believe they could have been written by the same man. He sealed them with a smear of wax each, caught up his hat, and hurried out to take them to the post-office. At the door of the house there was a low parapet-wall on one side, and upon it stood a huge flower-pot with a withered laureltree sticking up in the dry and sun-parched mould. Upon this mould three little bills were laid, addressed to Archer. His eye caught the letters: he snatched up the bills, and, being in an irritated state

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