Imágenes de páginas


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I shifted him away, and laid good 'scuse upon your ecstacy Scut. My doe with the black fout

'Scutcheon. My 'fcutcheon plain declares, that I am Alifander

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Merry W. of Wind. 5 5
Love's Labor Loft. 5 2 171236

And we your 'fcutcheons, and your figns of conqueft, shall hang in what place you pleafe

Ant. and Cleop. 52 800110

Scylla. Thus when I shun Scylla, your father, I fall into Charybdis, your mother

Merchant of Venice. 3 5 213259
Othello. 1 31050217
Lear. 11930220
Tempest. 1 1
Ibid. 1 2

Seyon, Whereof I take this, that you call-love, to be a fect or fcyon
Scythian. The barbarous Scythian fhall to my bofom be as well neighbour'd
Sea. Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground
I would have funk the fea within the earth


The always-wind-obeying deep

Com. of Errors. I

The wide fea hath drops too few to wash her clean again; and falt too little, which may feafon give to her foul tainted fliefh

The rude fea grew civil at her fong


2119 2136

1041 4

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The watry kingdom, whose ambitious head spits in the face of heaven, is no bar to ftop the foreign fpirits

You may as well go ftand upon the beach, and bid the main-flood bate his ufual

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Have I not heard the fea, puff'd up with winds, rage like an angry boar, chafed with fweat

You may as well forbid the fea for to obey the moon

I am put to fea with her, whom here I cannot hold on shore
The fea enraged is not half so deaf


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Being governed as the fea is, by our noble and chafte miftrefs the moon
As is the ouze and bottom of the fea with funken wreack, and fumless

The pretty vaulting fea refus'd to drown me

1 Hen. iv. 1 treasuries Henry v.1 2 Henry vi. 3 2 587240

Now fways it this way, like a mighty fea, forced by the tide to combat with the wind

3 Henry vi.25 614110

Thy brother Edward; and thyself, the fea, whofe envious gulph did swallow up his life

Let us he back'd with God, and with the feas

Richmond is on the feas.-There let him fink, and be the feas on him
The fea's a thief, whofe liquid furge refolves the moon into falt tears
What fool bath added water to the fea

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For now I ftand as one upon a rock, environ'd with a wildernefs of fea
If the winds rage, doth not the fea wax mad, threat'ning the welkin with his big-
fwoln face

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Haply, you may find her in the fea; yet there's as little juftice as at land compared to valour's fhew, and valour's worth

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Ibid. 3
Ibid. 4 3 848122

Troilus and Creff1 3862112
Twelfth Night.


91 117 171 2

Meaf. for Meaf. 3 2
Tempest 4 1
Coriolanus. 5 3 735241
Orbello. 5 2 1078245

Sea mark. And ftick i' the wars like a great fea-mark, ftanding every flaw

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Sea-fick. Why look you pale? fea-fick, I think, coming from Muscovy Love's L. Left. 5 2 169258 Sea-water green. Of the fea-water green

Sea-cral George

Ibid. 2 151114 M. Ado Ab. Nab. 3 3 134120 W.'s Tale. 3 2 3451 33

Seal. You have not dar'd to break the holy feal, nor read the fecrets in't What feal is that, that hangs without thy bofom? yea, look'ft thou fee the writing

pale? let me

For I did but feal once to a thing, and I was never my own man fince
The match is made; the feals it with a curtly
The duty that I owe unto your majefty, I feal upon the lips of this sweet

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Seal. Hear the king's pleasure, cardinal: who commands you to rend up the great feal

You made bold to carry into Flanders the great feal
I will not feal your knowledge with fhewing them
What may be fworn by, both divine and human, feal what I end withal
then, and all is done

A. S. P. C. L.

Henry vi. 3
2 690239
Ibid. 3 2 691226
Coriolanus. 2 3 7172 1
Ibid. 3 1 720223

Ant. and Cleop. 412 795143

Ibid. 3

Nay, he's your brother by the furer fide, although my feal is stamped in his face
Titus Andronicus.4
How in my words foever the be fhent, to give them feals never, my foul, confent Ham. 3
A combination, and a form, indeed, where every god did seem to fet his feal
Seal'd. Teftimonies against his worth and credit, that's feal'd in approbation
Here had the conqueft fully been feal'd up

And had the virtue which their own confcience feal'd them
Her election hath feal'd thee for herfelf

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2 847 2 8 21022 224 41024 146 1001 17


M. for M. 51
Henry vi. 1 * 545
Cymbeline. 3 913245
Ibid. 3 2 1019138

Winter's Tale.1

Sealing. And thereby for fealing the injury of tongues
Sealing-day. By the next new moon, (the fealing-day betwixt my love and me)


Midf. Night's Dream.1 176 151
Troilus and Cref.2 870 141
Othello. 4 1071257

Seam. Bates his arrogance in his own seam
Seamy. Some fuch squire he was, that turn'd your wit the feamy fide without
Sear. Calumny will fear virtue itself

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339 224

Winter's Tale. 2 I
Macbeth. 4 1

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379 7 384 157 16571 I 2 89 894242

Merry Wives of Wind 33

As You Like It. 1
All's Well. 2

Measure for Measure. 2
Comedy of Errors. 2

Time is a very bankrout, and owes more than he's worth, to feafon


612 7

224 241 1284 236 8423 107 154.

2 2 2 2 2

Ibid. 4 2 114123 3124259 180115. 180 120


That you frame the feafon for your own harvest
Through this diftemperature we see the seasons alter
Change of feafons afcribed to diffention of the fairies
How many things by season season'd are to their right praise, and true perfection

Much Ado Ab. Notb. 1
Mid. Night's Dream. 2

Ibid. 2

The feafon's difference; as the icy fang, and churlish chiding of the

I am not a day of feafon, for thou may'ft fee a fun-fhine and a hail in me
All this to feafon a brother's dead love
You lack the feafon of all natures, fleep

The feafons change their manners as the year

the flaves for tubs and baths

Is not birth, beauty, &c. the fpice and falt that season a man
Bleffed be thofe, how mean foe er, that have their honeft wills, which

Merch. of Venice. 5
winter's wind


I 220 125

1 229115 302248 307213 376 238

As You Like It. 2
at once All's W53
Tw. Night.1
Macbeth. 3 4



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2 Henry iv. 44 Tim. of Athens. Troi. and Creff1 2 861148 feafons comfort

And with what intimation you can borrow from youth of fuch a season
You are my father too; and did relieve me to fee this gracious feafon
your admiration for a while with an attent ear

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And who in want a hollow friend doth try, directly seasons him his enemy


This fuit of your's, fo feafon'd with your faithful love to me

Cymbeline 17 899 112
Ibid. 3 4 91116

Ibid. 5 5 927 247
Hamlet. 1 2 10032 8
Ibid. 1 31005114
Ibid. z
Ibid. 3 2 1020 238
Richard .37 655 156

To take him in the purging of his foul, when he is fit and feafon'd for his paffage Ham. 3 310232 6


For your great feats, now quit you of great shames

For on thy fhoulder do I build my feat

Henry v.3 5 523137 3 Henry vi. 26 61629 Macb. 1 3 365239 307

Seated. And make my feated heart knock at my ribs against the use of nature


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Second to none that lives here in the city

It is not wifdom thus to fecond grief

We have fupplies to fecond our attempt

-Him did you leave (Tecond to none, unfeconded by you)


Old Efcalus, though first in question, is thy fecondary lam too high born to be property'd, to be a fecondary at controul Surety. This fecrecy of thine shall be a tailor to thee


Tw. Night.

Comedy of Errors. 5 2
M. Ado Ab. Nuth. 5 1

116 161 1411,19

2 Henry iv. 4 2 495147 Ibid. 2 3 483135

Meaf. for Meaf

1 761,31

King John. 5 2 4082 6 M. W. of Wind 31 31

66143 Secrecy.

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Secrecy. When you have spoken it, 'tis dead, and I am the grave of it
We are lucky, boy; and to be so still requires nothing but secrecy
And for fecrecy, no lady clofer; for I well believe, thou wilt not
doft not know


Upon my secrecy to defend mine honesty

And your fecrecy to the king and queen moult no feather


An unmannerly slave that will thrust himself into fecrets Be fecret falfe

What fecret hath held you here

- I can be fecret as a dumb man

No words of other men's fecrets

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Oh, let me live, and all the fecrets of our camp I'll shew
What I am, and what I would, are as fecret as maiden-head
Sir, there lies fuch fecrets in this farthel, and box, which none must

- Had I been the finder-out of this fecret, it would not have relish'd

This fecret is fo weighty, 'twill require a strong faith to conceal it
Is it excepted, I should know no fecrets that appertain to you
Can I bear that with patience, and not my husband's fecrets
Thou wilt not trust the air with fecrets

This fecret will force him to think I have pick'd the lock, and ta'en her honour

I'll have this fecret from thy heart, or rip thy heart to find it Secretly. A juggling trick, to be secretly open

among my other


Henry viii. 21 680210
J. Cafar. 2 1 749|2|12
Ibid. 2 1 7492/34

Titus Andronicus. 4 2 847 255
the treasure of
Cymbeline. 2 2
Ibid. 3 5

Trei. and Creff. 5 2
Winter's Tale. 4 3

Secret things. Thofe fecret things all but what he has with her
This is a creature, would she begin a sect, might quench the zeal of all profeffors


Whereof I take this, you call love to be a fect, or scyon

So are all her fect; if they be once in a calm, they are fick

And we'll wear out, in a walled prifon, packs and fects of great ones Setary. My lord, my lord, you are a fectary, that's the plain truth How long have you been a sectary astronomical

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I look'd he fhould have fent me two and twenty yards of fattin, knight, and he fends me fecurity

gives way to confpiracy

Sedge. Giving a gentle kifs to every sedge

Now will he creep into fedges

902160 912 1 24

885214 356160

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And Cytherea, all in fedges hid; which seem to move and wanton with her breath,

even as the waving fedges play with wind

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Induc. to Tam. of the Shrew.

Seducer. Otherwise a seducer flourishes, and a poor maid is undone

2 253 255 Tempeft. 41 17/2/13 Julius Cæfar. 2 745113 All's Well. 5 3 303 256

See. I am a brother of gracious order, lately come from the fee, on special business from

his holiness

You lord archbishop,-whose see is by a civil peace maintain'd

Meaf. for Meaf.3 2 92115

If they be still and willing, I'll undertake, may see away their fhilling

[blocks in formation]

2 Henry iv. richly in two

Prol. to Henry viii.

1 492/2/45

671/1/12 Ibid. 51 698 124 Cymbeline. 3 2 9081) 8 Lear.4 6 958129

Seeds. If you can look into the feeds of time, and say which grain will grow, and
Macbeth. 13 365/17
which will not, speak then to me
Seeded. The feeded pride that hath to its maturity blown up in rank Achilles Tr. & Cr.13 864 218
Seedrefs. As bloffoming time, that from the feedness the bare fallow brings to teeming

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foyfon Seeing. But the wifeft beholder that knew no more but seeing, could importance were joy or forrow

Seck. Why fo earneftly feek you to put up that letter

Seel. I had rather feel my lips, than, to my peril, speak that which is not
To feel her father's eyes up, close as oak

Seeling. Come, feeling night, fkarf up the tender eye of pitiful day

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Seely, Sir Bennet

Seem. I must not seem proud

I'll make him glad to feem Vincentio

More than I feem, and lefs than I was born to

Nay, it is; I know not seems

A.S. P. C.L.

Richard 56439 238

Much Ado Ab. Notb. 2 1311 31
Tam. of the Sbrea. 4 2 269261
3 Henry vi. 3 1 61713
Hamlet. 1 2 10021 37
Ibid. 1 2 1002 144

Thefe, indeed, seem, for they are actions that a man might play

Seemed I ever otherwise to you?-Out on thy seeming-You seem to me a Dian in her

Seemers. Then shall we see if power change purpose what our feemers be
Seeming. Pluck the borrow'd veil of modesty from the so seeming Mrs. Page M. W. of W.3 2
-False feeming

Bear your body more feeming

Much Ado Ab. Noth. 4


1372 39

M. for M.1


791 2

Meaf. for Meaf.2 4
As You Like It. 5
W.'s Tale. 4 3

592 8 85145


248 216

3502 2

2 H. iv. 5
H. vii. 2 4
Tr. and Cr. 13
Cymbeline. 1
Ibid. 4 2
Ibid. 5 5
Ibid. 5


503 218

6851 3



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928 151

19312 6

For you there's rosemary and rue, these keep seeming and savour
And to raze out rotten opinion, who hath writ me down after my seeming
You fign your place and calling, in full feeming, with meekness and humility
Such to-be-pitied, and o'er-rested seeming he acts thy greatness in
He hath a kind of honour fets him off, more than a mortal feeming
Not seeming fo worthy as thy birth

Nor my heart that thought her like her feeming

This hath some seeming

If aught within that little feeming fubftance, or all of it

That under covert and convenient seeming hast practis'd on man's life
Unfeemly woman, in a seeming man

Lear. 1

Ibid. 3 2 947135

Romeo and Juliet. 3

3 986134


51007 1 35

My moft seeming-virtuous queen

We will both our judgments join in cenfure of his feeming
Than these thin habits and poor likelihoods of modern feeming
Putting on the mere form of civil and humane seeming

Ibid. 3

210192 3

Othello. 1

31048 122

- She that, so young, could give out such a seeming, to feel her father's eyes up, clofe as oak

Ibid. 2

1 1053250

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Seen. Then to have feen much, and to have nothing, is to have rich eyes, and poor hands

As a schoolmafter well seen in mufic

As You Like It. 4 1 2412 57 Taming of the Shrew. 1 2 Seeth. Go fuck the fubtle blood o' the grape, till the high fever feeth your blood to froth


Timon of Athens. 4 3
Troi. and Cref.31
Midf. Night's Dream. 5 1

I will make a complimental affault upon him, for my business feeths
Seething. Lovers and madmen have such seething brains
Segregation. A segregation of the Turkish fleet

Seix'd. Did forfeit with his life, all those lands, which he stood seiz'd of
Seizure. To whose soft seizure the cygnet's down is harsh, and spirit of sense
palm of ploughman

Seld. If I might in entreaties find fuccefs, (as feld I have the chance)
Seld-fhown famens do prefs among the popular throngs

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2582 23

8242 4 871217 1921 19

Othello. 2 11051143 Hamlet. 1 110002 19

hard as the Troil, and Cref.1) Ibid. 4

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Coriolanus. 2

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Ant. and Cleop.


Richard iii. 2

[blocks in formation]

Troil. and Creff 3


874 111

Romeo and Jul.2



Midf. Night's Dr. 1


1762 20

Tr. and Cr. 2


869 231

[blocks in formation]

Othello. 3 3 1061225

Ibid. 2 3 1056241

Macbetb. 1 2

364 135

Lear. 4 2

9542 24

M. Ado Ab. Noth. 3


132 129

Swear by thy gracious felf, which is the God of my idolatry
Self affairs. Being over full of self affairs, my mind did lose it
Self affumption. In felf affumption greater, than in the note of judgment
Self-bounty. I would not have your free and noble nature, out

Unless felf-charity be sometime a vice

Self-comparisons. Confronted him with felf-comparisons

Self-cover'd. Thou changed and self-cover'd thing

Self-endear'd. She is fo felf-endear'd

Self-exhibition. To be partner'd with tom-boys, hir'd with that self-exhibition which

[blocks in formation]

Self-flaughter. Against self-slaughter there is a prohibition fo divine, that cravens my weak hand

Cymbeline.341 910|1| 9


Sell when you can, for you are not for all markets

A. S. P. C. L

As You Like It 3) 51 2402;39

Semblable. It is a wonderful thing, to see the semblable coherence of his men's fpirits

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and his

Of femblable import

His femblable, yea, himself, Timon difdains

2 Henry v. 5501218 Ant. and Clesp. 34 783233 Timon of Athens. 4 3 8192 47 Hamlet. 5 21038219

To make true diction of him, his femblable is his mirrour
Semblably. His name was Blunt, femblably furnish'd like the king himself
Semblance. If you go out in your own semblance, you die

Thofe two Dromio's, one in femblance

The femblance of a maid

1 Hen. iv. 5 3 470118

Merry W. of Windfor.4 2
Comedy of Errors.5


1201 3

M. Ado About Nothing.2


129 1/12

Ibid. 5 1

1432 1

[blocks in formation]

Thy image doth appear in the rare femblance that I lov'd it firft
How little is the coft I have bestowed in purchafing the femblance of my foul
Merchant of Venice. 3
- As many other mannish cowards have, that do outface it with their femblances
As You Like It. 1
Tw. Night. 5 I 331248
K. Jobn. 4 3 405215
Henry v.4 cb 527132
Henry viii. 1 2 676155
Lear. 5 3

I have your own letter, that induced me to the femblance I put on
This fhip boy's femblance hath disguis'd me quite
With cheerful femblance, and sweet majesty

As he made semblance of his duty, would have put his knife into him

To affume a femblance that the very dogs difdain'd
An ill-befeeming femblance for a feaft

Semblative. And all is femblative a woman's part

Semiramis. We'll have to thee a couch, fofter and fweeter than the luftful bed on pur

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Their fenfe thus weak, loft in their fears, thus ftrong
And what impoffibility would flay in common sense, fenfe faves another way A. W.2
Your fenfes, unintelligent of our infufficiency, may, though they cannot praife us,
as little accufe us

You smell this business with a fenfe as cold as is the dead man's nofe
Which fo drew the reft of the herd to me, that all their other fenfes ftuck in


All his fenfes have but human conditions


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The five beft fenfes acknowledge thee their patron
To fet his fenfe on the attentive bent

The fpirit of fenfe hard as the palm of ploughman

And be her fenfe but as a monument then in a chapel lying

Your other fenfes grow imperfect by your eyes' anguish

The untun'd and jarring fenfes, O, wind up of this child-chang'd father
They must take it in fenfe, that feel it

fure you have, elfe could you not have motion

What fer fe had I of her stolen hours of luft

Let hufbands know, their wives have sense like them

I'd have thee live; for, in my fenfe, 'tis happiness to die

Senfeless. I would I were fenfeless, fir, that I might not feel your blows
Very brief, and exceeding good fenfe-less

Senfelefs-obftinate. You are too fenfelefs-obftinate

Ibid. 17 858154

Cymbeline. 2 2 902|1|48|
Lear. 4 6 956|2|14
Ibid. 4 7 960|1|19

Rom.and Jul.1

1968 19

Hamlet. 3

41024 1 57

Orbello. 3


Ibid. 4 31073245 Ibid. 5 21079|1|15 Com. of Errors. 4 4 115153 Twelfth Night.34 324126 Ricbard iii. 31 648226 Comedy of Errors. 4 4 115154

Senfible. You are fenfible in nothing but blows, and fo is an afs
Senfuality. You are more intemperate in your blood than Venus, or those pamper'd
animals, that rage in favage fenfuality

Much Ado About Nothing.[411] 137|2|44

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