The Poetical Works of William WordsworthCambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012 - 370 páginas This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1854 edition. Excerpt: ...rushes, to the sweeping breeze, Sigh forth their ancient melodies! List to those shriller notes!--that march Perchance was on the blast, When, through this Height's inverted arch, Rome's earliest legion passed!--They saw, adventurously impelled, And older eyes than theirs beheld, This block, --and yon, whose church-like frame Gives to this savage Pass its name. Aspiring Road! that lov'st to hide Thy daring in a vapory bourn, Not seldom may the hour return When thou shalt be my guide: And I (as all men may find cause, When life is at a weary pause, And they have panted up the hill Of duty with reluctant will) Be thankful, even though tired and faint, For the rich bounties of constraint; Whence oft invigorating transports flow That choice lacked courage to bestow! My Soul was grateful for delight That wore a threatening brow; A veil is lifted, --can she slight The scene that opens now? Though habitation none appear, The greenness tells, man must be there; The shelter--that the perspective Is of the clime in which we live; Where Toil pursues his daily round; Where Pity sheds sweet tears; and Love, In woodbine bower or birchen grove, Inflicts his tender wound.--Who comes not hither ne'er shall know How beautiful the world below; Nor can he guess how lightly leaps The brook adown the rocky steeps. Farewell, thou desolate Domain! Hope, pointing to the cultured plain, Carols like a shepherd-boy; And who is she?--Can that be Joy! Who, with a sunbeam for her guide, Smoothly skims the meadows wide; While Faith, from yonder opening cloud, To hill and vale proclaims aloud, " Whate'er the weak may dread, the wicked dare, Thy lot, 0 Man, is good, thy portion fair! " 1817. Keep for the Young the impassioned smile Shed from thy countenance, as I see thee stand... |
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