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B on the opposite side. But the particle must be in a different state at the moment it is in possession of the energy from what it was before it received it from A, and from what it will be after it has handed it over to B. Before it became possessed of the energy, it was in the crystalline state-it was ice; and after it loses possession of the energy it will be ice; but at the moment that it is in possession of the passing energy is it in the crystalline or icy state? If we assume that it is not, but that in becoming possessed of the energy, it loses its crystalline form and for the moment becomes water, all our difficulties regarding the cause of the motion of glaciers are removed. We know that the ice of a glacier in the mass cannot become possessed of energy in the form of heat without becoming fluid; if it can be shown that the same thing holds true of the ice particle, we have the key to the mystery of glacier-motion. A moment's reflection will suffice to convince any one that if the glacier ice in the mass cannot receive energy in the form of heat without melting, the same must hold true of the ice particles, for it is inconceivable that the ice in the mass could melt and yet the ice particles themselves remain in the solid state. It is the solidity of the particles which constitutes the solidity of the mass. If the particles lose their solid form the mass loses its solid form, for the mass has no other solidity than that which is possessed by the particles.


The correctness of the conclusion, that the weight of the ice is not a sufficient cause, depends upon the truth of a certain element taken for granted in the reasoning, viz. that the shearing-force of the molecules of the ice remains constant. this force remains constant, then Canon Moseley's conclusion is undoubtedly correct, but not otherwise; for if a molecule should lose its shearing-force, though it were but for a moment, if no obstacle stood in front of the molecule, it would descend in virtue of its weight.

The fact that the shearing-force of a mass of ice is found to be constant does not prove that the same is the case in regard to the individual molecules. If we take a mass of molecules in

the aggregate, the shearing-force of the mass taken thus collectively may remain absolutely constant, while at the same time each individual molecule may be suffering repeated momentary losses of shearing-force. This is so obvious as to require no further elucidation. The whole matter, therefore, resolves itself into this one question, as to whether or not the shearing-force of a crystalline molecule of ice remains constant. In the case of ordinary solid bodies we have no reason to conclude that the shearing-force of the molecules ever disappears, but in regard to ice it is very different.

If we analyze the process by which heat is conducted through ice, we shall find that we have reason to believe that while a molecule of ice is in the act of transmitting the energy received (say from a fire), it loses for the moment its shearing-force if the temperature of the ice be not under 32° F. If we apply heat to the end of a bar of iron, the molecules at the surface of the end have their temperatures raised. Molecule A at the surface, whose temperature has been raised, instantly commences to transfer to B a portion of the energy received. The tendency of this process is to lower the temperature of A and raise that of B. B then, with its temperature raised, begins to transfer the energy to C. The result here is the same; B tends to fall in temperature, and C to rise. This process goes on from molecule to molecule until the opposite end of the bar is reached. Here in this case the energy or heat applied to the end of the bar is transmitted from molecule to molecule under the form of heat or temperature. The energy applied to the bar does not change its character; it passes right along from molecule to molecule under the form of heat or temperature. But the nature of the process must be wholly different if the transferrence takes place through a bar of ice at the temperature of 32°. Suppose we apply the heat of the fire to the end of the bar of ice at 32°, the molecules of the ice cannot possibly have their temperatures raised in the least degree. How, then, can molecule A take on, under the form of heat, the energy received from the fire without being heated or having its temperature

raised? The thing is impossible. The energy of the fire must appear in A under a different form from that of heat. The same process of reasoning is equally applicable to B. The molecule B cannot accept of the energy from A under the form of heat; it must receive it under some other form. The same must hold equally true of all the other molecules till we reach the opposite end of the bar of ice. And yet, strange to say, the last molecule transmits in the form of heat its energy to the objects beyond; for we find that the heat applied to one side of a piece of ice will affect the thermal pile on the opposite side.


The question is susceptible of a clear and definite answer. When heat is applied to a molecule of ice at 32°, the heat applied does not raise the temperature of the molecule, it is consumed in work against the cohesive forces binding the atoms or particles together into the crystalline form. energy then must exist in the dissolved crystalline molecule, under the statical form of an affinity-crystalline affinity, or whatever else we may call it. That is to say, the energy then exists in the particles as a power or tendency to rush together again into the crystalline form, and the moment they are allowed to do so they give out the energy that was expended upon them in their separation. This energy, when it is thus given out again, assumes the dynamical form of heat; in other words, the molecule gives out heat in the act of freezing. The heat thus given out may be employed to melt the next adjoining molecule. The ice-molecules take on energy from a heated body by melting. That peculiar form of motion or energy called heat disappears in forcing the particles of the crystalline molecule separate, and for the time being exists in the form of a tendency in the separated particles to come together again into the crystalline form.

But it must be observed that although the crystalline molecule, when it is acting as a conductor, takes on energy under this form from the heated body, it only exists in the molecule under such a form during the moment of transmission; that is to say, the molecule is melted, but only for the moment. When

B accepts of the energy from A, the molecule A instantly assumes the crystalline form. B is now melted; and when C accepts of the energy from B, then B also in turn assumes the solid state. This process goes on from molecule to molecule till the energy is transmitted through to the opposite side and the ice is left in its original solid state. This, as will be shown in the Appendix, is the rationale of Faraday's property of regelation.

This is no mere theory or hypothesis; it is a necessary consequence from known facts. We know that ice at 32° cannot take on energy from a heated body without melting; and we know also equally well that a slab of ice at 32°, notwithstanding this, still, as a mass, retains its solid state while the heat is being transmitted through it. This proves that every molecule resumes its crystalline form the moment after the energy is transferred to the adjoining molecule.

This point being established, every difficulty regarding the descent of the glacier entirely disappears; for a molecule the moment that it assumes the fluid state is completely freed from shearing-force, and can descend by virtue of its own weight without any impediment. All that the molecule requires is simply room or space to advance in. If the molecule were in absolute contact with the adjoining molecule below, it would not descend unless it could push that molecule before it, which it probably would not be able to do. But the molecule actually has room in which to advance; for in passing from the solid to the liquid state its volume is diminished by about ', and it consequently can descend. True, when it again assumes the solid form it will regain its former volume; but the question is, will it go back to its old position? If we examine the matter thoroughly we shall find that it cannot. If there were only this one molecule affected by the heat, this molecule would certainly not descend; but all the molecules are similarly affected, although not all at the same moment of time.

Let us observe what takes place, say, at the lower end of the glacier. The molecule A at the lower end, say, of the surface, receives heat from the sun's rays; it melts, and in melting not

only loses its shearing-force and descends by its own weight, but it contracts also. B immediately above it is now, so far as A is concerned, at liberty to descend, and will do so the moment that it assumes the liquid state. A by this time has become solid, and again fixed by shearing-force; but it is not fixed in its old position, but a little below where it was before. If B has not already passed into the fluid state in consequence of heat derived from the sun, the additional supply which it will receive from the solidifying of A will melt it. The moment that B becomes fluid it will descend till it reaches A. B then is solidified a little below its former position. The same process of reasoning is in a similar manner applicable to every molecule of the glacier. Each molecule of the glacier consequently descends step by step as it melts and solidifies, and hence the glacier, considered as a mass, is in a state of constant motion downwards. The fact observed by Professor Tyndall that there are certain planes in the ice along which melting takes place more readily than others will perhaps favour the descent of the glacier.

We have in this theory a satisfactory explanation of the origin of "crevasses" in glaciers. Take, for example, the transverse crevasses formed at the point where an increase in the inclination of the glacier takes place. Suppose a change of inclination from, say, 4° to 8° in the bed of the glacier. The molecules on the slope of 8° will descend more rapidly than those above on the slope of 4°. A state of tension will therefore be induced at the point where the change of inclination occurs. The ice on the slope of 8° will tend to pull after it the mass of the glacier moving more slowly on the slope above. The pull being continued, the glacier will snap asunder the moment that the cohesion of the ice is overcome. The greater the change of inclination is, the more readily will the rupture of the ice take place. Every species of crevasse can be explained upon the same principle.*

There is one circumstance tending slightly to prevent the rupture of the glacier, when under tension, which I do not remember to have seen noticed;

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