and he greatly aids the labors of the missionaries. An embassy of Island savages (from the Allumettes) visits the Hurons, attempting, but in vain, to incite them to an attack on the Iroquois. Brébeuf takes this opportunity to win, for himself and his brethren, the friendship of these Islanders,—giving them a canoe and other presents. For the benefit of those of his brethren in France who desire to undertake missionary work in the Huron country, Brébeuf recounts the many perils of the journey hither, and the annoyances and dangers to which apostles of the faith are continually exposed among the savages; but he offers much encouragement and consolation to those who are willing, nevertheless, to brave all obstacles, and to devote themselves to the conversion of the natives. The missionaries are compiling a grammar and dictionary of the Huron dialect; and Brébeuf devotes a chapter to the peculiarities of this tongue. The second part of this Relation, is occupied by a minute account of "the beliefs, manners, and customs of the Hurons," their myths of Deity and creation; their notions regarding the nature of man's soul, and its condition after death; their worship of the sky, and of demons; their superstitions, and faith in dreams; their feasts and dances; their games, and the general habit of gambling. Then are described, at length, the tricks of medicine men; the national characteristics of the Huron tribes; their customs, both in peace and war; their councils and oratory; and, finally, their, solemn feast of the dead,―at which ghastly ceremony, once in twelve years, the corpses of all who have died during that time receive a public and common burial. Brébeuf closes his account with an expression of much hope for the future success of their labors,mingled, however, with fear lest these savage neophytes may grow restive when placed under greater restrictions on their moral and social conduct, than have thus far seemed advisable to the cautious missionaries. The translation of Brébeuf's portion of the Relation of 1636, contained in the present volume, was made by the late James McFie Hunter, M. A., of Barrie, Ont. MADISON, WIS., October, 1897. R. G. T. XXVI (concluded) LE JEUNE'S RELATION, 1636 PARIS: SEBASTIEN CRAMOISY, 1637 Part I. (Le Jeune's own Relation) appeared in Volumes VIII., IX. The present installment, which closes the document, is Part II., consisting of Brébeuf's annual report on the Huron mission. [1] Relation de ce qui s'eft paffé dans le Pays des Hvrons en l'annee 1636. Enuoyée à Kébec au R. P. Paul le Ieune Superieur de la Mission de la Compagnie de IEsvs, en la Nouuelle France. ON REVEREND PERE, Mo Ayant appris, tant par vos lettres, que par le recit des Peres, qui arriuerent heureusement l'an paffé, comme l'ancienne France brusle de tres-ardens defirs pour la Nouuelle; que nostre R. P. General cherit cette Miffion comme la prunelle de fes yeux; que le P. Prouincial s'y porte de tout fon cœur; que le feu est si grand dans nos Colleges, qu'il eft plus difficile d'appaifer les [2] larmes de ceux qu'on éconduit, & aufquels on refufe de nous venir ayder, que de trouuer des ouuriers; qu'vne infinité de perfonnes Relig[i]eufes & feculieres, offrent continuellement à Dieu leurs prieres & leurs vœux pour la conuerfion des pauures Barbares de tout ce pays, & qu'en la Maifon de Montmartre, fans parler des autres, il y a inceffamment nuict & iour vne Religieuse prosternée deuant le S. Sacrement, qui prie à ceste intention: Tout cela nous fait croire & efperer, que Dieu veut maintenant ouurir les threfors de fes graces & faueurs deffus ces pauures Peuples, & leur deffiller les yeux de l'ame pour cognoistre la verité. Car il n'inciteroit pas tant de deuotes perfonnes à demander, s'il n'auoit enuie de les exaucer: Ioint que nous fçauons que la peuplade de Kebec se va grande [1] Relation of what occurred in the Country of the Hurons in the year 1636. Sent to Kébec to Reverend Father Paul le Jeune, Superior of the Mission of the Society of Jesus, in New France. Y REVEREND FATHER, MY Having learned from your letters, and from the statements of the Fathers who arrived here fortunately last year, how old France is burning with ardent desires for the New; that our Reverend Father General cherishes this Mission as the apple of his eye; that the Father Provincial is inclined to it with his whole heart; that the ardor in our Colleges is so great that it is more difficult to check the [2] tears of those who are turned away, and refused permission to come to our assistance, than to find those who will work; that a very great number of persons, Religious and secular, are continually offering their prayers and their vows to God for the conversion of the poor Barbarians of this whole country; and that in the House of Montmartre, not to speak of others, a Nun is prostrated night and day before the Holy Sacrament, praying for this result; all this makes us hope and believe that God will now open the treasures of his grace and favor upon these poor Peoples, and unseal the eyes of their souls to know the truth. For he would not incite so many devout persons to ask, if he had not the inclination to grant their prayers. Besides, we learn that the colony of Kebec is rapidly increasing, through the efforts |