The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents: Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1791 ; the Original French, Latin, and Italian Texts, with English Translations and Notes, Volumen10Burrows Bros. Company, 1897 Establishment of Jesuit missions: Abenaki ; Quebec ; Montreal ; Huron ; Iroquois ; Ottawa ; and Lousiana. |
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Términos y frases comunes
affez ainfi apres Ataentsic auec auffi auions auoient auoir auoit auons ayent bien bonne c'eft c'eftoit c'eſt Cabane Cabin Capitaine cefte celuy ceſte chaudiere chofe Ciel condayee Confeil corps Country Croix d'vn d'vne deffus deux Dieu difent dire efté eftoient eftoit eftre elle encor enfans eſt eſté eſtre fainct faire fait fans faut feast feftin femme feroit foffe fois foit fommes font fouuent François hommes Hurons i'ay iamais Iroquois iufques Kébec l'autre la Rochelle les ames les bleds les Hurons malade mefme mois mort n'en noftre noſtre parmy peine Peres perfonne petit plufieurs prefens premier qu'elle qu'ils qu'on qu'vn quafi quelqu'vn quelques quelques-vns quoy refte rien robes s'en s'il Sauuages Savages Sorcerers souls temps terre toufiours tout le Païs trois Village vne autre voila voir
Pasajes populares
Página 83 - Instead of being a great master and great Theologian as in France, you must reckon on being here a humble Scholar, and then, good God! with what masters! — women, little children, and all the Savages, — and exposed to their laughter.
Página 319 - ... Relations, Vol. X. 1636, p. 177; (editorial translation). 1 [Editorial note. p. 325:) This passage is obscure in meaning — as regards both the French phrase, qui retire au Lyon par la queue, and the myth related of the origin of the Hurons. JNB Hewitt explains it as follows: "It is probable that Brebeuf here refers to a legend (imperfectly comprehended by him) that is found to this day, in several versions, among the tribes of the Six Nations — which may be briefly stated thus: It was the...
Página 217 - Metaphor is largely in use among these Peoples ; unless you accustom yourself to it, you will understand nothing in their councils, where they speak almost entirely in metaphors.
Página 101 - He who is the Truth itself had not declared that there is no greater love than to lay down one's life, verily and once for all, for one's friends, I should conceive it a thing equally noble, or even more so, to do what the Apostle said to the Corinthians...
Página 263 - Porcelain in such quantities that, to see them on such occasions, you would judge that they place no value upon them; and yet these are the whole riches of the Country.
Página 293 - ... of the deceased to some particular persons. For instance, they would say, here is what such a one, deceased, gives to a certain relative. About 5 or 6 o'clock they lined (pauerent) the bottom of the grave and bordered it with large new robes, the skins of ten beavers, in such a way that these extend more than a foot out of it. As they were preparing the robes which were to be used for this purpose, some of them descended into the grave, and came from it with their hands full of sand. I inquired...
Página 163 - ... the usual Physician in their sicknesses, the Esculapius and Galen of the whole Country — the most absolute master they have. If a Captain speaks one way and a dream another, the Captain might shout his head off in vain, — the dream is first obeyed. It is their Mercury in their journeys, their domestic Economy in their families. The dream often presides in their councils; traffic, fishing, and hunting are undertaken usually under its sanction, and almost as if only to satisfy it. They hold...
Página 283 - Capitaine les traita, & with another beautiful hanging robe. As for the whole bodies, they put them on a species of litter, and carried them with all the others, each into his Cabin, where each family made a feast to its dead.
Página 279 - Aiheonde, who take care of the graves, draw the bodies from the tombs in the presence of the relatives, who renew their tears and feel afresh the grief they had on the day of the funeral. I was present at the spectacle, and willingly invited to it all our servants; for I do not think one could see in the world a more vivid picture or more perfect representation of what man...
Página 267 - I have sometimes been surprised to see them dwelling a long time on this subject, and bringing forward, witli much discretion, every consideration that might give consolation to the relatives of the deceased. Word of the death is also sent to the friends who live in the other Villages; and, as each family has some one who takes care of its Dead, these latter come as soon as possible to take charge of everything, and determine the day of the funeral. Usually they inter the Dead on the third day; as...