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of the loving-kindness of God!" When the lovingkindness of God, manifest every day in all creation, is thoroughly comprehended by man, the appeal will certainly be irresistible.

The unfathomable universe is one vast and tremendous appeal to man to understand His loving-kindness.

As light and heat cause molecular movements in matter, and as the mind and body of man are subject to these influences as indicated by the shades of the colour of face when in a rage or under the joyous spell of goodfellowship, white or red in anger, glowing with kindness in good-fellowship; in fear a pale and frightened appearance; in joy a clean healthy glow; in worry a languid, sallow face; in happy mind a ruddy, cheerful countenance. In fact, there may yet be developed a chemistry of character which may show the character by the colour of face, brightness of the eye, the clearness of vision, and the many other marks of face and life indicative of life and character.

As we study these things under the light of truth we can see that the Great Teacher's warnings were apropos: Do not worry, do not fear, do not hate, all of these poison the body, system and constitution of man, producing a chemical change in the blood and body, causing a poison to permeate the life and make it difficult to function. Fear will cause the hair to turn gray in a night; worry upsets the stomach and whole nervous system; hate poisons the mind and body.

An illustration may be apropos; the following story came to the writer sometime ago: A young lady, very nervous and with unhappy state of mind, visited many physicians for relief. But none could help her, until finally she visited one who questioned her in regard to her disposition and relationships. Among other ques

tions he asked: "Do you hate anybody?" Her answer was: "Yes, I hate my sister with the most bitter hatred." The physician then advised her to go and become reconciled to her sister, then come back and talk with him. The lady decided to take the advice of the kind physician, became reconciled to her sister and again learned to love her. Her health returned and she found other treatment unnecessary.

In life and under the influences of light divine we can understand although we may not yet comprehend that "all things work together for good" to all who respond according to His purpose.

At the entrance to the harbour of New York there stands the great Statue of Liberty enlightening the world, holding up the torch or light as symbolical of liberty, truth and enlightenment, which are among the higher ideals of Americanism.

Ether is considered one of the fundamental entities of the universe. There is no such thing as empty space. Ether pervades every particle of matter and animal life. With matter and energy it may constitute an essential oneness of the universe, yet operating or functioning through matter, mind and spirit. "Nature abhors a vacuum." That is unless Einstein's theory should be proven correct and true.

Thomson says: "The invisible medium through which the waves of light travel is the ether, and this ether permeates all space and all matter. Between us and the stars stretch vast regions, empty of all matter. But we see the stars; their light reaches us even though it may take centuries to do so. We conceive then that it is the universal ether which conveys the light. All the energy which has reached the earth from the sun, and which stored for ages in our coal fields, is now used to

propel our trains and steamships, to heat and light our cities, and to perform all the multifarious tasks of modern life, was conveyed by ether. Without that universal carrier of energy we should have nothing but a stagnant, lifeless world."

"Nature divides living beings into those who are arriving and those who are departing. Those who are departing are turned towards the shadows; those who are arriving towards the light. The tread at first insensible, increases slowly like all separation of branches-the boughs without becoming detached from the trunk grow away from it. It is no fault of theirs. Young people feel the cooling off of life. Old people that of the tomb."-HUGO.

"Happiness desires that all the world should be happy."


1. Earth, air, fire, water and ether commonly called the elements. The earth treated under geology.

2. Air necessary for preservation of life, enriches the blood, the vehicle of sound and contributes to man's happiness in musical harmonies.

3. Fire, useful in home domestic life, industrial life, chemical laboratories, the commercial world, in movements of machinery and producing many kinds of power, such as steam and electricity.

4. Water, moisture in air, rain, two-thirds of earth covered by water. Means of transportation and necessary to civilization.

5. Ether-waves carry light 186,000 miles per second. Necessary to all visual observation, study of astronomy and all phases of light reflections and colours.

6. Electricity as feature of light and heat.

7. Character may be observed by colour and chemical changes of the physical body.

8. Healing and disintegrating effects of moods and character.


Quotations from the Psalms

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