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A good telescope furnished with an accurate micrometer is alone needed for the application of the method. Huyghens appears to have been the first observer who actually tried to employ the method practically, but it was not until 1835 that the improvement of telescopes. and micrometers enabled Struve to detect in this way the parallax of the star a Lyræ. It is one of the many advantages of the observation of transits of Venus for the determination of the solar parallax that the refraction of the atmosphere affects in an exactly equal degree the planet and the portion of the sun's face over which it is passing. Thus the observations are strictly of a differential nature.

By the process of substitutive weighing it is possible to ascertain the equality or inequality of two weights with almost perfect freedom from error. If two weights A and B be placed in the scales of the best balance we cannot be sure that the equilibrium of the beam indicates exact equality, because the arms of the beam may be unequal or unbalanced. But if we take B out and put another weight C in, and equilibrium still exists, it is apparent that the same causes of erroneous weighing exist in both cases, supposing that the balance. has not been disarranged; B then must be exactly equal to C, since it has exactly the same effect under the same circumstances. In like manner it is a general rule that, if by any uniform mechanical process we get a copy of an object, it is unlikely that this copy will be precisely the same as the original in magnitude and form, but two copies. will equally diverge from the original, and will therefore almost exactly resemble each other.

Leslie's Differential Thermometer1 was well adapted to the experiments for which it was invented. Having two equal bulbs any alteration in the temperature of the air will act equally by conduction on each and produce no change in the indications of the instrument. Only that radiant heat which is purposely thrown upon one of the bulbs will produce any effect. This thermometer in short carries out the principle of the differential method in a mechanical manner.

1 Leslie, Inquiry into the Nature of Heat, p. 10.

3. Method of Correction.

Whenever the result of an experiment is affected by an interfering cause to a calculable amount, it is sufficient to add or subtract this amount. We are said to correct observations when we thus eliminate what is due to extraneous causes, although of course we are only separating the correct effects of several agents. The variation in the height of the barometer is partly due to the change. of temperature, but since the coefficient of absolute dilatation of mercury has been exactly determined, as already described (p. 341), we have only to make calculations of a simple character, or, what is better still, tabulate a series of such calculations for general use, and the correction for temperature can be made with all desired. accuracy. The height of the mercury in the barometer is also affected by capillary attraction, which depresses it by a constant amount depending mainly on the diameter of the tube. The requisite corrections can be estimated with accuracy sufficient for most purposes, more especially as we can check the correctness of the reading of a barometer by comparison with a standard barometer, and introduce if need be an index error including both the error in the affixing of the scale and the effect due to capillarity. But in constructing the standard barometer itself we must take greater precautions; the capillary depression depends somewhat upon the quality of the glass, the absence of air, and the perfect cleanliness of the mercury, so that we cannot assign the exact amount of the effect. Hence a standard barometer is constructed with a wide tube, sometimes even an inch in diameter, so that the capillary effect may be rendered almost zero.1 Gay-Lussac made barometers in the form of a uniform siphon tube, so that the capillary forces acting at the upper and lower surfaces should balance and destroy each other; but the method fails in practice because the lower surface, being open to the air, becomes sullied and subject to a different force of capillarity.

In mechanical experiments friction is an interfering condition, and drains away a portion of the energy in

1 Jevons, Watts' Dictionary of Chemistry, vol. i. pp. 513-515.


tended to be operated upon in a definite manner. should of course reduce the friction in the first place to the lowest possible amount, but as it cannot be altogether prevented, and is not calculable with certainty from any general laws, we must determine it separately for each apparatus by suitable experiments. Thus Smeaton, in his admirable but almost forgotten researches concerning water-wheels, eliminated friction in the most simple. manner by determining by trial what weight, acting by a cord and roller upon his model water-wheel, would make it turn without water as rapidly as the water made it turn. In short, he ascertained what weight concurring with the water would exactly compensate for the friction.1 In Dr. Joule's experiments to determine the mechanical equivalent of heat by the condensation of air, a considerable amount of heat was produced by friction of the condensing pump, and a small portion by stirring the water employed to absorb the heat. This heat of friction was measured by simply repeating the experiment in an exactly similar manner except that no condensation was effected, and observing the change of temperature then produced.2

We may describe as test experiments any in which we perform operations not intended to give the quantity of the principal phenomenon, but some quantity which would otherwise remain as an error in the result. Thus in astronomical observations almost every instrumental error may be avoided by increasing the number of observations and distributing them in such a manner as to produce in the final mean as much error in one way as in the other. But there is one source of error, first discovered by Maskelyne, which cannot be thus avoided, because it affects all observations in the same direction and to the same average amount, namely the Personal Error of the observer or the inclination to record the passage of a star across the wires of the telescope a little too soon or a little too late. This personal error was first carefully described in the Edinburgh Journal of Science, vol. i. P. 178. The difference between the judgment of observers at the Greenwich Observatory usually varies from to

1 Philosophical Transactions, vol. li. p. 100.
2 Philosophical Magazine, 3rd Series, vol. xxvi. p. 372.


of a second, and remains pretty constant for the same observers. One practised observer in Sir George Airy's pendulum experiments recorded all his time observations half a second too early on the average as compared wita the chief observer.2 In some observers it has amounted to seven or eight-tenths of a second.3 De Morgan appears to have entertained the opinion that this source of error was essentially incapable of elimination or correction. But it seems clear, as I suggested without knowing what had been done, that this personal error might be determined absolutely with any desirable degree of accuracy by test experiments, consisting in making an artificial star move at a considerable distance and recording by electricity the exact moment of its passage over the wire. This method has in fact been successfully employed in Leyden, Paris, and Neuchatel. More recently, observers were trained for the Transit of Venus Expeditions by means of a mechanical model representing the motion of Venus over the sun, this model being placed at a little distance and viewed through a telescope, so that differences in the judgments of different observers would become apparent. It seems likely that tests of this nature might be employed with advantage in other cases.

Newton employed the pendulum for making experiments on the impact of balls. Two balls were hung in contact, and one of them, being drawn aside through a measured arc, was then allowed to strike the other, the arcs of vibration giving sufficient data for calculating the distribution of energy at the moment of impact. The resistance of the air was an interfering cause which he estimated very simply by causing one of the balls to make several complete vibrations without impact and then marking the reduction in the lengths of the arcs, a proper fraction of which reduction was added to each of the other ares of vibration when impact took place."

1 Greenwich Observations for 1866, p. xlix.

2 Philosophical Transactions, 1856, p. 309.

3 Penny Cyclopædia, art. Transit, vol. xxv. pp. 129, 130.

Ibid. art. Observation, p. 390.

5 Nature, vol. i. p. 85.

Nature, vol. i. p. 337. See references to the Memoirs describing the method.

7 Principia, Book I. Law III. Corollary VI. Scholium. Motte's translation, vol. i. p. 33.

The exact definition of the standard of length is one of the most important, as it is one of the most difficult questions in physical science, and the different practice of different nations introduces needless confusion. Were all standards constructed so as to give the true length at a fixed uniform temperature, for instance the freezingpoint, then any two standards could be compared without the interference of temperature by bringing them both to exactly the same fixed temperature. Unfortunately the French metre was defined by a bar of platinum at o°C, while our yard was defined by a bronze bar at 62°F. It is quite impossible, then, to make a comparison of the yard and metre without the introduction of a correction, either for the expansion of platinum or bronze, or both. Bars of metal differ too so much in their rates of expansion according to their molecular condition that it is. dangerous to infer from one bar to another.

When we come to use instruments with great accuracy there are many minute sources of error which must be guarded against. If a thermometer has been graduated when perpendicular, it will read somewhat differently when laid flat, as the pressure of a column of mercury is removed from the bulb. The reading may also be somewhat altered if it has recently been raised to a higher temperature than usual, if it be placed under a vacuous receiver, or if the tube be unequally heated as compared with the bulb. For these minute causes of error we may have to introduce troublesome corrections, unless we adopt the simple precaution of using the thermometer in circumstances of position, &c., exactly similar to those in which it was graduated. There is no end to the number of minute corrections which may ultimately be required. A large number of experiments on gases, standard weights and measures, &c., depend upon the height of the barometer; but when experiments in different parts of the world are compared together we ought as a further refinement to take into account the varying force of gravity, which even between London and Paris makes a difference of 008 inch of mercury.

The measurement of quantities of heat is a matter of great difficulty, because there is no known substance impervious to heat, and the problem is therefore as

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