Students' Hand-book, Tema 14 |
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Academical Agriculture Annual Subscription Arts Associated Societies attend B.Sc Botany candidate Certificates Ch.B Charlotte Square Chemistry Church classes Colinton Committee Craiglockhart curriculum D.Sc day of Entry Dean Debate degree of B.Sc Dispensary Divinity Edinburgh University Engineering Faculty Fees full course Giles Glasgow graduation Hall held Heriot-Watt College History Honours Hospital Infirmary Instituted Last day le prof Lectures Library LL.B LL.D Lord M'Intosh Mathematics matriculated students Medical Medicine membership mention the Handbook Messrs Miss Music Natural Philosophy obtained Office Office-Bearers passed Practical Preliminary Examination President Princes Street Prof Professor Public Health qualify recognised Regulations Representative Council Royal Saturday School Science Examination Scotland Scots Law Scottish Universities Secretary Senatus Academicus Society meets South Bridge subjects support you-AND mention Terrace Teviot Place tion Town Council Treasurer Trevor Taylor University Court University of Edinburgh University Union University XV Vice-Presidents Winter Session women students
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Página 93 - Examinations in these two subjects shall be on a higher standard than the Degree Examinations in the other three subjects ; provided that it shall be in the power of the Senatus with the approval of the University Court, to reckon courses in two cognate subjects (and, wherever so determined by the Senatus and University Court, studied in separate Academical years) as two courses in one subject...
Página 126 - Rule 2) been diligently engaged in acquiring a practical knowledge of the duties, routine and special, of Public Health Administration, under the supervision of (a) In England and Wales, the Medical Officer of Health of a County or of a single Sanitary District having a population...
Página 128 - Agriculture. (2) The remainder of the said courses may be taken in other Universities or institutions approved by the University Court, or under teachers recognised by the University Court for purposes of graduation in Science in...
Página 130 - German i1 provided always that, in the case of a candidate whose native language is not English, an examination in the native language of the candidate may be substituted for one in either French or German, and an examination in any other classical language for one in Latin or Greek.
Página 86 - I. The Academical year shall commence on the first day of October. It shall include at least twenty-five teaching weeks, and shall be divided into three periods. The days on which classes shall open and close in each period shall be determined by the Senatus with the approval of the University Court. For the purpose of reckoning duration of study in any subject an Academical year shall be constituted by attendance on at least one course of study in each of the three periods...
Página 89 - In the case of a foreign student whose native language is other than English, the standard required in English in the Preliminary Examination shall be such as the Joint Board of Examiners may deem sufficient. In the case of a student whose native language is other than European, the Senatus may accept as an alternative to Latin or Greek any other classical language, such as Sanskrit or Arabic, subject always to the provisions of Section IV., Sub-section 3 hereof.
Página 97 - ... the University for that purpose, paying a fee of the same amount as the Matriculation Fee paid by students of the University, and having, in respect, of such payment, a right to the use of the Library of the University.
Página 89 - Section hereof, a student shall be obliged to pass in all the required subjects at one or not more than two examinations ; provided that he may offer himself for re-examination as often as may be necessary to satisfy this condition.
Página 132 - VIII. hereof. (2) Candidates may present themselves in any one or more of these subjects at any Examination held after they have passed the whole of the subjects comprised in the First Science Examination, and have attended the required courses in the subjects professed.
Página 129 - Science]. (3) Candidates may present themselves in any one or more of the subjects of the First Science Examination at any examination held after they have attended a full course in the subject or subjects professed".