Even so, in many a reconstructed fane, Have the survivors of this storm renewed Their holy rites with vocal gratitude : And solemn ceremonials they ordain To celebrate their great deliverance; Most feelingly instructed 'mid their fear, - That persecution, blind with rage extreme, May not the less, through Heaven's mild counte-
Even in her own despite, both feed and cheer; For all things are less dreadful than they seem.
WATCH, and be firm! for soul-subduing vice, Heart-killing luxury, on your steps await. Fair houses, baths, and banquets delicate, And temples flashing, bright as polar ice, Their radiance through the woods, may yet suffice To sap your hardy virtue, and abate Your love of Him upon whose forehead sate
The crown of thorns; whose life-blood flowed, the
Of your redemption. Shun the insidious arts That Rome provides, less dreading from her frown Than from her wily praise, her peaceful gown, Language, and letters; - these, though fondly
As humanizing graces, are but parts And instruments of deadliest servitude!
THAT heresies should strike (if truth be scanned Presumptuously) their roots both wide and deep, Is natural as dreams to feverish sleep. Lo! Discord at the altar dares to stand, Uplifting toward high Heaven her fiery brand, A cherished Priestess of the new-baptized! But chastisement shall follow peace despised. The Pictish cloud darkens the enervate land By Rome abandoned; vain are suppliant cries, And prayers that would undo her forced farewell; For she returns not. - Awed by her own knell, She casts the Britons upon strange Allies, Soon to become more dreaded enemies Than heartless misery called them to repel.
RISE! - they have risen: of brave Aneurin ask How they have scourged old foes, perfidious friends: The Spirit of Caractacus descends Upon the Patriots, animates their task; Amazement runs before the towering casque Of Arthur, bearing through the stormy field
The Virgin sculptured on his Christian shield : Stretched in the sunny light of victory bask The Host that followed Urien as he strode
O'er heaps of slain; - from Cambrian wood and
Druids descend, auxiliars of the Cross; Bards, nursed on blue Plinlimmon's still abode, Rush on the fight, to harps preferring swords, And everlasting deeds to burning words!
Nor wants the cause the panic-striking aid Of hallelujahs * tost from hill to hill, For instant victory. But Heaven's high will Permits a second and a darker shade Of Pagan night. Afflicted and dismayed, The Relics of the sword flee to the mountains: O wretched Land! whose tears have flowed like
Whose arts and honors in the dust are laid By men yet scarcely conscious of a care For other monuments than those of Earth; Who, as the fields and woods have given them birth, Will build their savage fortunes only there; Content, if foss, and barrow, and the girth Of long-drawn rampart, witness what they were.
THE oppression of the tumult, wrath and scorn, - The tribulation, - and the gleaming blades, - Such is the impetuous spirit that pervades The song of Taliesin; - Ours shall mourn
The unarmed Host who by their prayers would
The sword from Bangor's walls, and guard the store Of Aboriginal and Roman lore,
And Christian monuments, that now must burn To senseless ashes. Mark! how all things swerve From their known course, or vanish like a dream; Another language spreads from coast to coast; Only perchance some melancholy Stream And some indignant Hills old names preserve, When laws, and creeds, and people all are lost!
A BRIGHT-HAIRED company of youthful slaves, Beautiful strangers, stand within the pale Of a sad market, ranged for public sale, Where Tiber's stream the Immortal City laves: ANGLI by name; and not an Angel waves
His wing who could seem lovelier to man's eye Than they appear to holy Gregory;
Who, having learnt that name, salvation craves For them, and for their Land. The earnest Sire, His questions urging, feels, in slender ties Of chiming sound, commanding sympathies; DE-IRIANS, he would save them from God's IRE; Subjects of Saxon ELLA, they shall sing Glad HALLE-lujahs to the Eternal King!
For ever hallowed be this morning fair,
Blest be the unconscious shore on which ye tread, And blest the silver Cross, which ye, instead Of martial banner, in procession bear; The Cross preceding Him who floats in air, The pictured Saviour! - By Augustin led, They come, - and onward travel without dread, Chanting in barbarous ears a tuneful prayer, - Sung for themselves, and those whom they would
Rich conquest waits them: - the tempestuous sea Of Ignorance, that ran so rough and high, And heeded not the voice of clashing swords, These good men humble by a few bare words, And calm with fear of God's divinity.
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