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Against disheartening custom, that by thee
Watched, and with love and pious industry
Tended at need, the adopted Plant may thrive
For everlasting bloom. Benign and pure
This Ordinance, whether loss it would supply,
Prevent omission, help deficiency,

Or seek to make assurance doubly sure.
Shame if the consecrated Vow be found
An idle form, the Word an empty sound!



FROM Little down to Least, in due degree,
Around the Pastor, each in new-wrought vest,
Each with a vernal posy at his breast,
We stood, a trembling, earnest Company!
With low, soft murmur, like a distant bee,
Some spake, by thought-perplexing fears betrayed;
And some a bold, unerring answer made:
How fluttered then thy anxious heart for me,
Beloved Mother! Thou whose happy hand
Had bound the flowers I wore, with faithful tie:
Sweet flowers! at whose inaudible command
Her countenance, phantom-like, doth
O lost too early for the frequent tear,
And ill requited by this heartfelt sigh!



THE Young-ones gathered in from hill and dale, With holiday delight on every brow:

'T is past away; far other thoughts prevail;
For they are taking the baptismal Vow

Upon their conscious selves; their own lips speak
The solemn promise. Strongest sinews fail,
And many a blooming, many a lovely cheek,
Under the holy fear of God turns pale;
While on each head his lawn-robed servant lays
An apostolic hand, and with prayer seals
The Covenant. The Omnipotent will raise
Their feeble Souls; and bear with his regrets,
Who, looking round the fair assemblage, feels
That ere the Sun goes down their childhood sets.



I SAW a Mother's eye intensely bent
Upon a Maiden trembling as she knelt;
In and for whom the pious Mother felt


Things that we judge of by a light too faint:
Tell, if
ye may, some star-crowned Muse, or
Tell what rushed in, from what she was relieved,
Then, when her Child the hallowing touch received,
And such vibration through the Mother went
That tears burst forth amain. Did gleams appear?

Opened a vision of that blissful place

Where dwells a Sister-child? And was power given Part of her lost One's glory back to trace

Even to this Rite? For thus she knelt, and, ere The summer-leaf had faded, passed to Heaven.



By chain yet stronger must the Soul be tied:
One duty more, last stage of this ascent,
Brings to thy food, mysterious Sacrament!
The Offspring, haply at the Parent's side;
But not till they, with all that do abide

In Heaven, have lifted up their hearts to laud
And magnify the glorious name of God,
Fountain of Grace, whose Son for sinners died.
Ye, who have duly weighed the summons, pause
No longer; ye, whom to the saving rite
The Altar calls; come early under laws

That can secure for you a path of light

Through gloomiest shade; put on (nor dread its weight)

Armor divine, and conquer in your cause!



THE Vested Priest before the Altar stands;
Approach, come gladly, ye prepared, in sight

Of God and chosen friends, your troth to plight
With the symbolic ring, and willing hands
Solemnly joined. Now sanctify the bands,
O Father!-to the Espoused thy blessing give,
That mutually assisted they may live
Obedient, as here taught, to thy commands.
So prays the Church, to consecrate a Vow
"The which would endless matrimony make”;
Union that shadows forth and doth partake
A mystery potent human love to endow

With heavenly, each more prized for the other's sake;

Weep not, meek Bride! uplift thy timid brow.



WOMAN! the Power who left his throne on high,
And deigned to wear the robe of flesh we wear,
The Power that through the straits of Infancy
Did pass dependent on maternal care,

His own humanity with thee will share,
Pleased with the thanks that in his People's eye
Thou offerest up for safe Delivery

From Childbirth's perilous throes. And should the Heir

Of thy fond hopes hereafter walk inclined

To courses fit to make a mother rue

That ever he was born, a glance of mind

[blocks in formation]

Cast upon this observance may renew
A better will; and, in the imagined view
Of thee thus kneeling, safety he may find.



THE Sabbath bells renew the inviting peal;
Glad music! yet there be that, worn with pain
And sickness, listen where they long have lain,
In sadness listen. With maternal zeal
Inspired, the Church sends ministers to kneel
Beside the afflicted; to sustain with prayer,
And soothe the heart confession hath laid bare,-
That pardon, from God's throne, may set its seal
On a true Penitent. When breath departs
From one disburdened so, so comforted,
His Spirit Angels greet; and ours be hope
That, if the Sufferer rise from his sick-bed,
Hence he will gain a firmer mind, to cope
With a bad world, and foil the Tempter's arts.



SHUN not this rite, neglected, yea, abhorred,

By some of unreflecting mind, as calling Man to curse man (thought monstrous and appalling).

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