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leagues. Again, he holds that on the winter approaching perihelion and the hemisphere becoming warm the ice waxes soft and rotten from the accumulated heat, and the sea now beginning to eat into the base of the cap, this is so undermined as, at last, to be left standing upon a kind of gigantic pedestal. This disintegrating process goes on till the fatal moment at length arrives, when the whole mass tumbles down into the sea in huge fragments which become floating icebergs. The attraction of the opposite ice-cap, which has by this time nearly reached its maximum thickness, becomes now predominant. The earth's centre of gravity suddenly crosses the plain of the equator, dragging the ocean along with it, and carrying death and destruction to everything on the surface of the globe. And these catastrophes, he asserts, occur alternately on the two hemispheres every 10,000 years.-Révolutions de la Mer, pp. 316-328.

Adhémar's theory has been advocated by M. Le Hon, of Brussels, in a work entitled Périodicité des Grands Déluges. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1858.



From the Philosophical Magazine for May, 1864.

In a most interesting paper on "Radiant Heat," by Professor Tyndall, read before the Royal Society in March last, it is shown conclusively that the period of heat-vibrations is not affected by the state of aggregation of the molecules of the heated body; that is to say, whether the substance be in the gaseous, the liquid, or, perhaps, the solid condition, the tendency of its molecules to vibrate according to a given period remains unchanged. The force of cohesion binding the molecules together exercises no effect on the rapidity of vibration.

I had arrived at the same conclusion from theoretical considerations several years ago, and had also deduced some further conclusions regarding the nature of heat-vibrations, which seem to be in a measure confirmed by the experimental results of Professor

* See text, p. 37.

Tyndall. One of these conclusions was, that the heat-vibration does not consist in a motion of an aggregate mass of molecules, but in a motion of the individual molecules themselves. Each molecule, or rather we should say each atom, acts as if there were no other in existence but itself. Whether the atom stands by itself as in the gaseous state, or is bound to other atoms as in the liquid or the solid state, it behaves in exactly the same manner. The deeper question then suggested itself, viz., what is the nature of that mysterious motion called heat assumed by the atom? Does it cousist in excursions across centres of equilibrium external to the atom itself? It is the generally received opinion among physicists that it does. But I think that the experimental results arrived at by Professor Tyndall, as well as some others which will presently be noticed, are entirely hostile to such an opinion. Tho relation of an atom to its centre of equilibrium depends entirely on the state of aggregation. Now if heat-vibrations consist in excursions to and fro across these centres, then the period ought to be affected by the state of aggregation. The higher the tension of the atom in regard to the centre, the more rapid ought its movement to be. This is the case in regard to the vibrations constituting sound. The harder a body becomes, or, in other words, the more firmly its molecules are bound together, the higher is the pitch. Two harp-cords struck with equal force will vibrate with equal force, however much they may differ in the rapidity of their vibrations. The vis vica of vibration depends upon the force of the stroke; but the rapidity depends, not on the stroke, but upon the tension of the cord.

That heat-vibrations do not consist in excursions of the molecules or atoms across centres of equilibrium, follows also as a necessary consequence from the fact that the real specific heat of a body remains unchanged under all conditions. All changes

in the specific heat of a body are due to differences in the amount of heat consumed in molecular work against cohesion or other forces binding the molecules together. Or, in other words, to produce in a body no other effect than a given rise of temperature, requires the same amount of force, whatever may be the physical condition of the body. Whether the body be in the solid, the fluid, or the gaseous condition, the same rise of temperature always indicates the same quantity of force consumed in the simple production of the rise. Now, if heat-vibrations consist in excursions of the atom to and fro across a centre of equilibrium external to itself, as is generally supposed, then the

real specific heat of a solid body, for example, ought to decrease with the hardness of the body, because an increase in the strength of the force binding the molecules together would in such a case tend to favour the rise in the rapidity of the vibrations.

These conclusions not only afford us an insight into the hidden nature of heat-vibrations, but they also appear to cast some light on the physical constitution of the atom itself. They seem to lead to the conclusion that the ultimate atom itself is essentially elastic.* For if heat-vibrations do not consist in excursions of the atom, then it must consist in alternate expansions and contractions of the atom itself. This again is opposed to the ordinary idea that the atom is essentially solid and impenetrable. But it favours the modern idea, that matter consists of forces of resistance acting from a centre.

Professor Tyndall in a memoir read before the Royal Society "On a new Series of Chemical Reactions produced by Light," has subsequently arrived at a similar conclusion in reference to the atomic nature of heat-vibrations. The following are his views on the subject:

"A question of extreme importance in molecular physics here arises: What is the real mechanism of this absorption, and where is its seat?

"I figure, as others do, a molecule as a group of atoms, held together by their mutual forces, but still capable of motion among themselves. The vapour of the nitrite of amyl is to be regarded as an assemblage of such molecules. The question now before us is this-In the act of absorption, is it the molecules that are effective, or is it their constituent atoms? Is the vis viva of the intercepted waves transferred to the molecule as a whole, or to its constituent parts?

"The molecule, as a whole, can only vibrate in virtue of the forces exerted between it and its neighbour molecules. The intensity of these forces, and consequently the rate of vibration, would, in this case, be a function of the distance between the molecules. Now the identical absorption of the liquid and of the vaporous nitrite of amyl indicates an identical vibrating period on the part of liquid and vapour, and this, to my mind, amounts to an experimental demonstration that the absorption occurs in the main within the molecule. For it can hardly be supposed, if the absorption were the act of the molecule as a whole, that it could continue

See Philosophical Magazine for December, 1867, p. 457.

to affect waves of the same period after the substance had passed from the vaporous to the liquid state."-Proc. of Roy. Soc., No. 105.


Professor W. A. Norton, in his memoir on "Molecular Physics,”* has also arrived at results somewhat similar in reference to the nature of heat-vibrations. "It will be seen," he says, "that these (Mr. Croll's) ideas are in accordance with the conception of the constitution of a molecule adopted at the beginning of the present memoir (p. 193), and with the theory of heat-vibrations or heatpulses deduced therefrom (p. 196)."†




From the Philosophical Magazine for March, 1867

The remarkable fact was observed by Mr. Glaisher, that the difference of reading between a black-bulb thermometer exposed to the direct rays of the sun and one shaded diminishes as we ascend in the atmosphere. On viewing the matter under the light of Professor Tyndall's important discovery regarding the influence of aqueous vapour on radiant heat, the fact stated by Mr. Glaisher appears to be in perfect harmony with theory. The following considerations will perhaps make this plain.

The shaded thermometer marks the temperature of the surrounding air; but the exposed thermometer marks not the temperature of the air, but that of the bulb heated by the direct rays of the sun. The temperature of the bulb depends upon two elements: (1) the rate at which it receives heat by direct radiation from the sun above, the earth beneath, and all surrounding objects,

* Silliman's American Journal for July, 1864. Philosophical Magazine for September, 1861, pp. 193, 196.

Philosophical Magazine for August, 1865, p. 95.
See text, p. 80.

and by contact with the air; (2) the rate at which it loses heat by radiation and by contact with the air. As regards the heat gained and lost by contact with the surrounding air, both thermometers are under the same conditions, or nearly so. We therefore require only to consider the element of radiation.

We begin by comparing the two thermometers at the earth's surface, and we find that they differ by a very considerable number of degrees. We now ascend some miles into the air, and on again comparing the thermometers we find that the difference between them has greatly diminished. It has been often proved, by direct observation, that the intensity of the sun's rays increases as we rise in the atmosphere. How then does the exposed thermometer sink more rapidly than the shaded one as we ascend? The reason is obviously this. The temperature of the thermometers depends as much upon the rate at which they are losing their heat as upon the rate at which they are gaining it. The higher temperature of the exposed thermometer is the result of direct radiation from the sun. Now, although this thermometer receives by radiation more heat from the sun at the upper position than at the lower, it does not necessarily follow on this account that its temperature ought to be higher. Suppose that at the upper position it should receive onefourth more heat from the sun than at the lower, yet if the rate at which it loses its heat by radiation into space be, say, one-third greater at the upper position than at the lower, the temperature of the bulb would sink to a considerable extent, notwithstanding the extra amount of heat received. Let us now reflect on how matters stand in this respect in regard to the actual case under our consideration. When the exposed thermometer is at the higher position, it receives more heat from the sun than at the lower, but it receives less from the earth; for a considerable part of the radiation from the earth is cut off by the screen of aqueous vapour intervening between the thermometer and the earth. But, on the whole, it is probable that the total quantity of radiant heat reaching the thermometer is greater in the higher position than in the lower. Compare now the two positions in regard to the rate at which the thermometer loses its heat by radiation. When the thermometer is at the lower position, it has the warm surface of the ground against which to radiate its heat downwards. The high temperature of the ground thus tends to diminish the rate of radiation. Above, there is a screen of aqueous vapour throwing back upon the thermometer a very considerable part of the heat which the instrument is radiating upwards. This, of course, tends

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