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"Call up him who left half told
The story of Cambuscan bold."

In the following Poem no further deviation from the original has been made than was necessary for the fluent reading and instant understanding of the Author: so much, however, is the language altered since Chaucer's time, especially in pronunciation, that much was removed, and its place supplied with as little incongruity as possible. The ancient accent has been retained in a few conjunctions, as alsò and alway, from a conviction that such sprinklings of antiquity would be admitted, by persons of taste, to have a graceful ac cordance with the subject. The fierce bigotry of the Prioress forms a fine back-ground for her tender-hearted sympathies with the Mother and Child; and the mode in which the story is told amply atones for the extravagance of the miracle.


"OLORD, our Lord! how wondrously," quoth she, "Thy name in this large world is spread abroad! For not alone by men of dignity

Thy worship is performed and precious laud;


But by the mouths of children, gracious God!
Thy goodness is set forth; they when they lie.
Upon the breast thy name do glorify.


Wherefore in praise, the worthiest that I may,
Jesu! of thee, and the white Lily-flower
Which did thee bear, and is a Maid for aye,
To tell a story I will use my power;
Not that I may increase her honor's dower,
For she herself is honor, and the root

Of goodness, next her Son, our soul's best boot.


O Mother Maid! O Maid and Mother free!
O bush unburnt! burning in Moses' sight!
That down didst ravish from the Deity,
Through humbleness, the spirit that did alight
Upon thy heart, whence, through that glory's might,
Conceived was the Father's sapience,

Help me to tell it in thy reverence!


Lady! thy goodness, thy magnificence,
Thy virtue, and thy great humility,
Surpass all science and all utterance;
For sometimes, Lady! ere men pray to thee

Thou goest before in thy benignity,
The light to us vouchsafing to our prayer,

To be our guide unto thy Son so dear.


My knowledge is so weak, O blissful Queen!
To tell abroad thy mighty worthiness,

That I the weight of it may not sustain ;
But as a child of twelve months old or less,
That laboreth his language to express,
Even so fare I; and therefore, I thee pray,
Guide thou my song which I of thee shall say.


There was in Asia, in a mighty town,

'Mong Christian folk, a street where Jews might be,
Assigned to them and given them for their own
By a great Lord, for gain and usury,
Hateful to Christ and to his company;

And through this street who list might ride and wend;
Free was it, and unbarred at either end.


A little school of Christian people stood
Down at the further end, in which there were
A nest of children come of Christian blood,
That learned in that school from year to year
Such sort of doctrine as men used there,
That is to say, to sing and read alsò,
As little children in their childhood do.


Among these children was a Widow's son,
A little scholar, scarcely seven years old,
Who day by day unto this school hath gone,

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And eke, when he the image did behold
Of Jesu's Mother, as he had been told,
This Child was wont to kneel adown and say
Ave Marie, as he goeth by the way.


This Widow thus her little Son hath taught
Our blissful Lady, Jesu's Mother dear,
To worship aye, and he forgat it not;
For simple infant hath a ready ear.
Sweet is the holiness of youth: and hence,
Calling to mind this matter when I may,
Saint Nicholas in my presence standeth aye,
For he so young to Christ did reverence.



This little Child, while in the school he sat His Primer conning with an earnest cheer, The whilst the rest their anthem-book repeat The Alma Redemptoris did he hear;

And as he durst he drew him near and near, And hearkened to the words and to the note, Till the first verse he learned it all by rote.


This Latin knew he nothing what it said,
For he too tender was of age to know;
But to his comrade he repaired, and prayed
That he the meaning of this song would show,
And unto him declare why men sing so;
This oftentimes, that he might be at ease,
This child did him beseech on his bare knees.


His Schoolfellow, who elder was than he,
Answered him thus: This song, I have heard say,
Was fashioned for our blissful Lady free;
Her to salute, and also her to pray

To be our help upon our dying day:

If there is more in this, I know it not;

Song do I learn,

- small grammar I have got.'


And is this song fashioned in reverence
Of Jesu's Mother?' said this Innocent;
Now, certès, I will use my diligence
To con it all ere Christmas-tide be spent;
Although I for my Primer shall be shent,
And shall be beaten three times in an hour,
Our Lady I will praise with all my power.'


His Schoolfellow, whom he had so besought,
As they went homeward, taught him privily,
And then he sang it well and fearlessly,
From word to word according to the note:
Twice in a day it passed through his throat;
Homeward and schoolward whensoe'er he went,
On Jesu's Mother fixed was his intent.


Through all the Jewry (this before said I)
This little Child, as he came to and fro,
Full merrily then would he sing and cry,

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