When Wisdom prospered in his sight Yes, freely let our hearts expand, Our pleasure varying at command How oft inspired must he have trod These pathways, yon far-stretching road! There lurks his home; in that Abode, With mirth elate, Or in his nobly pensive mood, The Rustic sate. Proud thoughts that Image overawes, She trained her Burns to win applause Through busiest street and loneliest glen Are felt the flashes of his pen ; He rules 'mid winter snows, and when Deep in the general heart of men What need of fields in some far clime Shall dwell together till old Time Sweet Mercy! to the gates of Heaven And memory of Earth's bitter leaven, But why to Him confine the prayer, The best of what we do and are, Just God, forgive! * * See note. IV. TO THE SONS OF BURNS, AFTER VISITING THE GRAVE OF THEIR FATHER. "The Poet's grave is in a corner of the churchyard. We ooked at it with melancholy and painful reflections, repeating to each other his own verses, 'Is there a man whose judgment clear,' &c." Extract from the Journal of my Fellow-traveller. 'MID crowded obelisks and urns I sought the untimely grave of Burns; And more would grieve, but that it turns Through twilight shades of good and ill And more than common strength and skill If ye would give the better will Its lawful sway. Hath Nature strung your nerves to bear But if the Poet's wit ye share, Like him can speed The social hour, of tenfold care There will be need; For honest men delight will take Will flatter you, and fool and rake Your steps pursue; And of your Father's name will make Far from their noisy haunts retire, With service meet; There seek the genius of your Sire, Or where, 'mid "lonely heights and hows," Bedewed with toil, While reapers strove, or busy ploughs His judgment with benignant ray But ne'er to a seductive lay Let faith be given ; Nor deem that "light which leads astray Is light from Heaven." Let no mean hope your souls enslave; Your Father such example gave, . And such revere; But be admonished by his grave, And think, and fear! V. ELLEN IRWIN: OR, THE BRAES OF KIRTLE. FAIR Ellen Irwin, when she sat From many knights and many squires By Ellen was rejected. Sad tidings to that noble Youth! For it may be proclaimed with truth, *The Kirtle is a river in the southern part of Scotland, on the banks of which the events here related took place |