vicinity as well as superior naval force, able, at all times, to block up the Baltic ? And do they not feel that by our occupying Malta, we may be able to shut them up in the Euxine also? So that if ever they should be inclined to move in any direction we do not like, we can, from this envied position, stretch forth our naval arm, and say balt. Is it not known to a certainty that the late Empress had intentions of making herself mistress of the River Amur, and all the country on its left bank to the sea? Had she not views on Jaban, and to obtain a footing in India, and on the opposite side of America? Some such extension is even necessary to Russia, or the establishments on that side of the empire will go to ruin.—— Was not a project formed about the year 1790, of sending an army to raise an insurrection of the Mahomedan powers and partizans in India; to profess to have for ob ject the re-establishment of the Mogul on the throne of all India, and to drive us out of the peninsula in case a war with this country had taken place?--Is any one ignorant of the views of that court on Turkey, and of the intention of creating Greece into an independent state, placing the Great Duke Constantine on the throne of Constantinople? Or how much this has been an object of the cabinet, often suspended, but never relinquished for these last hundred years?Why does Russia pay such vast attention to that part of the empire bordering on the Euxine? Why is the junction of the great rivers to convey merchandize from the most distant parts of the country to the Euxine undertaken, and spoken of with so much exultation by the French? -Cannot France, in a war with this country, procure naval stores from the Black Sea if Malta is wrested out of our hands? Cannot France carry on an immense trade with the Russian ports of the Crimea, Cherson, &c. a trade necessary to make the southern provinces florish, rich in soil, in productions, in population, and blessed with a healthy and temperate air? Does it appear that Russia can have such, or any advantages in those parts, from us?--What disadvantage will accrue to Russia by the French possessing Egypt? And should a quarrel with this country take place, what objection can Russia have to join the French efforts to humble us in India, or elsewhere? --Is Russia more likely to succeed in all, or any of her projects by our having the dominion of the Mediterranean, or by that dominion being transferred to France?-Does it appear from a view of these things, that it will be more agreeable to the Court of St. Petersburgh to see us in possession of Malta, and able to stop her progress, or to see us shut out of the Mediterranean, and Malta in French, or what is equivalent, in neutral hands?——If Russia is well inclined towards this country, why does she not oblige Buonaparté immediately to evacuate Hanover, &c. as she knows the usurper would not quarrel with her for so trifling an object?Why does the Court of St. Pe tersburgh not only wish we should evacuate Malta, but why does it not insist on our holding it in perpetuity?--If these projects of the Court of St. Petersburgh should for the moment be laid aside, can any body assure me that they will not at some future period be resumed? And in that case can any one say, that the loss of Malta will not have all the fatal consequences I have stated?--When we have abandoned Malta, and Russia should be favourably inclined to this country, will it be in her power to set France at defiance? Will not France have a strong hold on her in the East?--Will not our being able to block up Russia on all sides by sea prevent her quarrelling with us, and be a means of preserving a friendly co-operation, which if rightly understood is the true interest of both countries ?-When I have a satisfactory answer to these questions, I shall be able to solve the enigma: Is Russia friendly to this country?-As to guarantees, surely after the fate of that of the treaty of Luneville and others, nobody can think they are of sufficient force to stop any enterprise of Buonaparte's. Our only guarantees are a British garrison and the affection of the inhabitants. As to Russia's approving of our blocking up the Elbe it argues nothing. She may give us good words, she may, perhaps, act a farce or two; she may lull us to sleep till Malta is out of our hands. There is no language which a subtile court may not hold to gain its ends. Let us look to the state of things. When we know the interest, or what is thought to be the interest of a court, we know its views. The rest is comedy and legerdemain trick. beg to know the meaning of all the favours that it has pleased the usurper to confer on the House of Baden, and why, from such hands, they have been accepted.--Let me see strong active measures on the part of Russia. A manifesto that she will support her guarantees, and a Sawroff at the head of another army, and above all that Russia will support us in the possession of Malta; for even should she declare war against Buonaparté I will not admit her good dis positions towards this country, without the Notice of the Blockade of the Ports of Genoa and Spezia, by the Ships of his Britannic Majesty.—Dated Downinget, August 13, 1803. The King has been pleased to cause it to be signife by the Right Honourable Lord Hawkesbury, his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to the Ministers of Neutral Powers residing at this Court, that the necessary measures have been taken, by his Majesty's command, for the blockade of the entrance of the Ports of Genoa and Spezia; and that from this time all the measures authorised by the Law of Nations, and the respec ive Treaties between his Majesty and the different Neutral Powers, will be adopted and executed with respect to all vessels which may attempt to violate the said blockade. Dispatch from Gen. Grinfield, giving an account of the Copture of Tobago, by the forces of his Britannic Ma Dat.d Scarborough, Tobago, July 1, 1803. MY LORD,I have the honour to report to your Lordship, the surrender, by capitulation, of the Fort of Scarborough, and the restoration of the Island of Tobago to the British Government. I have the satisfaction to add, that this event appears to be received by the Colony, the inhabitants of which are almost entirely British, with the liveliest sense of gratitude.The circumstances which led to this fortunate and valuable conquest, were as follow:-On the 25th, Commudore Hood, with the fleet and troops, sailed from St. Lucia, and yesterday, at day-break, we made this Island. Abou: five o'clock in the afternoon, having landed the greater part of the troops, the two leading columns marched forward towards Scarborough, and meeting with no opposition in the denies of St. Mary's, advanced to Mount Grace, from which place I sent a summons to the Commandant-General Berthier, who returned an answer by proposing terms of capitulation, which were finally settled about four this morning, and at eleven possession of the fortress was given to the British forces; the French garrison marching out with the honours of war, and laying down their arms, after passing the guard of honour, under the orders of Brigadier-General Picton —The fort having surrendered without resistance, I can only speak, in general terms, of the excellent discipline and good conduct of the officers and soldiers in this expedition; there is no doubt, had the French garrison been sufficiently strong to have hazarded resistance, they would have met with as obstinate an attack as was experienced by the garrison of Morne Fortunée. It is next to impossible for me to say too much in praise of the co-operation of the Navy. The troops are in the highest degree indebted to Commodore Hood for the accommodation afforded to them on board, and to the judicious arrangements and execution in the embarking and disembarkation of them by Captaia Hallowell.Captain Draper, my Aidede-Camp and Secretary, returning to England, will have the honour to deliver this dispatch to your Lordship; I beg leave to recommend him to your notice, as an intelligent, diligent, and active offi cer --I have the honour to be, &c.-W. GRINFIELD, Lieut. Gen. Rt. Hon. Lord Hobart, &c. &c. &c. [ARTICLES OF CAPITULATION.] CESAR BERTHIER, General de Brigade, Captain-General of the Island of Tobago, in the name of the French Republic, offers, Art. 1. To deliver up to the Commander in Chiet of his Britannic Majesty's forces, the Fort of Scarborough, in the same state in which it now is, together with the artillery, and military stores.-Answer. Agreed to. -Art. II. The garrison shall march out with all the honours of war; drums beating, and taking their arms and baggage, with one piece of field artillery.Answer.agreed to. The British troops being permi ted, at eleven o'clock to-morrow morning, to have possession of the Fort of Scarborough; and the French garrison, at the same time, to march out with the honours of war, drums beating, arms and baggage, and one piece of field artillery; but the arms are to be laid down, and the field piece given up as soon as they shall have passed the Glacis.--Art. III. The Captain-General, his staff, all the officers, all the persons in military or civil employments, with all the soldiers, seamen, servants, and generally all the French attached to the service of the Republic, with their wives and children, shall be embarked within a month, and sent back to France at the expense of his Britannic Majesty.— Answer.-Agreed to. And shall be sent within the time, or as soon after as possible.—Art. IV. A proper vessel shall be furnished as soon as possible for the conveyance of the Captain-General, his family, staff, and other persons in his suite, with the goods and effects belonging to them.Answer.-Agreed to.Art. V. The sick and wounded shall be attended to in the Military hospital of Scarborough, at the expense of his Britannic Majesty, and sent to France when cured.Answer.-Agreed to. And they shall be sent to France as soon as they shall be recovered.- Art. VI. The property of every kind belonging to the inhabitants of the Colony shall be respected; their laws, customs, and usages will be preserved, as they have hitherto been by the French Government. -Agreed to.-The Colony will have the laws existing when under the British Government previous to its last cession to the French Republic. Art. VII. The Captain General, Cæsar Berthier, shall immediately dispatch the National Brig, Souffleur, now at Scarborough, to apprize his government of this capitulation. The necessary passport for this purpose shall be given by the commander of the naval forces of his Britannic Majesty Answer.-Agreed to by me; but subject to the Commodore's opinion. An unarmed vessel may be sent to France, and if the Souffleur is disarmed, she may be sent to France. VIII. The French merchant vessels now in Scarborough Roads, under the batteries of the fort, shall be allowed to sail for such port of Europe or America as they shall think proper.--Answer. -Requires being referred to the Commodore. Provided the property does not belong to persons who have come to the Island since its cession to the French Republic.———Art. IX. None of the inhabitants shall be molested on account of the conduct they may have held, or opinions they may have professed under the French Government.———Answer.-Agreed to.---Art. X. Du Art. ring the space of two years, to commence this day, it shall be permitted to such inhabitants as are desirous of quitting the Island, to dispose of their properties, and remove the amount to whatever place they please Answer.-Agreed to. Providence-House, 30th June, 1803. W. GRINFIELD, Lieutenant-General, commanding in Chief. SAMUEL HOOD, Commodore, and Commander in Chief. 12th Messidor, 11th Year of the French Republic. CESAR BERTHIER, Captain-General of the Island of Tobago. Accepted by order of General BERTHIER, by virtue of his full powers granted to us. L'ANUSS, First Aide-de-Camp. BAIN NOUSE GENTIL; Aide-de-Camp. Whereas the provision made in the 8th Article of Capitulation, did not appear to be clearly understood by the Captain-General, Cæsar Berthier, it is now agreed that the Captain-General take to him the William and Jenny merchant ships to transport the French troops and sailors to France, as well as the property of the Captain-General, independent of the unarmed brig stated; and that proper passports shall be furnished for the purpose, and for sailing under the French flag with a cartel; and that all other vessels are to be considered under the regulations and orders of the British Commander in Chief. SAMUEL HOOD. CESAR BERTHIER, Capt. Gen. Tobago, 4th July, 1803. Return of the French Troops and Sailors in Fort Scarborough, in the Island of Tobago, at the time of its surrender to the British forces, on the 1st of July, 1803. 3 Captains, 2 Serjeant Majors, 8 Serjeants, 16 Corporals, 73 Grenadiers, 9 Drummers, 120 Sailors.-Total 228.-The General and Staff Officers not included. C. LUXEMBOURG, Capitaine-Commandant. Return of French Prisoners taken at the conquest of the Island of St. Lucia, on the 22d of June, 1803, by the troops under the command of Lieutenant-General Willium Grinfield. 1 Brigadier-General, 1 Lieutenant-Colonel, 1 Major, 10 Captains, 8 Lieutenants, 12 Second Lieutenants, Surgeon Major, 1 Surgeon, I Assistant-Surgeon, 13 Serjeant Majors, 77 Serjeants, 74 Corporals, 18 Drummers, 402 privates, II Women, 9 Children.-Total, 640.-N. B. One hundred and sixteen of the prisoners, included in the total, are returned sick. WM. TATUM, Capt. Assist. DOMESTIC OFFICIAL PAPERS. Adiress of the House of Commons to His Majesty, at the close of their session on the 12th August, 1803. Most Gracious Sovereign,-Your Majesty's most ducitul and loyal subjects, the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled, have at length completed the supplies granted to your Majesty for the service of the present year-a period memorable for the events which it has produced, and awful for those which may be yet to come. -In granting those supplies, Your Majesty's faithful Commons have considered that a crisis without example, demands unexampled efforts: and by resolving to raise annually a large proportion of the supplies for the current year, so long as the war may endure, they have given to all the world a solemn pledge of their inflexible determination to render publie credit unassailable.They have also proceeded to revise the system of Your Majesty's permanent revenue. By consolidating the duties in each of its principal branches, they have simplified its operations, and at the same time they have endeavoured to render its pressure less burthensome by regulating its mode of collection. The commercial interests of this country, to which our attention was called by Your Majesty's gracious commands at the commencement of the present session, have been maturely considered; and measures have been taken for affording material accommodations and facilities to mercantile transactions, by rendering our principal ports free for all nations to import, deposit, and re-export their merchandize, without toll or tax, unless voluntarily brought into our own market for home-consumption.Nor have we forgotten to bestow our earnest and serious thoughts upon the safety and efficacy of our church establishment in every part of the United Kingdom. Upon this subject, as comprehending all that consecrates our rational hopes, morals, and policy, we have deliberated with peculiar care and anxiety; and we presume to believe, that the important laws which have been passed in aid of our church establishment will materially strengthen and gradually extend its influence through succeeding ages.But, Sire, these were cares and objects belonging to times of peace. Wise, politic, and desirable as they might be, nevertheless, called upon now by your Majesty's commands, we have, without hesitation, turned all our thoughts and efforts to meet the renewal of war, persuaded that your Majesty's paternal care preserved to us the blessings of peace so long as they could be retained with safety and honour, and confident that since they have been openly attacked, and the justice of our cause has been made manifest to the world, our appeal to arms will not be in vain.— This war we see and know to be a war of no ordinary character. We feel that our religion, laws, and liberties, and existence as a nation are put to the issue, and we have prepared for the contest accordingly. Besides the supplies of money, we have augmented beyond all former example, every species of military force known in this countrywe have met rebellion with prompt and necessary laws and for the defence of a Sovereign endeared to us by long experience of his royal virtues, and commanding not our allegiance alone, but our hearts and affections, the whole nation has risen up in arms. May then the God of our fathers go forth with us to battle, and bless our cause, and establish with victory that Throne which we revere as the bulwark of our liberties; and so shall other nations at length learn, that a free, valiaut, and united people is unconquerable, and able to set lasting bounds to an empire of violence, perfidy, and unrelenting ambition-To the Bills which I have now humbly to present to your Majesty, your Commons, with all humility, entreat your Majesty's Royal Assent. His Majesty's most gracious Speech from the Throne to both Houses of Parliament. My Lords and Gentlemen, am at length enabled, by the state of public business, to release you from your long and laborious attendance in Parliament.In closing the session, I have the utmost satisfaction in expressing the strong sense which I entertain of that zealous and unwearied regard for the welfare and honour of your country which has distinguished all your proceedings During the continuance of peace, your conduct mailested the just view which you had taken of our actual situation, and of the dangers against which you were peculiarly called upon to provide; and since the recurrence of hostilities, you have displayed an energy and promptitude which have never been surpassed, in the means which you have supplied for the defence of the country, and for the vigorous prosecution of the war.-Your proceedings in consequence of the late treasonable and atrocious occurrences in Ireland, will, I trust, have the effect of preventing any further interrup tion of its internal tranquillity, and of convincing my loyal subjects in that part of the United Kingdom, that they may confidently rely on that protection to which they are so justly entitled.—In the midst of the deliberations, which were occasioned by the immediate exigency of the times, you have not been unmindful of other objects, to which I had directed your attention; and I have great satisfaction in obse: ving, that you have completed a system for consolidating the duties, and regulating the collection and management of the several branches of the revenue; and that you have adopted measures which are calculated to afford materal accommodation to the mercantile part of the community, and to encourage and extend the navigation and commerce of My dominions.-Gentlemen of the House of Commons,-I shall return you My particular thanks for the liberality and readiness with which you have granted the supplies tor the public service. It is paintul for me to reflect, that the means of necessary exertion cannot be provided without a heavy pressure upon my faithful people: but 1 cannot sufficiently applaud that wisdom and fortitude which have led you to overlook considerations of temporary convenience, for the purpose of preventing a large accumulation of debt during the continuance of the war. You may be assured that there shall be as strict an attention to economy on my part as may be consistent with those Preparations and exertions which will be best calculated to frustrate the designs and to weaken the power of the enemy, by whose arrogant preten sions and restless ambition alone these sacrifices have been rendered unavoidable.My Lords and Gentlemen-1 am fully persuaded that, during the cessation of your parliamentary duties, you will continue to be actuated by the same spirit which has been uniformly displayed in your councils. It will be your duty to assist in carrying into effect those important measures which your wisdom has matured for the defence and security of the realm: and particularly to give the most beneEcial direction to that ardour and enthusiasm in the cause of their country, which animate all classes of my people.-Justly sensible of the state of pre-eminence in which it has pleased the Almighty to support us, for so many ages, amongst the nations of Europe, I rely, with confidence, that, under the continuance of his Divine Prorection, the exertions of my brave and loyal subjects will prove to the enemy and to the world, that an attempt to subvert the independence, or impair the power of this United Kingdom, will terminate in the disgrace and ruin of those by whom it may me made, and that my people will find an ample reward for all their sacrifices, in an undisturbed joyment of that freedom and security, which, by their patriotism and valour, they will have preserved and ensured to themselves and their posterity. "Then the Lord Chancellor, by his Majesty's com mand, said :-My Lords and Gentlemen,-It is his Majesty's royal will and pleasure, that this Parlia ment be prorogued to Thursday the sixth day of October next, to be then here holden; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Thursday the sixth day of October next.' INTELLIGENCE. FOREIGN.Mr. Drummond, the British Minister at Constantinople, bad his first audience of the Grand Vizier on the 13th of June; and, on the 21st was presented, with great pomp, to the Grand Signior.-- Abdul Wechab, after being defeated by the Pacha of Damascus, collected great reinforcements, and again obtained possession of Mecca.Tahur, the Aibanian chief, who headed the revolt at Cairo, has been assassinated by the people, and the Beys of Upper Egypt have obtained possession of the city.-The Porte, alarmed at these circumstances. is embodying two powerful armies, for the purpose of compelling the submission of the rebels; and the Capitan Pacha, with a considerable fleet sailed from Constantinople on the 26th of June, to co-operate in restoring tranquillity in the Egyptian provinces.-The republic of the Seven Islands has declared its determination to observe the strictest neutrality during the continuance of the war beween England and France. -The new Grand Master of Malta, was installed in presence of an assembly of the knights of the order, held at Messina on the 27th of July. The oath was administered to Signior Tommasi, by the Bailley Trotti. M. Busy was immediately dispatched to Rome as the representative of the Order at the Holy Sce. General Vial has been ordered to repair to Messina, to resume his station as ambassador from the French Republic to the Grand Master of Alalta.-His Neapolitan Majesty and the royal family still remain at Naples; and, it is said, have no intention of removing to Palermo - Buonaparté arrived at St. Cloud on the 11th inst. where, it is said, he will remain till the middle of September, and will then proceed to Brest, l'Orient and Rochfort. The privy counsellor, Lombard, who had been dispatched on a mission from the King of Prussia to the First Consul, at Brussels, returned to Berlin on the 8th inst. M. Portalis arrived there, from Paris, about the same time.-Considerable military and naval preparations are making in the dominions of the Emperor of Russia.-The King of Sweden has given orders for the forma tion of a cordon of troops on the frontiers of Pomerania.-Negotiations are said to be carrying on, betweon the courts of Spain and Denmark, for the cession of the island of Porto Rico, by the former, to the latter power.-Orders have been issued by the Landamman of Switzerland, at the request of the French ambassador, for arresting all the English, within the Swiss territories, as prisoners of war.-M. Schimmelpinninck will reside at Paris, as ambassador and commissary General of the Batavian Republic. DOMESTIC-A special commission will be held in Dublin, on the 24th inst. for the trial of those who have been committed upon a charge of high treason. Lord Norbury, Justices Downes and Finucane, and Baron Dally are to preside. None will be tried by court martial, except those who have been guilty of crimes since the proclamation of martial law.-The Lord Lieu tenant of Ireland has published an official recommendation to the bankers, merchants, and traders of the city of Dublin, that they would commence a subscription similar to that of Lloyd's, for the relief of the families of those who may fall in the present contest. -Suspected persons continue to be daily arrested in different parts of Ireland: and, during the last week, a merchant of London, was taken into custody, upon suspicion of being connected with the Irish rebels. He was taken before the Lord Mayor, and, after his examination, was put into strict confinement, with orders that no one should be suffered to see him.-Proclamations have been issued by his Majesty's government, directing that persons coming from coutries Occupied by the enemy shall be suffered to land at Yarmouth, Harwich, Dover, Southampton, and Gravesend, only, under the penalties of the act of the 43d of his Majesty also, directing, with certain exceptions, that aliens, residing in any part of England, shall remove within ten days; or in Scotland, within sixteen days, and reside within 50 miles of the standard in Cornhill, and not within ten miles of the sea, or any dock yards. An order of the King in council has also been issued, allowing the trade with the islond of St. Lucia to be carried on, under the same regulations which apply to the trade of the other British West India islands.-Addresses have been presented to his Majesty from the counties of Northumberland, Aberdeen, and Louth; the borough of Truro; and the towns of Penzance and Huddersfield, assuring his Majesty of their support in the war.-Mr. Monroe, minister plenipotentiary from the united states of America, to the court of St. James's was presented to his Majesty on the 17th inst. and delivered his credentials. -At a general court of the East-India com pany, held at the India-house, the late offer made by the court of directors, of 10,000 tons of shipping for the service of government, received an unanimous sanction.Lord Hawkesbury has communicated a notice to the different representatives of foreign powers, at the court of London, that his Majesty has directed his forces to blockade the ports of Genoa and Spezia. MILITARY. An engagement took place, some time ago, at Brodera in Guzerat, between the British troops and a numerous body of Arabs. The British sustained censiderable loss, through the treachery of the enemy, but were finally victorious.-The Peshwa has been deposed by Holcar, after a severe battle in the Mysore, and has been compelled to take refuge in Fort Bassine, near Bombay. The Marquis Wellesley has sent an army of 4,000 Europeans and 16,000 native troops to his assistance: this army is now marching into the Mahratta territories. -The French troops in Italy have not yet taken possession of the forts of the Ligurian Republic; but that measure is daily expected to take place. The Neapolitan Government has been compelled to pay 200.000 florins a month for the support of the Gallo-Italian army in that kingdom.-- 16,000 Swiss troops have been taken into the pay of France.Two columns of French troops are marching, through the territory of Munster, to take possession of the district of Gottengen: and 8,000 more are on their way to Hanover, where they are to be quartered. The Senate of Hamburgh has consented that a French garrison shall be established at Cuxhaven, during the war; and the Senate of Lubec has consented that another shall be placed in Travemunde, on the Baltic. A camp of 6,000 men is forming in the Island of Walcherea, and a considerable force is collecting for the general protection of Zealand, against any attack which may be made by the English. Gen. Dumonceau has issued a proclamation, recommending unanimity between the French and Dutch, as they have one common object in view, and as the conquest of England will be equally advantageous to both RepublicsThe conquest of the island of Tobago has followed that of the Island of St. Lucia. Gen. Grinfield, with the troops under his command, sailed from the latter place, on board Commodore Hood's squadron, on the 25th of June, and arrived at Tobago early on the morning of the 31st. Gen. G. landed the troops in the afternoon, and marched, without obstruction, to Mount - Grace, whence he sent a summons to Gen Berthier, the French commandant, at Fort Scarbo rough. Terms were immediately proposed |