Defence, letter III. from Inquisitor on the ruinous | Elbe, extract from the Moniteur on the blockade
system of, adopted by the ministers, 65. bill, an examination of the, 120.
Inquisitor's observations on the,
--- of the country, letter IV. from Inquisitor, on the system adopted by the ministers for the, 193.
letter from Velites, on
debates on the bill for
the, 1124, 1178, 1203, 1214, 1255, 1256, 1356, 1358, 1360, 1361, 1373.
Demarara and Essequibo, capitulation of, 758. Denmark, assembles a large body of troops in Holstein, 8r.
Deposit, the right of, at New Orleans, restored to the Americans, 319.
Detector, letter from, to the editor, on the influ- ence exercised by the ministry at elections,
Dickins, Mr. affair between Mr. Heriot and, 241. Dispatches from Gen. Grinfield and Com. Hood, announcing the capture of St. Lucia, 171, 173. from Gen. Grinfield, announcing the
capture of Tobago, 245. Dispute with America, observations on the, 727. Distillation of oats, debates on the bill relative to, 1607.
Dock-yards, letter from S. T. on the conduct of the Admiralty in managing the internal con- cerns of the, 49.
Dollars, circulated at Portsmouth and Portsea, 782.
remarks on the circulation of, 921. Domestic Intelligence, 19, 82, 111, 150, 174, 208, 251, 274, 344, 363. 406, 441, 465, 502, 563, 599, 619, 684, 719, 755, 781, 893, 943.
Official Papers, 146, 171, 203, 247, 271, 341, 360, 401, 439, 462, 494, 531,561,596, 666. Dover, influence exercised by the ministry at the elections in, 398.
Dublin, relation of the circumstances which took place in, and the conduct of the Irish govern- ment on the 23d of July, 290.
letter from Vindex, to the editor, on the insurrection in, 458. Dumourier, Gen. remarks on the arrival of, in England, 256, 287.
Durham, observations on the conduct of the bi- shop of, in promoting the fund at Lloyd's, 472. Duties, decree of the government of Martinique and St. Lucia, relative to, 438.
of export and import at Guadaloupe, de- cree of Gen. Ernouf, respecting the, 660. Duty, bill relative to Irish import, debates on the, 1888.
![[blocks in formation]](,+in+pursuance+of+the+treaty,+and+particularly+of+the%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U2SXmTsdexogTZcwCgz1LUQkpSeCA&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=41,1207,513,314)
letter from the American Consul at Ham- burgh, on the blockade of the, 145. Elections, influence of the ministry at, 397- Embargo on Spanish vessels, letter from the Spa- nish Consul, relative to the report of, 659. Emigrants and bishops, French, defence of the, 24, 95, 183.
Emperor of Germany, prohibits his subjects from entering the service of France or G. Britain, during the war, 344.
"Enemy to Quacks," letter from, on the defi- ciency of arms throughout G. Britain, 647. England, see Great Britain.
return of the army of reserve for, 1898. English funds, prices of the, 2.
prisoners in France, ought not to be ex
changed, 118. Epigram, by Anti-Medicus, 203. Ernouf, Gen. proclamation of, to the soldiers and inhabitants at Guadaloupe, 660.
decree of, relative to the duties of
import and export at Guadaloupe, 660. Esprit de corps, remarks on the, among the vo- lunteers, 608. Essequibo and Demerara, capitulation of, 758. Establishment of the volunteers, letter from Mr. Yorke, to the Lords Lieutenants of counties, respecting the, 402.
Etruria, Regent of, proclamation of Maria Louisa, infanta of Spain and, 18.
the young Prince of, receives the homage of the senate and people, 441. Eulogium on Mr. Cobbett, pronounced in Parlia- ment, by Mr. Windham, 228. ---on Buonaparté, Mr. Sheridan's, 394. Exchequer bills, account of the interest paid on,
![[blocks in formation]](,+in+pursuance+of+the+treaty,+and+particularly+of+the%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U2SXmTsdexogTZcwCgz1LUQkpSeCA&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=504,825,447,283)
Fast, proclamation for a general, in G. Britain, 406.
- remarks on the general, in G. Britain, 574- Fencible districts, letter from the Admiralty to the commanders of, 206. Finance, observations on, 154.
of the United States, report of the Ame- rican Secretary of the Treasury on the, 982. Fisheries of France, decree of the French govern- ment, regulating the, 401. Fitzwilliam, Lord, letter from Lord Hobart to, relative to volunteer corps, 343- Flags of truce, the entry of British, limitted to the bay of Andizone, 400.
Floridas, New Orleans and the, report of a secret committee of the American Congress, on the policy of obtaining, 1905.
Folkestone, the Right Hon. Lord, letter I. from Mr. Cobbett to, 623.
the Right Hon. Lord, letter II. from
Mr. Cobbett to, 689.
Foreign Intelligence, 19, 81, 111, 150, 174, 207, 250, 273, 343, 363, 405,439, 462, 500, 562, 599, 616, 682, 718, 753, 779, 891, 918, 942.
Official Papers, 203, 400, 461, 493, 560, 660, 887, 982. Foreigners, contempt with which ministers are spoken of by, 572.
Fox, Mr. and Mr. Sheridan, remarks on the con- duct of, 127.
--Gen. letter from Hibernicus in defence of, 654. remarks on the conduct of, and the con- duct of government towards, 849.
- extract from the Dublin newspapers, re- lative to, 919.
letter from an independent Irish peer, on the paragraph in the Dublin papers relative to, 964. rance, policy of in attempting to Britain from the Continent, 7.
France, note presented to the Helvetian republic, relative to the war between England and, 17.
decree of the government of, relative to the imprisonment of the English in that coun- try, 19.
- explanatory note presented by her order, to the senate of Bremen, relative to English ships, property, and subjects, 80.
advantages to be derived by, from the de- struction of the power of Buonaparté, and the restoration of Louis XVIII. 75, 99.
and Russia, connexion between, 152. -right of G. Britain, to interfere in the af- fairs of, 165.
takes sixteen thousand Swiss troops into pay, 252. Englishmen arrested in Swisserland, by order of the Landamman, at the request of, 251. Batavia and the Italian republic, military
convention between, ratified, 344.
decree of the government of, limiting the entry of British flags of truce to the bay of Audierne, 400.
- decree of the government of, prohibiting the entry of all vessels which have touched at English ports, 400.
proceedings of the council of state of the Italian republic, in the war against G. Britain, 400.
_ decree of the government of, regulating the fisheries of the republic, 401.
decree of the government of, prohibiting
the exportation of undressed leather, 401.
- remarks on the preparations of, 444. - proclamation of the agents of the King of Spain for surrendering Louisiana to, 664.
and the United States of America, treaty between, for Louisiana, 880. - and the United States, convention between, settling the terms for Louisiana, 883.
and the United States, convention between, providing for the debts due by France to the Americans, 884.
- letter V. from A Continental Observer on the conduct to be pursued towards the people of, on the restoration of Louis XVIII. 275.
- military operations in, 176, 345, 442, 468, 504, 565, 601, 621, 686, 757, 783,895,945. Francis, Mr. remarks on the charge brought by him against Mr. Sheridan, 218.
Freeholder, letter from, on the necessity of unani- mity among great statesmen, 876.
Freeling, Mr. franks the letters of the managers of Lloyd's fund, 448.
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Gallatin, Mr. secretary of the treasury of the United States, report of, laid before the Ameri- can congress in October, 1803, 982.
Gambier, vice admiral, letter from, relative to the capture of St. Pierre and Miquelon, 596. Gandolphe, note presented by him to the Lan- damman of Helvetia, 17. Genealogy of Buonaparté, 64. Genoa and Spezzia, notice of the blockade of, by G. Britain, 245.
General arming bill, letter from Lord Hobart, au- thorising the suspension of some of the clauses of the, 271.
Germany, the Emperor of, prohibits his subjects from entering the service of France or G. Britain during the war, 344.
Government, Mr. Cobbett, repels the charge brought against him of treating the, with con- tempt, 321.
Grenville Lord, and Mr. Pitt. promise said to have made to Mr. Addington, by, 897. Grinfield, Gen. and Com. Hood, dispatches from, announcing the capture of St. Lucia, 171, 173. - dispatches from, announcing the
Grinfield, Gen. articles of capitulation for Tobago, ❘ Hill, Rowland, Mr. Sheridan, the Hottentots, and
Guards, the, letter from A. B. to the Earl of Suf- folk, on the preference given to, in the promo- tions of the army, 310.
Guadaloupe, decree of Gen. Ernouf, relative to the duties of import and export at, 660. proclamation of Gen. Ernouf to the
soldiers and inhabitants at, 600.
letter from Gen. Mortier to the French minister of war, relative to the arms, &c. taken in, 203. the Flector of, protests against the con- vention of Suhlingen, 344.
the states of, assembled by Gen. Mor- tier, 440. report of Gen. Berthier, minister at war, relative to the captured standards recovered at, 560.
statement of the situation of, published by the Hanoverian resident in London, 1941. Hardwicke, Lord, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, re- commends a subscription similar to Lloyd's,
censures on the conduct of, during the
insurrection in Dublin, 548.
character of, by Juverna, 609. Havre de Grace, notice of the blockade of, by G. "Britain, 359.
Hawkesbury, Lord, letter from Talleyrand to, re- lative to the ratification of the convention of Suhlingen, 106.
letter from, to Baron Silverhjelm prohibiting the entry of neutral vessels, from countries occupied by the French, 941.
letter from, to Count Jarlsburg, rela- tive to the prohibition of neutrals from coun- tries occupied by the French, from entering the ports of the channel, 9421
Helvetian republic, note presented to the Landam- man of the, relative to the war between England and France, 17.
Heart of Oak, letter from, on the impracticability of an invasion, 871.
Heriot, Mr., Mr. Cobbett's address to the public, relative to the libels published against him in the True Briton, and his subsequent chastise- ment of, 238.
affair between Mr. Dickins and, 241. Hibernicus, letter from, on the affairs of Ireland, the conduct of Lord Hardwicke, and of Gen. Fox, 654.
letter from, on the defenceless state of
Wales, and the neighbouring counties, 931. High treason in Ireland, trials for, 1957.
Hobart, Lord, letter from to the lords heutenants of counties relative to the general arming act,
letter from, to the lords lieutenants of counties, relative to the allowances to be grant- ed to the volunteer corps, 206.
plan of a volunteer naval armament, transmitted to the lords lieutenants of counties, by, 271.
letter from, to the lords lieutenants of counties, relative to the general arming bill, and volunteer corps, 271.
letter from to the lord provost of the city of Edinburgh, enclosing the plan of the volun- teer naval armament, 342.
letter from to the lords lieutenants of counties relative to arms for the volunteer corps, 342.
letter from, to Lord Fitzwilliam relative to the volunteer corps, 343.
informs the Mayor of London of the cap- ture of Surinam, Demarara and Essequibo, 720. Holstein, a Danish army assembled in, 81. Hood, Com. and Gen. Grinfield, dispatches from, announcing the capture of St. Lucia, 171, 173- articles of capitulation for Tobago, signed by, 246.
Hull, letter from Andrew Marvel, on the defence- less state of, 746.
Hutchinson, Col. motion made by, for informa- tion respecting the rebellion in Ireland, 224.
Inquisitor, letter I. from, on the present state of affairs, 51.
Inquisitor, letter III. from, on the impolicy of pursuing a defensive system of warfare, 65. letter IV. from, recommending the re- storation of Louis XVIII.
letter V. from, on the restoration of Louis XVIII.; and on the general defence bill, 161.
letter VI. on the ministerial system of
defence, 193. observations on the proposal for the renunciation of the throne of France by Louis XVIII., 170.
Insensibility of the people, to the dangers of the times, 51.
Inspecting field officers, orders from the war-of- fice, respecting the appointment of, for the vo- lunteers and yeomanry, 499.
Installation of the grand master of the knights of Malta, 250.
Intelligence, foreign, 19, 81, 111, 150, 174, 207, 250, 273, 343, 363, 405, 439, 462, 500, 562,599, 616, 682, 718,753, 779, 891, 918, 942.
domestic, 19, 82, 111, 150, 174, 208, 251, 274, 344, 363, 406, 441, 465, 502, 563, 599, 619, 684, 719, 755. military, 20, 83, 112, 175, 208, 252, 275, 345, 364, 407, 442, 468, 504, 564, 601, 620, 686, 720, 757, 78, 895 945,
naval, 21, 84, 112, 177, 209, 253, 276, 346, 365, 408, 443, 459, 505, 565, 601, 622, 687, 759,784, 896, 945.
Invasion, practicability, and consequences of, 53. extract from the Morning Post, on the,
remarks on the rebellion in, 159, 288,290. - proclamation of the lord lieutenant and council, at the commencement of the rebellion in, 148.
- military execution authorised towards the rebels in, 173.
remarks on the apparent tranquillity of, motion made by Col. Hutchinson, for in- formation concerning the rebellion in, 224. Mr. Cobbett frees himself from the charge of having published an improper statement re- specting, 230.
the lord lieutenant of, recommends a sub- scription simi'ar to Lloyd's, 251.
a special commission held in Dublin, for the trial of those accused of high-treason in, 251.
remarks on the restoration of tranquillity in, 255. affairs of, letter from An Irishman to Mr. Wickham on the, 289.
the Catholic noblemen of, copy of an ad- dress, proposed to be presented to his Majesty by, 360. towards, 413.
remarks on the conduct of the ministry
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account of the progress made in the re-
demption of the debt of, 1487-
debates on the suspension of the habeas
corpus in, 1585, 1760.
account of the notes of the bank of, under
five pounds in circulation, 1996. Irishman, letter from an, to Mr. Wickham, on the affairs of Ireland, 289.
Irish brigade forming in France, 618.
priests, allowance to be granted to the, 949. malt and distilleries, debates on the, 1000. loan, debate relative to the, III. canals, debates relative to, 1209. clergy, debates relative to the, 1317.
bank restriction bill, debates on the, 1604.
import duty bill, debates on the, 1888.
-rebels, manifesto of the, 1945. Italy, military operations in, 21, 84, 112, 208, 252, 275, 345, 364, 443, 468, 505, 565, 621, 758, 783. 895.
Batavia and France, military convention be- tween, ratified, 344. Italian republic, reprisals against, granted by G. Britain, 270.
extract from the proceedings of the council of state of the, relative to the war between France and England, 400.
decree of the vice president of the,
regulating the conduct of the press, 664.
Jarlsburg, Count, letter from Lord Hawkesbury to, relative to the prohibition of neutrals from countries occupied by the French, from entering the ports of the Channel, 942.
Jefferson, Mr. president of the United States, mes- sage of the American congress in October, 1803, 887.
Juan Ventura Morales, proclamation of, for re- storing the right of deposit at New Orleans, to the Americans, 319.
Juba, the volunteer, remarks on his call upon the volunteers to assassinate Mr. Windham, 950. Justices of the peace, debates on the bill relative to, 1065.
Kent, meeting of the deputy lieutenants and ma- gistrates of the county, for the defence of, 20. influence exercised by the ministry at the
elections in, 398. Kenyon, the late lord, defended by Cambricus from a supposed attack of Juverna, 677.
- the late Lord, contrast between Lord Hardwicke and, 808.
-Lord, letter from, expressing his satisfac- tion at the explanation given by Juverna, of his remarks on the late Lord K. 833.
King, the, address of the House of Commons, to, at the close of the session ended in August, 247-
-speech of, to both Houses of Parliament, at the close of the session ended in August, 248, 1466.
of G. Britain, letter from Monsieur, to the, tendering the services of the French princes, during the war, 459.
- remarks on the review of the volunteers in Hyde Park by the, 602.
-speech of, to both Houses of Parliament, on the 22d of November, 752, 1251. -speech of, remarks on the, of 22d November, 76c.
Letter from Gen. Mortier to Buonaparte, announc- ing the capitulation of the Hanoverian army,
from Gen. Mortier to Marshal Count Wal- moden, announcing the recommencement of hostilities between the French and Hanoverian armies, 108.
I. from Annibal, on the necessity of mak- ing England a military nation, 112. circular, sent to the clergy of Great Britain with the "Important Considerations." 129.
from the American Consul at Hamburgh, relative to the blockade of the Elbe, 145
V. from Inquisitor, on the restoration of Louis XVIII. and on the general defence bill, 161.
VI. from Inquisitor, on the ministerial sys. tem of defence, 193.
II. from Annibal, defending Mr. Windham from the misrepresentations of Mr. Sheridan, 199.
---from Lord Hobart, to the Lords Lieutenants of Counties, relative to the general arming act, 203.
from Gen. Mortier to the French Minister at War, relative to the arms, &c. taken in Han- over, 203.
from the Duke of Richmond to the inhabi- tants of Sussex, relative to the general arming act, 205.
from Lord Hobart to the Lords Lieutenants of Counties, relative to the allowances to be granted to the volunteer corps, 206.
from the Admiralty to the commanders of fencible districts, 206. I. from Mr. Cobbett to Mr. Sheridan, 225. from Thomas, on the policy of Russia, 257. 11. from Mr. Cobbett to Mr. Sheridan, 257. from Lord Hobart to the Lords Lieutenants of Counties, relative to the general arming bill, and volunteer corps, 271.
from an Irishman to Mr. Wickham, on the affairs of Ireland, 289.
from A Friend to my Country, on the prae- ticability of an invasion, 296.
- from A. B. to the Earl of Suffolk, on the system of partiality adopted in the military pro- motions and appointments, 310.
from A. B. to the Editor, correcting an er- ror in his letter to the Earl of Suffolk, 340.
from Manual de Balado, Governor-General of Louisiana to the Governor of the Mississippi territory, relative to the restoration of the de- posit at N. Orleans, 320.
III. from Mr. Cobbett to Mr. Sheridan,
321. _ from the Speaker of the House of Com- mons to the Lords Lieutenants of Counties, en- closing the vote of thanks to the volunteer corps, 341.
from A. B. to the Earl of Suffolk, note of the Editor on the, 341..
--- from Lord Hobart to the Lord Provost of the city of Edinburgh, enclosing the plan of the volunteer naval armament, 342.
from Lerd Hobart to the Lords Lieutenants of Counties, relative to arms for the volunteers, 342.
from Lord Hobart to Lord Fitzwilliam, re- lative to the volunteer corps, 343.
from Annibal, on the fund at Lloyd's, 353. from the Marquis of Tichfield, Lord Lieu- tenant of the county of Middlesex to the com- manders of volunteer corps, 362.
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