- nd Rochland, All Saints, with St. Andrew, . county Norfolk.-Rev. J. Prince, Queenon, V. county Gloucester.-Rev. J. Sperlng, M. A. Lemmarsh, R. Essex, vice Hurck.-Rev. B. V. Layard, Affington, R. unty Lincoln.-Rev. T. Cantley, B. D. tratford, St. Mary, R. Suffolk.-Rev. T. erring, M.A. Ringstead, St. Peter and St. andrew,R.Norfolk.-Rev. Charles Bitherne, 4. A. Wanstraw, R. county Somerset. lev. H. Dashwood, B. A. Caistor, St. Edund, with Marketshall, R. Norfolk.Lev. S. Preston, M. A. Bristow, V. Norfolk, Lev. T. Sedgewick, B. A Mirfield, V. counYork, vice Cookson, dec.-Rev. Dr. Tayr. R. of Wotton, Surrey, collated to Chihester archdeaconry, and Rev. J. Pratt of rpington Siddlescomb, R. Sussex, both vice allesck, dec.-Rev. J. Fielding, Wonersh, . Surrey, vice Hill, dec.-Rev. John Bush, .L. B. Hartwell cum Hampden, R.Bucks. -Rev. W. Gimingham, M. A. St. Dionis Backchurch, R. London, vice Lynch, dec. -Rev. J. Hird, M. A. Munton, R. Hants, ice Hawtrey, dec.-Rev. H. N. Astley, aulsham, R. Norfolk.-Rev. G. R. Leathes, . A. Wickhampton, R. Norfolk.-W. L. ham, Fersfield, R. Norfolk.Rev. E. P. enezet, M. A. Bungey Trinity, V. Suffolk. -Rev. Mr. Brown, master of the Blue Coat School at Nottingham, Elton, R. in e Vale of Belvoir.-Rev. R. Lockwood, 1. A. Potter-heigham, V. Norfolk, vice nguish, resigned, and Ashby, and Oby with Thurne, Rector in the same county, ice Thoroton, resigned.-Rev. C. Collyer, Thornage, R. with Brinton, R. annexed, Norfolk,-Rev. Rowland Hill, M. A. St. Mary, R. at Chester.-Rev. Sir John Fagg, art. Chatham, R. Kent, vice Fowell, dec. -Rev. P. Lievre, curate of Claybrook, co. eicester, Arnesby, V. in the same county. -Rev. J. Smith, St. Florence, R. co. Pemroke, vice Frampton, dec.-Rev. Edward arkinson, Great Leighs, R. co. Essex.→ ev. Hugh Owen, M. A. F. A. S. Gillingam, minor prebend in Salisbury, Cathe dral, vice Green, dec.-Rev. W. Metcalfe, Ratingdon, R. Essex, vice Forster, dec.Rev. C. Males, Stapleford, V. co. Cambridge, vice Metcalfe, resigned.-Rev. C. Chester, L.L. B. Barley, R. co. Herts.-Rev. T. Matthews, of Outwell, Tydd, St. Giles, R. in the Isle of Ely, vice Lindsay, promoted to the See of Killaloe and Kilfenora, in Ireland: Rev. W. Hardwicke, Outwell, R. Norfolk, vice Matthews, resigned. Rev. Dr. Nelson, brother to Ld. N. appointed vice dean of Canterbury Cathedral, vice Walesby, who goes out by rotation.-Rev. J. Davis, B. D. Orwell, R. co. Cambridge, vice Collier, dec.-Rev. T. Robinson, M. A. St. Andrew the Great Donative, in Cambridge, vice Jones, dec.-Rev. H. J. Todd, M. A. Rector of Allhallows, Lombard-street, London, R. Woolwich, Kent.-Rev. Sam. Ayscough of the British Museum, Cudham, V. near Farnborough in Kent.-Rev. Mr. Havey, Willian, V. co. Herts, DISPENSATIONS, Rev. Allen Fielding, M. A, to hold St. Cosmas and Damien, in the Blean, V. toge ther with St. Stephen, V. both in the diocese of Canterbury, vice Gregory, deceased.Rev. W. P. Menzies, to hold Friendsbury, V. in the diocese of Rochester, with SuttonVallence, R. and the Chapelry of East-Sutton, annexed, in the diocese of Canterbury. -Rev. W. Penchen, M. A. to hold St. Mary, V. Huntingdon, with Woodwalton, R. co. Huntingdon.-Rev. J. Hollis, to hold Chesterton, V. co. Oxford, with Shipton, V. Hants. Rev. W. Wisteler, M. A. Rector of Newtimber, Sussex, to hold All Saints and St. Clements, R. R. and Hastings. -Rev. T.! Pettat, M. A. to hold Hathrop, R. with Beverston, R. and Kingscote Chapelry annexed, co. Gloucester.-Rev. J. Rippon, to hold Long-Marton, R. co. Westmorland with Kirkby, those R.-Rev. W.M.Moreton, M.A. to hold Tritsey, R. Suray, with Westdern, R. Sussex.-Rev. H. M. Davis, M. A. to hold Bishopsbourne, R. with Eynsford, V. both co. Kent, vice Fewell, deceased. Table of the Number of Christenings and Burials within the Bills of Mortality, from July to December, 1803, inclusive. INDEX. A. A.B. letter from, to the Earl of Suffolk, on the letter from, to the editor, correcting an error note of the editor, to the letter from, to the - letter from, on the inferiority of the volun- Abuses in the navy, debates on a petition relative Abstract list of yeomanry and volunteers in Ire- of yeomanry and volunteers in Great Accounts and statements laid before parliament, 1479. of the imports of Great Britain, 1470. of the reduction of the national debt, 1478. of the interest paid on Exchequer bills, of the progress made in the redemption of the unfunded debt, &c., 1487. of the progress made in the redemption of the nett produce of the permanent of the Bank notes of Ireland below five of the notes of the Bank of England in of Louisiana, laid before the American Acts, list of those passed in the session of par- Mr. promise said to have been made to the public, by Mr. Cobbett relative to --- of the House of Commons to the King, at on, 390. of the French and Italian troops under to the public, Mr. Cobbett's, on the pub- to the public, Mr. Cobbett's, on the con- in answer to the King's speech of Nov. letter from the, to the commanders of fencible districts, 206. orders from the, relative to the block- of Ireland, letter from an Irishman, to 545. 586. letter from Juverna, to the editor, on the, introductory letter from Juverna, on the, letter III. from Juverna, on the, 609. letter V. from Juverna, on the, 961. Aliens, proclamation respecting, 251. proclamation of his Majesty, respecting proclamation of the King, requiring them debates relative to, 1276, 1282. America, the United States of, hostilities com- the U. States of and Russia, abstract co, and, 719. dispute with, 727. peace between Moroc treaty with, and con-- distrust of the security. of England, prevalent in, 852. sident of, to the congress, on the 17th October, report of the secretary -- their opinion of the ministry, 572. embassador, presentation of Mr. Mun- roe, the, 251. congress, observations on the extraor claims on the French government, let- congress, proclamation of the president newspapers, extracts from the, on the Anjou, letter from, on the pernicious influence of letter II. from, defending Mr. Windham letter from, on the fund at Lloyd's, 353. Anti-Charlatan, letter from, on the consecration of Appointments, 20, 274, 406, 466, 503, 563, 619, the chief military ones of Scotland and Ireland, remarks on, 574. Arming bill, additional, Inquisitor's objections to bill, the additional, observations on, 91. Arms for the volunteers, letter from Mr. Yorke, to remarks on the great scarcity of, 415. letter from an Enemy to Quacks, on the Army, the regular, state of at the conclusion of - - 953. estimates, probable amount of the, 855. Balance of power, necessity of maintaining the, 6. - necessity of the paying in specie, 548. fraud on the motion relative to the, 1052. of Ireland, account of the notes under five of England, account of the notes in circula- Barbut, Col. letter from, relative to the war against Batavia, military operations in, 20, 209, 252, 276, 687, 759, 785, 945: France and Italy, military convention be proclamation of the government of, rela- republic of, issues a declaration of war, decree of the government of, relative to of the London newspaper printers, 705. Bentley, Mr. the supposed author of the Cursory Berthier, Gen. order of relative to the Hanoverian Gen. article of capitulation for Tobage, Gen. minister at War, report of, to the observations on the capture of, 798. Black empire at St. Domingo, observations on the the, 105. Blockade of the Elbe, letter of the American Con- of the Weser, notification of the, by G. Britain, 171. G. Britain, notice of the, 245.. of Havre de Grace, by G. Britain, notice of the, 359. B. N. letter from, on the conduct of Earl St. Vin- Bombardments of the French coast, defended, 478. Boston election, committee, 1552: Bowles, Gen. the Indian chief, taken prisoner by. remarks on the capture of, 447. Bremen, note presented to the senate of, by Gen. -- explanatory note of Gen. Mortier, to the Bristol harbour bill, debates on the, 1357. policy of France in attempting to note presented by the French decree of the French government, naval power of, at the signing of 39. plan for the military operations of, advantages to be derived by, from explanatory notes presented by or- throughout, 406. military operations in, 407, 443, 469, 505, 601, 687, 721, 758, 895 and her West India Colonies, state- convention between Sweden and, 680. letter III. from a Continental Ob- 1475. account of the imports of, 1470 account of the sums paid to the of, 1481. account of the public expenditure account of the number of vessel. built in, 1484. account of the progress in the re- account of the unfunded debt of, - return of all the volunteer and yco- merchandize, letter from M. Talleyrand to Bruix, admiral, proclamation of, to the officers letter from, to the minister of ma- Buccleugh, the Duke of, speech at the Edinburgh Budget, the East India, debates on, 1320, 1351. departure of from Paris, 19. might have been prevented from going |