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Priest. Give peace in our time, O Lord, long-suffering, and of great pity. Thou Answ. And make thy chosen people | sparest when we deserve punishment, and in


This collect to be used instead of the first collect for evening prayer, - O Almighty God, who rulest over all the nations of the earth, and on whose gracious providence they depend evermore for preservation and prosperity; extend, we beseech thee, thine accustomed goodness to the people of this kingdom; who, looking up to thee, as the author of all blessings, and their sure safeguard and mighty deliverer in all dangers and difficulties, do now implore thy watchful care and protection. Vouchsafe to guide us continually with thy counsel, to strengthen us with thy powerful arm, and to crown with success our necessary endeavours against the unjust attempts of our enemies, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

The second collect at evening prayer. God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed; give unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot give; that both our hearts may be set to obey thy commandments, and also that by thee we being defended from the fear of our enemies, may pass our time in rest and quietness, through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

The third collect, for aid against all perils.- Lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord, and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night, for the love of thy only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

O Lord, our heavenly Father, we acknowledge, with penitent hearts, that we have been blessed, beyond other nations, in the knowledge and undisturbed profession of thy truth, and in the long possession of abundant temporal prosperity: and we confess, that like the Israelites of old, we have too often turned our backs on thee, and sought our peace and security in our own inventions Restore us, O Lord, to a dutiful sense of thee in this time of our visitation. Grant us grace to put away all ungodliness and sinful lusts, and so to hold fast the profession of our faith in purity of heart and mind, that thy judgments may be withdrawn from us, and we may become distinguished objects of thy mercy, through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Advocate. Amen.

thy wrath thinkest upon mercy. Spare thy people, good Lord, spare them, and let not thine heritage be brought to confusion. Hear us, O Lord, for thy mercy is great, and after the multitude of thy mercies look upon us, through the merits and mediation of thy blessed Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall follow the usual prayers for the king, queen, and royal family, and the clergy; and instead of the prayer in time of war and tumults, the two following

shall be used.

O Almighty God, (as in p. 1977]

O Lord God of our salvation, [as in p. 1979, and then the following:-We hombly beseech thee, most merciful God, that, by thy grace, thou wouldst keep alive in us, who have this day presumed to implore such great blessings at thy hands, a constant sense of thy presence, and of our dependence upon thee. Suffer us not to return to our former sinfulness and disobedience, nor again to yield to those evil passions and desires which have brought down thy just judgments upon us: but save us, O God; save us, not only from our worldly, but also from our spiritual enemies; and most especially save us from ourselves, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A prayer for our enemies, and for support under persecution.-Almighty God, who hast disposed the heart of our Sovereign to unite us this day in prayer and supplication for the pardon of our sins: Thou hast commanded us to love our enemies, and to pray for them that persecute us. Vouchsafe to accept now our prayers, for the repentance and conversion of men,, who have cast off their faith in thee; and, following the vain imaginations of reprobate minds, have plunged themselves into crimes and impieties, which astonish the nations of the earth. Open their eyes, O Lord, that they may see and consider, with detestation and horror, the ravages of their cruelty. Strike them, in thy mercy, with remorse and compunetion before they fill up the measure of their iniquities; and grant, O God, unto us thy servants grace, whilst we behold with compassion the miseries they have inflicted upon the objects of their fury, to recollect the many calamities from which we, by thy merciful providence, have been hitherto exempted. Continue to us, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy merciful protection, and shield us from the arms of the destroyer. And in all seasons, whether of success or adversity, prosperity or tribulation, give us hearts to be

Then the people shall say, after the minister:-Turn thou us, O good Lord, and so shall we be turned. Be favourable, O Lord, be favourable to thy people, who turn to thee in weeping, fasting, and praying. For thou art a merciful God, full of compassion, I truly thankful for thy goodness, fearful of



thy displeasure, and sensible of thy presence; that, at all times putting our whole trust and confidence in thee, we may so pass through things temporal, that we finally lose not the things eternal. And to all those, who may be ordained to suffer for thy sake, impart, O merciful Lord, such plentiful succours of thy holy spirit; pour into their souls such contempt of pain and death; kindle in their hearts such love of thee, and zeal for thy truth; fill them with such animating hope of immortality, that, after the example of the blessed saints and martyrs of the primitive ages, they may so steadily confess thee before men, that having glorified thy name by their sufferings upon earth, they may obtain of thee an everlasting crown of glory. And grant, to us all, such a denial of ungodliness and worldly affections, that we may be able to look forward with hope to the consummation of all things, and to the glorious appearance of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; to whom with thee, O Father, and thee, O Holy Ghost, be honour and glory, world without end.


Then the prayer for the high court of Parliament; -for all sorts and conditions of - men;-and the general thanksgiving.

A prayer of St. Chryso-tom.-Almighty God, who hast given us grace at this time, with one accord, to make our common supplications unto thee; and dost promise, that when two or three are gathered together in thy name, thou wilt grant their requests: fulfil now, O Lord, the desires and petitions of thy servants, as may be most expedient for them; granting us in this world knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to come life everlasting. Amen.

2 Cor. XIII. 14. -The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.

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diocese of Gloucester, and Rev. E. Jones, M. A. Mitcheldean, R. in the same diocese, both vice Harris, dec. -Rev. Jacob Castobodie, M. A. vicar of Swavesey, county Cambridge, Wensley, R. county Yorke, vice his father, dec. -Rev. J. Vickers, M. A. Swannington, R.and Wodalling, V Norfolk, vice Carr, dec. -Rev. T. A. Robberts, M. A. Hagley, R. with the chapel. ries of Frankley and St. Kenelm, county Worcester.-Rev. Mr. Vince, professor of astronomy at Cambridge, to a prebend of Lincoln cathedral, vice Burrough, dec.Rev. J. Hawtrey, M. A. to a prbend of Winchester cathedral, vice Dr. Pelham, promoted to the see of Bristol. - Rev. T. L. Jones, rector of Buttenham, Norfolk, licensed to the donative of Bury, near Ramsay. Rev. Thomas Maddock, to a prebend of Chester cathedral, vice Pearce, dec--Rev. R. H. Wright, Hohen-Abbey, R. and diocese of Winchester.-Rev. T. Penton, Mundesley, R. county NorfolkRev. Nicholas Bull, Ickleton, V. county Cambridge. - Rev. Rob. Pointer, M. A. rector of South Hoe, county Huntingdon, to a prebendal stall in Lincoln cathedral. -Rev. H. Hasted, M. A. Irkworth and Chedburgh, R. R. Suffolk, vice Knowles, dec.-Rev. John Rymer, M. A. vicar of Rushington, county Lincoln, Littleham, V. Devon. Rev. R. C. Caswall, Yeatley petual curacy, Hants, vice Richards, resigned. Rev. Rob. Peat, D. D. Ashley, R. and Silverlay and Kirthing, V. V. near New-Market.-Rev. Dan. Dewer, M. Α. Upington living, Salop, vice Chapman resigned. Rev. Mr. Williams, Enderby cum Whetstone, R. vice Lorains, resigned.Rev. Mr. Fry, elected chaplain to the Lock Hospital, vice Scott resigned. - Rev. J. Lowe of Wentworth, Tankerfley living, vice Dundas resigned--Rev. John Coleman, B. A. Eccles. St. Mary next the sea, R. Norfolk. Rev. John H. Michel, M. A. Buckland, R. Herts, vice Akehurst, dec. -Rev. F. Lee, M. A. to be chaplain in ordinary to the prince of Wales.-Hon. and Rev.T. L. Dundas, M. A. Harpole, R. county Northampton. - Rev. J.. Coward, B. D. Blekington, R. county Oxford, vice Braken, dec.- Rev. C. E. Platten, Whitestaple curacy, Kent, vice Lardner, dec. - Rev. F. Francklin, M. A. Watton, V. and Attleborough, R. both county Norfolk. - Rev. J. Franklin, M. A. Earsham, R. county Norfolk.-Rev. G. Barnwell, M. A. Milcham, R. county Norfolk. Rev. J. Eyshe Foord, Coulam perpetual curacy, county York. - Rev. C. Dalton, M. A. West Lavington, V. Wills, Rev, T. B.

* Rrr

Morris, M. A. Shelfanger, R. Norfolk. Rev. J. Forster, M. A. Sandall parva, R. near Doncaster.-Rev. J. Way, M. A. Adwell, R. in the diocese of Oxford.Rev. R. F. Howman, B. A. Shipmeadow, R. Norfolk, vice Suckling, dec.-Rev. G. Millers, M. A. Winston, V. county Suffolk. -Rev. Dr. Hoskyn, Appleton, R. Appledon, R. Berks, vice Brikendon, dec. -Rev. J. Capper, Lullington, V. Sussex, vice Wright, dec. Rev. Mr. Latham, Billeyborough, V.county Lincoln. Rev. C. Proby, jun. Tatchbroke, V. county Warwick. Rev. George Cooke, D. D. Oldbury, and Didmarton, R. R. county Gloucester, vice Estcourt, dec. - Rev. W. Powell,, M. A. Shelly, perpetual curacy, Suffolk.--Rev. Christ. Wilson, South Collingham, R. county Nottingham, vice Todhunter, dec.Rev. C. F. Millard, B. A. Hickling, V. Norfolk. Rev. George Matthew, elected evening preacher at the Magdalen hospital, vice Andrews, resigned. -Rev. Mr. Crane, of Bradford, county York, Crundal living, Hants. Rev. W. Manning, B. A. curate of Christ Church, Spitalfields, London, Orby, V. Lincoln. - Rev. J. Douglas, M.A. F. A. S. rector of Middleton, Sussex, Kenton, V. Suffolk. - Rev. C. Baker, rector of Charlton, Kent, Talmanstone, V. and Ash, perpetual curacy in the same county. Rev. R. Evans, M. A. Norminton, V. county Vork, vice Townson, dec.Rev. C. J. Smith, M. A. Great Fakenham, R. Suffolk, vice Barker dec.-Rev. W. Brown, B. A. Little Glemham, R. Suffolk. -Rev. R. Chichester, M. A. Chittlehampton, V. Devon, vice Bright, dec. -Rev. S. Adams, Blackawton, V. Devon. Rev. S. Rigby, Ringmore, R. Devon, - Rev. E. Cresswell, M. A. Ledford and Radford, R.R. near Nottingham, vice Pickering, dee.Rev. R. Hodgson, nephew and chaplain to the bishop of London, St. Georg's, R. Hanover Square, vice Courtenay, bishop of Exeter, dec. and Rev. E. Hodgson, chaplain to the last embassy to Paris, Laindon, R. vice R. Hodgson resigned. - Rev. J. Church. M. A. Mattishall, V. Norfolk, vice Smith, dec. - Rev. R. Gibson, Fifield R. Essex. Rev. G. G. Cooper, Bodiam, V. and Ewhurst, R. Sussex, vice Russel, dec. -Rev. S. Davenport, Worfield living, county Salop. Rev. S. J. Taffoall, of Trinity College, Cambridge, West Stoke, R. Sussex.-Rev. H. Halliwell, B. D. Clayton, R. county Sussex.-Rev. W. Greenwood, B. D. Ousiden, R. county Norfolk, vice Trompton, dec. - Rev. R. Baker, Botley, R. Hants. Rev. G. D.. Kent, M. A. St. Martin, V. Lincoln. Rev. J.J. Conybeare,

Warthill, prebend in York cathedral, vice his father resigned.-Rev. J. Forbes, D.D. Fellow of St. John's college, Oxford, Kirklington, V. county Oxford.-Rev. P. Dodd, M. A. South Lambeth Chapel, and the evening preachership at the Asylum, both vice L. Gardner, resigned.-Rev. J. J. P. Jervoyse, L. L. B. Stretton on the-Foss, R.with Dichford annexed, in the diocese of Oxford, vice Karrick dec. and Theydonbois living in the same county. Rev. A. Onslow, of Ripley, Surrey, Chavening, R.Kent, vice Preston dec. -Rev. G. M. Bethune, M. A. West Chitlington, R. Sussex.-Rev. R. Davis, Bibury, V. with the chapelry of Winson annexed, county Gloucester, and the Rev. C. Coates, rector of Osmington, Dorset, Milverton secunda, prebend in Wells cathedral, both vice Sommerville, dec. -Rev. C. Ekins Wilton priory, vice Green, dec. and Slape prebend in Salisbury cathedral, vice Kerrich deceased, and Rev. T. H. Hume, M. A. rector of Broad Hinton, and son of the late bishop H., elected a Canon residentiary of Salisbury cathedral, also vice Kerrich. -Rev. J. Wilkinsou, B. A. of Ormathwaitd, county Cumberland, Eat and West Ratham, R. R. Norfolk.-Rev. C. Davy, Wickham Market, V. Suffolk, -Rev. D. Williams of Romsay, Hunsbourne friars living, Hants. - Rev. T. L. Frear, M. A. Handsworth, R. near Birmingham. - Rev. E. Mason, M. A.rector of Heapham, county Lincoln, Beesbr, R. it. the same county. Rev. H. J. Wallaston, M. A. Scotter. R. co. Lincoln, vice Harper, deceased. -Rev. Lord C. M. Hansley Rocking Rural deanry, Essex, vice his brother, the late Bishop of St. David's. Rev. J. George, B. D. Grosmont, R. co. Monmouth. - Rev. T. Calthrop Blofield, B.A. Felming ham, V. Norfolk, vice Hepworth, dec.Rev. Thomas Pearson, B. D. Sparsholt, V. Berks, vice Taylor, dec.-Rev. G. Capper, M. A. Gosbeck, St. Mary, R. Suffolk, vice Lumpkin, dec. Rev. J. Sharpe, Marker Weston, R. co. Suffolk. -Rev. J. Rowley, M. A. Brent-Elleigh, St. Mary, R. Suffolk Rev. Mr. Whiter, Slerston, R. Norfolk! vice Frampton, dec. -Rev. J. Flamank, B A. Saxthorpe, v. Norfolk. Rev. H. W. liams, Wantisden, perpetual coracy, Suff -Rev. W. Spurdens, Wingfield, perpet curacy in the diocese of Norwich.-Res. Mr. Glover, Stonham-Jerningham, R. vi Barnwell, resigned. Rev. C. Leigh, M. A. Newcastle-under-Line, perpetual curacr Rev. W. W. Childers, Cantley, V. in ciocese of York. Rev. B. E. Sparke, D. Dean of Bristol, St. Augustin living ind city. Rev. Ben. Barker, M.

A. Castop,

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nd Rochland, All Saints, with St. Andrew, . county Norfolk. -Rev. J. Prince, Queenon, V. county Gloucester.-Rev. J. Sperl. ag, M. A. Lemmarsh, R. Essex, vice Hurack. Rev. B. V. Layard, Affington, R. cunty Lincoln. Rev. T. Cantley, B. D. tratford, St. Mary, R. Suffolk. - Rev. T. Herring, M.A. Ringstead, St. Peter and St. Andrew, R. Norfolk. - Rev. Charles Bitherne, 1. A. Wanstraw, R. county Somerset.Rev. H. Dashwood, B. A. Caistor, St. Edmund, with Marketshall, R. Norfolk. Lev. S. Preston, M. A. Bristow, V. Norfolk, Lev. T. Sedgewick, B. A Mirfield, V. coun

York, vice Cookson, dec. -Rev. Dr. TayDr. R. of Wotton, Surrey, collated to Chi hester archdeaconry, and Rev. J. Pratt of Arpington Siddlescomb, R. Sussex, both vice Allesck, dec. Rev. J. Fielding, Worersh, 7. Surrey, vice Hill, dec. - Rev. John Bush, .L. B. Hartwell cum Hampden, R.Bucks. -Rev. W. Gimingham, M. A. St. Dionis Backchurch, R. London, vice Lynch, dec. -Rev. J. Hird, M. A. Munton, R. Hants, ice Hawtrey, dec. - Rev. H. N. Astley, Paulsham, R. Norfolk. -Rev. G. R. Leathes, 3. A. Wickhampton, R. Norfolk-W. L. tham, Fersfield, R. Norfolk. Rev. E. P. Benezet, M. A. Bungey 'Trinity, V. Suffolk. -Rev. Mr. Brown, master of the Blue Coat School at Nottingham, Elton, R. in The Vale of Belvoir.-Rev. R. Lockwood, M. A. Potter-heigham, V. Norfolk, vice Anguish, resigned, and Ashby, and Oby with Thurne, Rector in the same county, ice Thoroton, resigned. Rev. C. Collyer, Thornage, R. with Brinton, R. annexed, Norfolk. Rev. Rowland Hill, M. A. St. Mary, R. at Chester.-Rev. Sir John Fagg, Bart. Chatham, R. Kent, vice Fowell, dec. -Rev. P. Lievre, curate of Claybrook, co. Leicester, Arnesby, V. in the same county. -Rev. J. Smith, St. Florence, R. co. Pemroke, vice Frampton, dec. -Rev. Edward Parkinson, Great Leighs, R. co. Essex.Rev. Hugh Owen, M. A. F. A. S. Gillingam, miner prebend in Salisbury, Cathe

dral, vice Green, dec. - Rev. W. Metcalfe, Ratingdon, R. Essex, vice Forster, dec.Rev. C. Males, Stapleford, V. co. Cambridge, vice Metcalfe, resigned. Rev. C. Chester, L. L. B. Barley, R. co. Herts. Rev. T. Matthews, of Outwell, Tydd, St. Giles, R. in the Isle of Ely, vice Lindsay, promoted to the See of Killaloe and Kilfenora. in Ireland. Rev. W. Hardwicke, Outwell, R. Norfolk, vice Matthews, resigned. - Rev. Dr. Nelson, brother to Ld. N. appointed vice dean of Canterbury Cathedral, vice Walesby, who goes out by rotation. Rev. J. Davis, B. D. Orwell, R. co. Cambridge, vice Collier, dec. -Rev. T. Robinson, M. А. St. Andrew the Great Donative, in Cambridge, vice Jones, dec. Rev. H. J. Todd, M. A. Rector of Allhallows, Lombard-street, London, R. Woolwich, Kent.-Rev. Sam. Ayscough of the British Museum, Cudham, V. near Farnborough in Kent.-Rev. Mr. Havey, Willian, V. co. Herts.


Rev. Allen Fielding, M. A, to hold St. Cosmas and Damien, in the Blean, V. together with St. Stephen, V. both in the diocese of Canterbury, vice Gregory, deceased.Rev. W. P. Menzies, to hold Friendsbury, V. in the diocese of Rochester, with SuttonVallence, R. and the Chapelry of East-Sutton, annexed, in the diocese of Canterbury. -Rev. W. Penchen, M. A. to hold St.. Mary, V. Huntingdon, with Woodwalton, R. co. Huntingdon. Rev. J. Hollis, to hold Chesterton, V. co. Oxford, with Shipton, V. Hants. - Rev. W. Wisteler, M. A. Rector of Newtimber, Sussex, to hold All Saints and St. Clements, R. R. and Hastings. Rev. T. Pettat, M. A. to hold Hathrop, Ra with Beverston, R. and Kingscote Chapeiry an. nexed, co. Gloucester.-Rev. J. Rippon, to hold Long-Marton, R. co. Westmoriand, with Kirkby, those R. -Rev. W.M.Mereton, M.A. to hold Tritsey, R. Suray, with Westdern, R. Sussex. - Rev. H. M. Davis, M. A. to hold Bishopsbourne, R. with Eynsford, V. both co. Kent, vice Fewell, deceased.


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Table of the Number of Christenings and Burials within the Bills of Mortality, from July to December,

1803, inclusive.

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