Account of the INTEREST paid on EXCHEQUER BILLS, for the Year ending on the 5th of January, 1803. 18,426 Paid to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, on Personal Estates, and Malt Tax... 129,046 14 5 Account of the Sums paid towards satisfying the CHARGES of the FUNDED DEBT of Great-Britain and Ireland, and the IMPERIAL LOANS, for the Year ending on the 5th of January, 1803. Account of the PUBLIC EXPENDITURE of Great Britain for the Year ending on the 5th of January, 1803. Taken from the Accounts presented to Parliament, and ordered to be printed on the 25th of March. This includes the sum of 460,9137. 16. 34d. for interest paid on Imperial loans. The first item in the preceding account includes all the expenses of the funded debt of Great Britain, during the year ending on the 5th of January, 1803. These expenses consist of interest upon the different sorts of stock which together constitute the debt, and of the sums which have been applied to aid in the reduction of the debt, during that period, together with all the charges which have arisen for the management of the whole. The civil list expenses are those which have arisen for the support of his Majesty's household. The pensions, salaries, allowances, and bounties which have been charged on the consolidated fund, are those which have been granted by Parliament. There are various others which are payable out of the proceeds of the taxes, before they are received into the treasury, and the amount and nature of which may be seen by referring to the general abstract statement of the public revenue, at pages 1471 and 1472.-The bounties which have been paid in anticipa tion of the exchequer receipts were on corn, on cotton and linen manufactures, on the British, Southern-Whale, Newfoundland and White-Herring fisheries, on slaves, for the encouragement of seamen, and on beer, British spirits, fish and salted provisions exported. Of the sums paid by the ordnance office, £1,246,282 Os. 1d. were for services at home; and £254,451. 9s. 6d. for services abroad. The remittance to Ireland was part of the supplies of the year 1802, which was ap propriated to that part of the United Kingdom by an act of the 42d of his present Majesty. This account is compiled from the accounts of different offices in the English and Scotch exchequers, and the treasury, and from those of the accomptant general of the post office, the excise office, the office for taxes, and the navy, ordnance and pay offices. An Account of the NUMBER and TONNAGE of VESSELS built and registered in Great Britain, in the three Years ending 5th January, 1793, in the three Years ending 5th January, 1802, and in the last Year; distinguishing each Year, and distinguishing the Ports of London, Liverpool, Hull, Bristol, Newcastle, Sunderland, Glasgow, and Leitb. LONDON 40 9,743 58 6,675 51 11,003 32 4,830 56 19,973 50 AND S,301 77 5,845 41 15,129 4,581 16 2,430 1,744 11 759 9,922 69 9,204 10,207 51 11,068|| 57 12,432 2,507|| 36 7,207 48 9,728 51 9,311 56 8,857 20 1,046 27 3,296 34 2,821 16 1,427 27 1,980 18 1,905 19 1,140 .REENOCK 934 10 929 7 1,492 11 1,666 56,814 289 45,871280 51,267 TOTAL......57757,137 624 58,760 655 66,951 689 83,658 845115,349918 110,206||967|104,789 J. DALLEY, Assistant Register General of Shipping, 8th March, 1803. An Account of the Progress made in the Redemption of the PUBLIC FUNDED DEBY of Great Britain, at 1st February, 1803 :-Distinguishing the Capitals of the several Funds, and specifying how much of each bas been redeemed by the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt since 1st August, 1786; the Average Price of Stock, and the Sums Annually applicable to the Reduction thereof: Likewise, what further Annuities will fall in; and also the Capital of the Debt that has been transferred to the Commissioners on Account of Land Tax Redeemed. Consolidated 3 per Cent. Ann.. 319.996,558 4 54 29,599,210 18,368,020 6 11 Reduced Do £. 62 Annual Charge 108,437,811 6 4 28,784,305 18,051,456 11 7 62 Usual Grant or unclaimed 1,919,600 2,617,400 2,278,402 I 3 ..... 49,151 7 Bank Long Ann.-D-A° 1860704,740 5 1778 and 1779, expire A 1808, 418,333 An Account of the UNFUNDED DEBT of Great-Britain, and Demands Outstanding on the 5th Day of January, 1803; under the Heads of Exchequer, Treasury, Army, Barracks, Ordnance, Navy, Civil List Advances, and any other Head of Public Service; specifying the same: Distinguishing under each Head respectively the Particulars of which such. Debts or Demands consisted; and also what Part of the said Debt or Demands was then provided for, and in what Manner, and what Part thereof was unprovided for. * Paid since 5th January, 1803. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, 25th March, 1803. 771 185 179,818 348,956 10 5 3,105,648 1 9 Nil. 21,585,429 33 ** Paid in Part...... Do...... -The remaining sums to be discharged by the funds on which they are respectively charged. N. VANSITTART. An Account of the Progress made in the REDEMPTION of the PUBLIC DEBT of IRELAND, |