“taken I cannot pretend to know what may "be the intentions of the Almighty respecting "my race, and myself; but I am well aware of "the obligations imposed upon me by the rank to which he was pleased I should be born. As ❝ a Christian I shall continue to fulfil these obligations to my last breath. As a descendant of St. Louis I shall endeavour to imitate his "example by respecting myself—even in capti“vity and chains. As successor of Francis I. I "shall at least aspire to say with him- We have "lost every thing but our honour." At the bottom of this answer are written the following words : "With the permission of the King my uncle, "I adhere with heart and soul to the contents of this note. (Signed) "LOUIS ANTOINE." On the 2d March the King wrote to MONSIEUR, acquainting him with what had passed, and instructed him to make known the same to the Princes of the Blood who were in England, taking charge himself to inform such of them respecting it who do not reside in that country. On the 22d April, Monsieur called a meeting of the Princes, who with equal alacrity and unanimity have signed the following Adhesion to the Answer of the King of the 28th February ADHESION OF THE PRINCES. We the undersigned Princes, the Brother, "Nephews, and Cousins of his Majesty Louis "XVIII. King of France and of Navarre, Tho"roughly impressed with the same sentiments with which our Sovereign Lord and King has "shewn himself to be so honourably animated in his answer to the proposal made to him of re"nouncing the throne of France, and of requir ing all the Princes of his House in like manner "to renounce all the imprescriptible claims to the succession to that same throne, DECLARE,That as our attachment to our rights, to our "duty, and to our honour, can never permit us to forego our claims, we adhere with heart and soul to the answer made by our King-That in imitation of his example, we shall not "lend ourselves in any manner whatever to "any step or proceeding that can imply on "our part a failing in what we owe to our selves, to our ancestors, to our descendants →→ "WE FINALLY DECLARE, that being fully con"vinced that a large majority of the French Peo"ple inwardly participate in all the sentiments by which we are animated, it is in the name of "Wanstead House, April 23, 1803." ADHESION OF THE DUKE OF ENGHIEN. "SIRE,The letter of the 2d March, with "with which your Majesty has vouchsafed to ho"nour me, reached me in due time. Your Ma. "jesty is too well acquainted with the blood which "flows in my veins, to have entertained a mo"ment's doubt respecting the tenour and spirit of "the answer which your Majesty calls for,-I am "a Frenchman, Sire, and a Frenchman faithful to "his God, to his King, and to the oaths that are "binding on his honour: Many others may per"haps one day envy me this triple advantage. "Will your Majesty therefore vouchsafe to per"mit me to annex my signature to that of the "Duke d'Angouleme, adhering, as 1 do, with him "in heart and soul to the contents of the Note of 66 my Sovereign? it is in these invariable senti"ments that I remain, Sire,—Your Majesty's "most humble, most obedient, and very faithful "subject and servant, (Signed) "LOUIS ANTOINE HEN. DE BOURBON,” "Ettenhim, in the Dominions of the Margrave of "Baden, March 22, 1803." The adhesion of the Prince de Conti has not yet been received; but no doubt can be entertained about it.-MONSIEUR has since learnt that on the 19th March the same Envoy, pursuant to the orders which he had received, waited again upon the King? There was no longer any question about the substance of his Majesty's answer, but some alterations were intimated respecting the terms in which the form of the answer should be couclied; apprehensions seemed to be felt lest it should so far irritate the Usurper as to prompt him to exert his influence in order to aggravate the misfortunes of the King. His Majesty, however, observed, that he should make no alteration in his answer, which was as moderate as could be expisted, and that Buonaparte could not be justified in complaining of it, ince if indeed it had treated him as a rebel and an usurper it would have told him no more than the truth. Upon this certain dangers were hinted to the King.What dangers? observed the King. Ill minded persons may require that I withdraw from the asylum that is granted to me. I shall pity the Sovereign who may deem himself compelled to take such a part, and I will withdraw. No! that is not it; but may it not be apprehended that M. Buonaparte will make it a point with certain powers to deprive the Comte de Lille of the assistance they now afford him? I do not dread poverty. Were it necessary, I would eat black bread with my family and faithful servants—but do not be alarmed, I shall never be reduced to that extremity. I have another resource to rely upon which I do not think proper to resort to, as long as I have powerful friends; and that is to make known my situation in France, and to stretch out my hand, not—no never to a Government of asurpation, but to my faithful subjects; and, rely upon it, I thall on be richer than I am now. ——— The conclusion of the business was, that the Envoy carried back the answer of the King, such as is first stood, which answer had been sent to him in the original in case his Majesty should be inclined to make any alterations in it,————Faithful subjects, hearts truly French, learn at length to know that King, so worthy of being yours, and of whom a Government, founded on usurpation, would deprive you! PUBLIC PAPERS. Copy of the Letter which Mr. Forbes, Consul of the United States of America, in Hamburgh, sent to the Captains of his Nation. Hamburgh, July 11. Sia,-The blockade of the Elbe by the English has been officially announced to the Government of this City. In so serious a crisis as the present, it is of consequence to the interest of your Owners most strictly to observe, not only the laws as they have been acknowledged by the respective Nations, but also those laws as they have been laid down by the principal Maritime Powers. I therefore advise you not to take any more goods on board; to procure the best certificates, that what you have already loaded has been shipped and loaded before the blockade of the Elbe was known, and to hasten your departure as much as possible.I am, &c. JOHN FORBES. teem of the enemy in the last war. The critical situation in which they were, has forced them to lay down their arms. The French soldiers ought to respect misfortunes. The Commander in Chief forbids all the military of every rank to say the least thing disagrecable against the Hanoverian soldiers who return to their home, and orders that the same honours be paid to their officers, if they appear in uniform, as the French officers. (Signed) L. BERTHIER. DOMESTIC OFFICIAL PAPERS. Copy of a note delivered to the Marquis of Titchfield, July 17th, 1803, by Lieutenant-General Lord Cathcart. It is in the contemplation of his Majesty's Government to provide the most eflectual means for securing the Metropolis from the incursion of an Enemy, who, favoured by extraordinary fortune of War, might not only have eluded the dispositions made by land and sea to resist invasion, but being landed in superior force, should through the same fortune be enabled to penetrate into the country, near enough to the capital at least to occasion apprehension for its security, if there were no precautions taken, and no plan made for its protec tion. Such a plan must not only be thoroughly digested, but must actually be put in a state of preparation sufficient to ensure the practicability of its being carried into effect the moment the appearances of danger may justify the expense and inconvenience, small as these objects may be.——— Although the completion of the operations proposed may for the present be postponed, it is ne vertheless indispensably necessary to proceed, without the delay of an hour, to make certain prcparatory arrangements through the aid of the Lord. Lieutenant of the adjacent counties, and even to mark out some ground relied upon in case of necessity, for the construction of field works and batteries.His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief has, in the course of last War, directed his thoughts to the consideration of this subject; a most accurate military survey has been made under the inspection of an Officer of the greatest cminence and professional skill and experience. The situation of every necessary work, battery, and line, has been ascertained, the necessary guns and troops to guard and defend these works have been calculated, as well as the number of hands necessary to complete them within a given period. The whole arrangement has undergone consideration and revisal for years, and is ripe for execution.It must afford the greatest satisfaction to every well wisher to his Country to know, that in the opinion of all professional men who have been consulted, the means which Nature has afforded to the Cities of London and Westminster of providing for their security, are beyond what have been found in the case of almost any city in the universe; that with due attention to the advantages to be made by such positions as encircle them, and with the Armed Force which may be collected for their defence, and that amply sup plied with provisions, this Capital may bid de fiance to any invading force, at least until ample time is given for the arrival of such a power from the Country as, when combined with the force within the lines, must be much more than sufficient to exterminate any Army that could be transported to England. Part of the Line of Defence alluded to, in what has been said, runs through the County of Middlesex in a semicircular form, beginning at the Thames near the mouth of the River Lea, and ending at the Thames above ad near to Battersea Bridge; it passes in its northern and north-western direction through Stratford-le-Bow, and near Clapton, along the high grounds which bound the marshes on the right or western bank of the River Lea, as far as the neighbourhood of Stamford Hill, when it quits the Lea and takes a western course, passing from near the turnpike on Stamford Hill, by Hornsey Wood to the ridge extending by Mount Pleasani, over the village of Crouch-end, and from thence by the Sheep-house Ridge to Highgate and adjacents, from thence by Hampstead and adjacents towards Willsdon Green; here it changes its direction to the South-west and South, running down to the Canal near the Red-house, then crossing the Canal near Kensal Green, proceeding to Kensington Gravel Pits aud Holland House, passing near Little Chelsea, and reaching the Thames above Battersea Bridge.~~The Lord Lieutenant having appointed a General Meeting of the Lieutenancy of the County of Middlesex, to be held on the 18th instant, tor the purpose of carrying into effect certain provisions of an Act passed this Session of Parliament, ent t'ed, "An Act to enable His Majesty more effectually to provide for the Defence and Security of the Realm during the present War;" it becomes the duty of Lieutenant General Lord Catchcart, in consequence of orders given to him by his Royal Highness the Commander in Chief, as commanding the District in which that part of the County of Middlesex, through which the intended Lines of Defence pass, is situated, to communicate with the Lord Lieutenant on this subject, and to request, that in framing the arrangements for the Country Divisions of the Cour ty of Middlesex, under the powers of the aboverecited Act, according to the Plan of establishing a System of Communication, and ano her Plan for rendering the body of the People instrumental to the General Defence, proposed by His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the War Department: the Lord Lieutenant will be pleased to hold in view the peculiar circumstance of the intended construction of the Lines of Defence.Whatever assistance might be rendered from the Metropolis itself, or from the adjacent and inland counties without the line, in the event of com pleting the works (and such assistance would doubtless be amply and systematically afforded), it is essentially requisite, for the sake of order, expedition, and regularity of payment, as well as protection or property, that all preparatory and incipient operation should be made through the assistance of the inhabitants resident upon and near the line of defence; for this reason it is to be wished, that in appointing the Lieutenants of Divisions, and Insp.ctors of Hundreds, provision may be made to ascertain as many points of communication near the residence of Lieutenants of Divisions, or of Inspectors of Hundreds, as possible, the same being contiguous to or within each of the une. It the residence of Gentlemen, accepting charges of Lieutenants or inspectors, do not suit this purpose, the inconvenience may be obviated by appointing Inns, or places near inns, where post horses may be had, and where letters or requisitions may be addre sed, and received and forwarded to the re posible person. These places will also serve for rene czvous to the Super. intendants of Parishes, who will a'so have places of meeting for the agents they employ in their respective parishes.--Thus a system of most ex peditious communication will be established be tween the Commanding General and the Lieu tenancy, and between the Lieutenancy and the parishioners of the parishes in the adjacent hundreds; opportunities will be given to mak those who are expected to comply with requisitions clearly understand the nature of the requisitions likely to be proposed to them, and to know the places where individua's may le desired to ass semble, or where materials may be collected and deposited. With such confidential persons, im plements necessary for works of this sort, but not otherwise to be found, will be deposited; through their means, in a few hours, the whole power of the Parish may be collected, or in the first in stance a few hands to mark out ground; and, lastly, through their means, proper notice and communication may be given or made to the owners and occupiers of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, intended to be measured, surveyed, or marked for the lines of defence, or any of the purposes of the above recited Act. The same arrangements will also facilitate the payment of such labour or materials as may be furnished. In the next place, and as soon as the system of communication is completed, it will be necessary, with the utmost dispatch, to prepare the registers of the parishes near the above-mentioned line, which must be made with reference to the object of the line of defence, as well as to the other objects set forth in the Secretary of State's Letter. Those registers must specify resident Gentlemen willing to attend to animate and encourage the work or given parts of the line; gardeners and others expert in, or habituated to, laying off and measuring ground, with remarks, distinguishing superior abilities: smiths, and masters and journeymen carpen ers, and sawyers, timber-merchants, willing to supply timber for platforms, and fit persons to overlook their construction and erection.-Carts and teams, labourers and tools, men who have been trained to great guns; the few men in cach division who would first be wanted to mark and measure ground, and proper attendance for that purpose with carts and stakes. When it is reflected upon, it must strike every inhabitant that it must be much more agreeable to have a survey or preparation of this sort made by neighbours and acquaintances, in many cases by their own servants and labourers, than by strangers the object and its advantages are equally lost, if the utmost dispatch and celerity are not used in making all previous arrangements, and in proportion as these arrangements are completed, the security of the Metropolis is ensured. By the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland. HARDWICKE, Proclamation. But Whereas divers persons, engaged in a treasonable and daring insurrection against his Majesty's Government, did, on the evening of yesterday, the 23d of July inst. suddenly assemble in the Liberties of Dublin, with fire arms and pikes, and did there commit several outrages, and parti cularly in Thomas Street, in the parish of St. Catharine, within the said liberties, did assault the carriage of the Right Honourable Arthur Lord Viscount Kilwerden, Chief Justice of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench, and one of his Majesty's mos: Honourable Privy Council, and did drag the said Arthur Viscount Kilwarden. together with his nephew, the Rev. Richard Wolfe, lerk, from his said carriage, and did there basely and inhu -Given at the Council Chamber, in Dublin Message from the King to Parliament, July 21, 1803. GEORGE R. His Majesty having taken into his consideration the situation of the illustrious House of Orange, the bonds of alliance and affi nity which subsist between his Majesty and that House, the important services which have been rendered by them to this Country on so many oc casions, and the losses which they sustained in the course of the last war, recommends these circumstances to the serious attention of the House of Commons; and his Majesty relies on the jus tice and liberality of this House, to enable him to make such pecuniary allowances to this illustrious Family, as may appear to be warranted by a consideration of their present situation, and of their claims on the generosity of this Country. manly murder the said Arthur Viscount Kilwarden and Richard Wolfe, by stabbing them respectively with pikes in various parts of their bodies, of which wounds they both soon after died.— Now we, the Lord Lieutenant and Council, in order to bring such enormous offenders to condign punishment, do, by this our Proclamation, publish and declare, that if any person or persons shall, within six calendar months from the date hereof, discover any of the person or persons who committed the said inhuman murders on the said Arthar Viscount Kilwarden and the said Rev. Richard Wolfe, or either of them, or who aided and assisted therein, or who advised, encouraged, instigated, moved, stimulated, or incited the persons concerned therein to commit the same, such person or persons so discovering shall receive as a reward the sum of One Thousand Pounds sterling for each and every of the first three persons who shall be apprehended and convicted thereof.And we do likewise publish and declare, that if any of the persons concerned in the murders aforesaid, save and except the persons who actually stabbed the said Lord Viscount Kilwarden and the Rev. Richard Wolfe, or either of them, as aforesaid, shall discover any other of the persons concerned in the said murders, or either of them, so that such person or persons so discovered shall be convicted thereof, such person or persons so discovering shall, over and above the said reward, receive his Majesty's most gracious pardon for said offencesAnd whereas it has appeared to us, that the daring and rebellious outrages aforesaid were committed in prosecution of a rebellious conspiracy against his Majesty's Government, and that divers other enormities were at the same time committed in Thomas Street aforesaid, and in the neighbourhood thereof, in prosecution of the same treasonable purpose, and that divers of the persons engaged therein did come to Dublin with intent to commit such outrages and enormities, in order to induce and persuade his Majesty's peaceable and loyal subjects in the City of Dublin and its neighbourhood, by the tenor thereof, and by apprehensions for their own personal safety, to join in the treasonable conspiracy aforesaid-Now we the Lord Lieutenact and Council do hereby strictly enjoin and command all his Majesty's subjects in their seve ral stations, and according to their several duties, to use their utmost endeavours to suppress all such rebellious insurrections and treasonable practices, and to apprehend and bring the persons engaged therein to the punishment due to their crimes; and more especially we do strictly enjoin and command the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin, and all the Justices of the Peace of the said City of Dublin, and of the County of Dublin, and all Sheriffs and other Magistrates and Officers within their several jurisdictions, and all other his Majesty's loving subjects, to do all acts in their power to such purposes--And, we do hereby further require and command all officers commanding his Majesty's forces, to employ the troops under their command in the most speedy and effectual manner, for the suppression of all rebellious insurrections and treasonable practices, wherever the same may appear, and particularly to disarm all rebals, and recover all arms forcibly and traitorously taken from his Majesty's peaceable and loyal subjects, and take up and seize all arms and ammunition, which may be found in the custody of any person or persons, not duly authorized by law to have and keep the same. INTELLIGENCE. G. R. FOREIGN. The Albanian Chief, after driving the Pacha of Cairo from the City, took the reins of Government into his own hands, and now exercises the most rigorous authority. Wallachia has been, in a great mea sure, desolated by a numerous horde of rob bers; and Adrianople is, at present, besieged by a powerful band of banditti.-The bloc kade of the Elbe has produced the greatest inconvenience on the Continent, and it is said, that measures are now taking to have the French troops removed from the borders of that river; and that a Prussian force will oc cupy the banks from Cuxhaven to Harbourgh. -Letters from Copenhagen of the 12th inst. state, that advices had been received from Christianson in Bornholm, of a Russian squadron being in sight.-A new levy of 40,000 men has been ordered by the Court of Madrid for the purpose of reinforcing the garrisons of Alicant, Carthagena, Cadiz, Ferrol, and Corrunna; and the maritime force of Spain is to receive an augmenta◄ tion of 9 ships of the line and 12 frigates.The French Ambassador at Naples has de clared, in the name of his Governinent, that no French troops will enter that Capital.→→→ The Helvetic Diet was opened on the 4th, when several propositions were made by General Ney and the Italian Plenipotentiary, relative to the formation of Swiss Regi ments to be placed in the pay of the French and Italian Republics. DOMESTIC. A long and interesting debate took place in the House of Commons, on the 22d inst. between Col. Crawfurd) the Sec. at War, Mr. Pitt, and Mr. Windham, on the necessity of fortifying the capital, and erecting military works for the defence of the coast. On the 25th £60,000, together with an annuity of £16.000 were voted as a compensation to the Prince of Orange. A vote of credit for £2,500,000 was also agreed to.- -On the 28th inst. a Message from his Majesty was communicated to Parliament relative to the insurrection in Ireland; and two bills were brought into the House of Commons and passed, one for suspending the Habeas Corpus Act, and the other for introducing Martial Law in that Kingdom The King has issued a Proclamation offering a full pardon to all those who have been guilty of offences against the Customs or Excise, and who have led to avoid punishment, if they will surrender themselves and give se curity not to leave the country nor to engage in any illegal practices.-Meetings of all classes of society have been convened, in different parts of the kingdom for the purpose of expressing their Loyalty and Patriotism. Addresses have been presented to his Majesty from the Cities of Bath, Chester, Coventry, New Sarum; the Counties of Stafford, Somerset, Inverness, Ross, and Forfar; and the Towns of Leeds, Newarkmpon-Trent, Beverly, Derby, Ipswich, Bradford, Barnstaple, Tiverton, Honiton, and Huntingdon.On the 23d inst. an insurrection broke out in the City of Dublin, characterized by the same ferocious barbarity which has always marked the rebellions of Ireland. Early in the day, large mobs collected in some of the streets in the Li berty, and inflammatory hand-bills were distributed in various parts of the City. Every thing indicated violence and outrage. Lord Kilwarden, Chief Justice of the King's Bench and his Nephew, who were returning from his Lordship's Country Seat, were stopped in the street by the rioters, dragged from their carriage, and killed with pikes. The military was immediately called out, and several engagements attended with considerable slaughter took place between them and the rebels, in which it is said the rebels were finally beaten. During the contest, the Mayor's house was broke open and rifled by the rebels. The Lord Lieutenant has issued a Proclamation on the occasion, which will be found in page 148 of our present sheet. A great number of pikes, cartridges, and military uniforms for the rebels have been found concealed in various parts of the City. Considerable disturbances are said to have taken place in the County of Kildare; and, accounts, just received in town, sfat that an insurrection had also broken out a Belfast, but was soon repressed by the ex ertions of the military. SUMMARY OF POLITICS. THE "IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS,' which occupy so considerable a portion of this Number, and which, as we have already stated, have been forwarded, by the directions of the Government, to every parish in England and Wales, are, we think, well calculated to excite all those sentiments, which one would wish the people of this kingdom to entertain, relative to the contest, in which they are engaged. We cannot but commend, too, the manner, in which this paper has been published. The publi cation has not been left to the partial and precarious efforts either of individuals or of societies, but has been provided for by the government itself' from which circumstance the paper derives a weight which nothing else could give it. The Church is, on every account, the best channel for communicating to the people the sentiments of their rulers. There is no other channel that reaches to every part of the country, nor is there any but that which bespeaks so much respect for the thing communica ed.-We have always held it to be the duty of go vernment to lead the people, and, in confor mity with this opinion, we give to the present measure our most hearty approbation. RUSSIA AND FRANCE.-It has, from the commencement of the present war, been our opinion, that Russia and France were, for some time at least, indissoluble. Buonaparté, probably in concert with some persons in this country, certainly invited the Emperor of Russia to come forward and menace England into peace, until France should effectually prevent her from ever again making war; but, from what we have recently heard, we think it possible, that Russia may become friendly to this country. Our cunning ministers, offended at the conduct of the King of Prussia, applied to Russia to protect Hanover, in spite of the former, informing the Emperor, at the same time, that their master had a deep grudge against the Court of Berlin, and would, by no means, accept of its services. This dispatch the Court of Russia thought proper to send over to the King of Prussia; he sent it to General Mortier, who, no doubt, forwarded it as another morceau precieux to be added to the collection of Lord Whitworth. This is a sufficient explanation of what has been called "the |