Imágenes de páginas

HUMANE SOC. of N. Y. Directions for the recovery of persons apparently dead fr. drowning.

Report of a com. of the, appointed to inquire into the num. of tavern licences, the manner of granting them, etc. 8. N. Y. 1810. HUMANE Soc. Annual report of the royal, 1811, 8. Lon. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER DE, Political essay on the kingdom of New-Spain, cont. researches rel. to the geography of Mexico, etc. with physical sections trans. fr. the French by John Black, 2 vols. 8. Lon. 1811. HUMPHREYS, DAVID, Humphreyville, Miscel. works, with a portrait and a plate of the medal presented by the Mass. agricul. soc. and a ded. to the duke De Rochefaucault, 8. N. Y. 1804.

[HUNN, JOHN S. New-York, New

burgh,] Observa. on the improvements of the city of N. Y. south of Grand street, 8. N. Y. 1806. HUNTINGTON, ENOCH, Middletown, Ora. del. 22 Feb. 1800, on the d. of G. Washington, 8. M.

HUSBANDRY, The, of three celebrated Brit. farmers, Bakewell, Arbuthnot, and Ducket, with plates, 8. Lon. 1811. See American. HUTCHINS, THOMAS, A topograph. des. of Virg. Penn. Mar. and N. Car. comprehending the rivers Ohio, Ken, hawa, etc. as laid down in a map by, with an app. cont. Patrick Kennedy's journal up the Illinois river, 8. Lon.

1778. HUTCHINSON, THOMAS, Hist. of Massachusetts fr. 1628 to 1750, 2 vols. 8d. ed. 8. Salem, 1795.

by David Marin Ben Jesse, pastor of Aquenonka, 8. N. Y. 1753. INDEPENDENT, refl. (eont.) See am. Newspapers.

INDES, Histoire philos, et politique des etab. et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux, 7 vols. new ed. with maps and plates, 8. à Paris, 1778. INDIA, Brief nar. of the baptist mission in, 2d. ed. 12. Lon. 1812. [INDIAN] treaty, Minutes of an, held at Easton in Penn. Oct. 1758, fol. Woodbridge.

INDIANS, Conference held at St. George's 20 Sept. 1753, bet. Wm. Pepperell, et. al. and the, of the Penobscot tribe, 4. Bos.

INFANT baptism, Reasons for renoun-
cing, 8. Georget. 1810.
INFECTIOUS and pestilential diseases,
Act to provide ag. passed 8. Ap.


INFLUENCE of the Spirit, Occas. thoughts on the, with seasonable cautions ag. mistakes and abuses, 8. Bos. 1742. INGANNATO, E. J. La femme invisible à son nouveau domicile, with a plate, 12. à Paris.


INGERSOLL, CH. JARED, View of the rights and wrongs, power and policy of the U. S. A. 8. Phil. 1808. [INGERSOLL, CHARLES, phia,] Inchiquin, the jesuits letters during a late residence in the U. S. A. being a fragment of a private correspondence accidentally discovered in Europe, 8. N. Y. 1810.

INGLIS, CHARLES, New-York, Nova Scotia, Ser. occ. by the d. of John Ogilvie of N. Y. 8. N. Y. 1774.

Ser. occ. by the d. of Samuel Auchmuty, 12. N. Y. 1777.

Coll. of original papers rel. to the [- -] Letters of Papinian, in wh. the

hist. of Mass. 8. Bos. 1769.


IBANEZ, GASPAR, Noticia y juicio de los mas principales historiadores de Espana, etc. 12. en Mad. 1784. ILLINOIS. See Wilkins. IMLAY, GEORGE, Topograph. descrip. of the west. territory of N. Am. with a map, to wh. are add. the discovery, settlement, etc. of Kentucky and an essay towards its topography and nat. hist. by John Filson, 2d. ed. 8. Lon. 1793.

IMLAY, JAMES H. Add. del. at the fed. repub. meeting at Freehold in Mon. co. 22 Aug. 1808, 8. Trenton. INDEPENDENT reflector, Letter to the,

conduct, present state and prospects of the Amer. congress are examined, 12. N. Y. 1779.

Ser. del. in N. Y. 26 Oct. 1783, with an advertise. 8. Lon. 1784.

The case of the right rev. at the commissioner's office, 31 July, 1799.


Charge to the clergy of the diocess of N. Scotia in June and Aug. 1803, 8. Hal. 1804.

See Cudworth. INLAND naviga. fr. Hudson's river to Ontario and Erie, Report of the commissioners appointed to explore the route of an, 8. Alb. 1811. INSOLVENT debtors, Act for the benefit of, and their creditors, 8. N. Y.

[ocr errors][merged small]

the whole of the correspon. bet. and Lewis Littlepage, new and correct ed. with an app. not bef. pub. 4. N. Y. 1786.

INVENTORS, Remarks on the rights of, | JAY, JOHN,
and the influence of their studies in
promoting the enjoyments of life and
pub. prosperity, 8. Bos. 1807.
IRELAND, Report of the com. of secrecy
of the h. of Ids. in, as reported by John
earl of Clare, 30 Aug. 1798, with an
app. detailing sundry exam. 8. Lon.
IRELAND, JOHN, Brooklyn, Record of
proceed. of a board of clergy canon-
ically constituted for trying the truth
of certain charges ag. 8. N. Y. 1810.

Second solemn appeal to the ch. cont. remarks and strictures on the late violent proceed. of a pretended eccles. court ag. the author, 8. B. 1811.

IRISH emigrant, Letter fr. an, to his
friend in the U. S. 8. N. Y. 1798.
Irving, PeteR, S. of New-York, In-
aug. dis on the Influenza, sub. to the
exam. of the fac. of phys. under the
author. of the trus. of Colum. coll. 6
May, 1794, ded. to George Clinton and
others, 8. N. Y.

IRVING, JOHN T. Ora.del. bef. the Tam.
Soc. 12 May, 1810, 8. N. Y.
ISAIAH, Paraphrase on 9 chapters of,
8. Northampton, 1803.
ITINERANT preaching, Declara. of min
isters in Barnstable co. rel. to the late
practice of, 12. Bos. 1745.


[JACKSON, HALL, Portsmouth,] Ob-
serva. and remarks on the putrid ma-
lignant sore throat of 1784 to 1786, by
a gentleman of the faculty, 12. Ports.

JACKSON, JOHN, Reflections on the
commerce of the Mediterranean, de-
duced fr. actual experience, 8. N. Y.
JACKSON, Ten hints add. to wise men
concerning the dispute wh. ended 8
Nov. 1809, in the dismission of the
Brit. min. to the U. S. A. 8. Bos.
JAMAICA, Acts of assembly passed in
the isl. of, fr. 1681 to 1754, inclus. fol.

Candid remarks on Witherspoon's add. to the inhabitants of, 8. Phil. 1772.

JAMES, THOMAS, The jesuits' down-
fall threatened, the life of Parsons the
Jesuit, and a ded. 4. Oxf. 1612. See

JAMES, king of Eng. Meditation upon
the Lord's prayer for the benent of
his subjects, 144 pp. with a pref. 12.
Lon, 1619.

Treaty of amity. com. and naviga bet. his Brit. majesty and the U. S. A. with a copious app. cont. Cur tius's num. in vindica. of the treaty,etc. 8. Phil. 1795.

Features of the treaty of, with a view of the commerce of the U. S. as it stands at present and is fixed, 8. Phil. 1795. See Brit. maj. and the U.S.

del. bef. the Wash. ben. soc. 22 Feb.
1810, 8. N. Y.

JAY, JAMES, New-York, Memorial to
the sen. and h. of rep. in cong. 8. 1813.
JEFFERYS, THOMAS, Nat. and civil
hist. of the Fr. dominions in N. and. S.
Am. illus. with maps engraved by, in
two parts, fol. Lon. 1760.
[JEFFERSON, THOMAS, Monticello,]
Summary of the rights of Brit. Am. set
forth in some resolutions intended for
the inspection of the delegates of Vir.
ginia in convention by a native and
mem. of the h. of burgesses, 8. W'ms-
burg, 1774.

Notes on the state of Virginia, with a map, 8. Lon. 1787.

The claims of, to the presidency, examined at the bar of christianity by a layman, 8. Phil. 1800.

Letter to, pres. of the U. S. by Junius Philaenus [Johnson] 8. N. Ý. 1802.

Defence of the measures of the administration of, by Curtius, 12. Wash. 1804.

Observa. on certain passages in the Notes on Virginia, which appear to have a tendency to subvert religion and estab. false philosophy, 8. N. Y. 1804. See C. C. Moore.

Memoirs of, cont. a hist. of the U. S. with a view to the rise and prog. of Fr. influence and principles, 2 vols. 8. 1809.

Proceed. of the gov. of the U. S. in maintaining the pub. right to the beach of the Missisippi adjacent to N. Orleans ag. the intrusion of Edward Livingston, prepared for the use of the council by, 8. N. Y. 1812. JEFFERSON ag. Madison's war, by a republican, advocating the election of De Witt Clinton to the presidency, about 1812.

JEFFERSONIAD, or echo to the groans of an expiring faction, by Democraticus, 4 March, 1801, 12. JENKINS ELISHA, vs. Sol. Van Rensselaer et al. Assault and battery, report of the trials of the causes of, at Albany, 8. 1808.

JENKINS, JOHN, Add. to the legisla.

of Mass, with recommendations of the system of writing by, 12. Leom. 1812.

JENKS, WILLIAM, Bath, Eulogy del. 18 July, 1807, on Joseph McKeen of Brunswick, with notes, 8. Portl. JESUITES, Le catechisme des, ou examen de leur doctrine, 8. à Ville Franche, 1602.

JEWET, JEDIDIAH, Rowley, Ser. fr. James 2. 18. del. in Ports. 10 Dec. 1741, 8. Bos. 1742.

JEWETT, PAUL, Rowley, New Eng. farriery, 12. N'b'yport. 1795. JINGLE, BOB, The associa. of the delegates of the colonies at the grand congress held at l'hil. 1 Sept. 1774 versified, 8.

JOHNSON, SAMUEL, Stratford, NewYork, Elementa philosophica, 8. Phil. printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall,


-Two ser. on humility and charity del. at New Haven, 1767, 8. N. H. 1768. JOHNSON, JOHN B. Ora. on union del. 12 May, 1794, bef. the Tam. soc. 8. N. Y.

Ser on Am. Indepen. 12. Alb.
Eulogy on G. Washington del. 22
Feb. 1800. 8. Alb.

Farewell ser. del. in Albany, 26
Sept. 1802. with an app. cont. a letter
fr. John Bassett, 8. Alb.
JOHNSON, ALFRED, Freeport, Ser. ord.
Elisha Moseley in New Glocester, 10
Feb. 1802, c. by Tristram Gilman of
North Yarmouth, f. by Jacob Herrick,
8. Portl.

JOHNSON, AYLMER, appellant and Ephraim Hart res. in the court for the trial of impeach. and the correc. of errours bet. 8. Alb.

JONAH, Sacred oratorio to be sung in
Trin. ch. 24. N. Y. 1802.
JONES, HENRY, Merit, a poem ascribed
to Philip earl of Chesterfield, 4. Lon.

JONES, T. Gr. Brit. Ser. del. at the
visita. of the archdea. of Surry, 16
Sept. 1755, 8. Bos. rep. 1756.
JONES, W. and S. Catal. of optical math.

and philosoph. instruments made by, 8. Lon. 1795.

JONES, JOHN F. New-Yoak, Mercan, and gen. directory for 1805. JONES, PAUL, Life, travels, voyages, and daring exploits of that celebrated and justly notorious pirate, etc. 12. N. Y.


JONES, CAVE, New York, Documents rel. to the submission to arbitration bet and the corpora. of Trin. ch. 8. N. Y. 1818.

JORDAN, CAMILLE, Deputé du Rhone, a ses commettans sur la revolution du 18 Fructidor, 8. a Paris, 1798. JORDENSIUS, GERARDUS DAVID, Gellia lusus poeticus, accedunt ejusdem eclogæ et epigrammata, with a complimentary address to the author in Latin by J. De Rhoer and in Greek by J. G. Knoop and a ded. to J. Lulofs, 8. Lug. Bat. 1763. JOSSELYN, JOHN, Acc. of two voyages to N. Eng. 12. Lon. 1674. JOUET, CAVALIER, Letter add. to dr. Beech of N. Y. on his and Richard Moor's illiberal treatment of the author, 4. U. States, 1795. JOURNAL of the conven. of the state of N. Y. held at Poughkeepsie, June, 1788. 4. P.

JOURNAL hebdomadaire de la diete de Varsovie par mon. De V. 4. à Varsovie, 1789.


pour l'année 1791, JOURNAL of the senate and assem. of N. Y. See New-York. JOURNALS, Spirit of the public, or

beauties of Amer. newspapers for 1805, with a pref. 12. Bath, 1806. JOURNAUX, L'esprit des, Francois et etrangers, Mars, 1791, 3d. vol. 8. à Paris.

JUDSON, EPHRAIM, Taunton, Sheffield, Ser. ord. Jonathan Strong in Braintree [now Randolph] c. by John Porter of Bridgewater, f. by Ezra Weld of Braintree, 8. Prov.

Ser. ord. Ebenezer Fitch, pres. Williams coll. del. in Williamstown, 17 June, 1795. c. by Stephen West of Stockbridge, f. by Seth Swift of W. 8. Stockbridge, 1796.

Ser. ord. Holland Weeks in Waterbury, 20 Nov. 1799, 12. Stockb. 1801.

JUNIUS, jun. Spirit of liberty or Ju

nius's loyal add. being a key to the Eng. cabinet by, 8. 1770. JUNIUS's Letters. See Heron.

Jan. 1804, with an add. to the inhabi. of the new plantations in Maine, and an app. 8. B. LATHROP, J. (cont.) Dis. del. in Milton, 3 Oct. 1804, when the pastoral relation of Joseph McKean to the ch. in that town was dissolved, with an app. cont. the kindly proceed. of the ch. and of the eccles. council, 8. B.

Ser. del. at the inter. of Samuel West in Boston, 13 Ap. 1808, 8. B.

Thanks. ser. del. 1 Dec. 1808, 8. B. Dis. occas. by the d. of his consort Elizabeth Lathrop, 8. B. 1809.

Dis. occ. by the d. of John Eliot of Boston, del. 21 Feb. 1813, with notes, 8. B. LATHROP, JOHN, JUN. Dedham, Calcutta, Boston, Speech of Caunonicus, or an Indian tradition, a poem, with explan. notes, and a ded. to marquis Wellesley, also a pref. 4. Calcutta, 1802.

LATHROP, JOSEPH, West Springfield, Two dis. entit. Christ's warning to the churches to beware of false prophets with an app. 2d. ed. Springf. 1791.

Fast ser. 4 May, 1797, 2d. ed. 8.
Camb. 1803.

Century ser. del. 1 Jan. 1801, 8. S.
Fast ser. del. 7 Ap. 1803, 8. S.
Two ser. on the christian sabbath,
8. Northampton, 1803.

Sermons on the mode and subjects of christian baptism, 4th. ed. 8. N. Y. 1808.

LATTA, JOHN E. Fast ser. 24. Wilm. 1808.


strance add. to the exec. directory of the Fr. repub. ag. the invasion of Switzerland, 8. N. Y. rep. 1799. LAURIE AND WHITTLE, Catal. of atlases, surveys, and single maps of all the empires, kingdoms, etc. 8. Lon. 1800.

LAW, ANDREW, Philadelphia, Select harmony, printed upon the author's new plan, with lines and spaces, Phil. LAWRENCE, JAMES, Biography of, with papers relating to the action between the Chesapeake and Shannon, and his death, 24. N. Brunswick, 1813. LAWS of the U. S. 3 vols. 8. Phil. 1796.

of the state of N. Y. passed at the 27 and 28 sessions of the legisla. 3 vols. 8. Alb. 1804, 5.

Private, of the state of N. Y. passed at the 32 sess, of the legisla. LEAGUE and covenant, Testimony to the truth of J. Christ, and to our so

lemn, subscribed by the ministers within the province of Lon. 1647, 4. Lon. 1648. LEAMING, JEREMIAH, Norwalk, Stratford, Defence of the epis. government of the ch. 8. N. Y. 1766. 2d. defence, 8. N. Y. 1770.

Ser. fr. 2 Tim. 3. 16, 17, del. bef the conv. of the epis. clergy of Connec. ded. to Sam. Seabury, 8. NewHaven, 1785.

Disserta. on various subjects, for the use of the sincere inquirer after true religion, 12. New Haven, 1789. LEAVENWORTH, Essai sur l'influence de nos vents variables, etc. 8. à Paris, 1807.

LEDYARD, JOHN, Connecticut, Journal of Cook's last voyage to the Pacific ocean, performed in 1776, 7, 8, 9, with a ded. to Jonathan Trumbull, and a pref. 8. Hartf. 1783. LEE, Virginia, Appeal to the justice and interests of the people of Virg. in dis pute with America, 4th. ed. 8. N. Y: 1775.

LEE, Proceed. of a gen. court martial held at N. Brunswick, N. J. for the trial of major gen. 4 July, 1778, fol. Phil.

Memoirs of the life of, 8. N. Y.


LEE, HENRY, Ora. del. 26 Dec. 1799, at the request of congress in Phil. in honour of the memory of G. Washington, 2d. ed. 8. Brooklyn.

Memoirs of the war in the south-
ern department of the U. S. with por-
traits of Greene and Cornwallis, and
an app. 8. Phil. 1812.
LEE, SOPHIA, Edmund of the vale, 12.
LEECHMAN, WILLIAM, Ser. del. bef.

the Synod of Glasgow and Air, fr.
1 Tim. 4. 16, 1741, 6th. ed. 12. Glas-

LEGACY to the world, by a civil ma-
gistrate, 8. Lon. 1762.

LEIB, MICHAEL, Philadelphia, Ras

cality recorded, or a monument of in-
famy to, 8. 1808.

LEIGH, JOSEPH, Portsmouth, Illus. of
the fulfilment of the prediction of Mer-
lin, occas. by the late outrageous at-
tack of the Leopard on the Chesa-
peake, 12. P. 1807.
LELAND, JOHN, Cheshire, Ora. del.
5 July, 1802, cont. 17 sketches and
17 wishes, 8. Pittsf.
LENDRUM, JOHN, Hist. of the Am. re-
volu. with a gen. hist. of N. and S.
America, 2 vols. 12. Bos. 1795.



ded. to Ri. Sharpe, Sam. Bard, Alex. LANCASTER, JOSEPH, London, Im

Hamilton, 8. Edin. 1783.

KISSAM, BENJAMIN, New-York, Inaug. dis. on Fistula in ano. sub. to the fac. of phys. under the author. of the trus. of Colum. coll. 12 Nov. 1805, ded. to Richard S. Kissam and James I. Stringham, 8. N. Y. KNICKERBOCKER, DIEDRICK, Hist. of N. York, 2 vols. [by Irving] 12.

N. Y. 1809.

KOCH, Abrege de l'histoire des trai tés de paix entre les puissances de l'Europe depuis la paix de Westphalie, S vols. 8. à Basle, 1796. KOLLOCK, HENRY, Elizabeth, Princeton, Savannah, Ser. del. bef. the gen. assem. of the presby. ch. in the U. S. A. 23 May, 1803, with an app. 8. Phil. KOTZEBUE, AUGUSTUS, Comedy of the count of Burgundy trans. by Charles Smith, 8. N. Y. 1800.

Comedy of La Peyrouse, trans. by Ch. Smith, 8. N. Y. 1800. KUNZE, JOHN C. New-York, Ser. del. at the ded. of the Eng. Lutheran ch. in N. Y. 11 Oct. 1801, 8. N. Y.

Table of a new construction for calculating the great eclipse, expected 16 June, 1806, 8. N. Y.


LADIES' Soc. estab. in N. Y. Constitu. of the, for the relief of poor widows with small children, 2d. ed. 12 N. Y. 1800. LAET, JOANNES DE, Nieuwe wereldt ofte beschryvinghe van West Indien, etc. door, fol. tot Leyden, 1625. LAFITAU, Mœurs des sauvages Ameriquains comparées aux mœurs des premiers temps, enrichi de fig. en taille douce, 2 vols. 4. à Paris, 1724. LAGUNA, DANIEL ISRAEL LOPEZ, Espejo fiel de vidas que contiene los psalmos de David en verso obra devota, util, y deleytable compuesta por, 4 en Londres, 5480.

LAHONTAN, Voyages du baron de, dans l'Amerique, Sep. etc. le tout enrichi de cartes et de figures, 2 vols. 12. à la Haye, 1705.

Transia. of the foregoing into Eng. with 23 maps and cuts, 2 vols. 8. Lon. 1709.

LALLY-TOLENDAL, TROPHIME GERARD DE, Defense des emigrés Francais addressée au peuple Fr. 8. à Paris, 1797.

LAMB, PATRICK, Royal cookery, fr.: the time of Charles II, to Anue, 8. Lon. 1726.

provements in education, etc. with a
sketch of the N. Y. free school, 18.
N. Y. 1807.

LAND company, Plan of associa. of the
N. Amer. estab. Feb. 1795, 12. Phil.
LANGDON, SAMUEL, Portsmouth,
Cambridge, Hamptonfalls, Ser. ord.
Samuel Macclintock in Greenland,
3 Nov. 1756, 8. P.

Thanks. ser. del. 10 Nov. 1759, for the success of his majesty's arms ag. Canada, 8. P. 1760.

- Impar. exam. of Robert Sandeman's Letters on Theron and Aspasio, 8. P. 1765.

Summary of christian faith, 8. Bos.


Rational explication of St. John's vision of the two beasts in the 13th. chap. Rev. 8. P. 1774.

Mass. el. ser. 31 May, 1775, 8. Watertown.

Dud. lec. del. 1 Nov. 1775, at Har. coll. 8. Bos. 1776.

Ser. ord. Edward Sprague in Dublin, N. H. 12 Nov. 1777, 8. Bos. 1778. Ser. occ. by the d. of John Winthrop, del. 9 May, 1779, 8. Bos.

N. Hamp. el. ser. del. at Concord, 5 June, 1788, 8. Exeter.

Observa. on the revelation of J. Christ to St. John, 8. Worc. 1791.

Dis. del. bef. the Piscataqua associa. fr. 1 Tim. 3. 14, 15, 8. Exeter, 1792.

Correction of some great mistakes committed by John Cozens Ogden in his letters pub. at Bos. 8. P. 1792.

Remarks on the leading sentiments in Hopkins's system of doctrines, 8. Ex. 1794. LANGHORNE, JOHN, Fables of Flora, etc. 8. Phil. rep. 1784. LANMAN, JAMES, Ora. 4 July, 1798, at Norwich, 12. N. LATHROP, JOHN, Boston, Ser. on early piety, del. in Medford, 20 March, 1771, 8. B.

Art. el. ser. 6 June, 1774, with notes, 8. B.

Ser. ord. William Bentley in Salem, c. by James Diman, of S. f. by John Prince, of S. 8. S.

Dis. del. bef. the Mass. hum. soc. in June 1787, with an app. 8. Bos.

Dud. lec. del. at Har. coll. 4 Sept. 1793, 8. B.

Century dis. del. in Jan. 1801, 8. B.

Dis. del. bef. the soc. prop. gos. am. Ind. and others in N. Am. 19

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