Imágenes de páginas

WIMPFFEN, FRANCIS ALEXANDER STANISLAUS, baron de, Voyage to St. Domingo in 1788, 9, 90, trans. fr. the original ms. by J. Wright, with a map, 8. Lon. 1797. WINCHESTER, ELHANAN, Three woe trumpets, two dis. fr. Rev. 11. 14 to 18 inclus. del. in Lon. Feb. 1798, 8. Bos. rep. 1794.

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Ten letters add. to Thomas Paine in ans. to his Age of reason, 2d. ed. 12. N. Y. 1795.

Course of lectures on the prophecies that remain to be fulfilled, del. in 1788, 9, 90, 2 vols. 8. Walpole, 1800. WINDHAM, Letter fr. the associated ministers of the county of. WINSTANLEY, W. New-York, The hypocrite unmasked, a comedy, 8. N. Y. 1800.

WINTER, GEORGE, Ser. fr. Jer. 4. 19, del. 23 May, 1756, in Moorfields, with a pref. 8. Lon. 1756. WINTER evening's conversation on orig. sin, Letter to the author of, fr. one of his candid neighbours, 8. Bos. 1758. WINTERBOTHAM, WILLIAM, View of the U. S. 4 vols. 8. N. Y. 1796.


View of the Chinese empire, 8. Lon. 1795. WINTHROP, JOHN, Boston, Journal of the transactions and occurrences in Massa. fr. 1630, as copied by John Porter, sec. of gov. Trumbull, 8. Hartf.

WINTHROP, JOHN, Cambridge, Lecture on earthquakes, occas. by the earthq. of 26 Nov. 1755, with copious notes, 4. Bos. 1755.

Two lec. on the parallax and distance of the sun, as deduced fr. the transit of Venus, del. in March, 1769, 8. Bos.

WINTHROP, JAMEs, Cambridge, Attempt to translate the prophetical part of the apocalypse into familiar language, with a pref. 8. Bos. 1794.

Systematic arrangement of several scripture prophecies rel. to antichrist, with their application to history, with a pref. 8. Bos. 1795.

Attempt to arrange, in the order of time those scripture prophecies yet to be fulfilled, 8. Camb. 1803. WISE, JEREMIAH, BERWICK, Ser. ord. James Pike at Summersworth in Dover, 28 Oct. 1730, c. by Jonathan Cushing, f. by Rogers of Kittery, 12.: Bos. 1731.

WITHERSPOON, JOHN, Paisley in Scot.

Princeton, Remarks on an add. to the inhabi. of Jamaica, 8. Phil. 1772. WITHERSPOON, J. (cont.) Ser. del. in 1775 with additions and an add. to the sen. class at Princeton coll. in 1787, 12. P.

Ser. del. in the city of N. Y. May, 1789, on the religious educa. of children, 8. Eliz.

[WOLCOTT, OLIVER, Connecticut, New-York] The pretensions of Tho mas Jefferson to the presidency examined and the charges ag. John Adams refuted, 8. 1796.

Add. to the people of the U. S. on the subject of the report of a committee of the h. of rep. appointed to examine and report whether monies drawn fr. the treasury have been faithfully ap. plied, etc. 8. Bos. 1802.

WOLLSTONECRAFT, MARY, Vindica. of the rights of woman with strictures on polit. and moral subjects with a ded. to Talleyrand Perigord, 12. Phil. 1794.

WOOD, WILLIAM, New England's prospect, 3d. ed. 8. Bos. 1764. WOOD, SILAS, Letters addressed to the electors of representatives of cong. for the first elec. district in the state of N. Y. 8. N. Y. 1800.

WooD, JOHN, Hist. of the administration of John Adams late president of the U. S. A. 8. N. Y. 1802.

Correct statement of the various sources fr. wh. the hist. of the administration of John Adams was compiled, and the motives for its suppression by col. Burr with observa. on a narra. by a cit. of N. Y. 8. N. Y. 1802.

Narra. of the suppression by col. Burr of the hist. of the administration of John Adams written by, etc. by a cit. of N. Y. 8, N. Y. 1802.

Full exposition of the Clintonian faction and the soc. of the Columbian illuminati with an account of the writer of the nar. and the characters of his certificate-men, also remarks upon Warren's pamphlets, 8. Newark, 1802.

Antidote to the poison of, by Warren, 8.N. Y. 1802. WOODFALL, WILLIAM, Parliamen. debates, 4 vols. 8. Lon. 1794. See Parliament.

WOODS,LEO NARD, Newbury, Andover, Testimony ag. the publications of Mar. cus [Daniel Dana] in several letters add. to the author, 8. N'b'yport, 1806.

Art el. ser. 1808, with a list of those who have commanded the comp

fr. the time of its first institu. in 1638, 8. Bos.

WOODWARD,SAMUEL, Weston, Thanks. ser. 9 Oct. 1760, occ. by the reduc. of Montreal and entire conquest of Canada by his majesty's troops under the command of Amherst, 8. Bos.

Ser. ord. John Marsh in Wethersfield, 12 Jan. 1774, c. by Eells of Middletown, f. by Samuel Lockwood of Andover, 8. New Haven. WOODWARD, WILLIAM, Hanover, Ora. del. 9 June, 1800, 8. H. [WOODWARD, AUGUSTUS B.] Epaminondas on the gov. of the territory of Columbia, num. 5, 8. Georgetown, 1801.

Considera. on the gov. of Columbia territory, 8. Wash. 1803.

Representa. of Oliver Pollock's case, 1803.

Supplement to the representa. of Pollock's case, 8. Wash. 1803.

Considera. on the executive gov. of the U. S. A. with an app. 8. Flatbush, 1809.

[WOODWORTH] A poem satirical and sentimental, etc. by Selim, 12. N. Y. 1809. WOODWORTH, SAMUEL, Beasts at law, or zoologian jurisprudence, a poem satirical, allegorical, and moral, etc. 12. N. Y. 1811. WORCESTER, NOAH, Thornton, Polemical essay cont. remarks on a dial. by, by a minister of the gospel, 8. Newark, 1799.

N. H. el. ser. del. in Concord, 4 June, 1800, 8. C. WORKMAN, JAMES, New Orleans, Political essays rel. to the war of the Fr. revolu. etc. 12. Alex. 1801.

Liberty in Louisiana, a comedy, 2d. ed. 12. Charlestown, 1804. WORSHIP in families, Exhortation to housekeepers to set up, 3d. ed. 12. Lon. 1707. WORTHINGTON, HUGH, Ser. for the benefit of the prot. dissenting charity school in Spitalfields, 12. Lon. 1793. WORTMAN, T. ora. del. bef. the Tam. soc. 12 May, 8. N. Y. 1796. WREN, ROGER, Sentiments of the humours and amusements of the times, etc. 8. Bos. 1763.

WRIGHT, J. Hist of the late war, or an

nual register of its rise, prog. and events in Eu. A. Af. and America, illustrated with portraits, plans, maps, and charts, 2 vols. 8. Lon. 1765. WYCHE, WILLIAM, Essay on the theory and practice of fines with prece dents, 8. N. Y. 1794.

WYNNE, Hist. of the Brit. empire in Am. illus. with maps, plans, and plates, 2 vols. 8. Lon. 1769.

[blocks in formation]

Catalogue, etc. 1792. YANKEE in London, add. to his friends in and near Boston, 18. N. Y. 1809. YATES, CHRISTOPHER C. Essay on the bilious epidemic fever prevailing in the state of N. Y. with a letter fr. James Mann and a disserta. by John Stearns, ded. to Samuel Stringer, 8. Albany, 1813.

YELLOW fever. See Bayley, Browne, Carey, Currie, College of phy. of Phil. Hardie, Hopkins, Medical soc. Webster, et al.

YOUNG, JOSEPH, New York, Reply to the reviewers in ans. to their critical remarks on his treatise entit. a New phys. system of astronomy, 8. N. Y. 1802.

YOUNG, DAVID, Orange, The contrast, a poem, with a pref. 8. Eliz. 1804. [-] Ephemeris for Alden's N. Jer. register, 1811, 1812.

YOUNG, EDWARD, Night thoughts with a portrait and frontispiece, 8. N. Y. rep. 1813.

YOUTH'S miss. assist. soc. Constitu. of the baptist, in the city of N. Y. instituted, 23 July, 1806, 12. N. Y.


ZENGER, JOHN PETER, New-York, Nar. of the case and trial of, printer of the N. Y. Weekly journal, for a libel, 4. N. Y. rep. 1770. ZUBLY, JOHN J. Savannah, Ser. on Amer. affairs del. bef. the provincial congress of Georgia, with an app. rel. to the struggles of Switzerland, 8. Lon. rep. 1775.




JOURNALS of the old congress, cont.

their proceedings, viz.

vol. 1. fr. 5 Sept. 1774 to 1 Jan. 1776. vol. 2. fr. 1 Jan. 1776 to 31 Dec. 1776. vol. 3. fr. 1 Jan. 1777 to 1 Jan. 1773. vol. 4. fr. 1 Jan. 1778 to 1 Jan. 1779. vol. 5. fr. 1 Jan. 1779 to 1 Jan. 1780. vol. 6. fr. 1 Jan. 1780 to 1 Jan. 1781. vol. 7. fr. 1 Jan. 1781 to 2 Nov. 1782. vol. 8. fr. 1 Nov. 1782 to 1 Nov. 1783. vol. 9. fr. 3 Nov. 1783 to 3 June 1784. vol. 10. fr. 1 Nov. 1784 to 4 Nov. 1785. vol. 11. fr. 4 Nov. 1785 to 3 Nov. 1786. vol. 12. fr. 6 Nov. 1786 to 5 Nov. 1787. vol. 13. fr. 5 Nov. 1787 to 3 Nov. 1788. from Folwell's press, 8. Phil. 1800 and 1801, also the first edition, 13 vols. 8. Phil. Yorktown, N. Y. 1777 to 1789. CIRCULAR letter fr. the cong. U. S. to their constituents, wh. the legisla. of Massa. requested the ministers of the gospel to read to their respective congregations, 8. Bos. rep. 1779. CONGRESSIONAL register, or hist. of the proceed. and debates of the first h. of representatives of the U. S. A. cont. an impor. acc. of the most interesting speeches and motions and accurate copies of remarkable papers laid bef. or offered to the house, taken in short hand by Thomas Lloyd, 3 vols. 8. N. Y. 1789, 1790. JOURNAL of the senate of the U. S. viz. of the

First cong. first sess. at N. Y. fr. 4 Mar. 1789, fol. N. Y.

second sess. at N. Y. fr. 4 Jan. 1790, fol. N. Y.

third sess. at Phil. fr. 6 Dec. 1790, fol. Phil.

Sec. cong. first sess. at Phil. fr. 24 Oct. 1791, fol. Phil.

second sess. at Phil. fr. 5 Nov. 1792, fol. Phil.

Third cong. first sess. at Phil. fr. 2 Dec.

1793. fol. Phil.

second sess. at Phil. fr. S Nov. 1794 fob Phil.

the foregoing bound in 5 vols.]

Fourth cong. second sess. at Phil. fr. 5

Dec. 1796. 8. Phil.

Fifth cong. first sess. at Phil. fr. 15 May,

1797. 8. Phil.

third sess. at Phil. fr. 3 Dec. 1798. 8. Phil.

Sixth cong. first sess. at Phil. fr. 2 Dec. 1799. 8. Phil.

Seventh cong. first sess. at Washington fr. 7 Dec. 1801. 8. W.

Eighth cong. first sess. at Washington, fr. 17 Oct. 1803. 8. W.

second sess. at Washington, fr. 5 Nov. 1804. 8. W.


In cases of impeachment, in the case of Wm. Blount, fr. 17 Dec. 1798;

John Pickering fr. 3 March, 1803; Samuel Chase fr. 30 Nov. 1804. Ninth cong. first sess. at Washington, fr 2 Dec. 1805. 8. W.

second sess. at Washington fr. 1 Dec. 1806. 8. W.

Tenth cong. first sess. at Washington fr. 26 Oct. 1807. 8. W. Eleventh cong. third sess. at Washington fr. 3 Dec. 1810. 8. W. Twelfth cong. first sess. at Washington fr. 4 Nov. 1811. 8. W. JOURNAL of the h. of rep. of the U. S viz. of the

First cong. first sess. at N. Y. fr. 4 March 1789. fol. N. Y.

third sess. at Phil. fr. 6 Dec. 1790. fol. Phil. Third cong. first sess. at Phil. fr. 2 Dec. 1793. fol. Phil. also 8. Phil.

second sess. at Phil. fr. 3 Nov. 1794 fol. Phil. also &. Phil.

Fourth cong. first sess. at Phil. fr. 7 Dec. 1794. 8. Phil.

second sess. at Phil. fr. 5 Dec. 1796. 8. Phil.

Fifth cong. first sess. at Phil. fr. 15 May, 1797. 8. Phil.

second sess. at Phil. fr. 13 Nov 1797. 8. Phil.

third sess. at Phil. fr. 3 Dec. 1798. 8. Phil. Sixth cong. first sess. at Phil. fr. 7 Dec. 1798. 8. Phil.

second sess. at Washington fr. 17 Nov. 1800. W.

Eighth cong. first sess. at Washington fr.

17 Oct. 1803. 8. W.

second sess. at Washington fr. 5 Nov. 1804. 8. W. Ninth cong. first sess. at Washington fr. 2 Dec. 1805. 8. W.

second sess. at Washington fr. 1 Dec. 1806. 8. W. Tenth cong. first sess. at Washington fr. 26 Oct. 1807. 8. W.

Eleventh cong. third sess. at Washington fr. 3 Dec. 1810. 8. W. Twelfth cong. first sess. at Washington fr. 4 Nov. 1811, with a supplemental journal, 2 vols. 8 W.

Debates on the bill for repealing the law for the more convenient organization of the courts of the U. S. during the first sess. of the seventh congress, with a list of yeas and nays on that interesting subject. 8. Albany, 1802. CONGRESSIONAL documents in chronological order, 8vo. viz.

PINCKNEY's memorial, Hammond's ans, and the letter of the sec. of state of 1 May to Hammond, 12 May, 1794. REP. of the com. appointed to examine into the state of the treasury depart

ment, 22 May, 1794.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. a letter fr. the sec. state to the min. plenipo. of his Br. maj. with an ans. to a letter fr. the min. dated 22 May, 1794. LETTER fr. Joseph Fauchet rel. [to the French weights and measures, 1794. LETTERS bet. Edm. Randolph and Geo. Hammond, 1794.

REP. of the commissioners of the sinking fund, 29 May, 1794. REP. of the com. to wh. was referred the bill entitled An act provid. for the payment of a certain sum of money due to the Fr. repub. 6 June, 1794. REP. of the commissioners, appointed to confer with the insurgents in the west. counties of Penn. 4 Sept. 1794. BILL to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia of the U. S. 18 Feb. 1795.

RANDOLPH's statement of facts, 1795. REP. of the com. of ways and means on the state of the receipts and expend. of the U. S. 17 March, 1796.

REP. of sec. state rel. to weights, mea- MESS. fr. the pres. accomp. sundry papers

rel. to the affairs of the U. S. with the Fr. repub. 18 Jan. 1799. MESS. fr. the pres. accomp. a rep. of the sec. of state, etc. 21 Jan. 1799.

sures, and coins, 1790, N. Y. PAPERS rel. to Gr. Brit. 1791 to 1793. CASE decided in the sup. court of the U. S. in Feb. 1793, rel. to the ques. Whether a state be liable to be sued by a private citizen of another state, 1793. MESSAGE of the pres. rel. to Fr. and REP. of the com. rel. to the expend. of

Gr. Brit. 5 Dec. 1793.

REP. of sec. state rel. to the privil. and restric. commerce of the U. S. in foreign countries, Dec. 1793. MESSAGE of the pres. enclosing letters fr. the min. plenipo. at Lon. and the min. plenipo. in Fr. to the sec. state with the ans. of the sec. 1794. MESS. fr. the pres, trans. docum. rel. to hostile threats ag. the territories of Spain in the neighbourhood of the U. S. 20 May, 1794.

REP. of sec. state of laws, decrees, and ordin. resp. commerce, 1794. MESS. of the pres. enclosing a copy of a letter fr. the min. plenipo. of the Fr. repub. of 25 Dec. 1793 and a copy of the proceed. of the legis. of S. Car. 15 Jan. 1794.

MESS. of the pres. trans. a rep. of the sec. state rel. to complaints of spoliations on the com. of the U. S. 1794.

Accounts of the treasurer of the U. S. of pay and receipts of public monies fr. 1 Oct. 1800, to 30 June 1801, etc.

money made by the commissioners of the city of Washington, 27 Feb. 1801. LETTER fr. the sec. navy to Sam. L. Mitchell, rel. to naval preparations 31 Dec. 1801, with docu. rel.thereto, 30 June, 1802.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. a roll of the

persons having office or employment under the U. S. 16 Feb. 1802. Doc. accomp. the commmun. of the pres. 15 Dec. 1802.

LETTER fr. the sec. treasury accomp. his

rep. 20 Dec. 1802.

MESS. of the pres. accomp. a state. of expend. fr. 1 Jan. 1797, by the quartermaster gen. and the navy agents, etc. 23 Dec. 1802, fol.

LETTER fr. the treasurer of the U. S. ac

comp. the general acc. of his office, of the rec. and expenditures of pub. monies fr. 1 Oct. 1801 to 30 Sept. 1802, 27 Dec. 1802.

REP. of the com. of ways and means rel.
to 7,800,000 dolls. having been applied
to the principal and int. of the pub.
debt, also rel. to the acc. and proceed-
ings of the commissioners of the sink-
ing fund, 3 March, 1803.

LETTER fr. the treasurer of the U. S.
accomp. his general acc. of receipts
and expend. of pub. monies fr. 1 Oct.
1801 to 30 Sept. 1802 also, acc. of
ree. and expend. for the war and navy
departments. 27 Dec. 1802.
LETTER fr. the treasurer of the U. S.
accomp. his general acc. of rec. and
expendi. also his acc. for the war and
navy depart. fr. 1 Oct. 1803. to 30
Sept. 1804. 22 Jan. 1805.
PRESIDENT's mess. 8. Nov. 1804.
REF. fr. the com. of com. and manufac-

tures to whom was referred the peti-
tion of the pres. and directors of the
N. Y. and Duchess county slate com-
panies-15 Nov. 1804.

LETTER fr. the secretary of the treas. trans. a rep. and estimates for the year 1805, also a state. of rec. and expendi. fr. 1 Oct. 1803 to 1 Oct. 1804, 19 Nov. 1804.

REP. of the com. to whom was referred

the rep. of the select com. appointed 13 March, 30 Nov. 1804. MESS. fr. the pres. cont. a rep. of the surveyor of the pub. builings at the city of Wash. 6 Dec. 1804. MEMORIAL presented by the inhabi. of Louisiana to the Congress of the U. S. trans. fr. the French, 1804.

REP. of the com. appointed 12 Nov. 1804, rel. to the form of gov. for Louisiana, 25 Jan. 1805.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. a letter fr. commo. Preble giving an acc. of the trans. of the vessels under his command fr. 9 July to 10 Sept. last, 20 Feb. 1805. LETTER fr. the sec. of the treas. with a rep. and estimates for 1806, also a state. of the rec. and expendi. fr. 1 Oct. 1804, to 1 Oct. 1805, 13 Dec. 1805.

MESS. fr. the pres. of the U. S. resp. the

applica. of Hamet Caramalli, exbashaw of Tripoli, 13 Jan. 1806. MEMORIAL of the merch. and traders of the city of Phil. presented by Logan in the senate, 15 Jan. 1806. MESS. fr. the pres. of the U. S. trans. a memorial of the merchants of Baltimore on the violation of our neutral rights, 29 Jan. 1806.

NICHOLSON's motion, 10 Feb. 1806.

Doc. accomp. a mess. of the pres. rel. to
Gr. Brit. 10 Feb. 1806.

MEMORIAL signed by H. Daggett of
New-Haven presented to the senate by
Hillhouse, 17 Feb. 1806.

LETTER fr. the post master general, 13
Feb. 1806.

MESS. fr. the pres. trans. copies of trea-
ties bet. the U. S. and sundry tribes of
Indians, 19 Feb. 1806.

MESS. fr. the pres. commun. discoveries
made in exploring the Missouri, Red-
river and Washita by Lewis, Clark,
Sibly, and Dunbar, with a statis. acc.
of the countries adjacent, 19 Feb. 1806.
REPORT of the com. rel. to the applica.
of Hamet Caramalļi, 17 Mar. 1806.
REP. of the com. rel. to the territory of
Michigan 18 March, 1806.

LETTER fr. the post master gen. rel. to
trans. the mail fr. Athens in Georgia
to N. Orleans, 21 March, 1806.
REP. of the sec. of state on the privileges
and restrictions on the commerce of
the U. S. in foreign countries, 16 Dec
1798, reprinted 1806.

LETTER fr. the treasurer of the U. S.
accomp. gen. acc. of rec. and expendi-
tures, also his acc. for the war and na-
vy depart. fr. 1 Oct. 1805 to 30 Sept.

MESS. fr. the pres. cont. his commun. to

both houses of cong. at the com. of the first sess. 10th cong. 27 Oct. 1807. MESS. fr. the pres. with his proclama. interdicting the harbours and waters of the U. S. to Brit armed vessels, 19 Nov. 1807.

FURTHER rep. of the com. rel. to the

defence of our seaport towns and har
bours, 3 Dec. 1807.

LETTER fr. the sec. treas. accomp. a rep.
and estimates for 1808, also a state. of
the rec. and expen. fr. 1 Oct. 1806 to 1
Ort. 1807, etc. 4 Dec. 1807.
MESS. fr. the pres. of the U. S. commun.

letters fr. gov Hull resp. the Indians
in the vicinity of Detroit, 30 Dec. 1807.
LETTER fr. the treasurer of the U.S.
accomp. his gen. acc. of rec. and ex-
pendi. also his acc. for the war and na-
vy depart. fr. 1 Oct. 1806, to 30 Sept.
1807, 18 Jan. 1808.
MESS. fr. the pres. trans. an official com.
mu. of certain orders of the Brit. gov.
ag. the maritime rights of neutrals,
dated 11 Nov. 1807, 3 Feb. 1808.
MESS. fr. the pres. of the U. S. commun.
further informa. in pursuance of two
resolu. of the house of the 13 of Jan.
4 Feb. 1808.

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