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They have straight hair, noses moderately elevated, the parietal bones not so compressed as those of the negro, nor is their forehead so much arched. The colour of their skin is a light bronze, like that of the Wadreagans, or Melano Gætulians, and by this characteristic alone, can they be classed in the Ethiopian variety of the human species.

The Fellatahs are a warlike race of shepherds, and have within a short period subjugated an extensive portion of Soudan. The lamented major Laing, who arrived at Tombuctoo, assures us that they were then in possession of that far-famed city. It was an order from the Fellatah governor which compelled him to leave Tombuctoo, and to his instigation or connivance is his death, probably, to be attributed. Mungo Park was killed by a party of these people, while descending the Quorra. They may be supposed to occupy the banks of this unknown river, from its rise to its termination.

During the late visit of Captain Clapperton to Sackatoo, his inquiries were particularly addressed to the history, the social and political condition of the Fellatahs. The publication of his narrative will be received with unusual interest, for this nation presdents itself as a curious and important subject of philosophic speculation. The Fellatahs will probably erect one vast empire in Soudan, and the influence this power may exercise in the great question of African civilization, gives to them no ordinary importance. If Sultan Bello should be induced to abolish slav ery, the most efficient means will have been discovered for its entire suppression. The example of so great an empire, or the menace of its chief, would effectually check the inhuman cupidity or barbarism of the lesser tribes of the coast. Such an event would cause a great revolution in the commerce of these countries, and the arts of civilized life would speedily be adopted. Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, would lose their lucrative trade in slaves, which being no longer objects of barter, commerce would seek the more convenient markets of the Atlantic coast, in preference to encountering the horrors and perils of the desert. This view of the subject has not escaped the Moorish statesmen, who, it is known, have been using their influence with the negro governments, to obstruct the free access of Christians among them. The colony of Liberia is destined to have an agency in such a revolution of commerce, and will participate in the great advantages thence to result.

The history and character of the Fellatahs acquires importance; and in anticipation of the more extensive information to be derived from Captain Clapperton's travels, some remarks are submitted up on this nation.

The Fellatahs are so denominated by the negroes; but the name by which they call themselves is Fellan, which might be more correctly written Foulan, according to the sound of the syllables. The origin of the term Fellatahs is not known, but as they are anthropoklepths, like the Tuarycks, and steal negroes, to make slaves of them, it is probably an appellation of reproach, like that of Sergoo, given to these latter.

They are known on the Senegal and Gambia, as Foolahs, and Pouls.Mungo Park describes them under the first denomination, and M. Mollien under the second. The Fellatahs extend from the Atlantic to the confines of Darfour, and speak every where the same language.

A vocabulary is here subjoined, with grammatical inflections of words.

[blocks in formation]

This vocabulary shows that the Fellatahs are not of Arabic origin, as suggested by the Revue Britannique, January No. 1829, nor of Berber, as M. Mollien seems inclined to think. This nation issued probably from the elevated plateau about the source of the Niger, where a temperate climate may be supposed to reign. As the Fellatahs are found in the vicinity of Abyssinia, they would be identified with the Falasha, of that country, if their language should be ascertained to be the same.-Bruce says that the Falashas are Jews, and speak the ancient Ethiopian. About this language little is known.

Negro languages possess a peculiar character.—An investigation of the idioms of Tibbou, Bornou, Haoussa and Tombuctoo, discovers that they have no distinctions of gender and number. Perhaps verbs are not inflected. If the complex languages of the Tuarycks on the north, and the Fellatahs to the south, which nations occupy co-extensive parallels of latitude, be compared with the simple, rude dialect of Soudan, it might be inferred that the great Author of the Universe has made as broad a difference in

the speech as in the skins of men. If a full investigation establish the fact that languages may be divided into white and black, then philosophy will demand illustrations of the moral History of man.

The exploration of Africa, has been an object of constant solicitude to the British Government. To accomplish this, several expeditions have been sent, at great expense, and its enterprising travellers have penetrated across this continent, hitherto the terra incognita of geography. The interesting question of the rise and termination of the Quorra (Niger) has not yet, however, been completely solved. The Quarterly Review of the last year, infers from the observations made by Captain Clapperton, that it runs into lake Tchad in the kingdom of Bournou. Whether it takes a southerly direction, and empties into the gulf of Benin, or flowing easterly, it falls into lake Tchad, is a question yet sub judice, and we may enter the field of discovery with peculiar advantage.

Our colony of Liberia is planted at a point of the African coast, which offers great facilities for voyages into the interior. The river Mesurada,* takes its rise in the mountains of Kong, and in a district which from mild temperature of climate, fertility of soil, and beautiful aspect of nature, is called by the natives, Alam,-the country of God. It is probable that the Quorra has its source in the same elevated region, and that it interlocks with the Mesurada. If the Fellatahs have a western origin, they must be indigenous to these mountains; and it may be imagined, that they have descended to the southern plains, as they now occupy the north. That negro tribe discovered by Mr. Ashmun, in the country adjacent to Liberia, which had advanced in arts and was familiar with the Arabic language, may be Fellatahs.

The solution of these questions would be interesting in science, and are important to Liberia, which is destined to become a great empire, and may now be esteemed the nucleus of African civilization. At no other point could it so favourably commence. In the countries north of the Sahara, where the climate permits the white man to exist, the savage fanaticism of the Mahomedan religion would not tolerate a christian settlement. Among the negroes of the Senegal, the Gambia, and the Rio Grande, that religion has taken so deep root, that a christian colony of negroes would be extir-, pated in obedience to the sanguinary precepts of the Koran. Liberia is on the confines of Islam, where the fetiche of the simple African does not require the blood of man, in the name of God. To the west of the colony, along the coast, are the fierce people of Ashantee and Dahomey, and a settlement further south, would have been too distant from the centre of Africa and from the coast of America. The selection therefore of the windward, coast for the establishment of an American colony, was by providential direction.

*This is an error. The Mesurada or Montserado is a small river, the St. Pauls bieng much larger.

The nations of the interior have already heard with astonishment and delight that black men from America are settling on the coast, and that they possess the arts of the white man. To cultivate good intelligence with these nations, to make known the objects of the colony, its pacific and commercial character, will be deemed a wise policy. This purpose would be best effected by a mission from among the colonists. A small expedition from Monrovia, ascending the Mesurada to its head waters, and proceeding from the source of the Niger, along its course, would accomplish these objects, and at the same time make useful discoveries. Perhaps the solution of the questio vexata of geography, the rise and termination of the Niger, is reserved for the Liberian. Such an expedition is conveniently within the means of individual enterprise; it would promote the general interests of science, procure commercial advantages, and in the prospective of philanthropy, might have a happy and active influence in the suppression of the slave trade.

In this view, a small part of the national appropriation, might not be deemed misapplied for that object. Should it be reserved for individual undertaking, I now offer a contribution of one hundred dollars, which are placed at the disposition of Peter S. Duponceau, Esq. A scientific expedition for African discoveries is an object worthy of the American Philosophical Society, and under the direction of which, that now suggested should be performed.

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On the 14th of October, a meeting was held in the middle Dutch Church, in New York, to consider the present condition and wants of the Colonization Society. The Hon. Walter Bowne, Mayor of the City, was called to the chair, and the Rev. Dr. Knox appointed Secretary. The meeting was addressed in an interesting and impressive manner by the Rev. Thomas H. Gallaudet, Principal of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Hartford, (Conn.) Captain Stockton, of the U. S. Navy, and by F. S. Key, Esqr. one of the managers of the Parent Institution.

After Mr. Key had concluded his address, the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, As the sense of this meeting, that we highly approve of the objects, the past exertions, and the future plans, of the American Colonization Society, and earnestly recommend it to the patronage of this community.

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to take immediate measures to raise funds for the American Colonization Society, in its present exigency, and transmit the same to the Board of the Society at Wash

ington. (Myndert Van Schaick, Frederick Sheldon and J. Leavitt, Esqs. were appointed such committee.)

Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be given to the gentlemen who have presented such full and satisfactory information concerning the interesting question of colonizing Africa.

Resolved, That the committee appointed by this meeting be requested to procure copies of the addresses delivered on the present occasion, and to cause the same to be published, with the view of disseminating information, and exciting the zeal of the philanthropic public in favour of the objects contemplated by the American Colonization Society.

Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be given to his honour the mayor, for his attention in presiding.

Resolved, That these proceedings be signed by the chairman and secretary, and published in the papers of the city.

JOHN KNOX, Secretary.


At a Public Meeting in Philadelphia, on the 21st ult. on the subject of African Colonization, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: On motion of Mr. Peters: Resolved, That the views and purposes of the American Colonization Society; its arduous and successful labors in planting a prosperous Colony of Free People of Color on the shores of Africa; its influence in the Southern States, by which a number of those who were born to slavery have been emancipated, and the assurances the Society has received that a much greater number, now in bondage, will be made free when means are afforded to transport them to the Colony, entitle the Society to the confidence and support of the friends of the abolition of slavery.

On motion of Mr. McIlvaine: WHEREAS it appears to this Meeting that several hundred persons, now held as slaves in the Southern States, may be gratuitously liberated whenever the Colonization Society shall be able to send them to Africa, and that the emancipation of such slaves cannot be effected by any other arrangement:

Therefore, Resolved, That this meeting earnestly recommend to the consideration of the citizens of Philadelphia the expediency and the duty of contributing to the liberation of the slaves referred to; and the President and Secretaries of this Meeting, together with the Managers of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society, be a Committee to obtain contributions, and to place the funds so collected at the disposal of the American Colonization Society, on condition that they be applied exclusively to the outfit, transportation, and subsequent support, of slaves, who being willing to join the Colony, can be liberated only with a view to their emigration.

PRESBYTERIAN SCHOOL IN LIBERIA.-The Presbyterian Synod of Virginia, has determined to obtain money, by subscriptions and voluntary con

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