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prudent exposure during convalescence, and a free indulgence in the fruits of the place, particularly the pine-apple; than which nothing can be more deleterious; the oldest settlers not being able to use it freely without feeling its ill effects.

It gives me great pleasure to state, that the colonial affairs are in a prosperous condition; particularly our farming establishments at Millsburg; the crops this year will be greater by two thirds than those of the preceding. As it is upon our agriculture, that the prosperity of the colony must ultimately depend, I have granted every indulgence to the Millsburg settlers that I thought would tend to the promotion of their welfare, and encourage them to prosecute their farming operations with spirit. A family by the name of Richardson, who arrived here with the last emigration, have been located there by their own desire, and have already several acres in cultivation, with flourishing crops of rice and cassada; the same may be said of the Caldwell settlement, and of the late emigrants who have been settled there.

I found on attempting to lay off the lots for the emigrants who lately arrived, that there had been, in many instances, deviations from the original survey; the houses, in some places, projecting into the street, and in others, having been built partly on the adjoining unoccupied lots. To have this evil corrected while it is still practicable, I was induced to appoint Mr. Joseph Shephard surveyor for the colony; he is a man in every way well calculated to do credit to the station; his compensation will be derived from the fees of office, and these are proportioned to the circumstances of the colonists; he will shortly commence a resurvey of the whole town, and correct all errors that have occurred; the farm lands adjoining the town will also be surveyed, and land-marks placed. Our little town is rapidly increasing: several new substantial buildings have been put up within two months, and others are in progress; so that if nothing intervenes to prevent it, we will present, in one or two years, quite a respectable appearance.

The military force of the Colony having been considerably augmented, it appeared proper that the senior officer should be of a higher grade than that of Captain. I have accordingly promoted James C. Barbour to the rank of Major, commanding the military forces of Liberia; he is one who takes a pride in such matters, and will, I think, discharge the duties of the office with credit to himself, and no doubt have great influence in keeping up the military spirit of the colonists, which, I am sorry to say, was rapidly declining.

You requested in your letter to Dr. Randall, to be informed concerning Miss Mercer's people. Of the number that arrived in the Harriet, two died; one, a child of a woman named Jennings; the other, an adult, by the name of Thomas Caroll; the remainder enjoy good health, and will, no doubt, do well, as soon as the season admits of their obtaining employment. At pres ent, scarcely any thing like business is carried on.

Enclosed, you have the returns of our late election, and the appointments made by me for the ensuing year. The election this year was conducted in a manner highly creditable to the inhabitants, although it was very warmly contested. Indeed it reminded me of the United States, both as regards the violence of party spirit exhibited there on similar occasions, and the implicit obedience to the will of the majority after the result was made known.

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Swiss Mission to Liberia.

For some account of the origin of this Mission, and of the spirit with which it was commenced, we refer our readers to the letter of the excellent Dr. Blumhardt, published in the Repository for February, 1828. The recent arrival at New York, of the Rev. Mr. Sessing, his wife, and three Missionary Brethren, prepared to enter with devoted hearts upon the field of christian labour in Africa, has been announced in most of our public papers. Those of our friends who will peruse the letter from Dr. Blumhardt, inserted in our number for March last, and that from Mr. Sessing in the same, will readily understand the causes which have brought these beloved friends of Christ and of Africa to our shores. Mr. Sessing, after a residence of fourteen months in Liberia, and among the natives of Grand Bassa, (a short distance to the South of Cape Montserado) was compelled to accompany his afflicted Brother, Mr. Hegele, to Switzerland. In reply to the inquiries of Dr. Blumhardt, contained in the letter to which we have just alluded, our Society had expressed the belief, that the interests of the Swiss Mission might, in various ways, be promoted, could those consecrated to its benevolent purposes, visit and confer with their christian Brethren in the United States. Nor have we had occasion since their arrival, to change our opinion. Indeed, the christian sympathy and liberality which have been evinced, have strikingly illustrated the strength and beauty of those principles which unite, by imperishable ties, all the members of the household of faith. No possessor of the christian spirit, can read without emotion, the following letter from Dr. Blumhardt, by which these Missiona ries were introduced to our fellowship and christian love.

BASLE, SWITZERLAND, SEPT. 18, 1829. Permit me, very dear Sir, to introduce to you and your Committee four of our dearly beloved Missionary Brethren, Messrs. Sessing, Dietschy, Buhrer and Graner, with the wife of Mr. Sessing, who are going to Liberia as messengers of salvation, and who have been directed by our Missionary Society to make their passage to Africa by way of North America, with the view, not only to explain personally to you and to your Honourable Committee our sincere and warm feelings of Christian affection towards you and the sacred work of your hands, and to be the instruments of entering into a full and active communion of Christian fellowship and interests with your Society, but to make a modest trial, with your brotherly advice, if some of our and your Christian brethren in your States, under the blessing of God, might be united in an Auxiliary Society in behalf of their missionary exertions amongst the poor negro tribes in the neighborhood of your African Colony.

Our God and Saviour has pleased to try by truly heavy calamities even the first beginning of our work in Africa. Five of our dearly beloved brethren have been reduced in the first year to one, who is still struggling with trying difficulties from all sides; but we all are permitted by divine grace to say with St. Paul, we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; and we fully trust in the Lord, that by our dearly beloved brethren, though bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, yet the life also of Jesus will be made manifest in their body.

Our dear brethren intend to commence their work with the Bassa people, in the neighborhood of Liberia, whilst Mr. Dietschy, as agent of our Society in all external affairs and wants of our mission there, shall take his permanent abode in the missionary house in Monrovia, which our truly lamented friend Mr. Ashmun, was so kind as to leave by his will to our German Mission in Africa. There are many important questions respecting the labour and wants of our Missionaries and their connexion with you and your establishment in Africa, which we beg leave to make to you by our brethren, and which you will be so kind as to put into a full light. We are under the necessity to wish, that according to the provident view of our departed friend, Mr. Ashmun, and his full anticipations, our missionary station may be supported there in a series of years by their own means, and that we may be enabled by it to send out a greater number of fellow-labourers, to strengthen by moral powers the weak hands of this little beloved band of servants of Christ. Mr. Sessing intends to make provision of a small vessel for continuing the connexion of the Bassa Mission with the Colony, and you will be so kind as to assist him with your best advice, as we are obliged to limit such a purchase to a maximum of 400 dollars.

We are highly encouraged in this holy work in knowing that the prayers and the Christian sympathy and love of the American Israel are with it. May God, the author of all grace, bless them all and you and your brethren in Switzerland.

Our most respectful and cordial affection to all the members of your Direction.

In behalf of the Evangelical Missionary Committee,
Your faithful and obliged friend,

Rev. R. R. GURLEY,

Secretary of the Col. Society.


The Editor of this Journal was called to Philadelphia, just at the time of the arrival of three of these Swiss Brethren in that city. He had thus the privilege of soliciting (if it may be proper to use the word, where it was only necessary to state their circumstances and object to secure the kindest attentions) in their behalf, the friendly aid of those who are never found reluctant to contribute their exertions and their money to the cause of God. Many of the most respectable clergy having recommended a meeting, a large and crowded assembly convened in the church of the Rev. Dr. Ely, on Sabbath evening, the 15th inst. when, after an address in relation to the principles and progress and prospects of the Colonization Society, and the importance of efforts to enlighten Africa with the gospel, the Rev. Mr. Sessing (the only one of the Missionaries who speaks our language) stated, in a manner which strongly interested the feelings of all present, the origin, views and operations of the Basle Evangelic Missionary Institution, and communicated many important facts concerning the Mission in Africa, the influence of the Colony of Liberia, and the condition and dispositions of the African Tribes among whom it is intended to attempt the introduction of our holy religion. A handsome collection was then taken up in aid of the objects of these devoted men.

On Monday morning, Mr. Sessing proceeded to New York; and in the evening, attended a meeting in the Methodist Church in John Street, at which, says the Commercial Advertiser, "it was a pleasing sight to see assembled, Clergymen of all the Protestant denominations in this city." The Missionaries were introduced to the meeting by the Rev. Dr. Milnor, of St. George's Church. The Rev. Mr. Somers, of the South Baptist Church, addressed the throne of grace, after which the Rev. Mr. Van Vleck, of the Moravian Church, read a gratifying account of the rise, progress, and present condition of the Society at Basle,

from whom these interesting strangers had received their commission. A letter was then read by the Rev. Dr. Cox, from the venerable Dr. Blumhardt, affectionately recommending these Missionary Brethren to the sympathies and fellowship of American Christians.

The Rev. Mr. McIlvane, of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, the Rev. Doctor Cox, of the Presbyterian Church, and the Rev. Mr. Lucky, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, severally addressed the meeting, after which the services of the evening were closed by the Rev. Dr. Matthews, of the Reformed Dutch Church.About one hundred dollars were collected for the Missionaries.

The Rev. Mr. Sessing and Lady, and the Rev. Mr. Buhrer, have, probably, before this, embarked for Liberia. Messrs. Graner and Dietschy will remain in this country for a few weeks, to make arrangements which may prove of great importance to the Mission.

Many very interesting articles we are compelled to postpone for want of room; among others, the address of Rev. Mr. Sessing.

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To the American Colonization Society, from 21st October, to

26th November, 1829.

Collection in congregation of Rev. J. M. Grant, of 1st parish,

Hawley, Mass. per J. Langly,



By Rev. Ralph W. Gridley, of Williamstown, Mass.
Students in Williams College,





By Rev. John Mills, Cabin John Church, Md.
By Ladies of Putnam, to make Rev. J. Culbertson, of said place,
a Life Member, per Horace Nye, Esq. of Putnam, Ohio,
In Zion Church, Frederick co. Md. by Rev. John Armstrong,
By Wm. Pickering, Esq. in New Hampshire,
By Rev. H. B. Bascom,



By Rev. L. G. Bell, in Presbyterian Churches at Jonesboro' and
Leesburg, East Tennessee,

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6 75

By G. Ralston, Esq. of Philadelphia,

By Rev. Charles H. Page, in his Church, at Amherst C. H., Va. Matthew Carey, Esq. of Philadelphia-his 2d payment on plan of Gerrit Smith, Esq.



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Hon. Hugh Mercer, of Fredericksburg, Va.-in part to constitute Mrs. Louisa Mercer a Life Member,

M. T. C. Wing, of Gambier, Ohio, ($4 of which for Repository)
The proceeds of a young lady's knitting,

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