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by-law of said village legally adopted in respect to his duties ; and he, or in case of his death, his executors or administrators, shall, on demand, deliver to his successor in office, on oath, all books and vouchers belonging to his office, and all money and other property in his or their custody, belonging to said village.

§36. The treasurer shall so keep his accounts as to show when and from what sources all moneys paid to him shall have been received, and when and to whom, and for what purpose, all moneys paid out by him, shall have been paid.

§37. The treasurer shall exhibit his books of accounts and vouch- and vouchers at every annual meeting of the electors of said village, and at every special meeting thereof when required to do so by any trustee; they shall at all times be open to the inspection of any one or more of the trustees; he shall furnish abstracts or statements therefrom for their use, or to be presented to any such meeting.


Record of

38. The clerk of said village shall have the custody of, and shall safely keep all the records, books and papers thereof, except such as shall pertain to the treasurer's office or to the business thereof, and of which the treasurer should have the custody; he shall attend all meetings of the trustees, and record all their proceedings; he shall file all papers and record all matters which he shall by law, or the by-laws of said village, be required to file or record; he shall attend all meetings of the electors of such village, and keep a poll list at such meetings when required by the trustees to do so; and he, and in case of his death, his executors or administrators, shall, on demand, deliver to his successor in office, on oath, all records, books, papers, and other property of said village, in his or their custody.

39. The clerk shall record the by-laws of said village, all votes and resolutions adopted at any village meeting, and all votes and resolutions adopted by the trustees, the auditing and allowance, or disallowance of every account or claim presented to them, the drawing of every warrant by the trustees upon the treasurer, the number thereof, and of the account for which it shall be drawn, all appointments made by the trustees, all of which shall be by resolution, the certificate of the canvass of the votes given at any election, and all other matters which shall be proper to be recorded in the records of said village, or which the trustees shall, by by-laws, direct to be so re

corded; and he shall file in his office every account and claim which shall be disallowed by the trustees.

tions to

§40. Within six days after any meeting of the electors Resolu of said village shall have voted to raise any tax, the clerk raise taxes. shall furnish to the assessors a certified copy of the resolution or vote for raising such tax, and he shall also furnish a like copy to the treasurer, with a like copy of any vote or resolution adopted at such meeting, directing the specific application of any of the funds of said village.


§41. The clerk shall also perform such other duties as Clerk's shall be lawfully imposed on him by the by-laws of said duues. village.

§42. The compensation for the services of the assessors, Pay of clerk and collector, shall not exceed the compensation al- officers. lowed to town assessors, clerks and collectors, for similar services, and the compensation of the treasurer, shall not exceed the compensation allowed to county treasurers for similar services.

§ 43. The delivery of the records, books, vouchers, money and other property of said village, to the successor in office of treasurer or clerk may be enforced in the manner prescribed in the fifth article of the sixth title, of the fifth chapter of the first part of the revised statutes.


§44. The fire-wardens shall from time to time, examine Fire War the fire engines, fire buckets, and other apparatus for extinguishing fires in said village, and report their condition to the trustees; they shall attend such fires and give directions in respect to the manner of extinguishing the same; and it shall be the duty of all persons who shall be required to assist in extinguishing such fires, to obey such directions; they may, in the day time, enter any building in said village in which there shall be a fire place, stove, or stove pipe, for the purpose of examining the same. They may also, in the day time, enter upon any premises in said village for the purpose of ascertaining whether ashes are safely kept thereon; and if they shall find any fire place, stove or stove pipe, or place of keeping ashes, unsafe, they shall report the same to the trustees.

§45. The street commissioners shall under the direction Streetcomof the trustees, superintend the making and repairing of side- missioners. walks, and the expenditure upon the streets of said village, of the money raised for that purpose; they shall, within said village, perform the duties of overseers of highways so far as such duties shall be required to be performed

Pound master,

Notice of pounding animals.

Sale of animals.

Sale how conducted.

Owner may claim naimals.

therein; and they shall receive such compensation for their services as shall be fixed by the by-laws of said village, not exceeding the compensation allowed to overseers of highways.

46. It shall be the duty of the pound master to distrain all animals which he shall find going at large in said village in violation of the by-laws thereof, and all persons may distrain such animals and drive them to the pound of said village; and when they shall be distrained by him or others, and driven to such pound, he shall keep them in custody until they shall be disposed of according to law.

§ 47. Within twenty-four hours after such animals shall come into his custody, the pound master shall give notice thereof to the president of said village, or if he be absent, to one of the trustees, and also to the owner of such animals if he be known and be a resident of said village; and if such owner shall not be known so that notice can be given to him within the time aforesaid, such notice shall be given to him within twenty-four hours after he shall become known, if he shall be a resident of the said village. § 48. Within twenty-four hours after any such animals shall come into his custody, the pound master shall, if they shall not be reclaimed by their owner, give notice of the sale thereof, by posting the same in at least six of the most public places in said village. Such sale not to take place in less than six days from the time of posting the notice thereof.

§ 49. One of the trustees shall attend every such sale, and may direct the manner of conducting the same, and shall see that the same is fairly conducted; and he may, in his discretion, direct it to be postponed, of which notice shall be given by posting the same in at least six of the most public places in said village.

§ 50. At any time before such animals shall be sold, the owner shall be entitled to them on paying the pound master his fees and reasonable compensation for feeding them, and paying to the treasurer the penalty incurred by their going at large in said village, and on satisfying the trustees of his or her ownership. The trustees may in their discretion remit such penalty either before or after any sale, if they shall be satisfied that such going at large of such animals was without any fault on the part of their owner or any of his agents.

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§ 51. The pound master shall be entitled to the same fees Fees of for receiving and discharging animals, including those dis- master. trained by himself, as are allowed to pound masters for similar services, the same fees for making personal service on owners of animals as are allowed to constables for serving a summons issued by a justice of the peace; but no travel fee shall be allowed where the owner shall reside in said village, and also a reasonable compensation for feeding such animals.


§ 52. Such fees and compensation shall be audited and Fees how allowed by the trustees in all cases before they shall be received by the pound master; and in case of any sale, the pound master shall within forty-eight hours thereafter, pay the balance to the treasurer.

laws of State.

§ 53. All the general laws of this state applicable to in- General corporated villages and to the officers thereof, shall apply to the village of Norwich, so far as the same can be so applied, and are consistent with the provisions of this act.


§ 54. All acts and proceedings of the said corporation, Previous and of the trustees and other officers thereof, under and in acis confirvirtue of the charter of said village, as amended by the sections of the act of the legislature of this state entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages," passed December seventh, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, adopted at the annual meeting of the electors of said village held on the first Monday of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, are hereby confirmed and made legal and effectual.



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55. All acts of the trustees and other officers of said Certain village under resolutions adopted at the annual meeting for the election of trustees for said village, held on the first valid. Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and fiftyfour, by the persons entitled to vote to raise taxes in said village directing the trustees of said village to raise by a general tax upon the taxable property in said village liable to be assessed therefor taxes to the amount and for the purposes in said resolution specified, and all acts of such officers in the assessment of such taxes are hereby legalized and made valid and effectual, and no act or omission of said officers or either of them to comply with any requirements of law in regard to the assessment of such taxes or the manner of such assessments, or the principle thereof shall be held to invalidate, avoid, or in any manner affect the validity of such resolutions or of such taxes or the assess

Collector to collect taxes.


ments of such taxes, or the collection thereof, and the trustees of said village, for the time being, are hereby authorized and required within sixty days after the passage of this act to issue to the collector of said corporation for the time being, a warrant under their hands and seals in conformity with the provisions of this act in relation to issuing warrants for the collection of taxes according to the assessments aforesaid thereof, and attach the same to the assessment roll already made to the collector of said corporation for the time being, or to renew within the same time any former warrant issued by the trustees of said village for the collection of the same taxes according to such previous assessments.

§ 56. And such collector is hereby authorised and required to proceed and collect such taxes according to the requirements of the warrant or renewed warrant to be issued as aforesaid and in conformity with the provisions of this act in regard to the collection of taxes. All laws applicable to said village inconsistent with this act, including the sections of the general law providing for the incorporation of villages, and adopted by the electors of said village as aforesaid, so far as the same apply to or affect said village, are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not affect, invalidate or impair any act or action preceding, or suit or prosecution under the acts hereby amended, or under the sections of the general law adopted as aforesaid, taken, had or commenced when such appeal shall take effect.

§ 57. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 64.

AN ACT in relation to the census or enumeration of the inhabitants of this State.

Passed March 12, 1855, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§1. An enumeration of the inhabitants of this state shall be taken during the present year, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and during every tenth year hereafter.

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